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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. There is nothing within the mind, and thoughts arise to the contrary, about one gaining results. The objectifying & illusory separation of one’s self is the confusion. One was already one prior to the thought attachment of will, intent, or any other ‘thing’, ideology or hypothetical philosophy. Overcome, what? There only seems to be that need to justify and rationalize, and any truth therein, when there is first the thought attachment and thus the objectifying or assumed separating of oneself. There are no separate selves which could, or do, have access to consciousness, that another separate self (you in this conjectured ideological case) doesn’t have. It only seems so in the believing of the thoughts. There is no separate self ‘burning desire’. This thought activity veils the actuality of the desire via emotional suppression, like a weight loss marketing campaign presents a problem and then itself so to speak, as the solution, rather than the ‘solution’ orientation being the recognition of the thought attachment, and the actual realization that there is no ‘problem’, which of course is the absence of the motive of eating for happiness.
  2. Yes, nice. It’s not even possible to ‘remind it to yourself’, but it can seem so in a ‘pushing through’ or ‘brute force’ approach / mentality / ideology. It’s the you telling yourself factor which adds a veiling & discordant ‘self’ reference confusion. Affirmations can certainly lift vibration, but can also be ‘hijacked’ by the finite mind via thought attachment in regard to the ‘separate self’ or ‘self image’, or ‘idea of a self’. To spot the difference notice the thought activity, or thoughts of, claiming & identifying. Note any me, my, mine of the finite mind which hijacks the very ‘substance’ of its own true nature, which is really what’s sought in the utilization of affirmation in the first place. In that sense, in regard to spirituality, awakening, enlightenment, or simply what is true & actual, claiming the intelligence would actually keep one asleep in ignorance. Fine line between a ladder & a crutch.
  3. Of course share your art! That sounds like someone’s else’s ‘art’. If you aren’t holding the judgment of higher / lower consciousness… that facade / illusion of “confidence” and the loopy emotional rollercoaster therein isn’t in experience at all. Likewise, with emotional understanding & without the ideology of self improvement, there is no arising of self referential thoughts about one who could or must improve. There is simply the intrinsic enjoyment of the artistry. As an artist, unhijack yourself. ??
  4. @goldpower123 Knowledge is only experiential, illusory, such as the knowledge of the separate self, it’s life & death, ‘over’ & ‘under’ worlds, etc. You might say death is just an empty cup, or, this.
  5. Materialism is a belief, Nonduality means not two. Materialism seems true if believed, Nonduality is true wether believed or not.
  6. Being yourself is never a problem. It’s always the best way to go. Address those thoughts about yourself. Nothing’s ‘wrong’ with you. Understand everyone experiences thoughts about themself which don’t feel good, because they aren’t true about themself. It’s called conditioning. Beliefs we picked up from others. Beliefs which didn’t feel good to them either btw, but they suppressed their emotional guidance. Don’t do that. We tryin to wake this place up, not suppress ourselves more. It’s actually really good that you’ve tried to be other than you are, like someone else or someone else’s ideal self image. It’s great because, as you mentioned, now you know from direct experience that it neither feels good nor does it actually help or work. That’s because you’re actually awesome, as you are, without ‘trying to be’ anything at all. If that sounds nuts, notice the beliefs to the contrary arising. They’re just beliefs. That’s why the way you’re attempting to go about this feels terrible. You’re trying to suppress those discordant thoughts / beliefs, rather than expressing how you feel and in doing so, understanding the emotions you are experiencing. To begin to express and understand is a long term approach. Whatever is suppressed only gets worse the longer it is suppressed. I think you’re directly experiencing that too. The sooner you let it out and understand emotions the better. It’s conditioning and we’re all in that together. Everyone experiences it. Not everyone takes the time to understand and thus be free of it. Do a little work on these beliefs about yourself & the emotions you’re experiencing. Be willing to be humble enough to consider that the issue you’re experiencing is that you don’t understand the emotions you’re experiencing. Certain thoughts about yourself don’t feel good, because they’re not true. With twenty minutes of daily morning meditation, you’ll experience less attachment to these discordant thoughts, and it feels really great