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Everything posted by OBEler

  1. @Sage Kriya is more powerful than anything I tried so far. But just pranayama (breathing) works for me instantly, other techniques are still effective but I think there needs to be more exercises to get effects from these
  2. @ThomasT Even if you cannot remember the old stage, do you miss it? I am still afraid of a breakthrough experience where my ego dies because I dont know if I like this big change after this. If it is worth or if I will struggle for the rest of my life to get over this
  3. I used holosync for one year with little breaks in between. It definitively had an effect during the day, sometimes I got overwhelmed by beauty, with tingling effects. I also got very emotional sometimes, when I saw a movie with a beautiful scene tears will come, I never cried before just because of a movie scene What I also recognized: My legs spontaneously moved before sleep or during hearing holosync I stopped holosync because I went into kriya yoga, which is also powerful
  4. @Riblet Roblet Resources plz. I am also on the path of longevity. My conclusion so far after years of research: A lot of sports (yoga, weight lifting, jogging) Clean diet. No meat, no wheat, no shugar, no milk products, no attitives like emulgators mental peace (meditation) sun protection good environment (clear air, no noise, beautiful place)
  5. How can I utilize music for my psychedelic trips (AL-LAD) for best spiritual growth? In which phase would it be good to use music? At the beginning, during the peak or in the come down phase? Or would it better to meditate in silence the whole time? What are your experiences on these questions, I would be glad to hear them
  6. @khalifa Ok sorry for my miss diagnosing. This sounds not like sleep paralysis but like kundalini awakening, which is great news if you are prepared for this (if not, well... there are enough reports how to handle if the symptoms get too strong). Just stay away from any mind alternating drug for some time I think. The kundalini energy will transform you to a higher level being
  7. @khalifa I dont know about the exact happening during sleep paralysis, All I can say is, it will stay for some days or weeks and the suddenly will go away as quick as you can think. I miss it very much, for me just hard training, and forcing yourself to stay awake for hours during night can produce this vibrational stage According to some yogis, a human being just need 3 hours sleep (not 8 hours), be total relaxed during the day so the body will get its restfulness. Eat good, have relaxed body posture, enjoy your super human nature and this vibrational stage as long as you have it. It will go and you will miss it very much
  8. Hey, this vibrating during sleep time sounds like "Sleep paralysis", this is the case when you are so conscious that the mind is active and the body sleeps at the same time. Are these vibrating phases enjoyable to you? To me it was the first times scary but then I got used to it and I enjoyed it very much. You can move your astral body during this time, even get out of your body if you are relaxed
  9. @Riblet RobletThat s quite a lot trip background, can you tell me how much value they gave for your overall journey? Would you do it again or what would you change? What would you do better? You seem like a serious seeker, welcome to this forum
  10. Hey there, There was recently a thread about Practices to do while on psychedelics. I now want to differenciate this a little bit. I ask all Psychonauts here how to they think they get the most spiritual experience out of psychedelics. What practices works best for you during these phases: Setting: Your preparations for the trip, your environment Phase 1: Come up phase Phase 2: Start tripping until peak Phase 3: Come down phase after peak Bad Trip case: What do you do when you suddenly feel fear and panic coming up? When you feel overwhelmed? ------------ For me: Setting: At home in my room in the morning, alone. On empty stomach Phase 1: Meditating, eyes closed, a little Yoga exercises ( a little kriya yoga, downward dog pose not too much because I dont want to get exhausted) Phase 2: Meditating, eyes opened. No Music. No Eating. Phase 3: Random stuff: eating, hearing music, meditating Bad trip case: I stand up, eat some sweet fruits. If this does not help, I take a cold shower. If this does not help I go jogging in the park
  11. @Leo Gura How do you see music as a tool during tripping in general. When should you use it, when it is helpful, or is it jst a distraction and you should just do it in the come up phase?
  12. @Rodrigo SIlva Very good questions. What do you understand high doses? are 200 micgrogram lsd high dose? For me high doses give enormous growth but also a lot of time for integration. Middle doses also have their value but very subtle and often times the trip is boring for me
  13. Very nice report, good to read and thank you! I never tried 5 meo because I tripped not much. What is your background experience before you tried 5 meo?
  14. @Leo Gura Do you see Absolute truth more truthful than relative truth? Or are these two truths existing together hand in hand somehow? In other words: Should I just consider the absolut truth and dismiss the relative truth as just little dream stuff? If this is so, then I would not care about evolution, politics, economic and other beings and myself as human anymore. because there is just one
  15. If I have the choise to choose between 5 Meo and DPT, on which substance should I start with?
  16. @cle103 with what substance did you have your breakthrough to absolute infinity and is this experience good for everyone or could it be too overwhelming and leave you confused or even traumatizing? I trip on mild dose AL-LAD and my baseline consciousness increased A LOT! But I meditate also every day. I think if I would not do this, my baseline consciousness would be back to normal very quickly.
  17. nice post, welcome to this forum. But dont start seeing leo as a guru, What exactly is the point of this thread? There is already another post discussing the blog post
  18. @Leo it sounds like you are dismissing duality. Are you really dismissing duality or do you just want us to be more open minded, more curious about this non duality stuff? It sounds to me you start a war against duality, like alle these people who are living in dualistic world are delusional,. My brother lived the first 15 years of his life in non duality, then his perspective shifted and he was living in duality since then. He was totally shocked as this happened. When I switch to non duality, maybe I will be shocked, too? How do I know if I like non duality? What I know is, that I love to live in duality. I have the perfect life. Should I still pursue non duality?
  19. Hello there, I have already some experience on AL-LAD and my plan is to trip 10 times on AL-LAD, each aroud 150-200 microgram. My goals with this plan is mainly spiritual: to grow a lot, to get insight, to purify me, to help me being more conscious even during the day. To come closer to god On the day offs I meditate for 30 minutes and do some pranama exercises. My question is, should I open or close my eyes during the trip? Personally I like more eyes closed during meditation. I feel save here. But I ask me if I get more out of a trip if I open my eyes. Can I experience all the spiritual stuff like non dualty also with eyes closed? What is better in your opinion? Are there some dangers?
  20. @outlandish Thanks for your answer. I plan to lie on my bed with closed eyes and just be. But I agree with you that AL-LAD is more open eyed type of a drug Maybe I plan different settings. I never tripped alone on the beach, would this work with AL-LAD? Or could this be too much of visual experience? like the whole ocean is breathing, this would be scary just thinking about
  21. Why nobody named ALLAD already? it is maybe the most easiest psychedelic to handle(on normal dosis)
  22. another one who doesnt talk from experience, just repeat what his guru says. lol. What value has your post? This topic was already discussed in other early topics, so no need to open an extra one
  23. @Matt8800 how did you met your inner guru? How can you differentiate which is your ego and which is your inner guru? Back to topic: Osho said it is up to you, meditate or take drugs.Both leads to results. just drugs have side effects so osho concluded meditation is better. But Osho further elaborates that if in future there would be drugs without side effect, it could help some people. Some people go to church, every weekend, some people take lsd on weekend, he said.
  24. @FractalFlux Wooah...I have tears in my eyes, did not trip one year after my last lsd trip. Took 200 microgram , Setting was not good I was not in nature but in house just want your experience...what do you do regulary for spiritual practices?
  25. THANK YOU!!!! Must be a lot of work Latex looks also nice