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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. You say “I understand…” and then reveal you clearly don’t.
  2. Just to be clear, I’m not suggesting a compromise with her. I’m suggesting honestly, expression & communication. “Angsty desires” is a conceptual cover up, aversion, like “feeling of freedom”. You’re already free, and will remain free, in any and all cases. The concept of ‘being with who you want to be with = not being free’ is misleading. You’re free to be with her or not. That’s not gonna change.
  3. I hold seven financial licenses. What you want is called residual income. Why you want it is for the ideal balance of time & money. Why you miss it is an unwillingness to notice conflicting views, even when someone points this out for you. You say you already know what people will say, and tell others not to assume, as one example. Everything you’re talking about on this thread is to uphold self image, it’s not what you really want. If you make a dreamboard you will discover and have, everything you really actually want. That is already the case, but remains unseen. Dreamboard makes it effortless, and very easy to see. Folks keep telling you it’s all related because it’s all related. Understanding the emotions you’re experiencing, specifically jealousy, you’d have swiftly moved from helping rich people get richer, to being rich.
  4. Sounds like you want an open relationship. There’s billions of options. She might be ideal, but you won’t know unless you express and communicate what you want, and allow her to do the same. In any case, only then you’ll know, and she’ll know, and you’ll no longer experience the discordant thoughts, emotional suppression and the veiling via fragmentation of ‘sides’, ‘parts’, ‘neglect’, and ‘it pulling you away’, etc. None of that is any more than the thoughts and rumination of a discordant conscience. Honesty is the way to knowing more acutely what you really want. Not playing games with yourself and or her. If she is loving you and placating you while what she is really wanting is to sleep with other guys, wouldn’t it be decent of her to be honest with you? To not lead you on, manipulate you with dishonesty? Would it feel aligned to afford her the same honesty and respect that you so badly desire to give to yourself so to speak? The recognition there’s no problem. You’re focusing on what you don’t want; “not being…”… blah blah blah, whatever. Exactly like you - no one cares about what you don’t want. Not her, not me, not even you, and certainly not source. Nothing changes or is created in your focusing on what you don’t want. By focusing on what you do want, and understanding the emotions you are experiencing, you can most definitely have what you want. It might not however, be what she wants. Find out. Also, you haven’t experienced a ‘committed relationship’ yet. When you falsely believe you have, and thus are making a comparison, notice it’s all projection. It’s an idea, and not the actual experience. Maybe, that actual experience, is actually, what you want. Up to you to find out. A perspective I can offer, make of it what you will. There is a major difference generationally speaking in regard to sex. For me, around your age, it was impulse, and not a belief in need. Same impulse, just no justification and rationalization of it. Simply in sitting and relaxing, the impulse like any other comes & goes, and one is free of it. It still comes & goes, but is experienced as such. Not as a need. In the current online marketing culture, you are being sold the concept that sex is a need, by people who make money being the answer to fulfilling that need. Some of these teachers are knowing they are being dishonest, and some of them are yet to explore and release the conditioning, such that they can’t sit and relax for ten minutes and see that impulse comes & goes. If you want to, you can experience that for yourself, and see how incredibly easy and simple this matter really is.
  5. By doing nothing. I’m already the gravity.
  6. It’s not failure, it’s what playing games feels like. Question the lens, not the results, not yourself. When you’re playing games, it’s only ever with yourself. That is indeed discordant, and to continue believing it’s because of others is indeed exhausting. Understand the emotions you’re experiencing, and why depression is not an emotion. Notice, acknowledge, self referential thoughts, so you can notice they aren’t true. Be honest about what you’re experiencing. If you just want girls around for sex, there are escorts. Maybe, sex isn’t actually what you want. Maybe it’s what you think you want. Make a dreamboard. Write what you actually want. You’re using others and sex like one uses a substance or fast food etc to feel better. Using others to make yourself feel better is manipulation by aversion and is thus of course indeed discordant, and contrary to what you actually want. It is by relinquishing control and trusting in the universe (not other people) that what you want can be received. ‘Sexual needs’ is thought attachment. Are you having sex right now? No. Are you fine… breathing, functioning, etc? Yes. Believing your sexual needs must be met by others is incredible arrogance and indeed discordant. It doesn’t feel very good to objectify people, to reduce them to things which exist to meet your needs. Let the focus on sex go. Let focusing on that you need to try and or improve go. Notice you’re already experiencing ‘the draining of energy’, and thus it is related to the thoughts, and not the actual date (you aren’t typing this on a date). Don’t expect, anticipate, or think about sex at all. There’s too much momentum of discord around the notion. Give it (ruminating on sex) a rest for a month or so altogether (but go on dates if you want to, for the fun of it). Think of her like a person just like you, with feeling, emotions, ideas, dreams, desires, interests, funny stories from her past which could be shared & laughed about, etc. Feel the connection in relating. Fill your dreamboard up so you easily have things to talk about which are exciting and interesting for you. She’ll resonate with that naturally. Aim to have fun. If sex happens, it happens. Let it be a natural byproduct of you, having fun, being you, experiencing what you’ve written on your board. She might want to have fun being her, with you, too.
