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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Principium Nexus you are infinite. You're just getting started.
  2. @kieranperez be patient, taking Leo's course was wise of you. look around you, all is well.
  3. @123456789 The more of what you are not you see, the clearer what you are becomes. The more experiences you expose yourself to, the more choices you have. 10.
  4. @Himanshu Come with me, and you'll be in a world of pure imagination Take a look and you'll see into your imagination We'll begin with a spin traveling in the world of my creation What we'll see will defy explanation If you want to view paradise simply look around and view it! Anything you want to, do it - want to change the world? There's nothing to it! There is no life I know to compare with pure imagination Living there you'll be free, If you truly wish to be If you want to see magic lands Close your eyes and you will see one Want to be a dreamer, be one! Anytime you please and please save me one
  5. @Joseph Maynor "awareness" of the Oneself is actually Being the oneself. There really isn't awareness of it. Being aware of it would be being aware you are it. Truth is another word for the One / God / All That Is./ The absolute. Were it not for the illusion, we wouldn't be able to talk and laugh right now. (I'm assuming you're laughing with me) Cause it's fucking hilarious
  6. @Dizzy So awesome! Thank you for sharing this!!!! Love you!
  7. @john5170 yes. you're the same kid. you added layers. let them go
  8. Within. "I already experienced more than I was able to handle on the mushrooms." Contemplate what this self imposed limit is. The mushrooms are showing you to you. Once your foundation is such that you accept you, then you pop. Then you laugh. A lot. That's the going deeper within. That is where to go. You may have had the experience ahead of having the foundation for it to take hold. That's a good thing. Only the practices make a foundation. And Leo's videos. And every other video that might have some truth in it. And tons of books. And tons of looking for the truth. And an honest approach to absolute honesty. And time. IMO, you're incredibly open minded & honestly truth seeking. That's the path. You're one in a million if you think about it. But just one if you don't.
  9. Take responsibility for everything. How am I doing this? How did I bring this upon myself? What is the message I am sending to myself in this? The truth is it's all you, so doing this brings you closer to the truth by taking you straight through the illusion being held about what you are.
  10. @Max_V you can meditate daily, excercise, purify your body of meat, sugar, all toxins, etc, you can treat everything as yourself, you can let go of all tension and strife, you can learn the truth until you have nowhere left to look for it, you can use psychedelics.....and then you can accept that you will never know. Then you can be.
  11. @Lauritz there's no being right. You have to go there. ANy words about it are perceived as coming from someone else.
  12. @Franz Thanks. I would write more but I'm just writing to myself, and on the level of communicating it to any "other", there is no way. I would only evoke more thinking. The only thing to say is do it. Or don't. It's all good.
  13. @pluto I did 5g shrooms dried before and it was fantastic. I did 8g's of tea last Friday and I'm typing to myself right now.
  14. @Franz Thanks. My experience might be relevant. I did 1 or 2 g maybe 15 times over a lot of years...lots of laughs, insights, understandings. Then 3g, DEEP awesome insights & more well being feeling. Then 8g and the breakthrough happened. I know people have bad trips. I never have. I think the meditation & eating & letting everything go and other healthy habits make for the right internal setting or foundation. Also the 8g was the only time I made tea instead of grinding them up. Leo is right about aiming for purity in what you're taking. When people say there is a big difference in shrooms depending on the dose amount & purity, that's a huge understatement made to be understandable to someone who hasn't had the breakthrough yet. In'll see. It's all awesome. All IS well.
  15. @Dodo I can't expect you to understand the context in which I expressed what I did. don't believe me. I'm a fool. I don't know anything. I am talking to myself.
  16. @Franz I suggest there's a limited number of avenues left for you to pursue the final breakthrough. You're already eating vegan and have tried shrooms. Assuming you meditate daily. Perhaps there is an event in your past that you may have let become a little too much identified with. Or, maybe you have not done a high enough dose of shrooms. Or, there is too much ground left to cover for you in terms of looking for the truth.
  17. "Not showing kindness" lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Random strangers are saying I love you to you. How are you missing the kindness? It's really one heck of an analogy, you know?
  18. @Dodo not overlooking, you're not there yet. Where you are is perfect. Keep on keepin on the way you are. Look for the truth until in complete and udder crushingly humbled exhaustion, being absolutely honest with yourself, you admit there is no truth and give up. Then it's a waiting game, but you will see.
  19. @Mondsee simply exit the semantic level. Meditation until non thinking = without thinking perpetuating the illusion you are what you actually are and you'll be laughing for a few days because it will also seem so unfathomably hilarious.