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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Lai Some people take drugs and end up in psyche wards or even committing suicide. Some people take drugs and it aids in releasing them from depression, anxiety, neurotic behaviors, etc. It's up to you. You're underestimating the power of your mind. Look around, that's you. I don't pretend to be responsible for anyone here. I couldn't choose for them even if I wanted to, and why would I want to? Why is it that you want to?
  2. @faith This simply breaks down to consciousness. An ant has a certain amount. A dog has a certain amount. A person doing the next most probable thing everyday has a certain amount. A person who sees the causations / probabilistic nature and lets go of their individualism becomes more of the everything. The consciousness is the everything (but not the nothing). So in terms of consciousness, there is separation / individual consciousness, and there is connection / more everything consciousness. This is just where the universe is relative to you now. Nothing to worry about though. Money and power have nothing on numbers. Changes for the masses only come from utilizing the sheer numbers of the masses. Many countries have already utilized Facebook to organize their masses and change things. Others will continue to follow. The more I focus on the lessor in this era, the more I am that. The more I focus on the greater, the more I am that. I'm just focus, choice and experience.
  3. @electroBeam You triggered one of the biggest breakthroughs in my life. I hope to do the same for you and I'm employing audacity and ugliness because I think it has the best odds: You have picked to be where you re at. You can pick to be anywhere when you accept that. You were not born this way, no one did this to you. No one is ever going to help you. The fabric of reality is everything and it is you who filters out what you choose to filter out. ?
  4. @Lorcan I have done this, millions of people have done this. More people are becoming millionaires now than ever before. The key is choosing to do so. The hard part imo is seeing the difference between thinking one is choosing and actually choosing. Once the income stream is functioning and a business is running, it will seem plain and ordinary and in hindsight it's easy to see that it was 99% the choosing that created it. It's what we let go of that brings expansion.
  5. personal development
  6. @Baul IQ tests are such a tiny tiny piece of information. Think about it this way, if you had a kid and rather than put him in school or offer any personal development, all you did was teach him the questions and answers to that IQ test. Then when he's around 12 years old he takes the test and scores higher than anyone ever has. Would he be any more intelligent then anyone else? I would suggest pursuing connection rather than IQ. Also, IQ is not a predictor of success at all. Just a reminder, Donald Trump is currently the president of the US. We all have our own connotation on what success means but I think being the president falls somewhere in the success zone, not to mention being a billionaire, and you're more intelligent than he is.
  7. @Samuel daily morning meditation of only 20 minutes EVERY day will create a 'space' between those arising desires and your observance of them allowing you to choose in what feels like slow motion. You will benefit both by not reacting to impulses, and you will become more aware of a variety of impulses that you may not be aware of now. Also, not the best idea in the long term, but for now, why not just rub one out? As you know, your state of mind will change. Then you have all that time back to do what you want to. In summation, my advice is meditate and beat off, apparently.
  8. @Real Eyes yes. 3 days in a row is a very different outcome than once, and then doing that for a few months is another level / outcome. also imo, experiencing enlightenment does not make for an enlightened person. Not trying to launch 300 pages on enlightenment though.
  9. @Nicholas absolutely happiness should be in the process not the result. However, if you practice, you can have both.
  10. @Shin I can relate man. It's almost a bummer in a way, because we have these hopes that it will be magical, then after, it's as normal as anything else and we're on to the next hope and eventual normality.
  11. @Shin @Paintballer AStral projection, or whatever name you apply, is as real as what we typically refer to as real. Once you do it, as Shin now has, you see it completely differently. Until you do it, typically, your relative understanding is that it is like a dream or a hallucination. This is conflation; since you haven't experienced it, you reference what you have experienced to make the best sense of it you can. It is not at all like a dream or hallucination.
  12. @JoseM We can be aware of what's around us, find deeper richness & depths in the ordinary, every day. We can be mindful of what's within each of us, what we are. We can be mindful that no matter who you are, or what you have or haven't done, that your attention will always be the greatest gift you have to give. One draws on the illusion, the other on the mind.
  13. @Afonso Clarity is not a property of information, it's a property of the observer (you). If you want the teachings to become clearer, you must increase your clarity. You are the one collapsing the wave, it can only be relative to you.
  14. @No-Thing In the same manor we are energy and pursue our own individual energy, the world is pursing it's own energy. The big change will come with zero point energy, which has been around for a while, but is currently suppressed by means of patent purchase suppression. The irony is, there already is no shortage of energy, food, space, love. There is a perception of these shortages, but that's part of the separation / Big Bang. So, we will likely 'solve' this with technology & science (zero point energy) long before the awareness that there is plenty of food, water, etc happens on a global scale. We can wake up, but we can't wake someone else up. One thing. Big Bang. Seperate things. "Waking up" is remembering it's all still one thing. There are no shortages to a need, just as there are no problems without inherent solutions, or questions without inherent answers.
  15. @The Universe You were born enlightened. Then added a lot of shit. Let go off all that shit and you'll be back to where you started.
  16. @zunnyman Time doesn't exist. This might help you to realize you're using a made up reason not to pursue everything you want in this life.
  17. You could choose any feeling, any attitude, any contributing activity of any kind, and this is what you have chosen. I honestly, totally believe you when you state there is no enlightenment for you. I do wish you the best.
  18. @Dan Arnautu for sure. Especially singers for some reason. Blessing in disguise though, that's what lead me to start singing in the first place.
  19. @Dan Arnautu Never read that before. So glad you shared it. I'll share something too, might be helpful or up lifting. I started on guitar and vocals when I was around 14. I learned general rock and classical guitar. I played in bands for about 15 years. I was always the guy keeping the band drama low and keeping everyone fired up.I wrote, recorded and produced 3 albums. I learned proper singing techniques. I got over singing in front of lots of people by doing it many times. I dropped out of college to make money. Now, I have a blessed and fulfilled life. I learned about myself and people on many levels from the music and from my experience with it. I'm self employed, and I attribute the success of my business, mostly, to the music.
  20. @Paintballer there is no external or internal world. It's all you. The separation you make is actually defined by you. If you don't see what I'm saying, just make a distinction as to where one ends and the other begins. Don't breathe, absorb radiation, bend light, shed skin, distort gravity or displace the unified field though, while you make your distinction, that wouldn't be fair.
  21. @The White Belt you are so caught up in being you that you are opperating from that perspective. meditate every morning for at least 20 mins let every thought go. eventually, you will see that you are not you, and your reactions will seem distant. you will undergo the change from being reactional to creating. this is the difference in pusuit, especially acting