  7. Rumination is always senseless by definition. It is aversion from feeling. When people say “I understand” it’s followed by a belief rooted in ignore-ance of feeling, something they don’t understand. Google and read, understand the difference between pain & suffering. Let the impulse to assert what you already know go, along with any beliefs that you understand, and continue learning. Get the message. Then spread the message. ‘Be the change you wish to see in the world’. MG
  8. It’s like anything else. If that’s your vibration presently, that’s your experience presently. Married or not isn’t the variable. Acknowledge the rumination by recognizing how far ahead of things you’re thinkin. Enjoy now, feel the excitement of what you desire materializing now. Notice that it is. Note, or recognize, know, the feeling of excitement & the emotion of eagerness. Make a dreamboard in the present to attract the significant other you want in this present. Use the emotional scale to understand the emotions you are experiencing, and how letting go is the key to conscious manifestation, aka, allowing & receiving what you already know you want. Meditate every morning to address the rumination. Careful with employing ‘miss out’ valuation thinking / believing, as it makes it more difficult to understand emotions. Sort of a smokescreen of thought attachment, in believing a comparison is being made between direct experience and what is only a thought or concept. Likewise, projections of loss, compromise, etc. Someone could just as easily get married young and in hindsight see what they would’ve missed out on had they waited. The point isn’t an advise to do one or the other, but to be present & to know what you want and to get ready to receive it. With emotional & mental equanimity, and creating a dreamboard together, you can experience whatever you(s) want. If you’re scared of death, inspect the thoughts, question what it is you’re worrying about and why, and again use the scale to understand the emotion of worry, and to understand why scared is not an emotion. If things don’t work out, if you’re not happily married, it won’t be for different reasons, it’ll be because that’s what you’re focusing on & believing, because of what you’re unwilling to let go of. If you find yourself in such an experience, make two lists together on the back of your joint dreamboard: what we don’t want, and what we do want. Then erase the unwanted list, focus together (effortless) and thus consciously create, what you do want.
  9. @Nadosa Sounds like existential rumination. What emotion arises? What thought feels better, more relieving? “Its not a thought.” Yes, it is. Return attention to feeling breathing from the stomach. ”I dont know anymore.” If you didn’t know, you’d feel amazing, and you wouldn’t have made this thread. It’s what you believe you know which is discordant, not what you don’t know. Specifically, what you believe you know about a past experience. That belief is discordant to that there is only the present. “Undo this realization” That’s another thought. There hasn’t been any realization yet. This is rumination. Humbly return attention to feeling breathing from the stomach. Write in your expression journal about how you’re feeling. Understand it by using the scale. “I feel like Ill be the only one left when letting go” That’s not feeling or an emotion, that’s a thought. That the thought is discordant reveals to you that you believe something is wrong or unacceptable about you. Accept that fact that it is your judgement which feels discordant. Stubbornness never helped anyone. Get feeling oriented experiences on your calendar. Here’s a broad list.
  10. Yes, that’s the gist of it. I’d add ‘getting more connected’, communion wise, is what’s happening in any and every relationship already, though it isn’t always understood, or recognized, or interpreted that way. But it is always nonetheless, felt that way. Practical examples would be found in understanding exactly why thoughts like lack of joy, loss of freedom, the need to compromise, and or commit, feel subtly discordant.
  11. That’s a belief, a misinterpretation, misunderstanding.
  12. When a relationship and the activities therein are thought of as a substitute for communion, commitment does seem to come into play and be an issue. When two people are in communion, the thinking, theory, duality, or need of commitment doesn’t arise, or, is a non-existent-issue so to speak. Men who are very independent and self reliant but still want a relationship are not thinking in terms of commitment. They’re aware they don’t need you (aligned / communion). They’re aware of you believing you need them (discordant / non-communitive). Communion is actual self reliance and independence, and is non-conceptual. Two people consciously creating in communion is as good as experience gets, most worthwhile, and I highly recommend it. Phobia is direct experience btw (not projection).
