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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. Right, I’m with ya. Let’s say, collected in a manor which people are unaware they are getting bamboozled by.
  2. Someone & themself are just two different words, pointing back at the same one. There is no scenario in which someone can punish themself. In a way, you could punish me, or I could punish you if there are the two of us. But you can not punish a yourself. There just are not two of you. There may very well be much pain, but there is no second or separate self being punished. The self that can be at levels is a thought about a self. Not a self, which punishes, a self. To shoulder this activity of thought, is to suffer, which is to seek any resolution, to this suffering. Thought can not resolve thought. Or Ox picks wise, the seeker finds nothing works. In cessation of thought, there is neither a problem, a second or separate self, nor harm.
  3. It isn’t. Thoughts are believed rather than direct experience inspected. As such, there seems to be an experience of comparison. But direct experience is one whole inseparable ‘reality’ and never of a physical material reality. It’s only a ‘blurry phenomenon’ through the distorted lens of a separate self. What you speak of is literally the everyday normal, but you aren’t noticing for the habit of comparative abstraction thinking (thoughts) and conceptualization. Yes indeed. If reality was imagined, if there were a separate self, then yes indeed. Rare & limited to you. No you, and what seemed rare & limited is very obviously infinitely abundant. No! God is real, Love is real, Siddhi's are real, a you is not! Separation is imagined via the imagining of a separate self, not an imagining of reality. Reality is an appearance, while a you is imagined (illusory). That ‘you’ = thought attachment, that ‘you’ are imagining, reality. It’s a belief, the same as Catholicism, Mormonism, etc. In this case more accurately, it’s conjecture.
  4. How the money is made is more interesting imo than the debt facade. ‘Made’ as in accumulated, not as in created.
  5. @WokeBloke It’s an assumption, when only the direct experience of no experience will do. (Yes I get how it sounds.)
  6. Post is a thought, like seeing, perspective, I’m and you. Both places is a thought. Meditate every day. Once in the morning, again in the afternoon. Let believing thoughts go. Apply ‘the filter’ of direct experience vs abstraction, or, what is only a thought or belief.
  7. Someone can never punish themself because there is not a someone and a themself. That doesn’t actually validate anything, it just perpetuates the pain and the belief in validation and pain. Only expression is reasonable. Not harming. The hyphenation “self-harm” is absolutely misleading.
  8. I is a thought. You is a thought. Your view, is a thought. Try to think awareness. The answer to a belief is no longer believing it.
  9. You don’t see it, but you’re thinkin, expressing a hunch, that there is. What is it? You tell us hunchman.
  10. Exactly. And, the humiliation and shame are still fake news. ALL enlightenment experiences are as such, ‘fake’.
  11. “Level of understanding”, is hypothetical. Attempt to point to what you’re talking about to notice you’re making it up on the fly, right now. “It” does not exist. Solipsism, hypothetical. Point to it. “I”, the alleged one which “still has to reach”, which “has a direction to go in to find itself”, which “has an ego”, which is a “philosophical zombie”. If I was your friend and I cared about you, I’d ask what in the actual fuck are you even talking about too. The knower will never, and can never realize there is no knower. The knower simply continues knowing, asleep, wishing it wasn’t. “Not now, not this… some day, when I am x, when I have y, when I realize z.” - the knower.
  12. You’re using hypothetical imagining to support your belief in solipsism, which is a hypothetical imagining. Only what’s actual will do. You’re inquiring a priori, that you have a conscious experience and maybe others don’t. That ‘you’ which ‘has’ a conscious experience is a concept consciousness is aware of. Not even. There’s no game, no thing imagined. Just This. The knower can never know there is no knower.
  13. Right track indeed. Allow the mind to sink into the heart as well, as apposed to being rogue. It’s alignment, and it’s one thought at a time. There is no ‘every day ness’. That’s a thought. There is really only the heart. There is no ‘keeping it’, ‘anchoring’. ‘It’, is all there is, but thought ‘says’ otherwise. Until it’s entirely aligned. One thought at a time. This is yoga (union). This place is a mat.
