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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Arkandeus right on. I often wonder why people use their will power to express that they have no will power. I guess it's one of those things that is revealed to each of us in our own time. I hear so many people complaining about what they don't have, can't do, don't want, etc. Weird world. Happy for you Ark!
  2. @Visitor human values are subjective though.
  3. @Visitor I can certainly understand your perspective and need for concern. There is a state of being found through meditation that allows you to be without concern because the concern is a perspective rooted in thinking.
  4. @Vinsanity @Mert With breathing meditation eventually you realize you're experiencing that you were never breathing but always being breathed.
  5. @Progress Makes total sense. Thanks.
  6. Having fun knowing it's all make believe. Work, school, etc. All of it. FUN
  7. @Progress @K VIL @Cjaryo @Progress @Veggies make me FART Isn't the concept / vibe / idea / feeling / of discipline counter productive to begin with? Help me understand this guys. Thanks.
  8. @Key Elements We're all like, it's not love, it's this. Ya, it's all love.
  9. @Parki There's no rush on getting back man. It would be like looking at a photo and as soon as you see it you start saying "why can I only see this photo" and then you remove your focus from the photo and lay it back on the general world. We're all going back but fuck sakes Parki, you're the one who focused through Parki. Soak it up man. No rush. Would you rather see all 8 billion photos from a distance at once, or experience each of them individually? Me too.
  10. @SFRL Intend to get a good night sleep. It is optional, choose it. If you repeatedly invoke a good feeling when you choose a good nights sleep I don't think you would need any of the below suggestions.... Divorce floride & aluminum deoderents all together. They can clog the pineal and mess up your melatonin. Alcohol can have this effect too. Notice the itch you get on your body while laying down to go to sleep. Don't scratch it. It's a signal from your brain checking to see if your body is awake. The brain can't tell the difference between external and internal 'reality'. Don't scratch the itch and you'll be asleep within 10 minutes. If you aren't sleeping through the entire night. Meditate every day for at least 20 minutes. Still not sleeping, try taking melatonin. Consider cutting out caffeine after around 1pm. If still not sleeping, address a strong & deeper belief. Consider that the need for sleep is a collective belief. You really only need rest. Know that, be content with the rest. Sex or a rub out changes brain chemistry in a very sleep favorable way also and after a few nights may get you back in a pattern of good sleep. Good luck! Hope something helps.
  11. @Edvard From any observer's perspective there certainly is right and wrong, but from the deeper perspective everything is one thing so it wouldn't perceive right or wrong because there is no other thing for it to be relative to or have a perspective on.
  12. @Dizzy The brain can't tell the difference between internal 'real' & external 'real'. IMO, this is a good thing you have going on. It seems to me that you're witnessing yourself becoming influential energetically speaking but don't know what to do with it. Did you have an experience or consistent feeling recently of being very connected? Or maybe someone who led you to feeling seperated in your past recently moved, left, or passed on? Maybe you moved? Just curious. Anyways, meditate until the momentum of your thinking has calmed, maybe 20 minutes of focusing back to your breathing. Notice your breathing goes to almost none. Now notice the thoughts that arise from your desires. Things you want to do basically. Focus on those thoughts (one of them) as long and as much as you can or like. Do this in the morning and again around 5 or 6 pm everyday. Soon, you won't be seeing oddball stuff like you described. You'll be seeing awesome unexplainable coincidences except that as soon as they've transpired they will be explainable in normal practical ways. I think you're very intuitive at a deeper level and when you get a couple weeks in of practicing putting your thinking aside you are in for wild ride.
  13. @Azrael Great sharing, thank you! Chopping wood, carrying water huh?
  14. Ask your parents what you can do to help out around the house to make a few bucks.
  15. @SOUL That's cool that that is working for you! I wish you well.
  16. @SOUL THANKS! How does the uncertainty principle and the superposition apply to you, right now, directly? Are they relative to you?
  17. @Dan Arnautu Just took a look. Looks really sharp man. I could only read the one page because I am not bilingual. I have taught many people how to play guitar but I have never made money or a business or website from it. I think visitor's advice is solid. Probably not what you want to hear, but If you're seeking local clients, teach some people guitar for free. Create a of free guitar lessons, people will show up. It would be good use of your time to teach to multiple people vs 10 one on one lessons. If you're looking for national clients, just have your buddies write testimonials, spend your time linking to every website you possibly can. If it's affordable, set up adwords on google and pay per click. Do you have a YouTube channel? That's a good way to get people to your website. What about local music stores? Maybe they give lessons, maybe not. You could be their guy. What about schools? Walk into a school, (unless you already know a teacher) and propose to spend an hour explaining guitar, encouraging kids to play, explaining all the benefits; self confidence, brain functionality, emotional intelligence, uh fucking joy, etc. At the end, when the kids applauded and say thank you, ask if they will go to your website and post a testimonial. Again, good use of your time. If your schools are anything like America's, there should be around 300 kids in each classroom. Another note, have you listed your business on google? If not, do that! Then update something simple within your google account each week. Google things like "guitar lessons" and look at the top 3 listings. Then look at pages 1-5 on google and see how many bullshit webpages those top three are listen on. Then list your business on twice as many pages. Takes a couple minutes per page. Then, when that's done, ask people to put testimonials on your google page as reviews. This will (in a few months) lead to you coming up first on google. You can always copy the reviews from your google page and paste them into your website. Good luck with it!!!
