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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Yoremo Be in control of letting go of control, aka relax. Confusion is let go, not dealt with. That way clarity can arise where the confusion once was.
  2. We’re all kinda saying and pointing to the same. For now, just be where you are. Let go of any expectations or need to understand anything about where you have not yet been so to speak. Intuition arises as a natural ‘result’ of the meditative mind / practice, and everything everyone has shared. Again, there is nothing you need to know. That would be precisely the thoughts let go in meditation. For now I’d just read and ‘let it wash over you’, sleep on it, vs trying to think & understand.
  3. @Yoremo After returning to the ‘traditional’ for a while, peruse the list again, see what seems to call intuitively, for more alignment, release, resonating, etc. Inevitably a point will come where the entire list looks completely different. Imo, there are no timeframes for any of the meditations as to when to switch, or which would be experienced as most beneficial, because every path is truly a one off, or, an individuation. I’d also give the ox pics a read or two, here & there along the way. It can help you see more of a bird’s eye view. Expressive journaling is great for what comes up & out. Creating is imo more ideal. Creating literally anything. If you experience any ‘being stuck’, improv writing is very effective. The ‘yes and…’ = focusing on wanted. Many people experience the repeating of thought activity as to unwanted, and adapted and don’t initially readily notice. But again, it’s a one off situation. The emotional scale is a more all encompassing tool. Honestly, I’d read it everyday, until there are literally no more ‘clicks’ or ‘insights’ realized in your life from using it.
  4. Inspection, no rock unturned, down to and prior to brass tacks… to, the, letter.
  5. I lean towards literally, physically isolating / finding, whatever I claim to have. If it is found I can not, then it is found I do not.
  6. Love to chat, anytime. (No cost) Gap between ‘there’ and clarity kinda too big for text. Fair warning though, we shall inevitably be lofao.
  7. @Someone here Can’t quite get there, or wrap my head around how that panned out as you are sharing it did, but also, neither of us really care what I think. That just isn’t what matters. Happy for ya. ??
  8. I looks a lot like a snake. Keepin all straight and not-snake like. Oh, also, people who use the word God are full of shit. ?
  9. “In a person who is emotionally mature enough to sustain a long term relationship, looks and status are just the initial bar that has to be crossed. And for most people, that bar is analogous to where they are personally.“ Key Elements, ForestLuv, many others.
  10. @TruthSoldier How can content be advanced when advanced is, more content? Rhetoric, no? Or is this a trolling thread? If we’re to truly resolve anything, I vote it’s that picture. Hells going on there? You being led around by the snake… & unfucking yourself? ? If all is so, best trolling seen to date. ? Anxiously awaiting a link to your advanced trolling teachings.
  11. @Yoremo Already having the most fundamental foundation in play, (imo) peruse this list, and see if one calls to you, without reason, rather than thinking and choosing one. If & when one does, employ that practice daily for a while, and then upon returning to the traditional breath meditation, it is as if amplified. Bit like getting out of the way, conditioning arises, and a bit like helping it up & out, and then returning to being out of the way.
  12. Some say there is symbolism beyond the rope, that of a life no longer being led by the ‘snake’, like a self centered manipulative devil blaspheming every which way but in. I mean I don’t say that, but some guru’s do.
  13. It seems unknown only due to what is believed to be known. While there isn’t (ime) per se a ‘knowing’ in advance, there is a being the sphere and the entirety of experience therein. Then there is no knower (or residual impression of) or knowing, or a known or even a potential of knowing a known. Words can’t do it justice, but what’s about to happen has no actual differentiation to what is happening. It only seems to with the transparent veil of the knower. What’s happenin is most fundamentally in that regard, potentiality, and there is therefore the potential for ‘this’ to spoil the fun (‘experience’), and also there is the potential for (we could say) being the vessel of the actuality of healing, which I would place experientially above and beyond fun. But only in a way. At the same time, straight up regular old not-knowing-fun is impossible to beat.
  14. How did / does acceptance of those bring the end of suffering about, is what I’m askin.
  15. Was gonna say ‘nothing not being love’ is a condition held by (?) upon love, but then you nuked the place with the mic drop moon walk, which we all know is the ultimate end game.
  16. If love arose / arises of nothing / nothingness, even that arising would be a property or quality of some sort attributed to nothing, and thus not truly nothing in an absolute unblemished untarnished sense. Another way to say that (property / quality) is condition. Even to taste itself, to think itself, to know itself, would be conditional.
  17. @Someone here What is suffering? Not in any sarcastic or meta sense, but in the it’s accepted and that was the way out sense. In hindsight, what was it?
  18. Not suggesting complimenting her. Suggesting you notice the thoughts which don’t feel good to you, also won’t feel good to girls. It actually doesn’t matter if you say them out loud or not (to her). By try the opposite, I meant imagine it.
  19. It’d depend on wether she held the same / similar self referential beliefs. In any case it’s hard to see it attracting.