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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. Just finished my routine / rituals. Ideas pouring out of me. All is beautiful All is well. The world is the most fascinating canvas imaginable. Everything is possible.
  2. @Shan What am I missing here? A deposit on a house is not enough money to quit a job and live off of. Are you months away from Medicare and social security? (If you're in the U.S. or your country has a similiar social program)
  3. @Joseph Maynor no paradox. It is you who labels it difficult because you are not practiced in your meditation and therefore not detached and able to realize there is no rush, you have forever, and all is well. The difficulty is found only in your approach, not the content, the desire, or the practices.
  4. @Annetta ANNETTA!?!?!?!?!!?! Come on! ? ? This is simple. You have complicated it and now you must put a little time in to get back to good. But it is simple! You feel how you feel from the thoughts you've been repeating. Time to repeat new thoughts. I promise you this is it, and it is this simple. The 'work' is on you to DO IT!!! Write down how you want to feel. Repeat it over and over for as long as it takes. Write only in words of wanted. No double negatives. Get back to me when you've done this. (or don't of course) Don't blow this off with believing what I am saying. DO IT.
  5. @Revolutionary Think You are experiencing the thoughts you are repeating, this post is the proof. Pick, then start the repeating. There is only the working space of ight now. Time to stop pretending your past has any influence.
  6. @thetrut11 Start repeating the thoughts of how you want things to be. Start now. Write it down. Repeat it over and over. Ignore reality. Focus on what you want. Like a happy feeling brings a smile, a smile brings a happy feeling. So is it wth reality. You've just been using it one way. Full reverse now! Think it, feel it, focus on it, and you will see it right in front of you. Takes time. Don't believe me.
  7. @sgn Take your concept of what comes from meditation and through it out. Your concept is inaccurate and wrong. It reads like an ad for meditation. Start the practices daily. Save this post somewhere. Read it 6 months from now after everyday meditation. You will barely recognize this you. You are a sailboat without a sail, you can be the ocean. Your honestly & vulnerability are impressive, and that's a great start. Trust the well being of the universe, meditate, allow it to heal you and give you the clarity you want.
  8. @Annetta Both the things you're looking for come from proper daily meditation. You'll take in more, and see more = understand more. Failure will literally disappear. There is no such thing, only doing again. You are beautiful no matter what you do, how you do it, who see's who doesn't and even and especially when you question yourself Annettta, you are beautiful. It's high time you see it. I can see it so easily, and I have only your intent to go on.
  9. @nexusoflife thanks for sharing! I absolutely love reading these first time trip reports! Godspeed!
  10. @Shan I have practiced for about 23 years. I don't have anything new to add to this thread but thought I'd give a testimony that might be helpful for those beginning meditation. I have found it to be exactly like Leo just said. I did a few 30 minute sessions per day when I first started and now I do about 20 minutes each morning, and occasionally (rarely) 20 minutes again mid day. It is very much like strength building in that the deeper levels can be reached more easily and with less time after a long duration of daily consistency. One specific testimony, and I hope it's inspirational / motivational, monkey mind does go away if you maintain consistency.
  11. @Algida your wording says something happened to u, not something u did. i suggest understanding they did what they did because of where they were at. if u harm someone, and become even the least bit aware / conscious, eventually it going to be something u need to work thru. and so it is for that person. you are here now. not there. u can be think your way back there over and over, or you can forgive them and experience a major major major breakthrough of unconditional love and release. meditate for a few minutes, then imagine taking all of the memories and pain & suffering from this event, and packing them into a metal ball in front of u. get all of it into the ball. feel the weight and density of the ball. now visualize pushing this incredibly heavy ball down a track. see it roll away for miles until u cant see it anymore. repeat as needed. the bottom line is u have to start repeating a new story about this event. a story about your breakthrough. your story about your acceptance and allowance of unconditional love. this will not hold you back. you are strong enough now. you can progress. dont procrastinate! you're simply hetter than that!!!!!
