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No. No decrease at all. Might be helpful to think of nonduality as turquoise & behind. But only in a very loose framing sense, as spiral dynamics doesn’t actually exist in regard to nonduality. Not easily communicable, but as another loose pointer you could think of spiral dynamics as all self referential beliefs, with a lot of ‘othering’ subtle beliefs, vs one well aware of who they are and consciously creating their reality.
I’d say there is a direct correlation. Arrogance is the identifying, the ‘my’ intelligence, the claiming via the self referential belief the intelligence is ‘mine’. Humility on the other hand is truth. If you feel the discord, slow down and notice it, as not to unknowingly adopt conjecture. Feel the difference, of humility, while witnessing others carry on arrogantly. Apply common sense, in that they are not experiencing any success. Know that by how you feel in witnessing it. While it may look like that from the outside depending on how you’re measuring or thinking about success, see (feel) the obviousness in your own feeling guidance, that they are experiencing intense discord with such a misunderstanding, just like you would be if you believed the same. To solidly your understanding of this, notice the things, people, substances, etc, they use to compensate for the discord of the carrying of the belief / self image / false identifying. This ‘claiming’ is living life through the delusional lens of ‘the separate self’, and life gets reduced to a means of upholding the claim via self image and manipulation. Again, might look like success, but… notice it’s most likely that very person who is telling you what success is. Have compassion as you realize they truly do not feel or know success at all.
Procrastination, in the way you’re using the word, is self referential judgment. It feels off because it is off, as in because it’s not true about you at all. Similar to someone identifying / believing the thought “I have an anger issue”, or “I have a confidence issue”, or “I have an esteem issue”, the energy zap is due to the discord of believing the thought is about you / identifying with, or by the thought. It’s not about you, it’s about you understanding the emotion you are experiencing, boredom. The significance of realizing it’s not about you, but about the emotions you’re experiencing, is that when the belief is acknowledged it is inherently let go, and you are thus unfettered, and the true nature if you will, better feeling, inspiration, etc, naturally arises. There is nothing you can do which will work as a supplement to letting the belief go. To let it go means noticing you’re behind it, as awareness aware of the thought, and of the emotion. You’ll notice that when you focus on a discordant thought (about yourself) you zap your energy. There is no effort or fixing involved whatsoever. There is nothing to ‘go through’ etc. Letting go feels like relief. Acknowledging you are experiencing the emotion of boredom frees you of it, and naturally results in then experiencing contentment.
Nahm replied to Nadosa's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Nadosa ? Much love. -
@diamondpenguin OMG yes.
I don’t experience fear at all. It’s from inspecting direct experience and thoughts and a clear understanding of emotions and how to create them. In this experience ‘for me’ is thought(s). With enough inspection it’s found fear isn’t objective, or ‘out there’, it’s created or not by each one.
@SQAAD Hope it doesn’t sound like I’m being critical or anything. Only saying this in the vein of bringing an end to suffering (fear)… there really isn’t a future. No one’s ever experienced a future. Thoughts arise about a future, or a past, but the key to ending suffering is direct experience, and realizing only the thoughts are experienced, and only now, and not an actual past or future. The relevance of recognizing this is that it leads to recognizing your true self, and suffering is then no longer possible. Takes time of course, I know. On a most practical note, there’s an old saying ‘garbage in, garbage out’. Be sensitive with what you put in front of you. It does shape views & interpretations. And there’s a lot of relief and peace in regard to the future, of basically just saying ‘I don’t know’, so fuck it, I’m gonna live today like it’s the last.
Nahm replied to Psych2Awak3n's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Everyone’s as real as you, and yes, all that is, is ‘consciousness or field of awareness’. And yet, nonduality isn’t a paradigm. Nonduality just means not two. So it doesn’t define, point to, or even imply what is, only what isn’t. Duality, is a paradigm. And also not. If you look at your hand and cover up your palm, it looks like five separate fingers. If you uncover your palm, they’re really all one. Don’t believe what you see. Check direct experience to verify these thoughts / inquiries. Think the thought whatever it is, then the opposite… see if anything changes at all. If thoughts don’t seem to make any difference, see about meditation. ‘Empty your cup’. Don’t believe what you think. -
@SQAAD Expressing, questioning, inspecting, understanding, and liberating, like you are, is the healthiest course of action anyone could take imo.
I find this to be the case in direct experience. It’s not a concept or translation, it’s a linguistic communication, a pointing. With respect, I realize this ‘flies in the face’ of many teachers, but, there is literally no such thing as fear. One makes it up and believes it, and interprets experience accordingly, or one doesn’t. The fear would be guidance in regard to the thought. Those things aren’t happening in direct experience. The thought is. Also, a belief is. The belief is that the things you mentioned happened in a past. That also is not indicative of direct experience. In accordance with direct experience there is no evidence whatsoever that there is a past or anything that ever happened. That belief is in actuality, a thought arising, now. Like anything & everything else.
Next time just say no. Rather than the universe is against you. Likewise, the universe isn’t giving anxiety. Inspect the actuality of anxiety, get to the bottom of what it is, how it functions, etc. If you want, say no. You didn’t have to. It’s nice, and maybe you wanted to, but you didn’t have to. The universe is good.
@diamondpenguin Yes I agree. But not just in regard to woman, in regard to everything desired. That ‘one thing’ is simply - not suppressing emotions. Listening instead. Via conjecture, there are now ‘two things’, with the second being not listening to someone else who is doing so and being convinced by them to do the same thing.
