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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Surfingthewave I agree with you, but I’m saying for as long as feeling is misinterpreted one is stuck. To say that there is a sense of a separate self as opposed to the thought of and discord therein is misinformation. This is just an opinion of course. Misery loves company applies to all emotions. The whole lens of reality is skewed by that misinterpretation. Everything seen and heard is skewed by that misinterpretation. The left hand can’t see what the right hand is doing. The intention is to break free from the ego, while the behavior is the defense of the very opposite. Because of that misinterpretation.
  2. The manual is meditation, and the emotions are the compass. Sometimes this is actually learned most deeply by not using them at all. Sometimes we end up home by looking under every rock. We try putting everything in, to let everything out.
  3. @Raptorsin7 Your preferences are only your business. Privatized by default. You don’t have to feel bad about them, or worry about anybody else’s. That’s their business. Expression (like you are) is the key. Parts catch up with the whole that way. We can’t make a home for shame and discrimination. We each have to do the work so to speak, of letting it go. We’ll never shame and discriminate enough to whipe out shame and discrimination. When we express though, we empty a bit, and are filled by source a bit. It’s the pinnacle of experience imo. The very, very edge. We are all free to make room. Express like your enlightenment depends on it! Build trust with the universe by bringing attention away from thought narratives, and to direct experience. The more you do, the more you see that it is good. Feel the relief in humility, in the recognition of not knowing. We don’t know what’s really going on somewhere we’re not. We don’t know how many people stop judging tonight, or tomorrow. We don’t know what we might let go of ourselves. And again, we only know each other’s preferences if we share them. They all arise of the same source. It’s a very beautiful thing. We are all free to bring into focus, what we do want. We are all free to let things go. Go to that part of you until there is no part. Express whatever arises. Whatever you give your attention to in this way is bettered by default of the nature of your attention. It’s a legit superpower. Not the kind awakening gets us, but the kind that wakes us up.
  4. @Raptorsin7 Are you concerned perhaps that if you express your preferences you will be judged, un-accepted, or that you might judge yourself so to speak? Seems like you kinda of want them to feel bad for expressing their preferences.
  5. Definition of ism: 1: a distinctive doctrine, cause, or theory 2: an oppressive and especially discriminatory attitude or belief
  6. Thought can not resolve thought, believing you are separate can not resolve believing you are separate, killing can not resolve killing. Like all of us, you’re free to directly experience. @billiesimon Iknowright?! Are we dining at the Taco Bell of spirituality?
  7. @Virtus My man you are dealing with pride, arrogance, thought attachment, and aversion of feeling via self image and self referential pressure thinking. There is a belief you will feel better when you are your vision of a successful athlete, and that belief is used to suppress what you are feeling now. I am saying what I’m saying here in an intention of helping, that you might consider what’s being said, not to offend you in anyway. Just as a reference to reveal a glimpse of beliefs, repeating thoughts, being the epicenter of this suffering… wether or not you eat fast food or play sports has literally no significance at all. If that gives any impression that I am being cold, allow that thought and feeling experience to come and go and then look again. The hope here is that you realize the beliefs you’re holding. That you get what’s really going on with this suffering of not being able to break the cycle is thought attachment. To continue to think about food and what to do about it, as you are discovering, does not create any change. But change can be effortlessly created.
  8. What? What’s the rest of the sentence or writing?
  9. @PepperBlossoms Do you have a creative outlet? That is the most significant path factor. Not instead of therapy or psychedelics, but it’s far more significant. I would go so far as to say the real deal, as it is no more thoughts, talking, and analyzing. I don’t mean that personally towards you, that’s just in large part the majority of most peoples’ activity. It’s like regurgitating versus actually creating. Another way to point, it’s the actual development of talent, as compared to thinking, talking or analyzing “it”. With narcissism the thought activity is primarily doing and saying for how one might be seen, where as creating is for the experience.
  10. @Surfingthewave It does sound easy, and it sure is effortless, but the misunderstanding of that “sense” is unsurpassable. Misinformation can actually be comforting for birds of a feather.
