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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @fopylo It’s never hard to let go, it is decontraction. What’s hard, is the holding on. @mandyjw That’s. Fucking. Awesome.
  2. Thought attachment is a tricky, tricky situation. How is this known while simultaneously said to be occurring unconsciously? You are literally saying there is no consciousness of this at all, and yet it is controlling every part of our being, which is, consciousness. Similarly, how can consciousness ‘become so conscious’? Wouldn’t it first need to actually be known that a you can become conscious / more conscious? Isn’t ‘our own being’, by definition, already therefore by default not the apparent limitation of individual bodies? Isn’t human form already a thought, in accordance with direct experience? As a consession, yes this is not only possible it is like creating your own reality - it is simply activity and expression, without thought attachment to the contrary, and is already the actuality. Control is realized in the relinquishing of the conditioning, or belief, in control. Relinquishing thought attachment, conditioning, and the believing of self referential thought is not ‘woo woo’, or “spiritual concepts”. Everything else is. Adding self conceptualization is adding more conditioning, more suffering. It’s ALL aversion.
  3. @EmptyVase Maybe you are sort of believing you can think meditation. Trying to bring meditation ‘into the thoughts’, trying to compare it, etc. Might be time to realize this is meditation, in the same way there is no one to speak of inspiration, who has a phone, who experiences a ‘morning’, who knows what ‘force’ is, who is lazy, who is conditioned, etc. Might be trying to bring ambition to meditation, like it’ll get a you somewhere…?
  4. Nothing. If you’re inspired to do anything else, do anything else.
  5. @fopylo What perspective doesn’t feel that way? What perspective feels good?
  6. No. What is it to you so to speak? To me, unconscious isn’t actual. As in, never actually experienced it and it seems only conceptual. To me it seems like a cover up, a way to blame and project the discord of my perspective onto an abstraction, a concept, which doesn’t exist. I suggest understanding the emotions you’re experiencing, rather than focusing on concepts & abstractions. But honestly maybe it’s something altogether different in your experience, idk. Slavery (in your usage of the word here) is conditioning. Many people, myself included, got jobs which provided personal independence etc, without ever thinking of it as slavery. Total opposite ime, it was opportunity, which unfolded to better and better opportunities. It actually feels great to do honest work. Freedom. Started several business with what was learned from working at the initial jobs. But thinking you’re entering slavery does not feel good, because it is discordant. Or, it’s the discord which does not feel good. Paints slavery onto freedom. In choosing feeling good, one would choose a different outlook / perspective. Perhaps the thing that would be naturally most helpful and exciting has be recontextualized as slavery, and you are feeling the discord of the perspective, but believing it’s true and believing you’re in that situation, and the situation is asserting bad feeling upon you. You’d have to consider the arrogance of knowing, not in a personal way, but in the sense, we don’t actually know what an experience is like until, we experience it. Might turn out to be a bridge or gateway in a sense, to everything you might be wanting. More esteem, confidence, friends, know how, significant others, fun times, developing skills, independence, more opportunities, etc. (As examples of what someone might be wanting). I didn’t say you were responsible for anything, just that how you feel is more important than what you think. Responsibility is likely another perspective which is discordant for you. I’d consider your response ability to such perspectives. We are all always free to reach for a better feeling thought, and it is that alignment, that feeling better which matters most. Honor what you want in an honest manor. If you want an ideal combination of time & money, you can have it. Focus on what you want, that which feels good to you. Blame is an emotion. Try the emotional scale. It works. If you do, take note sadness and depression are not on the scale, because these are not emotions, as these are similarly (to what you’ve shared) self referential conceptualizing. Conditioning isn’t resolved by adding conditioning. Only by letting it go.
  7. @Tobia I don’t think it’s over simplifying to say, all ya have to do is not watch it. “Fact checker”. For AT&T maybe.
  8. @HypnoticMagician God is unconditional thus not allowing or disallowing. Karma is all the barfing of ambition, pride, manipulation, greed, etc, etc, etc we’ll all do so we don’t pass the conditioning on to the kids, which are God, which is why justice thinking does not work / perpetuates the same conditioning and karma. It’s a denial of innocence, The Truth. Imo we don’t need to create a unified non discriminating religion, as we are already all humans, and there isn’t an other. Just, us. For comparison if interested… Immutable Law of Cause & Effect
  9. You are projecting apparent finite aspects of emotions and the finite mind onto infinite mind, which really is infinite, and thus does not have any thing to understand or not, or be patient or impatient about or towards. It’s helpful to think of these as conditional, and God being unconditional, with even the word God being a condition as it implies other. Not necessarily, but it seems to be at play in this case. Understand emotions, and thought attachment via thoughts like ‘my mind’, and infinite mind will be realized, by not-other. Love is indeed without limit (conditions). You would probably realize some clarity in researching & understanding indoctrination & conjecture, and that contradiction is a thought, not contradiction.
