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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Ineedanswers If you’re wondering what it’s like to be Einstein, you’re not quite grasping what he said.
  2. Not knowing isn’t knowing paradox. The concept of not knowing is thought activity, an apparent idea of some thing. Not knowing is the absence of that thought activity, just as love is the absence of a person. Nothing more, and nothing less. Not knowing is not knowing there is someone else or an everything. Nothing more, nothing less. No God consciousness. No omniscient. No grain, no existence, no earth. Those are all beliefs of “the knower”. Infinite can not know finite. The tongue can not taste the tongue. No mind can not be thought.
  3. @kray I like the implied distinction of the all caps. ?
  4. @Someone here The knowing of the concept of not knowing. The real rib tickler is that the concept is ‘beneficial’.
  5. @EmptyVase If channeling love, don’t stop and ask a person. Ask love.
  6. @Endangered-EGO Yep. I’d slow down deliberately. Taste the food, smell the roses, laugh, love, enjoy. If there is emotion to be expressed, express it. Using the emotional scale might be helpful, as you can use it and realize you can pretty much always feel good now, which may reduce the ‘pain/suffering now so I can feel good later’ outlook / pattern / karma.
  7. @EmptyVase It sounds great, but how could I tell you it is or isn’t channeled?
  8. @Endangered-EGO Yep. All there is is equanimity. Just not for you.
  9. No it isn’t. Only if you really think about it. If you don’t it’s literally nothing. Not even an it. It’s not an issue. It’s a thought. Issue would just be another thought, a label over the prior thought. You could believe in an issue a big ol ton, but still no one experiences that because it’s not actual, it’s your idea, a belief. A repeating activity of thought. There is seeking & psychonauting, there is no seeker or psychonaut. This is like an escape artist spending lifetimes in search of more comfortable cages having never really looked at the one they’re in. Idea’s, concepts, prospects, etc, can be so deeply convincing & believed that they are mistaken for the unthinkable actuality, and a desire for safety & comfort indeed seems to arise. So just take great comfort in it. Relax into it, so to speak. So much so that the true desire to be unbound by ideas, concepts, prospects, desire for comfort, etc arises, or, is tapped into if you like. Only unfettered reality will do, as it is precisely without some thing else to feel uncomfortable about. What could be said to the human which worries about what it would or could be like, to be human? I mean, when the laughter inevitably subsides, for real, what could be said? The difference between a belief & the truth is one of them are the truth. One of them doesn’t feel so great to the other, and not two is as good as could be. Even God isn’t quite comfortable with the idea of being God.
  10. ? First you gotta believe something is wrong and needs to be otherwise… then you can market (and sell) “the solution”. Actually you don’t even need to believe it, you just need to say it and convince people it’s true. Another approach is to recognize the comparative thoughts of judgement, justification, rationalization, marketing, and selling, of This. The Onceler approach. More, more, more!!!
  11. @flowboy With respect, if I’m being transparent, I can not relate.
  12. @Max_V There is nothing wrong with that body, that face, that mind. You’re perfect however you are, as you are, right now. There is a trap of establishing what isn’t good enough, what needs to change, etc, etc… and there is a ‘going into’ the thinking to resolve this. But there is no resolve. More thoughts can never resolve beliefs (thoughts) held. The resolve is recognizing thought/label attachment, and letting that attachment go. When this willfully occurs it is clear, and astoundingly funny. Like, oh, that is not my face in the mirror… the mirror, the room, the water, the nature, the sky - this is my face. And it’s fucking beautiful dude. Stop kiddin yourself you beautiful sob. I wonder, do you notice, there is no shortage of some of us “providing the solution” to these things. Selling it, essentially. And then there are some of us who are not buying that.
  13. @Juliano Zn I mean effortlessly as literally as it can be heard. There is no contemplator & contemplated, no thinker & thoughts, etc. Nothing even hears this.
  14. Anytime. And if you do find it, make sure to write down the latitude & longitude. Lotta people be lookin for that! It might be helpful to contemplate (effortlessly) the word parallel when it’s comes to “you” & “others”, and to consider you are the path.
  15. Good. For. You. Much love. ??
  16. Awesome. I think you have innocently allowed yourself to be mislead in a way, both in cognitively ‘knowing the truth’ & more so in solipsism, and that doesn’t resonate with you or your friends, who probably care about you more than they do being right or your thoughts & perspectives, and more than I suspect you realize. I would look to meditation, other similar practices & experiences, and most significantly your relationships to deepen in truth, allowing it more into your life so to speak. The behaviors of everyone you encounter will indeed change miraculously, in a manor which can only be directly experienced, but you can’t ‘hide’ so to speak, behind conceptual existential bypassing, believing your own or others concepts & theories are true, unknowingly believing conjecture, etc. You gotta fully be you. You gotta recognize thought attachment & it’s role in beliefs about how people should be. I’d empty of everything you’ve heard or learned, and enjoy the feeling of letting it all go. When you are just, you, it is ineffable, intangible, undeniable, and all pervasive as the whole of experience.
  17. @Raptorsin7 If you can help people, help people. Capability, desire & purpose don’t seem to be in question. Empty of self referential beliefs, so you can help another to do the same, from direct experience.
  18. The ‘escape’ from feeling negative is the understanding of how you’re creating it.