  13. @Endangered-EGO Make a dreamboard, focus on what you do want. Understand the emotions you are experiencing. Talk to someone who understands. Stop listening to misinformation. That’s what no denial looks like.
  14. This is a dream. There is no confusion or understanding. It is only believed there is confusion & understanding. This is a dream. Believing in separate things, “confusion” & “understanding” is believing this is not a dream, via believing there are, separate things… like one who is confused or understands, or that confusion and or understanding actually exist as separate things, which could come from a separate someone or somewhere else.
  15. The very means of realization is that one can never find a yourself in a universe. Seeing what one is wanting is excitement, while thinking of unwanted is anxiety… or excitement, plus thinking of unwanted. If you will. Just your thoughts can materialize a physical realm of objects and people etc. Wtf?? No. Check direct experience. And why can't we dream while awake? Because you’re dreaming you’re awake. Why can't my thoughts materialize objects without needing to fall asleep first? Because they aren’t yours per se, and you’re assuming you’re not asleep right now. Anyone knows what's going on here? No. Dreams are a mysterious thing.. If anyone knows the mechanics of how dreams work.. Please share. Dreams aren’t a thing, and thus there are no mechanics. Nothing works or is working. The mind can not be where it has not yet been my man.
  16. At first glance this sounds absurd, but you’re actually, quite literally manifesting it over and over as the emotional scale. The only variable is the humility & willingness to learn and understand. What one man identifies completely by, another experiences as an emotion. The former is the prison, the ladder is liberation. No levels, concepts, states or knowledge required. ?? There will be a happy ending Goddamnit.
  17. Conjecture is momentous, such that ‘something in the mind’ is swiftly replaced with a duality of two nothings, distinguished contingently on a capitalizing of letter(s), with an ideology that there is an accuracy to this, and thus a better or worse framing of the conjecture, as if reality is actually contingent on dualistic thinking (thoughts), and a ‘separate self’ or ‘selves’. That there are two, such as X and a ‘relative domain’, or an ‘individual’s intent or will’, or even ‘a singularity’s intent or will’ (individual and intent or will), is an ideology of materialism through the finite mind or lens so to speak, with added fundamental misinterpretation on behalf of a ‘separate self’, or self image (thought attachment). Will is as defined ‘in psychology’ (thoughts)… the ‘other definition’, the ideology, is also actually thoughts… attached to / believed… and now connotation… and ‘different separate selves call it by different names’ isn’t actual, but is the likewise or corresponding justification & perpetuation of the initial conjecture. The momentum / repetition / belief in or of ideology is in the claiming of concentration as within the separate self paradigm / ideology… unnoticed. Then this is projected or resourced, onto the affirmations… as if they solved something… while either is thought activity, and only the discord and or alignment of. Only by first adopting all of this ideological-mental-gymnastic hullabaloo as ‘one’s own’, can it seem there is a physical manifestation of power, and the comparative distinctions which follow. Adding more beliefs and conditioning is the confusion fundamentally, regardless of the content of. Likewise, ‘relative form’ is one apparent thought, and not otherwise actual.. attached to / believed… which ‘hijacks’ truth via conceptualization, in the sense… consciousness (as ‘forms’ / separation)… right out from under one’s own nose if you will. Via thought attachment, as in labeling and the believing of, kundalini slips into the ideology as a relative form of consciousness. ‘However’… in the Absolute (which now must be capitalized to maintain the conjecture) is utilized as the very supporting distinction or pillar of the relative (and Relative) ‘domain’ (s) (?). None of this is simple language. It is a very complicated belief set, of very specific suppression and aversion, which supports ‘it’s own’ foundation, of othering. Many pillars to uphold one wall you could say. A wall which needn’t be ‘overcome’, as prior to the adopting of the belief system, there was no wall. I can most definitely say that which is being referred to as ‘your developed Kundalini through Kriya Yoga’ is present and available to all, as ‘it’ actually is “all”… but bear in mind, no adoption has transpired. The ‘requirements’ are actually utilized to actually justify thought attachment as a contingency (separate selves, time, genetics gifts) for this not to be seen as ideological conjecture. There are more loops in this ride than a Philippine Starflyer. The apparent ideology of the separate self along side thought attachment is perpetually self-tailoring and self-mutating similar to covid-19 in that it is so acutely designed for the human species if you will, and so deeply fettered therein, new information is absorbed into the ideology as the virus enhances it’s ability to exponentially seize new hosts. In both cases the underlying means of catastrophe is continued allowance of the perpetuation of suppression.