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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. Excited for ya. Might be a nugget or two which sparks a thing or two in here…
  2. ‘Layered on top of each other’ is one appearing thought.
  3. Ok. ‘This is all fucking unreal!’ doesn’t resonate in the way you hold it / mean it. Don’t be quick to suppress feeling with the label ‘fear’, as if you know what it is. This isn’t a quickdraw shootout situation. Be open minded & humble, relax, breathe consciously from the stomach and see what it is. Don’t write it off. No name calling. No judging. At the very least we could say it might be guidance telling you what is real. Telling you about that thought. Relaxing the body and breathing from the stomach consciously, as in putting attention there instead of on the discordant thought makes all the difference. Then the mind relaxes. Holsters, if you will. ‘The one who is scared’ is the other thought which does not resonate. That too is a label. An assumption, based on having shot first already. A movement in thought from ‘there is fear’, to ‘there is one who is scared’. Both just discordant thoughts. It’s hard to hear, but stop venting, for you, for your well being. It keeps the cycle going. It’s the perpetuating of a story & a character mindset that you no longer desire to tell & play. Expedite by the light of awareness. Don’t shoot the messenger. ?? Let that story go, stop telling it, and you will no longer experience that apprehension. That also is a labeling over feeling, guidance, telling you about that thought about yourself. It seems like that’s true and doesn’t feel good because it’s true. But it doesn’t feel good because it isn’t true. The more you put feeling first the better your mental health is. Idc what Doc Holiday says, there’s a lot of truth in that. Address the nervousness directly. Completely eradicate it by reaching for a better thought whenever you feel discord. Don’t go to the bigger story of you and fear, notice the discordant thoughts. Go to the stomach breathing and relaxing swiftly, instantly. Practice that anywhere, anytime, so it becomes second nature. Put the attention on feeling breathing in the stomach, and thus attention is not on the thought. Then there can be clarity around that thought, and how it feels. Breathe in the clarity, breathe out the labels. Slow it all down. There isn’t a ‘variety of fears out there’, there’s just the one label, “fear”, being utilized. If you will.
  4. @Holygrail Awesome. Symbols being freed up plays a role down the road.
  5. When a bad trip is viewed as a good trip a goldmine of truth nuggets opens.
  6. @caelanb Once someone has actually grokked quantum mechanics there is neither someone nor quantum mechanics.
  7. If psychedelics had a history this wouldn’t be nearly as funny.
  8. @Holygrail Seemingly contrary to popular belief perhaps, it is not possible to think perception. There is simply no such thing as red. There is the thought “red”, as a label, which was learned & can be relinquished (no longer believed / attached to) anytime. “Do not try and bend the spoon, that’s impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth … There is no spoon. Then you’ll see that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.”
  9. @JoshuaBell This is aversion of feeling. It’s focusing on existential rumination as a way of not focusing on the challenges of life. The yet understood emotions you’re experiencing have nothing to do with the existentialism you’re believing they do. They have to do with the life you’re experiencing, how you’re interpreting it, how you’re conducting yourself in relationships, etc, and the choices you’re making. Slow things (thoughts) down with a daily morning grounding practice, before the mind starts rushing. Don’t try to ‘figure things out’ in thought. Play it cool, relax, ground, allow insights to naturally rise. The more relaxed and focused on being where you are, presence, the more insights arise. The savior is your own expressing of how you feel, and thus more & more understanding of that. Not thinking. That any thought is true, is just another thought. Relax the body & mind instead and enjoy now as it is. From there, contentment, the undesirable thoughts and visions of your future will begin to naturally be more positive and feel better. Instead of thinking… schedule & go experience some stuff that is healing oriented, connective (not just more thinking). If the ‘leaching’, ‘fucking everything up anyways’, ‘self deception’, etc, etc doesn’t resonate… notice therefore, that’s just not how you naturally think. Feel the relief in that. Let every one else think the way they think. You be you. That is always, always, always enough - allow it to be. Make a dreamboard. Allow your spirituality to complement your life, not be some kind of problem.
  10. Let “sub-infinities”, “being a human”, etc go. It’s thought, which isn’t resolved by, more thought about it (thought)… only by letting it go, and attending to feeling directly, is any sense ‘made’. If infinity is absolute potential… thought can go on forever…. While this is the most intelligent manifestation already. Literally nothing to think about. There is just to ‘live the life’. Appreciation, gratitude, enjoyment. Hone it to create the life you most truly desire. Join in this celebration. (Imo). There really is no problem, but thought makes it so. Paradox is only ‘in your head’, or of thought. Paradox isn’t “out there”, or, “of infinity”.
