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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. You can do anything. Don't listen to anyone, listen to the God within.
  2. @OnceMore Honestly is the only way to go within. Learn how to be honest and positively effect others at the same time. It's not one or the other. You'll notice that if someone else is putt off by it, it's because they are intimidated that you have surpassed them noticeably in your self honesty. Being honest with your self leads to becoming a better and more influential person. It a rocky road at first.
  3. Lots of animals pair up for life and recognize each other even after spending long durations apart. Dolphins refer to each other by name and carry out a very similiar family structure to humans. They speak to each other in language. So not only are some animals aware of their self, some are even aware of other specific individuals.
  4. @Harvey Just enjoy then. There is nothing you want. Something may arise later perhaps.
  5. Looking for a healthy ego is like an ant looking for a healthy anteater. Think of ego as self; self esteem, self worth, self importance - We typically run the hamster wheel of bouying these illusions. When we let go of them and see that they are just concepts in our minds, then we are free of the hamster wheel and have peace of mind.
  6. @Joseph Maynor Take the topic of creation out of the stratosphere and bring it to the center of your personal wheelhouse, since epiphanies happen there. As in, realize that our bodies & brains, and quality of perception are made of only what we put in our mouths. Nothing else. By our choices in food, drugs, beverages....we are in the most literal sense possible creating our physical bodies. Letting go of the ego & it's preferences enough to center our food choices around health & well being would be far more eye opening as times passes than aiming to see through reality philosophically.
  7. @Joseph Maynor This has an infinite amount of answers because it's totally relative to how far down the rabbit hole you've gone in experiencing the oneness. One person swears they experience no free will at all, while another person swears they created the entire life they just lived. It's a matter of experienced depth of connection to source through loss of ego and beliefs of separatism. Every single person means something different when they say "I".
  8. It's all relative. One person's jumping to conclusions actually is another person's deep research. The more clearly you articulate your experience in hopes of expediting the process for others, the more they are conflating and it's actually having an adverse effect, relative to your good intentions.
  9. Just buy her a drink.
  10. i have experienced these things. reality and paranormal are nothing like what i previously thought they were. your intentions are solid but you're are wasting your time. you'll only be ridiculed and accused of dishonesty here, by and large.
  11. @Anna1 no it didnt but i appreciate the response. i experienced a shift also that allowed me to see all is one and i am all, but i'm curious about the possibility of an objective experience. i suppose by default its not possible while living.
  12. @Anna1 sounds like you've experience 'the ultimate perspective' or the 'objective perspective' aka 'the truth' which I see as accessible potentially upon my 'death'. How did you experience it?
  13. @Gneumatics There is only the 'substance' of everything. You are it, what you think is still it, no matter what you think. What you say is it, no matter. What you believe is it, no matter. Every thought and word expands it. No Matter.
  14. @Afonso Ask him if he's aware he is superposition or if he still spins his wheels.
  15. @hinawashi It's a gift when someone calls someone an idiot, a fool, a's all the same. It all only serves to help you realize what you are.
  16. @Chrissy j Happiness doesn't come from anything, it comes from how you look at everything.
  17. @wavydude I agree with Leo. You've got to keep waking up and excercise your free will.
  18. @The White Belt to me he is saying do the practices aware & knowing you want to. Don't go at it against the grain. Your epiphanie may be that you have been coloring your connotation of discipline with PD, work, etc -as things you have to do or should do, rather than just letting them be things you want to do, if they are. You may have seen that and felt the release of the prior perspective which was causing separation, sounds like you let go of it and felt the connection more deeply.
  19. @SOUL Insulting denotes a low consciousness state. No wonder you think it's impossible. You're far from it. Don't believe me.
  20. “Meditation simply means a state of no-thought, awareness without the process of thought, just pure, mirror-like awareness, with no thoughts passing in the mind.” — Rajneesh It's worth looking into. Do some research on EEG's recording Delta waves of meditators, zazen, etc. If your interested.
  21. @Empty You should take precautions. As far as people laughing at you, if you're going to pursue your PD, it's a gift. It makes it easy to find people you want to have relationships with. Morocco is so beautiful by the way. I hope your nation can change peacefully.
  22. @Socrates Yes. Absolutely. IMO the best practice is to let thoughts go and returning focus to the breathing until you get to nonthinking. Just be aware though I am pretty sure this is not what almost everyone suggests. I tried many meditations, guided, specific eastern styles, etc. The most simple one worked best for me.
  23. I am in non thinking all the time. I had epiphanies for years, then revelations for years, then an explosion around 5 years ago. That pop never went away. The newness did, but not the difference. All other facets of me and my life adjusted to it. That took a while. I would describe my current thinking as engaging a thinking mechanism both effortlessly & purposefully. Engaging it is noticeable, whereas before, even after letting monkey mind go, it was closer or instantly assessable. Now it takes a second or two and I notice the inclusion of thinking in my awareness. The non thinking is still present and the thinking mechanism is within it. Like a lone type writer in a large room. For a long time I was reactional, then had the impulses but did not express reactions, now I don't have the impulses. I also notice there is hardly any physical head / brain sensation. No stress reactions at all. When something "goes wrong", I know it's just part of something bigger going "right", and I'm happy to see that. There doesn't seem to be any "demands of attention and pressure". I love what I love to do, what I like to do, what I want to do, what I should do, what I need to do. They're all worthwhile, just short to longer term growth in them. I have practiced daily meditation for 23 years. Self inquiry for about 27 yrs. Deep contemplation only in recent years. This has enhanced every facet of my life and everything I do I can do better than before and with much ease. Work wise, I have experienced myself 'rubbing off' or influencing others to the degree I have delegated all of what I used to think only I could do. I would not describe this as in a void. It's quite opposite to me. Everything seems slower, richer, more agreeable, and as if time were not a factor, I appreciate more and have more fun. Asking if you can go in & out of "it" is like asking a 20 year old if he can be 8 again. It just doesn't work that way, but there is the memory as a relative point of reference, but all of my memories are visually distant & fuzzy, but at the same time they are more emotionally present. It's hard to give first hand experience because all facets of my life and inner work are in harmony and at peace with my current trajectory and growth. There's always an infinite amount more to learn and experience. That is thrilling to me. Btw, I know the average age here is much younger than me. So if anyone is reading this and on the fence about diving in to PD, Leo's LP course, and all things it. Start now. I see a lot of pain in people my age who didn't. That's pretty much everyone I know. If you don't get started now, a day is going to come that you're going to be older and see it in someone who did. And it's going to be very, very hard to bear. I see that very often, whatever people use as their excuse not to do PD; work, family, etc - they will deeply resent that person or people later in life, because they just don't know better. Like all things worthwhile - START YOUNG!