to feel your true self, without the confusion of the beliefs. With using the emotional scale each day, just for ten minutes or so, you’ll really begin to realize for yourself that you’ve been experiencing emotions but believing they’re about you. They aren’t, they’re about the thoughts you’re thinkin - about you. And some of the thoughts you’re thinkin about yourself are just very untrue, and really just not good, and not very kind to yourself honestly. You learned these ways of thinking about yourself from others. It didn’t come from you. That’s how conditioning works. Suppression is learned, not natural. That’s why these thoughts don’t feel good. Because you are good exactly as you are now already. Clearly, you are not analytical or interested in a new self image, to mask & suppress the underlying discord. Again, it’s good that you’ve tried this to see for yourself what works and what doesn’t. A meditation tip… ‘letting it go’ is really letting the thought attachments go. It means no longer believing the ‘negative’ thoughts about yourself, which you learned in your childhood. No one can really ‘let go of thoughts’. But anyone can return attention to relaxing and feeling breathing from the stomach. That’s how one lets go of something. It feels great, and after just a few days you’ll have much more clarity in regard to these discordant thoughts and beliefs about yourself. You’ll see for yourself that it is the thought which doesn’t feel good - and not you - and thus you’ll realize that it is because they aren’t true - about you - and you’re good however you are. Relationship wise, some will prefer you as in feel chemistry and attraction, and some won’t. But you won’t feel uncomfortable or rejected, because you’ll understand this, and your emotions, and those discordant thoughts won’t even arise anymore. Trying to be someone or something you’re not obviously doesn’t feel good to you.. and so it should come as no surprise to you that this doesn’t feel good for anyone else either, when they do it. Everyone, just like you, just wants to feel comfortable and relaxed, having fun & enjoying life, just being themself. With a little meditation each morning and a little understanding your experience of emotions, you’ll feel comfortable being yourself. Those awkward discordant thoughts won’t arise anymore, and there won’t be ‘a problem’ anymore. And this will be most attractive, because everyone wants the same thing you want. They might not cognitively realize it, but they’ll be attracted in a most fundamental way. As a pretty wonderful side effect of meditation and understanding emotions, you’ll also find this natural attracting applies to literally everything in your life. The relationship between focusing what you want (desire) and discordant thoughts about yourself or what you want (doubt) will get clearer and clearer from the meditation and using the emotional scale… and you’ll realize for yourself it was always the law of attraction at play. You’ll understand how it works, and you’ll naturally attract everything you want, and our infinite being will naturally be it. This is not a trick or a secret, this is understanding what you’re already experiencing, rather than suppressing emotional guidance by trying to be someone or something you’re not. Trying to get happy or feel good about yourself using other people is very short term thinking and doesn’t really resonate or work, because it’s an attempt to disconnect from emotions. It’ll become really clear and obvious to you that happiness, feeling good, or, good feeling, isn’t actually coming from someone else, and any thing else, it’s within you. Always. It the very reason some of the thoughts and beliefs don’t feel good. Here’s some tools to help you… The Emotional Scale Expression Journal Stoking Creativity Try some of the healing modalities, experience them directly to realize the benefits. Improv Writing As you bring meditation and alignment of thoughts with emotional guidance into your life, you’re going to notice how often you focus on thoughts of what you don’t want, of undesirable outcomes, and of thoughts about yourself which don’t feel good (beliefs). This exercise is a super easy way to shift habits of focusing, to what you do want, what does feel good. Have fun with it. Life is supposed to be fun. The whole experience is precisely as experienced - it’s all for you. Feel free to message me anytime, I’d love to help with any questions you have.
  7. Some of us can. Are. And are living the desired dream. What you really mean is why can’t I? And that is the why. There’s no I in a dream. Just like at night in bed so to speak, you’re dreaming. You’re not in the dream. So tomorrow, when you arise in the bed - notice you are not awake, you’re dreaming. If & when self conceptualizations arise, attempt to point to who those concepts are actually about. In a dream you could fool everyone and yourself (so to speak), but you could never point to who the thoughts and concepts are actually about.