What I’m saying about suffering, and inspecting direct experience, and misinterpretation is applicable to bringing clarity to that misinterpretation, of that experience. In direct experience I do not find a ‘my mind’, or a ‘my memories’. I find only direct awareness of thought, perception, and sensation. In direct experience, any notion of ‘losing’, or ‘losing something’, is a thought, and is not actually some thing, which could be lost. In direct experience, fear is emotion, and is guidance, and ‘tells me’ that the thought I’m focusing on (losing my mind) is discordant, or, not indicative of what is true and actual. Are you able to see how this misinterpretation was projected onto others, via depression, horror, etc? That ‘a line’ was crossed, so to speak, away from the actuality of direct experience, and into projecting a ‘knowing’ of the direct experience of others. In direct experience, depression is a thought, and is not sensation or perception. Depression is not an emotion, and turning to emotion, which is guidance, would have been ‘telling me so’ the entire time. Are you able to see what I’m saying here? Without believing the thought ‘my mind’ (as if there is this thing ‘my mind’), and recognizing that it is a thought… the fear would be ‘telling you’ - that thought isn’t true. The potential realization could have been, and still could be right now, that one is that which is appearing as ‘my mind’… and thus one can not actually lose, oneself. Do you also see how that is conjecture? As in, the misinterpretation is not something that you created, or came up with, but is a misinterpretation that you learned, which arose upon experiencing the trip? Likewise, do you see how sharing, and thus supporting, what doesn’t feel good to you, does not lead to transcending suffering? Do you see the role projecting one’s own discord, vs inspecting & understanding direct experience plays here? As in, one can not focus enough on suffering to feel better, or help anyone else…?
Transcending suffering requires scrutiny of direct experience. There is no direct experience of on behalf of a lot of people. You believe you know, but don’t actually know, what anyone’s experience of reality is like. Of course one can assume, but one does not actually know. That is precisely what I’m saying, that ‘brutal’ and ‘horrifically brutal’ are thoughts, interpretation. I’m not suggesting you are being dishonest with yourself. I am saying there is not a you and a yourself. Honesty, when one is scrutinizing, is the scrutinizing of one’s direct experience, and the weeding out of assumptions, misinterpretations of one’s own direct experience, conditioning, beliefs, etc. I am not suggesting to ‘fake’ that everything is good. To be clear, I am saying there is only good. Reality=good. There is no good & bad, and that is why judgement is felt as discord with the truth, or what is actual and true. I am not saying it is good to chop people’s arms off. I am saying that is not happening in your direct experience, and the discord felt therefore is of the thought, and not of what’s happening. I am saying this because it is from this place that one indeed does something to help. One suffering, misinterpreting one’s own direct experience, is not one who is able, willing, and readily helping.
In the sense it is not resonating with you, no it is not ‘normal’, and emotion tells you so. It’s trying to be someone or someway you’re not, which of course is creating a false discordant self image, a facade, to essentially trick her to acquire sex, which of course sets the stage of a potential relationship (which is what you really want) from a foundation of deception, typically followed by a rollercoaster of trust issues. Does the thought ‘a fear of being lovable’ really, actually, make any sense to you? I suggest you are presently, already loved, and emotion tells you so. Maybe you’re in tune with your conscience, do not desire to trick anyone just to get yourself laid, and naturally want to come clean on the deception, for the sake of starting a relationship in honesty. Self esteem is not needed to ‘fix’ this, simply listening to how you feel and understanding emotions (fear) is more than ample. Self esteem is like the helium in a balloon, without discord held upon it, it naturally arises. Like how a cork, once let go, naturally floats. I would make a dreamboard and fill it with everything you want to experience in life, and utilize and understand the emotional scale. This clears out misunderstandings of emotion, and self referential beliefs along with it, and also gives you plenty of high vibration so to speak, and thus plenty of things to naturally talk about on dates and in relationships. ‘Feeling the need to be understood’… ‘I need to be understood’ is a thought. Not a feeling. The thought feels discordant because you don’t need to be understood. Meaning arises within each of us. No one actually ever understands an other. I suspect what you actually desire is to understand yourself so to speak, as in, understanding you are receiving emotional guidance in regard to discordant & aligned thoughts, in regard to what you actually want.
I remember when spirituality was the inspection of direct experience, of what is true & actual, and resonates profoundly. Seems to have become an adherence to conjecture, no?
@Vzdoh @Yarco I appreciate the feedback, thanks. Also, if you have any questions feel free. ?
@SQAAD Because you’re saying pain & suffering are necessarily, and sharing what doesn’t resonate with you. If you are complaining, then yes also that.
Nahm replied to Endangered-EGO's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Endangered-EGO It’s relaxing. Deep stomach breaths. You gotta let go and see for yourself it arises. The ‘torture’ is the resistance of attempting to control & feel better, by ‘getting out of it’, fighting something etc. Relax, let the thoughts come & go. Let the thoughts about ‘the knowledges of suffering’ and the ‘recycling’ go. Relax just to relax. -
@Vzdoh I didn’t say anything about getting rich. What part seems riddlerish?
I agree, and I’m saying that is conjecture from conditioning.
Nahm replied to Terell Kirby's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@VeganAwake ?? ?? -
Nahm replied to Endangered-EGO's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Endangered-EGO It is all denial. ? The “way out” of denial is not to be in, denial. To not be in denial is to realize you’re in denial. -
That’s conjecture from conditioning.