  18. @Gagan I do not find meditation to be a tool for concentration. I find it to be useful for letting go of thoughts, and all the mental and bodily momentum of thoughts. I agree with you that it will improve overall cognition and unify orchestration of the mind. It gets me back to no momentum. In that state of mind, I then do what I want to do. That statement is oversimplified. If you want focus and concentration, learn an instrument. Classical music, specifically, works very well. If that makes you think "but I am not talented" or "I can't play an instrument", then try to realize it is only because you don't have focus and concentration, and that would be a great way to get there. Almost no one is talented, but a lot of people practice a lot and years of practice are what is commonly referred to as talent. I prefer to increase my concentration playing guitar and singing versus doing nothing. It's more enjoyable, it's a handy social hobby, and I usually lose myself from doing multiple things at one time (singing, playing, diaphamic breathing, resonating the vibration in my head and chest, etc. ) Losing myself is my favorite thing to do so far, I hope if you dig this, that it brings you joy as well.
  19. @Jordan wang The goal is to only ever do what you want to do. The work is to change yourself to make that true. Clarity...Ideas...create with your imagination....then focus....then inspiration...then action. Watch out for the oh so slippery slope of seeking validation through hard work. Lots of people waste their whole life in this mindset. Act from inspiration
  20. @Harvey Identify what you're doing that takes you out of that higher state of mind.
  21. @Dizzy That's so beautiful.
  22. @PretentiousHuman Your separation from source, your individuality - is strengthened by utilizing Facebook. As in "look at me, pretentious skull guy who is not the universe." Your separation is strengthened by validation, which is an idea in your head to begin with. Even when you feel validated, no one but you is actually doing the validation. I'm a "boss" (terrible term) and I dream of having a team of individuals who do not need validation. Your boss is playing you like a fucking sheep when he / she gives you validation. Stop needing it and you'll probably become a boss, no offense. It is beneficial to want and to get what you want, evidenced by clean and clear good feelings. It is not beneficial to be emotionally attached to any of it, evidence by a feeling of lack which is your mind making up a belief to sooth you by blaming. To escape this trap, skip over the typical years or decades most endure bullshitting themselves about meditation, and DO IT. Every morning for at least 20 minutes. Just sit there and return your focus to your breathing. Breathe involuntarily & naturally, but realize you are not breathing, rather the universe is breathing, as well as beating it's heart and orchestrating trillions of atoms that you refer to as your body, or skull guy. Within roughly two weeks, around the 16 minute mark, you will experience a sort of separation from your ego self. Kind of like a bird's on view on your mind and emotions. Another thought, if you're still reading... learn about the uncertainty principle. From what I can deduce, we live in a world where the vast majority don't change, even to benefit themselves. When people do change, it's usually painfully slow and then they undo it and return to habits. Don't be a creature of habit. The only reason for habit, or doing the next most probable thing, is you. It is equally as easy to do more and more and more of what you want. Not that - ... what you really fucking want. You can do it. The only thing that will hold you back is your perspective on it. The uncertainty principle is the best thing I've found to get deep enough into the perspective of choice within myself. Will most likely be something else that get's deeply into you, that's just a reference of what worked best for me. Btw, I might be kidding myself but it sure seems like you have a very very special energy. Feel free to tell I'm a weirdo, but am I right? Like, have you always known there is something about you that is hard to place or verbalized that is very different? Odd, I know, but I'm feelin it so I'm expressing it. And I'm curious.
  23. @Afonso Dude. Let me preface this with acknowledging my perspective is the least popular on this site. But, seems like people are reinforcing your unwanted experience. Hollow? WTF? There's you, cells, atoms, electrons, then fields and forces, everything, and then nothing. You are all of that. Your consciousness is not unique. You are literally the universe being consciousness, as is everyone. You are the whole fucking show man. You can conceptualize, contemplate and experience anything. Keep in the direction of less Afonso and more everything.
  24. @electroBeam Glad if it helped man. I appreciate you. I feel like I owe you. You gave me an ego slap that I needed a while back. Spend 4 days on psych's by myself in the middle of the woods. I don't even identify with whoever or whatever I was before that. Maybe the same would aid you currently? If you're able to, maybe get the fuck outta wherever you typically are and be somewhere you would not most probably be, and do things you would not probably do. I wish you insane happiness man. Thank you.