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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. Awesome share. So effortless, so easy in fact, there’s no master or mastery.
  2. Well hell yeah to that! “Dream until the dream come true”. ST
  3. @DocWatts I don’t disagree really, but compassion could also be seen as a default or the absence of conditioning or beliefs to the contrary. Natural, or the common sense, with care not to bypass any already repeating conditioning.
  4. The compartmentalizing is a coping strategy for the discord of the belief in obligations to other people. Compartmentalizing isn’t a need, one doesn’t have to. It’s an interpretation. Good judgement is an oxymoron. Discernment naturally arises of direct experience, and much more clearly for not judging people / individuals, comparative / divisive / self referential thinking. Just opinion, connotation, but I would say one can be kind in relationships with other individuals, but compassion is communion. Bit of an extreme pointing, but compassion isn’t delusional. One can feel & express compassion without othering.
  5. So much so that when the answer is yes it seems like someone else is answering. Yes. That’s how / why judgement of other as higher or lower consciousness veils only oneself from the truth. One doing so is missing one is objectifying oneself via the believing of the comparison, which isn’t grounded in any actuality.
  6. Karma refers to what you’ve created by your actions, not cravings experienced. That’s conditioning & thought attachment (identifying) and the justification of conditioning & thought attachment, by calling it karma. Relationships, life purpose, and artistry pursuit aren’t karma, it’s creation. The karma comes into play in relationship, purpose & pursuit in regard to aversion and conditioning, or, the how you go about relationships, purpose and pursuit. This would be good to recognize imo, before spending the next 10 - 15 years creating discordant karma by bypassing conditioning & thought attachment, and then having to address the effect it had in 10 - 15 years, with respect to karma. For reference if interested…
  7. Not really… I was more speaking to the thread topic. Higher & lower consciousness is judgement, and is the projection of one’s own inferiority (fear) onto others, when one is not ready to accept & love the aspects of oneself which are being suppressed, denied, justified, etc. As any teacher of spirituality would tell you, consciousness is infinite, and the materialist paradigm (which is thought attachment) is that consciousness is an aspect, product, property, etc, of a person, and thus seems like it could be higher or lower. So in the dad example, that ‘he was an asshole’ was me projecting onto him. Then I realized it was actually me that was the asshole, doing the judging, projecting, suppressing, and justifying the denial. When this was seen, it turned out he was actually a really, really great guy.
  8. For a hot minute a ways back my dad was an asshole. Then I realized I’m exactly like him. Who woulda thought. ?
  9. @sidaz10 Learn, understand, and be able to articulate (just for your own benefit / well being) precisely how psychedelics could / would / will / do help with trauma.
  10. After awakenings, or after using psychedelics? ‘Full enlightenment’, ‘self deception’, ‘survival’, ‘ego backlash’, ‘I fear’, ‘I fear’. Any of that actually resonate with you?
  11. That’s all it takes. Thought attachment. ‘There’, ‘future’, ‘I am here’, ‘I could get there’. To realize the answer to the inquiry is to realize that you starts all the wars, not God. God is suppressed by the thought attachment & believing therein of identity. Without that there’d be no wars. But I digress, ‘future master of war’.
  12. @Raptorsin7 What if there is, in any smallest or biggest picture, absolutely no point at all. But, thoughts are believed such that it seems like there is a point? That’d kinda be a ‘your’ point. And maybe a someone else has a ‘their’ point. And maybe these are different points, and maybe a they argues, and resents, and starts a war.
  13. @Raptorsin7 Are there really “assumptions” though? See any? Hear any? Or are thoughts arising, & being believed to define separate things?
  14. @Raptorsin7 Is myself / my self assumption or actual?
  15. Is people known or assumed / learned / believed? If here is here so to speak, is there knowing of the ‘there’ (past) or an assumption? Is real known or also assumed? Is form = real assumed?
  16. @Raptorsin7 Is enlightened people known or assumed?
  17. @caelanb More in the sense meaning arises at my end and at your end so to speak, and what can be conveyed and understood in an actual conversation can’t always be communicated in text / type / words on this forum.
  18. @Raptorsin7 Is it known or assumed that God knows and thus allows, war?
  19. Lol. My parents asked about this from me mentioning it in a video. Had a great convo about “drugs” vs psychedelics, what suffering is, the bond we feel, “unanswerable questions”, etc. Kids asked too, talked about the importance of educating oneself, discernment, meditation, yada.
  20. Love that! Couldn’t agree more. The key imo is realizing the projections, not recontextualizing to reinforce objectifying life’s teachings.