  12. @Afonsoit allows more connection to higher self while sacrificing ability to do much with the connection. i would take your experience as an awareness that u have something that u can let go of to get a higher default consciouness.
  13. @Joseph Maynor Practical uses for the body-mind....look at someone's body, and you can see their mind. Their will power, their intelligence, their compassion, their sense of self worth, their level of forward & long term thinking, their level of satisfaction & happiness. Now look at your body and accept what you see as representative & reflective of the current developmental state of your mind. It works both ways too. If you can listen to someone or read what they write, you can know of their body.
  14. @Truth Great posts. I enjoyed reading them. When someone appears stuck in PD it seems to me they are talking to someone. Someone specific that affected them in a way that caused them (seemingly) to adopt a belief about reality. When confronted about the stuck situation later, they are talking to that person in their past when they are talking to you. What do you think?
  15. @Will i am calm with underlying intense creativity. i was not always this way. my personal recipe in hopes something is actionable to u; yoga or energy tai chi, then 50 mins of cardio to intense music & some 'lifting' (boflex actually), followed by meditation every morning. i raise all that intense energy and then while meditating tons of ideas just bubble up and i let them pass by. it leaves me full of more than enough energy and creativity for the day. enough sleep and healthy eating are the foundation for this also. it's a lot to do everyday but the alternative is a shit life. (for me, imo) these practices also lead to nonthinking state most of the time. hell of a byproduct of happiness!
  16. @2000 u might already be in great shape for all i know... but otherwise...i remember being where u are, i remember waking up instantly a pissed off total asshole for a while. i put it into fitness and lost 50 pounds. An hour of cardio alone listening to some ratm will clear out adrenaline & cordisol ( the anger chems) and flood u with dopamine, oxytocin, etc (the feel good chems) don't stop the practices whatever you do. double down on them. it's the most worthwhile adventure possible!! have trust / faith in the well being of the universe that you are tuning into. you're inbetween stations right now so there's a lot of static. the next channel is so sweet tho!!!!
  17. @wingsofwax the idea is to witness that you are being breathed, your heart is being beaten, your cells are being divided - the higher you is doing these. The self is a tiny factor and eventually is seen for what it is- nothing. made up.
  18. @Joseph Maynor its not paradoxical. think of it as if everyone is enlightened, they just don't have time to realize it because they're keeping busy typing instead of doing practices / meditation.
  19. @Joseph Maynor you have never meditated but are thinking about the nature of reality. just pointing this out. sit. meditate properly, at least twice a day for 30 minutes. at least give yourself a chance to see what you already are. or forget about this enlightenment stuff, and go back to taking naps. there's nothing wrong with that either. 'The world needs ditch diggers to Danny. '
  20. @Harvey give all of yourself. give your entire life to others. in an ironic twist of intuition, this leads to being and having everything. so often we are asking about losing our self, when we can just give it away.
  21. @WaterfallMachine simply start a daily meditation practice of returning focus to your breathing. meditation stops momentum. this will build the habit of stopping focus. @WaterfallMachine
  22. @Moreira Meditate & contemplate your death. Keep returning your focus to this being you very last day. Imagine looking back on your life, your decisions. I hope you experience a realization that there is nothing to lose, nothing at risk. Take baby steps. Today, just say - today I will simply be ready for being free of my fears tomorrow. Tomorrow, just take a peak at the fears and that is enough. The next day sit with your fears for 5 minutes, and that is enough. Keep going each day. The reason these fears can be overwhelming is because we tend to approach them digitally so to speak, on or off, having it or not having it. But of course, that is not how PD works. Be sure that all great things have a trail of consecutive tiny things that lead to them. Baby steps are ok. Approach this as early in the day as possible, as will power declines through our day. Godspeed Moreira, the universe is behind you, within you and supports you, as do all of us. Enjoy the journey.