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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. Write what you want on a dreamboard. Understand emotional guidance (doubt).
  2. @catcat69123 Ok. Will do for ten minutes. Just sit and sink into gravity and relax. Nothing ‘big’, it’s all subtle. Gently put your attention on feeling breathing from the stomach. If anything weird arises in the environment, like something with the floor, or your tv or whatever, just ignore it, it’s fine. Bring attention back to feeling breathing from the stomach. Afterwards, take at least 30 minutes to just sit and relax. Don’t engage in anything. And for the next ten minutes, and that 30 minutes, allow any release, should one arise. Much love. Starting now.
  3. @EntheogenTruthSeeker We all gonna die for love. Live for it.
  4. Awe ya. Sweet, delicious, blissfully perfect, not knowing. ??
  5. Who are you talking about love? What ‘had this insight’? There are states of you love? What are awakened guys love? Comparing yourself to… yourself love? For real, who / what are you talking about love? “Unloving”? God? Inability to love? Huh? Finite? Who’s mind, who’s survival love? Me? The awakening…? Time!? Love so crazy today love.
  6. @Nadosa Awesome to hear! Major breakthroughs. Looking forward to hearing the EP Meditation slows the thought activity down, making it easier to spot the ‘me thoughts’ which don’t resonate, and let them go swiftly. The emotional scale helps realize the emotion you’re experiencing, in regard to the thoughts. Improv writing is quick, simple & easy, and changes the habit of focusing on discordant thoughts, to aligned thoughts. Creativity feels great. Experiencing healing modalities feels great. They work. They help with change, with letting stuff go and feeling excited about what’s to come. Even just the simple act of scheduling one feels great & is empowering. Instead of any rumination, or, going over the same things thought wise… writing in an expression journal ‘let’s it out’, and heals, by allowing whatever it is, into the light of awareness. You’re doing great. Be patient, let expectations go. Love, love, love. One key of the emotional scale is the acknowledgement that to float on up to contentment means letting discordant thoughts go… vs the old habit of thinking you need to do something to feel better. And if you aren’t, my goodness man, write songs about what you’re experiencing. It’s the culmination of everything else I’ve mentioned here, and those are the best songs. We love the experience of a song which is like ‘I feel like this, do you’. We’re all like, hell yeah I do.
  7. The wish is already expressed. That’s done. ?? And you don’t have to go by memory, or refer to ‘from my memory’, because memory is, now. One ‘gets closer’, not by physically moving, or any doing, but by inspecting & understanding. Give this a read. Let me know if you have any questions. It would be confusing to attempt to unify what is already not two.
  8. Only takes a second to notice ‘getting rid of it’ is a thought… which can be let go in meditation. Meditation isn’t to solve anything. It’s more of a letting go of the thoughts, that there are problems. That’s the beauty of meditation. Those are thoughts, which can be let go. Thoughts seem true when we believe em. The ‘other route’ is meditation. Soon enough the thoughts aren’t believed, as there is just more ‘space’ around thoughts from meditation, and we see through them. We see that they are, just thoughts. They aren’t true about you. The emotional scale is most helpful. For example, it is good to understand the emotion of jealousy, for a creator of reality. It lets you know what you want. Which helps you recognize discordant thoughts, about having it, and between the scale & meditation, those thoughts are let go / seen through, and thus your entire experience changes. If they are truly connected, and I very much agree that they are, then there is not a separate you, separate of, whatever is wanted. So there isn’t a ‘how’ per se, there is just noticing this.
  9. That is the thought activity which is let go in meditation. Had you not thought & said it just now, then just now it would already be receding. Notice you believe it’s yours, while in truth it’s a thought that arose now. Also, meditation is not a habit, and there is nothing wrong with you, and nothing to fix. That statement surely brings to mind “But I want…._________”. Instead of focusing on thoughts about yourself, focus on _________.