  14. Are you the moth or the light? Are you seeking or attracting? What’s sought of course, can not be what is. Bring simplicity and equanimity aboard. You want what you want from seeing that it is possible, from seeing that it exists, from seeing that others have it. Ask them. When you ask anyone else, you miss all you’re getting is nonsense theories & hyper-personal justifications, which didn’t / aren’t working for them. It’s on you to realize they don’t realize this. If you want a million dollars, simply ask millionaires about it. Stop adding so much egoic complexity and falling for people’s mind games. Unless you’re into that. Then rock that. It only makes the moth realize it’s the light faster. Yet, there is certainly no need to create that karma, to go such an exhausting route. Utilize simplicity, direct experience and the emotional scale. When you’re thinkin about the guy you desire, notice, in accordance with direct experience, that is an idea ‘in your head’, there is no actual guy. So what you’re experiencing literally can not have anything to do with that guy. It’s emotion, doubt. The light does not, and can not know, doubt. Imagine him as you desire, believe, know he is coming, and be getting ready. Be excited, eager (use the scale). Have your eyes open to see him, which means shifting focus from the heresy thought stories of fools, to the actual perception & feeling of what you want. This means recognition of how you’ve been influenced, and expunging it willingly. In a future scenario, because doubt was recognized and so swiftly let go, you wouldn’t make this thread. This thread inflates the doubt, justifies it, and you attract in kind, those with doubt, those who justify. Gotta notice you’re doing that, and shift it to what you actually want. What do you pour your love into? What is just for you? That is your real alchemy of power. It echoes to every corner of your life experience, without a doubt. Always felt, always unseen.
  15. You might be framing things up that there is (currently) and ‘other than debt’, so the debt seems insane. As in foreign debt in comparison to an idea of accumulation nationally. But there is only debt. All money possessed by all Americans is lent from families with interest to the government. The Federal Reserve is not a public or government owned facility, it’s privately owned. @Tancrede Pouyat Very true. Same with mortgages. Ultimately, there isn’t really any lending going on. If you print money and give me a dollar which costs me a dollar twenty, with no second option for me, it’s not lending, it’s slavery. No need to imagine the cover story of freedom that would be needed to pull of such a system. On the companies never die and people do lens… maybe that facet isn’t as true as it seems. I would think a revelation there stands to change how one thinks about money, and reality, greatly. Think in terms generational wealth. Debts (and the income from) are willed. And there aren’t really generations, and financially, there is no difference between a person as an entity, and a company as an entity. Used to be a legal difference, but isn’t anymore.
  16. Congrats! Actual genuine selfless purpose, pure divine inspiration, all too rare. You are blessed. That fire is the highly expediting gasoline of manifestation. Creation ‘itself’. Make a dreamboard, get down to what you really want. Everything, everyone, every opportunity, every option, sight & sound that is showing up in your life is in perfect reflective symmetry with how you feel, what you’re thinkin and what you’re focused on. Know exactly what you want, appreciate everything you have, care most of how you feel. The knowing of what you are most wanting will get more and more specific. Use the emotional scale, should any fears or doubts ever arise, should you find yourself overwhelmed, angry or disappointed, ‘walk yourself’ right back up that scale, ‘back to yourself’. Allow your transmutation every step of the way. What barfs up out of you is directly related to what appears as this place. Don’t ‘try to change’, simply allow it without resistance, and you’ll have the quan. And for God sakes, listen to Abraham Hicks everyday until you fully get what’s being said. The entirety and actuality of it all.
  17. This is quite an insulting accusation. There is an opportunity here to be specific and explain if you care to.
  18. @AlwaysJoggin What kind of work are you doing, and why are you doing it?
  19. If there is an experience of a soul (or whatever else) in the body, which leaves the body… then the resistance could be said to be in regard to that experience - as in this was experienced before, and that experience is not desired to be experienced again. If there is no experience of a soul (or whatever else) in the body, and no experience of said soul leaving the body - then the thought ‘itself’ is resistant - to the Truth. In this case the thought does not point to resistance, but is resistance.