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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. Yeah. Stayin in the woods for three months here really drives home the whole “man has no place to lay his head” factor. Got a plastic eagle hanging in the front to detour bats, a plastic hawk in the back that detours moles and groundhogs, lavandula to attract the butterflies, etc, etc. It really is wild. It’s a damage control game, never actually fitting in.
  2. If you’re inquiry is to this sub section more than the forum, it’s because thought attachment is ignored at the advising end. As an example, there is no toxicity in perception, only in projection. So it’s a matter of thought attachment & purification (aka ‘shadow work’), and not of fragmenting reality & dividing the population in one’s own lens to accommodate one’s own toxicity. In projecting unchecked toxicity with authority & confidence a ‘group think’ / ‘echo chamber’ is created, which is what conditioning in large part, is. If you haven’t noticed that isn’t panning out in the world. In missing this, one inadvertently advises emotional suppression & conditioning, through advising the manipulation of other people to satisfy one’s own sexual urges and uphold one’s own false identity & self image. It is learning conditioning from the conditioned mind, manipulation from the manipulated mind, self referential narratives from the self referential mind, the blind leading the blind so to speak. I recall, when I first saw this section it turned my stomach. I wondered, how are people actually doing this and somehow digesting this? Why in the world wouldn’t someone take the time to ‘do the work’? But I am crazy, apparently.
  3. @SQAAD Interpretation can be convincing, indeed.
  4. Studying different perspectives & info like you are is ideal imo. In regard more so to trips, I would be careful about info, expectations, anticipating anything specific, models, explanations, etc carrying over trips. I’d trip only for the experience of it. I wouldn’t think of tripping as having anything to do with anything you’ve heard at all. Then you’re naturally present, curious, interested, and can focus more on breathing from the stomach, relaxing, and any mood or mindsets like playfulness, fun, etc. Whatever you want. Get the info, but go about it your own unfettered way. Also, sorry if I missed it on the list… daily meditation is the most important factor. It’s the difference between the mind wandering into weird stuff and having a great time, swiftly, naturally letting go. The more that’s habitual, in the sense of breathing from the stomach, relaxing, etc, the better.
  5. ‘Mental activity’ would be a great example of the one thought at a time experienced. Notice there is no ‘mental activity’ anywhere to be seen, heard, touched, etc. It’s just one thought. Notice also, the self referenced, is also the one thought at a time. There is no ‘self’ anywhere to be seen, heard, touched, etc. That’s also just a thought. You can’t make yourself, or not make yourself do anything… you could maybe make Nahm do something, but not yourself, because you are yourself. There aren’t two of you. It may begin to sound like you would have to ‘realize no self’, or something similar. But, notice, all that’s being pointed out here is what’s already the actuality of your own direct experience. Thoughts are already arising. Some feel discordant and some feel aligned already. The only variable really is relaxing, letting thoughts come and go, and focusing on thoughts which are aligned. It’s not an intellectual undertaking, it’s simply noticing what is simple, actual, and true. Like when you were a kid. Focus isn’t an efforting. More significantly imo, the entirety of your experience is already a reflection of this. Of what thoughts you allow to come & go, and what thoughts you focus upon. This has been the case your entire life so to speak. All that’s being suggested here is casually, effortlessly, noticing this. There is no ‘separate self’, which is or could be ‘dependent on mental activity’. The separate self = mental activity, which is more literally, one thought at a time. I’d watch the videos from the first video, but this one, at about 12:40 has an illustrated explanation of this. It’s cheesy and not to be taken seriously and I hope you enjoy it.
  6. @john1 Probably the most fundamental aspects are considering if you want to receive income for hours worked (hourly), based on assumed average of annual hours worked (salary), or residually (not from hours or salary). Then, whichever you desire, millions of people already have done and are experiencing, so research. All of the details in regard to the specifics of what you prefer will arise from you and be readily seen on your dreamboard, and all of those dots will automatically connect as you see the board each day (after a night’s sleep) and as you fill in any ‘gaps’ from researching whatever is needed in terms of knowledge and steps. In understanding & using the emotional scale, you’ll create emotion rather than being held mentally captive to doubt, anger, etc, and you’ll enjoy the ride in passion, eagerness, excitement & joy. I’d also take Leo’s LP course, as that’ll help you to dig deep within yourself and provide a ton of insight.
  7. @Thorsten Fuzzi One thought at a time so to speak. And the only experience of thought, is of one thought at a time, now. So it’s actually way easier than what you’re probably hearing & believing. Some thoughts feel discordant, some aligned, and it’s a matter of understanding the emotions you are experiencing, and then of feeling the discord & alignment, & focusing accordingly. Inevitably… permanently, enlightened, brain, brain chemistry, and even I switch… are much more readily recognized as self referential thoughts, or, thought story about a separate self which could do, or be enlightened. Daily morning meditation, and creating a dreamboard makes this effortless.
  8. I agree. Very true in this experience also. However, I can’t say (ime) it’s related to ego-dissolution, embodiment or is integral.