  11. @Someone here Looking to thought for the origin is really just more thinking / thought. ‘Go to’ feeling. Let thought be. Express whatever arises in feeling. Use the emotional scale to identify specific emotions experienced. Continue expressing. A ruminating or overactive mind is resolved from emotional expression. @Javfly33 And now here also. Lol! No reason. LMAO
  12. @Someone here When it’s noticed thoughts which seems to be about thoughts aren’t, but are just, more appearing thoughts… it’s pretty liberating. Humbling, for one holding thought to be of importance, but there is the opportunity for liberation ‘there’ too. A thought is ‘made of’ the same ineffable as a tree or a cloud. The whole of experience, appearance. If it seems there is a ‘you and thoughts’ situation, feel the deep relief in that that would just be yet another thought. The fruitless-ness & absurdity of it all is most humbling and liberating.
  13. @Ina Glad to hear that on the physical end. I’d just look at it like that’s how she is or is being, and there isn’t anything you need to do about it. Make a mental note of her business and your business, and let her be how she is. What more can you do really? Maybe if she starts crossing that physical line she might need to relocate to somewhere equipped to address but otherwise, try to lighten up as much as possible about it. Let her be, and focus on whatever else you want. Maybe get a few days away if you get to mentally engaged / entwined.
  14. @AdamR95 Try eternal (being), vs eternity (time).
  15. Beautiful. Sounds like more of a breakthrough than an insight. ??
  16. @Thought Art Solipsism humor. So bitter sweet. I have actually. Pretty awesome. @TheLoneSage So true.
  17. @Ina Is she physically hurting you?
  18. @Thought Art No! I was just kidding! It’s fine. I banned her.
  19. I hear ya. I keep beating this into my nine year old’s head ya know. “There’s no me and mom or friends, it’s just you!!!” She don’t listen though. Just keeps crying. What an idiot.
  20. Your SO: ‘so where ya wanna eat tonight’. You: ‘oh honey you know as long as it’s not the absolute best place ever, it’s fine with me’. 1: Love & perfection are inescapable. 2: In spite of #1 - I escaped… and I’m not sure if I’m strong enough to “get back in”, to “take that leap”. When infinite humor is underestimated the joke is always on a you, and thus there is no possibility of it being offensive.
  21. But love isn’t horrifying at all, love is love. I love you. I really, really do. Was that horrifying? It’s kinda, nice, simple, isn’t it?
  22. @Kshantivadin The Emotional Scale is the best tool I’ve found. Basically, you look at the emotion you’re experiencing on the scale, and then express that, and then express the next ‘higher’ emotion, and so on up the scale, feeling the subtle relief of ‘getting it out’ / expressing it, as you go. ‘Pro tips’ lol, don’t skip over an emotion, don’t hurry, and don’t stop without finishing / going all the way to the top. Might take some time to experience initially, then it gets to where it takes minute to move from the experience of one emotion to the top, then after a while (though you could always come back to it) it just ‘clicks’ and becomes natural or automated or ‘just happens’.
  23. @Vision Appreciate ya asking. Pretty soon. Learning as I go, tried an editor, realized that doesn’t work for this kind of book, and now into the editing. Going great, should be soon-ish. There is an ‘email sign up’ on my site to be notified when it’s done if interested. @mandyjw ? Very much looking forward to reading yours as well.
  24. Notice that thoughts have an origin - is a thought. Notice meditatively, the space between the thoughts. The more that space is noticed the greater that space is realized to be, the less there can be the thought ‘what is the origin of thoughts’. Be careful as this can result in temporarily debilitating laughter.
  25. @Vision For the base understanding, The Nature of Consciousness by Rupert Spira. For the ‘in action’ aspects, Ask & It Is Given by Esther Hicks. Then, I’d read Stillness Peaks by Elkhart Tolle to loosen up on thought / meaning, bringing the realization of creator creating creation into experience even more deeply. Then I’d look to dreamboarding and seeing that what is desired and allowed by the mind to be, does indeed by, for maybe six months. Then, I’d read the same three books again. Then more conscious creating / dreamboarding. Then, down the road, once the mind has really blown wide open, I’d read the Bible, and specifically the gospel of Thomas just for the delight of the full circle, and the pleasure of subtle distinctions like capitol M’s in Me.