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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Bodhi123 Aren't they at least somewhat two in the same? Did the time you spent in school and college, and all the people and experiences that came with it become the events, in hindsight, where you gained the wisdom?
  2. @MochaSlap I understand the theory of 'it's going to take a lot of hard work' and I understand you're likely to proceed in that fashion. So just for fun, I am offering a different perspective. Does anything come to mind if you try to think back to your upbringing, why and when you adopted the belief that you had low confidence?
  3. @harisankartj The mind looks for justification of self, not "non existent sense of self". If someone has a "non existent sense of self" they would be quite enlightened. The "selfs" do create victimization, the "selfs" have also created everything on earth since humans began. In the end, it is to each of us to choose. So why doesn't someone choose a happy path?- Only that someone could know, but my guess is fear of something that exists only because they have a belief / inaccurate understanding of reality. Our "selfs" tend to make sense of shitty things by creating a story that protects our ego and adopting that story as accurate.
  4. Your topic asked about productivity, which I take to mean getting shit done. If you were motivated you would already be productive. I think you are looking for motivation. I'm not really a sports guy, but I am into fitness and pushing my limits. What works for me is youtubing "motivation". The speeches from coaches and trainers that come up are the best instant external energy I've been able to find. Also, keep in mind, energy is transferred, not created. Hope this helps at all. Productivity can be a tough one.
  5. With respect laws: Being an observer is awesome. Being a creator is even better.
  6. It never stops. Stay classy DizlzMikey
  7. It's not paradoxical, it just leaves out the variable of time of experience. It's one of those classic nonlinear's.
  8. "The Flip" nailed it, thanks for that! nothing is on the way to everything
  9. @Bodhi123 That IS resistant thinking. When you let go, that IS what you have been letting go of. It has relation to honesty and clarity. Chris Cornell said it best- "I won't lie no more you can bet, and I don't wanna learn what I'll need to forget" Stay classy Bodhi.
  10. @bobbyward Thanks for taking the time to share that!!!!! I had that experience, I would describe it exactly as you did! My 3 day high dissipated but the change in perception did not. Stay classy!
  11. Buddhism, enlightenment, etc. It's a very light movie on deep stuff. Reminded me of how the force in Star Wars plants early seeds.
  12. @Progress Have you seen the new make of Dr Strange yet?
  13. The problem lies in making anything illegal. Unacceptance is procrastination of expansion.
  14. @David1 Our reality is of a super intelligence substance. There is nothing that was not imagined first. We are this substance, and we are imagined. Is your experience and reality not influenced by your imagination?
  15. The meaning of life is completely decided by you. If it were decided by anyone or anything else, it would not be 'meaning'. You are in your own reality, the meaning is only 'meaning' based on what it 'means' to you. What is the meaning of life?
  16. Science has it's limits, as you are experiencing your own reality. But don't discount that if you want to push farther, you must first reach the limit to push through. The question is, is science beneficial. To say it is not would be a limit in itself. If something takes a long time to learn, there is expansion in the process. To discount it without understanding it is not an act of wisdom.
  17. @Scholar From my experience, you're in for some real treats soon. If you start noticing how most people are in a reaction state and don't know it, try not to say anything to them about it. Might save you a couple headaches in the near future.
  18. Animals are God, like coffee tables, paper clips and all things without the separation of ego.
  19. @n0th1n All numbers and calculation can be found in infinity.
  20. @Scholar time feel a little slower? Like you have more time between an observation and your mental reaction?
  21. @Zingo yes. We are each our own reality, and comparing realities is impossible, because we are each our own reality.
  22. @Katiee When I lost someone, somebody told me this - and it helped me a lot. She told me that when we pass on, all of the human resistance of thought is left behind, and only the higher self remains. She said when I think of my departed love one, when I think of them as free of all their troubles, all their 'human condition' troubles, that the reason it feels good is because they are ever present, and I feel their presence. A I learn deeper acceptance across the board, I am able to feel their presence more and more.
  23. @Visionary One can meditate daily until one experiences being without thinking.
  24. "Your emotions have always been honest with you."