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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. Self-grasping and selfishness are concepts based on self or selves, which there aren’t, but appear to be. Imagine one of those snow globes that you shake up and then it snows inside, and imagine that snow globe & snow inside it is an appearance. The people inside can feel the snow landing on them, and they can also realize they are that which is appearing as the snow globe, and therefore there isn’t a snow globe with people inside.
  2. @VeganAwake Well he’s got ya bruh. You got enough gas and a camcorder over there? Hmu if you need a hand. ??
  3. Yes, that is crazy, as in delusional, not in any personal sense of course.
  4. @Salvijus Enlightenment could be said to be the non-undoable realization there are no people or separate selves and never were. A realization which is only apparent, there isn’t even realization. So no person or individual becomes enlightened, or awakens. If one believes one is enlightened, awake, having awakenings, etc, that is ‘the ego’ (beliefs). For the enlightened one there are no comparisons, no enlightenment, no awakening(s), and there is no logic, these are beliefs, and truly not even (are only apparent). Meditatively, is to say these apparent thoughts simply seem to come & go, for no one. The apparent guy flipping burgers is as enlightened as the Buddha (is the enlightened one).
  5. @johnlocke18 That there are monks & prisoners is already isolating (insanity).
  6. @Ohsee If I hired an electrician who told me mistakes are unavoidable, honestly I’d immediately fire him. If he interpreted this as personal that’d really be his problem to work out. Not about to have a house burn down over respect / disrespect / ego.
  7. @WokeBloke Skinny that all down to direct experience.
  8. Sadness is interpretation. Sadness feeling sadness implies a duality, as if sadness where some other entity.
  9. @EntheogenTruthSeeker Visit a doctor about the adrenal.
  10. @EntheogenTruthSeeker Dreamboard is kind of miraculous in that when you see more of what you do want, you realize the job you have, is because you want it. Fine to want another one too. Dreamboard and emotional scale help a lot with changing the habit of putting focus on what you don’t want, don’t like, etc. Sounds like in the bigger picture you’re doing pretty damn good man. Most important thing imo is taking the time everyday to deeply relax.
  11. Indeed some thoughts don’t resonate. But the discord or suffering is of the thoughts, and not awakening. Not saying this to be the awakening police, but because the belief awakening makes one sad isn’t true and is the discordant thoughts. Wether about the ego, the one with the ego, God, etc. That’s a call for inquiry, meditation and or inspection if anything, but it is not awakening. That’s the good news.
  12. If you’re dead, who’s realizing, who’s inside, who’s sad, who’s ego, who doesn’t control?
  13. Well don’t do that. Conceptualizing isn’t spiritual per se, it’s aversion. Inspecting direct experience is (so to speak) spirituality, or, the other than conceptual aversion. Without an inflated contextualized self image, it’s as simple as it’s your first day on the job and nobody’s expecting you to know anything. But to uphold the inflated self image concept, this seems ludicrous (probably).
  14. There’s no riddle. The answer to the question above, is the story below. There’s nothing you want found in a past. If you were potentially good, that’d feel potentially discordant or aligned. You are already good, and so that already feels discordant or aligned.
  15. @PurpleTree Not really trying to say anything. If interested, what would your answers to those questions be?
  16. @SQAAD If awakening makes you sad, what is meant by awakening?
  17. @PurpleTree No recommendation of ignorance here. Quite the opposite.
  18. “Auto-aim” ?. Perfect. It’s not a matter of what you’re saying there being applicable or not. It’s just clearly seen as self referential rumination (about ‘the one’ in states & modes, or whatever else). A rollercoaster of inferiority & self image inflation. It’s rather just direct experience, no self contextualizing needed / happening. Problem free relationships are the opposite of boring. They’re filled with conscious creation. And it’s not per se that suffering is imaginary, it’s that the self which all the thinking is about is imaginary. That there is someone who is turquoise, coral, etc.
  19. Would you be interested in spending your time with someone while they share with you, what doesn’t feel good, to them? How many hours, days, weeks, years, do you desire to be with someone, who focuses on what they don’t want?
  20. There is a website where you can join people in holding a hand on a hot stove. I’ll try to find it for you.
  21. @Ramzi08 Fill a cup with water. Make a pot of tea. Pour the tea into the cup.