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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. Ineffable wakefulness. No. It’s not a matter of identified, it’s ‘silence’. There’s no thoughts or voice happening to identify with. Cessation occurred many years ago, prior to any psychedelics, and now it’s clear how & why. If you’d like to talk, my website’s below. That’s maybe the third time mentioning that, and I appreciate your unique sharing here. One wouldn’t necessarily think a simple face to face conversation could bring about what it does, but you haven’t experienced it either. Just advice, but, listen to what people are saying about transmission, shaktipah, whatever you’d like to call it. Doesn’t matter. It’s actual. While it could have a certain ring to it, what might seem impossible, or big, or complicated, is the ordinary day to day work I’m doing if you will. Much love, and thanks for the great share.
  2. @Gesundheit2 It’s an assumption that there are assumptions.
  3. Meditation to increase baseline consciousness is sort of a self fulling prophecy in the sense the practice is undermined before it is even experienced. I’d let expectations upon meditation go. I’d start with 20 minutes every morning. Then, from the direct experience, you’ll know. Never force it or push through, always express instead. With a few days or weeks of 20 minutes, you’ll likely have some expression to do, or the natural inclination to extend the duration. Frequency is king, duration can vary. There is ‘depth’ (ineffable) to longer sits as well, so I’d also look to experience anywhere from an hour to maybe six hours.
  4. If you want to get laid, omit information like that. If you want to attract a partner with intentions of depth and longevity, don’t hold the expectation of seriousness, to be taken seriously. No one’s looking for a serious long term partner. There’s enough in this world to make her believe in serious already.
  5. Force betters a society like fate betters conscious creation.
  6. Douchery helps us with alignment like communism helps us with Chernobyl and Corona virus.
  7. From where levels come, do the believers therein go. The eagle does not know birds of a feather, nor anxiety. Ya believe in levels, ya feel the discord.
  8. These are perfectly aligned words. ? ? What a joy. I’d add, if it’s from psychedelics, by definition it is not awakening or enlightenment. But like all things, thought makes it so, and any teachings therein, are from the separate self, or, thought attachment.
  9. @EmptyVase The vibration of contentment is the vibration of having let all conditions go. ‘Not fast enough’ is a condition, impatience says focus on the getting ready. That, will not be better than This. (Not two). I am a space. In me can be this or that. But never the two shall meet.
  10. These are the words of a wiseman who has endured much, and thus knows much from direct experience. These are the words of the separate self, which knows not the experience it speaks of, only of possessing things. The belief in self deception, is the belief in self deception. It is a straw man. Do you see it? These are the words of fear’s lawyer.
  11. @EmptyVase Great contemplating, excellent understanding of emotions. This is going more into the subtle now. If the thought of it not manifesting results in disappointment/impatience, this is a most subtle emotional guidance in relation to being ‘in time’. When the thought arises and results in contentment, there is no thought activity of a you in time. “To feel good about something even though it doesn’t come into your experience” also points at a hint of meat left on the jealousy bone. There are many, many things I desire to have, be and experience. More than there is time for in this life, so to speak. This for me is probably the greatest joy as I witness all of these things being enjoyed. Expectation does not reveal which way reality will go. Expectation plugged in, is not knowing at all. Not knowing at all is the heart of the thrill of life, richer & sweeter than any individuated experience held apart, and above.
  12. @HypnoticMagician Judgement isn’t per se ‘stopped’, it’s let go. It’s seen as conditioning when expressed (let go). The repression is of the judgement of sexuality. Albeit mental, mutilation & manipulation are far from transmutation. Transmuted, sexuality would neither be mine, nor of any power. It would be clear it never was.
  13. When emotion is bypassed & meditation & shadow work are skipped, one’s thought attachment becomes one’s teaching so to speak, one’s views & ‘understanding’, without one noticing the harm this is potentially doing. This is very common with a psychedelic glimpse and youth-ambition-spirituality. Or of course one does notice this, but doesn’t care, because of what they’re getting out of it, or what they believe they will get out of it. Which would be a valuation, the thought attachment of “value”, which in actuality is the valuing of, the ‘separate self’. In regard to thought attachment and future trips, this has created a pickle I would not wish upon anyone.
