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Everything posted by OBEler

  1. @Capital "Everything that is being infinitely created in real time is simply me" Just what you perceive with your senses right now or everything , all human beings, plants, rocks, planets, aliens etc
  2. I think they built new windows. It's more energy efficient. We also replaced our old windows recently. Costs some hours and then it's done. In your 6 hours LSD trip there is enough time to build these windows
  3. @Daniel123 when did this happen, you did shambhavi mahamudra? Was it after breath of fire in the Bandha lock where you hold your breath as long as comfortable?
  4. @Ishanga "Just go out for a drive, don't use Your 5 senses, don't trust them, tell me what happens???" I was driving a car once in astral realm using my six senses. I trusted my senses to drive the car and don't do a crash. So you can trust your senses in a dream, still it was just my imagination.
  5. It's crazy to see how even a shallow understanding of solipsism (at least that I have) is not allowed in their mind. Yeah you argue with them and at the end they say it's ridiculous. Because they feel otherwise. It's like a mathematician is arguing with hippy people about a mathematical proof and they say no it's wrong. Because it's ridiculous. Because they feel that it's wrong. But they don't give any solid argument against it.
  6. @Ishanga this has nothing to do with leo. you don't want your wife to be imaginary. Again, really think about: can you really count on your senses. And do you have senses in your dream? Can you then really tell that if you experience something with your senses that it's not your imagination at play? Answer in all honesty, it's not about right or wrong here.
  7. Dude, I asked this question to help you to realize that it's all an assumption you have. You are too deep stuck in delusions, and I try to help you with my question out. I know already the answer.its all imagination. And don't let your imaginary wife next to you comfort you with the 5 imaginary sensations you have. One more hint:did your wive never appeared in your dream ? With how many senses could you feel her? Does it needs to have 5 senses so you claim it as real?
  8. @Ishanga "but there is the other in way, other life, other ppl, other planets and solar systems and such, on the physical level only, which is why I look at existence as Gross to Subtle, Gross is here on Earth and Universe plane, " How do you know there are other people, planets and solar systems? Because you read it in an imaginary book? Or your imaginary sadghuru told you so? You have just assumptions and these are hold in your imagination.like everything else
  9. Nope. There is not "not on this level". Truth is there all the times. And you can live with the truth so your talking about lala land and suffering at the end is misleading.
  10. @Ishanga I am not awakened but you imagine everyone here having this discussion. You are sharing it with yourself
  11. What I say is you can act as if the world is not other than you. But there is no acting then really because everything is you. You will experience that the world is you. So whatever the human body does it's just in the flow with everything else. No one acts really. If you are not awakened to solipsism your dreams will also not be solipsistic.
  12. Nothing, but experience is another level. You can philosophy your way to truth but you still just hold a concept in your mind. That's not experience. Although philosophy can lead to experience but mostly it stays at theory level.
  13. The difference is, before solipsism you interacted with an outside reality, after you interact inside yourself. And for you there is just you. So the world doesn't disappear it gets recontextualized.You are just doing philosophy my friend, as I knew it the whole time.
  14. No I talked about something other you said. Not that solipsism is not practical that may be true. I focused on this sentence: "we act as if we believe in the objective reality of an external world..and no amount of "solipsising " will ever change that ." You will not act according to the believe in the objective reality of an external world if you fully grasp solipsism. Even though from another persons perspective it may seem so.
  15. That's maybe for those like you who never really had an awakening to solipsism but just do philosophy. You are not awakened at all like you claimed. You will not act if you believe in the objective reality of an external world. From the outside it may see so but not from your perspective. You will interact with yourself 24 hours.
  16. Yes it's indeed interesting how mainstream sees actualized.org. thanks for sharing Mainstream is for me is ADHD like. Oh what's that! Ah a cult leader! Ooh interesting topics. Click, click, yeah true. True. ok wayne. move on to the next.
  17. Oh yeah absolutely! I will start with a meme created fully by Chatgpt4o, no one can top that:
  18. @Leo Guracan we make a self created meme contest? The best one gets a price (landing on your blog post or something like that)
  19. You underestimate us. Even kids can handle hardcore versions of solipsism. If your version of solipsism is true then our psyche is through evolution already programmed to handle this truth and go on. Back then you introduced us to solipsism which first time hearing was indeed destabilizing, also because of your radical way of explaining things. But now years have passed and we had 100 of solipsism threads. Everyone has now already heard about one version or another of solipsism. So your version (even if it's the most radical that no consciousness is behind anyone including your own and you are completely alone) will not shock so anymore. My girlfriend is spiritual gifted and took Malt, thanks to that she lives in solipsism.I never told her anything about you and your teachings. But even she is fine with that after a little integration. Nothing really changes in terms of going on with mundane life.
  20. @Leo Gura we all think like classic solipsism. Can you once and for all clarify what your version of Solipsism is? First you were agreeing about ken wilbers version of solipsism based on the video. Now you disagree because in his book he write it more in detail. So what exactly is your version of solipsism. And not just one zen- sentence again where you can interpret. Best way would be using the example with the picture of small circles of podium and audience.
  21. @Keryo Koffa you have some real talent Leo should hire you to visualize us what he want to tell with all this solipsism stuff
  22. Hahaha 🤣 leos every day interaction with this forum
  23. Use a vape pen with own cartridges and you don't need to load for redosing
  24. But you could call one awakening deeper or more beautiful than another so this could be seen as a hierarchy And your alien mind awakening seems deeper than all others before. That would explain why it was your latest awakenings. So each awakening goes deeper and deeper and is more hard to reach. I would see that as a hierarchy