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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Godishere Perspective is a finite label, which infinite can not know. Likewise, my dream. Whenever it is said ‘from the absolute perspective’, or, ‘from God’s perspective’, you can therefore be absolutely sure it isn’t. From God’s perspective there are infinite perspectives.
  2. Universe helps you let go of beliefs. Does not have to be difficult. Resistance is futile really, as it only perpetuates & procrastinates the letting go. Doesn’t matter if you think it, or someone else says it to you - doesn’t feel good cause it’s not true about you. The universe is learning things aren’t personal / remembering itself. It’s good. Two things you will never change in this place no matter what you do: everybody gets to say whatever the fuck they want, and nobody has to listen.
  3. There is no reasoning behind it. If reasoning was applied one wouldn’t harm oneself.
  4. @Zeroguy Nobody’s selling enlightenment with regrets.
  5. Like remorse? You had an intention, an intuitive feeling… yet didn’t proceed, act or choose accordingly with that intention, and did something else? That happens, but there isn’t a you and a past it happened in, just this now, where you now know more what you want to do, be, have, experience. Not always having good intentions is part of the underlying inescapable betterment of well being. It’s all good, and can not nor should be any other way. It’s perfect. You’re alive, still going. Live. Has nothing to do with enlightenment.
  6. ? My mom thought for sure I’d be a lawyer too. But there’s a much bigger case to be made in this place. You bring me to tears my man. Thank you.
  7. @Ontology Science is somebody’s idea. You want to know what you are and what reality is, without any doubt.
  8. Yes it is.
  9. There is no which one scenario. That’s the confusion. Realize what you’re realizing. Don’t settle. Eradicate doubt. Say it will be, and it will be. Stop believing in responsibility, such as a separate self and a thing it’s responsible for. Then response ability can not be missed, when confusing thoughts arise such as that.
  10. Actuality vs an idea. Can’t find an idea. Can’t escape actuality. Purpose is Being framed as a thing somewhere another thing (you) could or might find. Doesn’t work that way. (Not two). Comes out of you, like every ‘thing’ else. Been comin outta you for a while now. But you lookin for that idea. Jack & the beanstalk situation. Things have purpose. Things are no thing… happiness. Doin everything you love, lookin for life’s purpose, can’t find that dream. Real head scratcher.
  11. @Tyler Durden Yes but minus “texts” “calls” “subconscious” and “communicating with me”. It’s like playing with yourself, or, “relativity”. It’s illusory. The mind, also illusory, fills in the blanks. Like, there are no “parts working together to produce x, y or z”. There is the illusion of separate parts, causation, outcomes, origins, etc. Consistency is as illusory as the belief in being convinced.
  12. Made me smile big. That’s so ‘it’. ?? @Karmadhi Instead of going to what and if’s about females role / job… let go of the notion you have a role or a job.
  13. @Proserpina To keep said beliefs, requires justifying them with more beliefs, like “you won’t see”. You assume what I see, if in fact I do at all.
  14. @Proserpina That’s a silly belief. That’s actually three silly beliefs. All unnecessary justification & rationalization.
  15. Allowing it. That way there is no other possibility.
  16. Let the people, us, we lens go. It veils. Write what you really want on a dreamboard. Texts & calls reveal their magic true nature, so to speak. Not when you’re conceptualizing. When you’re consciously creating.
  17. That’s an idea, a belief. It’s not even per se your idea.
  18. Cause sometimes people wanna believe silly stuff which enables their complaining & venting.
  19. @soos_mite_ah Is the lens yours? Is it indicative of you?