  10. Not only is this possible, without the conjecture it is readily felt to be already actual. The ‘you’ which is ‘in’ a state is just a thought and not you. When this is missed, a belief arises that there is better feeling, in ‘the better state’. There is an illusion of thought such that there is this state which you’re in, and that state you are desiring to be in… because that’s the ‘higher’ or ‘better feeling state’. This is illusory because the comparison is not to any actual thing, as in, there is the thought there is the comparison of states, but when you actually look for or attempt to define the states, it is readily seen there aren’t any. This is the hamster wheel of ‘state chasing’. That better feeling can not actually ever be experienced, because the belief hijacks the fact that feeling is already present and already good. Likewise, consider, obviously you do want a girlfriend. Scrutinize why though. Is it because you belief you’re feel better once in that state, or situation. Or is it for the experience of a relationship, spending time together, etc. Seeking someone with the expectation you will feel better objectifies them and this is like a backwards magnet. It doesn’t attract. No one wants to be someone else’s object. A thing which is seen as serving someone else’s happiness. Notice how these ways of thinking result in statements like “I don’t want to feel this way’, and, ‘I want to be a person of confidence and not regret and shame’. Do you really believe confidence, regret and shame are descriptive of people… vs what people experience? Is there regret guy, shame lady, and confidence man? Obviously these describe a person’s experience, and not the person. This is the value of the emotional scale. It’s about emotions we all experience, and understanding them. It’s not about you, but about what you are experiencing. Notice depression, states, sadness & despair are not on the scale. This is because they are self referential conceptualizations, not emotions. This is the heart of the confusion and the suffering. The more this is understood, the more it is seen the emotions are relaying guidance in regard to what thoughts you focus on, and what thoughts you let go. You are already the man who doesn’t need to prove anything. That’s pride of self image. Just, thoughts which are in discord with truth, with you. It’s putting what you think other people think about you - above how you yourself feel. When you put how you feel above anything you think, momentum builds and you experience the emotions higher on the scale, and this is like flipping the attraction magnet in the attracting direction.
  11. Why is it said that ‘the devil is in hell’? What does conditioning and judgement have to do with this if anything. Thank you.
  12. ? There’s no “it”. However you are is perfect. There is no ego behind a need to be parallel, and there is no need to be parallel. It’s what’s already the case. You might say we are all God’s children, or we are all the same awareness or consciousness, or that we all share that there is experience. When self referential thoughts are believed, that doesn’t seem to be the case, because in believing thoughts there seems to be a ‘separate self’. That would be ‘the ego’, which is only an illusion of believing the thoughts. The believing of said thoughts is commonly referred to as ‘thought attachment’, which is suffering because it is what is not illusory identifying with what is illusory. One believes one ‘has knowledge’, and then egoic defensive mechanisms of deflection and projection dictate attitude, behavior and actions. This ‘slips under the radar’ because of the nature of beliefs, and this is what is pointed to with ‘the devil being in hell’ (suffering).
  13. How you feel is more important than what you think. Prove me wrong.
  14. As you said, these are ideas. The world is a rainbow. Meditatively let thought activity of us & them go. There aren’t materialists, materialism is a belief, an ism. Be mindful not to impose a ‘point’ on experience, communication, togetherness, etc. It is in & of itself the ‘point’. It’s definitely ok to enjoy all aspects of experience. Watch out for the higher thans / above others thoughts (arrogance of knowing) & humble brags (pride of knowledge), and be mindful it is not knowledge which is suffering, only the illusion of having it. The devil consists of such thoughts, as the devil is the angel which refuses to be parallel with mankind. It’s preference. I’d make a dreamboard. After expressing much of what you desire to create & experience, people seem to change in context. It is as if they are angels, coming right out of the woodwork to help. Looks like ordinary texts, emails, phone calls, random bumping into someone, etc. Be mindful in these events of what is on your dreamboard, and of angels. Also be mindful everyone has a dream within them, and notice your own conscious angelry.
  15. @WokeBloke See if a separation can be found between what is seen, the seeing, the knowing of the seeing, and the awareness of. Inspect until no question remains. Words, as communication, label but never define. So there’s no suggestion there are these separate things, only the invitation to inspect rather than conceptualize.
  16. @fopylo ?? Conditions are movie stuff. When conditions are let go there is contentment with now as is. Without thinking of yourself, without comparing, etc.
  17. That’s the other component of the model, thought.
  18. Sensation refers to feeling. Perception refers to seeing, hearing, etc.
  19. There is. I’d consider the distinction between constructed as in thought, or via finite mind, and appearance which can’t be thought. An example would be sexuality is a constructed concept, but the appearance sexuality is prior to self and other.
  20. Replace loneliness time with developing a talent with what you love time and you’ll turn what is troublesome into what is the greatest of experience. We all become an icing on that cake. What arises is curative, not some thing to be cured. Ego isn’t a thing one is and no longer be’s, but is the thought activity in & of itself, that one is separate (an ego). The connotations clear out by popping in a different word, like frog. ‘I’m a frog right now’.
  21. @Zeroguy
  22. @Surfingthewave What’s already there is suffering. Connotation can’t be projected, but the thought can be believed. (That it can).