  14. @Gabith How you feel isn’t related to what others think. That’d be about how they feel. How you feel is related to what you think. When what you think is discordant, you can inspect that and understand the emotions you’re experiencing. When people don’t do this, they manipulate, or, utilize other people, to feel better… because they deny how they feel is related to what they’re thinkin. The most popular way to go about this, is to experience thoughts now, about a my past… but to believe the experience is not of thoughts, but of an actual self in an actual past. (Popular as in common, not as in desirable, logical, or sensible). People typically do this until they get tired of how it feels, and express blame using the scale.
  15. It might be clarifying in terms of singular or plural, to swap “wants” with “desire”. Then it can be more readily seen there is no direct experience of a pluralization of ‘desires’, but rather of the thoughts of a multitude of things, desired. It manifests.
  16. @Pateedm ?? Are these a vibrational match; ‘feeling good about what is wanted’… and ‘something went wrong’? How do expectations not being met in a timely fashion fit into that? What emotion arises when said desired thing or experience arises in thought? And also when expectations are not met? Allow the departure of thoughts about what other’s think, or about what you should or must do… and write what you actually desire to have, be, do, and experience in this lifetime. If & when thoughts arise, implying a shortage or lack of consciousness, look at the emotional scale, pick which emotion is experienced, and express each emotion upwardly on the scale.
  17. Your welcome. Has it been noticed yet there aren’t two of you (you & the ego), that there is only the thoughts about there being two of you? Has “the one” (ego) these thoughts on this thread are about ever been seen or heard? Can it be understood meditation is a break from this thought activity, or thought story, narration, about how there’s “two of you”? Can it also be recognized ‘not fighting & resisting’ is the fighting and resisting, as in, is the very thought activity, which is the story, that there even is or could be, ‘this other you’ or ‘other thing’ which… currently “you” ‘are fighting’… and thus are asking “how to not fight”? Can it be humbly recognized “the ego” isn’t even your concept so to speak, as in, this thought story didn’t even originate from you. Is it readily recognized, it was learned? Similarly, terror, scared, death, states of consciousness, etc. Is it acknowledged honestly this was all learned (conjecture)?
  18. @Fearless_Bum Yes, I hear that. I mean more like contemplative realizations, which yes, are experiential. Stuff like, a while back when it really hit me, the power of letting a thought go, and that thoughts are things, to the extent anything else is a thing, but no more or less either. I wondered… where do the thoughts go, which are let go? And then that was realized. Experience, yes, but like contemplating where the car keys are, and then it hit’s ya, and sure enough, that is where they are - exactly where and how “I” left em. (Duh)
  19. @Javfly33 Great reinterpretation. Hell yeah. Got the kids for free too. Gonna start a Youtube channel now. Thanks!!
  20. @OneHandClap So funny had to share it… your comment reminded me of my first date with my wife, which was also at a coffee shop. Picked her up at her place, forgot my phone there (which is also my wallet), didn’t realize until attempting to pay at the coffee place… and so she paid for it. Lol. @StarStruck Forget what I said, I know nothing.
  21. @Zeroguy Iknowright!? It’s like from this… ? ♥️ to this… ? ♥️ This ain’t the rehearsal folks!
  22. Yep. Scam is bit harsh though imo. Sometimes it’s deception, but most often it’s thought attachment, and actually beliving what’s being said.
  23. @PepperBlossoms (Two cents) Keep in that direction (if interested), you’re right on the money. Again, two cents here, but the ‘everything is allowed’ isn’t applicable. When an apple is dropped, it goes down and not left right or up. It’s a miracle indeed, but also understandable from (so to speak) the bottom to the top. If ‘you’re imagining it’ is true for one, great. If it isn’t, and there is great curiosity and willingness, ‘it’, this appearance and the true nature, can all actually be understood, and there are some ‘nopes’ and some ‘yeps’ along the way which click, and it does all ‘fit together’ if you will. @Fearless_Bum Not meant personally at all, but you kinda gotta add ‘for me’ to where you’re coming from there (imo). Everything about reality, gravity, anti-gravity, etc, etc can be realized and understood. It’s like knowing what you’re doing, but not knowing what isn’t a doing, or how it is you are being this.