  10. Meditation. You won’t hold the belief you’re an introvert for long, because that is thought activity, which settles (disappears) via meditation. Make a dreamboard. Take Leo’s LP course. Between those activities & meditation, focus is no longer on “yourself” (that’s just thought activity) and onto experience. You’ll then never be at a loss for speaking passionately, compassionately, and naturally.
  11. By looking around and actually checking to see if it’s something you in fact do have. If it isn’t, consider it might just be something you believe. Yes & no. Yes, as in you are already awareness (infinite) of beliefs (finite). Beliefs come & go, while you do not. You are already unthinkably beyond needing help. No, as in you can inspect and see through, dispel, and relinquish limiting beliefs. Ask questions instead of asserting statements, ongoing. No longer focus on justifying anything. It’s unnecessary. Eat clean & meditate twice a day, first thing in the morning and again in the afternoon. Write what is wanted on a dreamboard. Include the routine you want. Focus (effortlessly) on only what is wanted, allowing other people to focus on whatever they want. Letting their business be their business, get’s your focus off others, and back to what you want. Understand the emotions experienced, rather than remaining ignorant of this & continuing to believe in depersonalization & depression. That’s aversion. Take full advantage of every resource available to you. Understand blame is an emotion you experience which is guidance in regard to the thoughts about something being taken from you, and re-focus on wanted rather than lack, shortage and injustice. Wether or not it’s fair isn’t the position you’re in. That you are free to let beliefs go and focus on wanted, is the position you’re in. Take trust, and refocus it onto it’s rightful place, this universe, and let everyone else off the hook. Allow them to live their own lives and no longer hold them accountable for your happiness. Own accountability for your emotional well being. Write what you want on your dreamboard, directly experience that it does unfold, and re-understand trust altogether, such that the concept is seen to be unnecessary altogether. When you experience contradiction, don’t settle, inspect, inspect the thoughts. Be humbly willing to acknowledge contradiction occurs as thoughts. Let go of expectations held on others, and the resulting blaming & habitual complaining. Appreciation & gratitude instead. There is much to be thankful for. Take responsibility for your own vision of your future. No one else can do this for you, because they already have theirs happnin. Take Leo’s life purpose course. Feel the life affirmation in doing so. Be aware it is you making the conscious choice to begin changing all this. Be most patient & loving with yourself, and everyone else too. Acknowledge no one or no thing is preventing you from doing this now, and always. No. There is nothing you should do. You’ve become accustomed to holding expectations upon others (shoulds). You can become accustomed to not holding expectations (shoulds) at all. It’s a matter of focus, honesty and understanding emotions. What is true, is that you can do, have, be and experience what you desire to.
  12. Did you read a book or take a course on loa? Thoughts appear & disappear in your direct experience, including the thought magical thinking, while the belief focused on is that this is not actually true. Value is an ideological belief. Loa is a universal law. Just because you believe there are ‘right & wrong’ individuals does not make it true. Duality & separation is not a universal law, which is why there are universal laws, and is what they help you to realize. Loa also helps you to realize pessimism is an emotion, magical guidance for the magical thoughts, and is not identity. That’s unknown with respect to direct experience, but believed, and thus it’s ‘working’ for you, that is your experience. Self inquire, who is the one putting in work? Who are the others putting in work? Which one is ‘the right one’? Yep. When God is tripping balls, there are “planets”.
  13. @WokeBloke
  14. @WokeBloke On a good note, the first ox pic is more or less complete. ?? SEARCHING One begins to question the nature of oneself, and the origin & true nature of the universe & experience of reality. This is often brought about by loss, fear, suffering, feeling incomplete, unworthy, a sense something is lacking, or simply by intuition & curiosity. The search might also arise from ‘having it all’, yet intuitively sensing there is much more to life and experience which remains veiled.
  15. @PurpleTree That’s helpful imo. If they’re unhealthy, just be mindful it is their health and not yours. What they stand to benefit most from is an example (imo). What you probably stand to benefit most from is being with them. It’ll not only make you more aware of and feel great about your alignments with well being, but of your thus inherent ability to effortlessly influence them toward well being, just by being you, being there. @mandyjw Fun-or-real. ?