  11. @Terell Kirby You had me with the title, right in the feels you sob. Reminded me of a day I spent in a kindergarten class. For the art portion, it was draw an animal you would like to be, and write why below it. They were all great, but one girl drew a snail in a big shell with a big happy smile, and below it said “because I will always be home”. Then there was this one kid who drew a person and wrote the word why below it. Kid looked just like me too, it was uncanny. But that’s probably for a different subsection.
  12. @mamad It seems like a discrepancy in status, but it’s pride, and really that’s just jealousy. When you equate attraction to survival, I suggest considering what you really mean is survival of ego, identity, self image, ambition, etc. In my estimation what you really want is her, however she is, and for you to make more money. In this specific case I would like to bet you one million dollars, that learning, understanding and using the emotional scale is very literally worth millions of dollars to you. Have your people call my people.
  13. Nothing exists, or nothing and also an observer or measurer?
  14. @Tyler Durden Well, apparently it means we need to nail up the next guy because we still ain’t getting it. I don’t know how we determine who that next guy is though.
  15. This understandably sounds like some zen bs in a certain way, but really consider this happens at light speed. Sidenote, to make great great new sense of all your psychedelic experiences, remove that “during shrooms” part. One way to point, any discernments, distinctions, or properties assigned to the psychedelic is actually projection. It’s like taking a teaching but missing it by believing it’s about the psychedelic. To ’embody’ instead of deflect, I’m guessing there are some things you are not comfortable with, specifically like feedback. Analogously, any guitarist knows when there is the experience of feedback blaming the amplifier does not help. Actually, every single person in the crowd is aware of this.
  16. Perfect. Thoughts arise; I am having. Thoughts arise; me, I, mine. Thoughts arise; one. Thoughts arise; we. Thoughts arise; problem.
  17. Do what you will of course, but I would try psychotherapy. Psychedelics don’t quite work the way you believe they do. Psychotherapy is a specific therapy, and is tailored to what you’re describing. It can help with seeing that you are ‘holding on’, not this other thing, the ego. It’s essentially the unwinding of thought attachment, namely the thoughts that you need the substance or the therapy. Probably sounds like nothing is being said here, and “zen”, or “vague”, but the distinction is letting ‘something’ (belief isn’t really a thing per se) go, and not believing the thought about needing something, and then seeking that something. Find specifically, a psychotherapist not experiencing thought attachment. Not that you need to, and this is not meant in any personal way. Wish you the best, much love!
  18. Try to think of it as straightforward, obvious and simple, and entirely already within your control, as apposed to some ‘thing’ sort of ‘still out there’ which you don’t ‘understand yet’. Believing (and expressing) that there is something needed (understanding) is how you veil yourself from the truth (yourself). Nothing’s hidden, nothing needs to be understood. It’s only a matter of letting go of the beliefs you already have. The really tricky aspect is now there is the internet, where people suffering from thought attachment can now convincingly sell their belief that you need to understand, what they have attached to and identified with, and believe they are ‘understanding’. (They have to first believe they have something to sell, or of course realize they don’t but lie) The issue is magnified by firmly believing they ‘know’ or ‘understand’ something you don’t. It’s like saying ‘you’re parents are at the hospital and told me to pick you up from school’. That isn’t true, but the kid will believe it if it’s said with conviction, as if an authority. The kid will basically think, oh well shit I guess I need to follow them. (Which is thought activity).
  19. True means not false, false means not true. Unless you can’t read English. Then there is no memory of any meaning arising, nor a meaning of memory. Looplessness.
  20. This is like when the lights come on at the end of a rave.
  21. Ego will always condone ego, intelligence will never harm itself, physically, mentally, or emotionally. In the same way one might experience a fragmented finite mind, and the only solution is therefore unification… the only way for a society experiencing ostracism is unity. For as long as we ostracize we remain fragmented. And of course the truth is that we actually don’t. It’s only a facade. Like, all of it. There really is nothing you can do that can’t be done.