  9. This thought feels terrible because it’s untrue. The thought “there’s only love all around and within” feels true because it’s actually accurate. If it doesn’t feel great, notice that would actually be because another thought, which is self referential (“about yourself”) arose… and that is the thought which feels discordant. You don’t know your parent’s direct experience. In openmindedness, they might have and do still, love you unconditionally. They might have some conditioning they could work on letting go of, just like you. Certain thoughts don’t resonate because of how off the content is in regard to the love you are. There is no direct experience of anyone else’s thoughts. That thought feels terrible. Because it’s so discordant / untrue. Not because it is true. Accepting or not accepting another or yourself is existential rumination, which is the result of aversion of feeling - and is not the result of actually feeling & understanding the emotions you are experiencing. Not only hard, but impossible, as unloveable and unappreciated aren’t even emotions you could be experiencing. They’re thoughts (rumination ‘ aversion of feeling). If what he just said resonates, as in feels great, resonates in an uplifting manor, awesome. Otherwise, I would definitely stop listening to him because he doesn’t actually understand what he’s talking about.
  10. @Mintberrycrunch If you’re interested, we could have a chat right now.
  11. But of course if there’s no spectrum of consciousness, there’s no death either.
  12. “Backsliding”…? “Ego backlash”…!? “Mindful suffering”…!?!? Some ideologies are ideologies. Probably all of them actually.
  13. I’ve never spent or saved the ‘extra’. Always reinvesting. (Other than a 3 - 6 month reserve for unforseeables)
  14. That is sort of a testimony, no offense I hope, as to what I suggested. You’re already under an impression there is a second source (might seem tediously semantical, but it isn’t) and that one could understand nonduality. That’s a big one so to speak, a colossal misnomer. You don’t want conjecture like that creeping into your foundation when you’re just getting started (IMO). I wouldn’t frame it up as letting go of sources. There is one source, and it is impossible to let it go. That might seem like a small point but imo it’s not at all. “Resourcing” or “multi-sourcing” is undermining of oneself but doesn’t initially readily seem so and makes equanimity harder down the path. I also wouldn’t frame as ‘study’. If you want to read someone’s book about their existential experiences, that’s great… but you’re not ‘studying’ it… they’re sharing experiences… and you’re interested in experiencing that sharing. ‘Studying’ (imo) is applicable to memorizing information for an exam, or similar situations. And direct experience isn’t reliable or unreliable, it’s simply direct experience. That, I would explore until there is not a single question remaining. Until you are so satisfied you’re bliss napping face down on the floor as an orgasmic pile of your infinite self. There isn’t really that line. Any studying is ‘in’ direct experience, or, is direct experience. Direct experience is not found in studying. Given those distinctions… and a great understanding of the emotional scale… I don’t really think you need a trip guide & facility. Advice wise, yes, absolutely, of course you should be safe and as conservative as possible, take every precaution possible, and utilize every resource available to you. Personally, I prefer a long weekend in a cabin in the woods alone. But, so to speak, my understanding of emotion is astute and crystal clear. You could think of that (if you will) as the actuality for what the belief ‘mental stability’ points to. Or maybe we are actually saying the same thing in that regard, idk.
  15. ?? You can also of course, focus on something. If you haven’t yet, try going for a walk, and effortlessly (not be any force) pick something way off in the distance in from of you, and visually maintain focus on it. You’ll notice thoughts arising, sensations like the feet on the ground etc, and just continue return full attention to that thing in front of you off in the distance. Thoughts might arise about how you need more focus, or should have more focus, etc. In simply noticing these are thoughts, you’ll begin to experience a certain delightful shift.
  16. @soos_mite_ah I agree with everything you said except having to be yellow, and listening to Leo’s videos on psychedelics. I think those are both misnomers which you’re better off not hearing, in terms of any connotational beliefs & misunderstandings you might pick up and ‘bring into’ your trips.
  17. Some content is good for threads, some is better suited for a journal. Good is of course undefinable, but some pointing might be, something which felt really great or brought much clarity about, which I want to share, that might make for a good thread. Maybe something you’ve been trying to let go of, or contemplating, and you feel stuck. That might be a good thread. General thoughts arising, which aren’t let go, which aren’t contemplative, might make for good journal entries.
  18. Your idea won’t create a universe. We can breathe underwater. It just requires suppression / submersion and a supplemental apparatus for the breath. Therefore this is ignorance, backed with pride of. Own justification, less you be owned by it. Truly it is only that war within that is seen without. There are no conditions within the universe.
  19. Your inquiry started with the assumption there is time, and that it is being denied or could be denied, buts it’s actually just a belief. That there isn’t time isn’t a matter of denial, proof, being right or even proven wrong or being convinced. It’s a matter of inspecting and thus seeing through and being without, the limiting belief.
  20. Wow! That’s one of the most misleading sales pitches I’ve ever seen. Virtually no one will see through a cleverness like that.
  21. @Fearless_Bum It’s like turning water into wine.
  22. @EntheogenTruthSeeker Discordant perspectives and behaviors are reaction, instead stop, focus on yourself instead of dad or anyone else, and give yourself the gift of kindness. If that seems to intangible, think of kindness as other than reactive.
  23. @BenG No, they’re just really into raisin awareness.