  8. @Carl-Richard How do you regress without conceptualizing yourself? How do you conceptualize yourself and not regress? (Not at all “zen”)
  9. Funny how no one says ‘look at the animals, having sex’.
  10. In the beginning was the word, and attention was returned to feeling breathing from the stomach.
  11. @Tyler Durden For the sake of communication & understanding at my end, any other words other than God come to mind? (Directly in regard to the awakening, not any content like videos, books, the forum, etc)
  12. Can you share more on that? Not sure how to connect those dots.
  13. @silkcat How is your life? Are you living your dream, consciously creating, manifesting, aware of and enjoying the thrill of it?
  14. @Tyler Durden How did you so to speak awaken? Conversation, practices, life event, nde, psychedelics, etc?
  15. Because you are everyone, including the “Yogis”. Past is a abstraction, choice is assumption, neither are direct experience. What’s meant by that term? Aversion is ignore-ance or avoidance of feeling via mental illusory distraction like intellectualizing, conceptualizing, theorizing, substances, deflection, projection, etc, etc. Conditioning notes that these are learned, and unfortunately passed on. Conditioning, as in less than contentment, are conditions held now. When let go, no longer focused on / believed, happiness is unconditional. Like clouds & empty sky. 1) Conditioning empties, karma is perpetual, cosmic, if you will. Perpetual as in that-there-is-creation. Seen more readily without claiming, or framing as “my karma”. 2) Not sure what thought suppression is, seems like a thought. Essentially… something is heard, said, read, etc, and discord is felt… but one is manipulated by the apparent authority or facade of confidence employed by someone, and one listens to that someone instead of feeling & intuition, or, the discord. Emotions are experienced wether resisted or not. It’s the ignorance which is the variable. The natural result of bringing an end to the ignorance / understanding emotions, is alignment and the manifestation of what’s desired, solo, and collectively, and also cosmically but that’s a real doozy and for another day so to speak.
  16. @DocWatts Oh gotcha, thanks. I’d say the term compassion is cultivated in a cognitive manor but the nature it points to is not. It is already present, and thus can be referred to. I’d also say the ‘human’ nature is readily apparent but is unfortunately often weaponized via thought attachment, comparative thinking, conditioning, conjecture, and ‘self’ conceptualization resulting in manipulation, division, ‘self’ isolation, ostracism, of which arises the apparent need to cultivate cognitively the term compassion.
  17. Exactly, but the hindsight recontextualizing is. “I know”… is always followed by belief or conjecture. You’re believing all of those thoughts, so it all seems true. They aren’t even ‘your’ thoughts per se, your ideas, it’s all conjecture. With a foundation of daily meditation, and no exposure to conjecture, those thoughts would have settled properly in the practice, and would not have still been repeating after the trip, recontextualizing the trip. (They wouldn’t have been repeating before or during the trip either). Essentially, you’re trying to make your own direct experience fit into someone else’s belief system. As justifications, rationalizations, and reconceptualizations go, that’s pretty lame. But then again, it is only the justifying, rationalizing, and recontextualizing which is in and of itself lame. Without that, there’d be no ‘struggling to’, ‘depressed’, ‘this finite form’, ‘lack of love’, ‘weaknesses’, ‘integrating’, ‘my human life’, ‘my survival’, ‘what I should do to be happy’, ‘figure it out myself’, ‘purpose’, ‘beyond ego’, ‘fucked’, etc, etc. That’s shadow work, and it’s not even your shadow… you received the most precious lesson there is, you’re just recontextualizing all over it. When you realize who or what you really are, there is no confusion. When you experience a bunch of conjecture, there does seem to be confusion. But the confusion isn’t / wasn’t in the direct experience, was it?
  18. If nothing comes from nothing is as you say, a concept, then nothing is actual. If Parmenides was really close to an explanation with his thinking, then the true nature ‘of’ the actuality of reality, is, nothing.
  19. @Fearless_Bum ? Love it. I’ve been im-parted. Well done and thank you.
  20. @Fearless_Bum ?? Excellent. Similarly… attempting to point to “it”, very helpful. That which is pointed to is never the concept, never the “it”, and is always This.