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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. Which particular part of what you shared sounds cool? Seems a little conflicting.
  2. A creative, expressive, gift/talent/skill developing interest / activity. ‘Deal with’ really does morph into absolutely loving alone. Less tug of war… more best of ‘both worlds’. ? Infinite love for you sir! ‘Bad trips’ are Good, hang in there! Btw, you won’t get nothin from me, but this apparent self is an expert of understanding, integration & embodiment, and available pretty much 24/7. What might seem horrific to one is the ordinary work this self does everyday.
  3. @SLuxy Direct experience is king… try one pattern one day and the other the next, see how it is. Have a great retreat ??
  4. @Tudo Aww. You’re not a random progressive nonsense cliche at all.
  5. Let controlling go, understand what an assumption is.
  6. I need a mansion, a few million dollars, at least a dozen Playboy bunnies, my own island, and an endless supply of 5meo, and for basically everyone to just get this and comply already. Not getting any younger here people.
  7. Not suppressing feeling & intuition.
  8. One path could be listening to videos, teachers, reading books, taking reiki or similar classes, understanding & learning about the chakras, science, quantum mechanics, physics, metaphysics, theories, concepts, the spheres, exploring substances and adopting the practices to learn to allow the mind to quiet via focusing on feeling breathing from the stomach, self inquiry, etc. Another path could be recognizing a thought is a thought, and playing guitar or piano, singing & creating music and songs.
  9. @Hap E-Boi SD’s doesn’t carry over into identity, there is (was) no enlightened Krishnamurti, that’s God without self referential thought. @Carl-Richard Yellow is inward oriented, turquoise is the outward sharing of all which was realized in yellow.
  10. Inspecting direct experience. As an example, you say I’m not there yet. There are the thoughts, here and there, but this duality does not carry over into direct experience. Likewise, and more relevant, ‘gather courage and risk being rejected’. There are the thoughts, accepted and rejected, but this does not carry over to direct experience.
  11. By perception, I mean seeing, hearing, tasting, touch, etc. By thought isn’t perceived, I mean there is no experience of seeing thought, hearing thought, tasting thought, touching thought, etc.
  12. @somegirl Two great things to be honest about; what you want, and that you don’t experience anyone else’s thoughts. Thoughts about other peoples’ thoughts are ‘your’ thoughts, about other people’s thoughts… not other people’s thoughts. The relevance of this is the acknowledgement & understanding of how you create the emotion of doubt, which is then of course the liberation from recreating the same experience over & over, aka, (instead) experiencing what you actually want. This liberates, as in reveals expectations held upon others, are actually one’s own emotion & expression suppression. This also liberates beauty. In honesty, no one is anything you’re thinkin. Every one is an ineffable, unthinkable, unbelievable miracle, and you are a creator much more so than is seen, much more so than can be seen through the facade of believing you know, what anyone else, thinks. Needing someone else to be or do something, so you can proceed in the receiving of what you desire, is thoughts, and is not, need. It’s conditioning. It’s learned. It’s let go, unlearned / it is realized it was believed, not known. It’s not a mystery in this regard, you feel bubbles of belief. Liberate of the belief in a thinker of thoughts, if you will. The more beliefs relinquished, the more simple experience is, the more everything then in fact does “magically” work out for you. It already is, but the belief you know what someone’s thinking, and the self referential thoughts, cloud. In this simplicity it actually does sound as simple as ‘hey, you interested in hanging out?’. There is the experience of acceptance and or rejection, there is no separate self which is accepted or rejected.
  13. @BipolarGrowth Those are thoughts of nothing, which is precisely what’s experienced, and precisely what’s emptied. The one ‘having awakenings’, ‘J 5’s etc’, is not, by admittance & definition, awake. Yet is none the less ‘teaching awakening’. It’s really just dishonestly tricking people. Manipulation is learned, it’s conditioning, it’s emptied not utilized ambitiously for spirituality, to ‘be awake’ / ‘have awakenings’. It’s not about convincing yourself you are something, or convincing others ‘how awake you are’, it’s about actually being wakefulness. But don’t take my word for it of course. The relinquishment of thought attachment must come first, otherwise all the teaching is, is thought attachment, and all ‘the teacher’ is actually, is thoughts, thus the teaching is actually that of the very separate self that one looks toward ‘the teachings’ for, to liberate of. Try to think of what could be more misleading to see what’s being said. When at a loss to, one’s getting it, so to speak.
  14. In the matrix, there is coincidence, luck, randomness, thinking, and awakening(s).
  15. Meditation sounds like it’s going perfect. Now make a dream board, and acknowledge & understand doubt is an emotion. ?? Don’t attempt to do what’s on your board. Receive it. Allow it. Enjoy it.
  16. Thought isn’t perceived, ‘human self’ is a thought.
  17. @Someone here Write what you want on the dreamboard. (Vs thinking / what if scenarios).
  18. @Zakaria You must be a powerful attractor, and you must really want these notes, as someone else is already doing it (for you). Impressive man. Can’t wait to see what you want now.
  19. You can’t be in nihilism or solipsism because these are beliefs you are aware of (isms). If anything, clearly you are outside, or prior to, beliefs. If you told someone else these are not beliefs, but are true, they too are prior to this and thus it is up to them to suppress the discord and also believe what you’ve shared, or not to. Likewise ‘I’m extremely stubborn’ is only a thought. It’s believability, or not, is up to that which is prior. In the latter there are no cycles. Everything is working out for you. Thoughts which arise to the contrary arise in the much bigger picture if you will, of that everything is actually working out for you. The adventure is looking for htf that’s even possible, let alone true. When it is discovered this is true, it is not the result of positive, woo woo, or wishful thinking. It is found and realized to actually be true.
  20. @Raphael What is personal development? (Then how would you want it organized)