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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. Concepts like that you are a thing which sees, is so to speak mental activity which is veiling, and which falls away naturally in meditation. Attachment, believing thoughts like ‘my body’, etc, is under appreciated. What is the only ‘thing’ which seems to be, but isn’t, in the movie Fight Club? I wanna say how can this possibly be missed. But I already know precisely how.
  2. @BeHereNow Future is an abstract thought without an actuality of anything the thought points to, just like ‘an avatar of God’, time, and linear or nonlinear. Likewise, a mystical experience actually is a mystical experience, without an actuality of what it points to (you living in a future). That ‘everything will be gone & forgotten’ is really there already isn’t any thing… just the forgetting. Thought activity is the dualistic veil of for-getting (subject & object), thus, meditation is the way of remembering. NDE’s, mystical experiences, insights, revelations, etc, etc are all mystical experiences, and not it so to speak. No one knows what a real apocalypse is, because no one can experience it. Actually attempt to forget on purpose. It’ll be seen that you can’t, because there is neither.
  3. Through meditation there is the cessation of believing thoughts, and it is readily ‘seen’ that ‘my mind’ is a thought. Just like ‘unicorn’ is a thought… you don’t assume there is one somewhere and start looking for it. Using the emotional scale, frustration is understood to be an emotion experienced, and is no longer credited to an ‘it’. In practice, this emotion is realized to be divine guidance, the very feeling letting you know ‘my mind’ is a thought, like wall, or understanding. The ‘frustration’ tells you this, but you haven’t meditatively listened yet. You’re still tryin to find some thing in thoughts instead.
  4. @Shin There is no “suffering inside you”. There is that thought but not an actuality of it. That you / one could be detached from thought or action is also a thought which does not have an actuality / never actually happens or could happen. It’s starting from a place of confusion, like “control” or “controlling reality”.
  5. Make a dreamboard. Start with writing some thing you want which is not outside your beliefs that it can arise or simple ‘show up’ in your experience. Start with something light, simple and insignificant. When you see that it does appear it’ll knock your socks off, and your notion of what can arise without causation will expand as the beliefs dispel. You have to do this though, directly experience this, but conscious co-creating is the greatest thrill possible and it’s twenty four seven. Never stops. Lines of ‘work’ and ‘not work’ dissolve, time dissolves, real time dreaming is the order, if you will. Also write everything and anything you want. Dream outrageously, unabashedly. Again, thinking of this is not ‘it’ and does not amount to anything in regard to what’s being said, you must experience this. You gotta do it. When you do, folks start poppin up with opportunities in perfect alignment with what’s on your board, and it takes a bit but you ‘learn’ to see it, to recognize it. I have a hunch what you want at present is a better scenario in regard to time & money. I did too. Write it on your board. God is good. God is unconditional. God is loving the absolute bejesus out of you right now, like Santa loves all kids. Make. Your. Christmas list. Santa. Then listen to that guy. You’re gonna love him. You already do actually, you just don’t know how much yet. Muah ah ah ah.
  6. Being. Meditation is as under appreciated as thoughts are beliefs. Metaphysics and psychedelics are parlor games in comparison to bringing thought to absolute lasting silence. Actual emptying, actual nothing.
  7. Awesome. Great synchronicity insights. Any chance you’re also experiencing all these roadside billboards for love? Kinda too much in an awesome way.
  8. So to speak, I’ve never experienced that with meo either but have multiple times with higher amounts of mushrooms and ‘sober’ meditation. Not a leaving though, just disappearing. Same as how the light in the room ‘disappears’ when you turn the light off (vs leaving the room). It would be hard to make a case against the dissolving into that light not being the ultimate as far as psychedelics & reality go. There just isn’t anything or anyone left. Again, so to speak.
  9. @Jannes Maybe more so than ‘get her to’, help her connect the dots to see it’s actually what she most wants. Seems only semantical, but her inner kriya is the game changer / life changer / reality changer in regard to what she longs to let go.
  10. @Jannes Hopefully helpful. I’d talk to her about foundation first. Daily morning meditation. I’d explain the significance of this foundation, is precisely because the trip is not a ‘facing your death’ or ‘facing your fears head on’. That’s all ego & spiritual ego projection of one’s own nonsense from beliefs one hasn’t let go and is projecting. Most unfortunate but true. I’d ask her how she feels about letting go of control, and be sure she connects the dots between that, the meditation, the trips, and beliefs. And I’d revisit the suggesting she try it. I’d make sure she is well aware it’s entirely up to her, that she is plenty enough precisely as God made her if you will, and nothing, no meditation, no psychedelics, etc, are needed whatsoever. It’s just for the experience. No significance. Otherwise ya both might end up with bulging spiritual egos to let go of later, weaved of identifying via experience.
  11. @Jannes Your honesty is so refreshing. Add “insights” into the horseshit category with all the projection reports. If I were in your shoes I’d sit on the porch with my mom, each have 1 gram of mushrooms, and laugh, love, live. No point, no aiming at breakthroughs, no fixing shit. Just for the experience. Same as right now. Neither of you gonna be around forever, and this ain’t the rehearsal, this is it. Not some thing better in a future to get to. This.
  12. Nobody’s “using you” at all. The conversation was in reply to your comment… @Breakingthewall Your framing is not indicative of my lens.
  13. @Jannes You’re innocently projecting much onto her before she even has a chance of unfettered direct experience. Again, innocently, but priming her with all the fear, “depth”, facing your death head on nonsense… this is yours so to speak, your current belief structure or paradigm, it is not objective or hers whatsoever.
  14. This relative world, states of consciousness, your influence nonsense, no, not at all. Creates division, comparative competitive mindsets, ‘bigger’ and more spiritual egos, self doubt, guilt, shame, confusion and disrupts lives. People were better off without the first word. The actuality, though, yes, incredibly ineffable, absolutely infallible.
  15. @History You can’t go outside of reality, but reality is appearing within you already and this can indeed be seen. Not visually with eyes, but visually prior to Mind, and ‘it’s’ the most beautiful ‘thing’ ‘vision’ ‘creation’ ‘appearance’ (whatever) there could ever possibly be. And not even. So beautiful. This. Which isn’t.
  16. Definitely neither. Just like there is never the actual experience of a second self (only the thought of), there is also never the actual experience of ‘we aren’t’, or ‘we are’. ‘The part’ is also exactly the same as ‘the separate self’. There can be thoughts about oneself as parts, and there indeed can be suffering and pain, but there can never actually be parts of you.