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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. Cessation means no thoughts (beliefs are thoughts). The separate self, which is said to attain cessation, literally is, the very activity of thought spoken of. Knock yourself out. I am being forthright when I tell you, I do not see a conflict in that. I honestly and very simply do not get how you do. I would think it would be pretty misleading, yes, but I would think people would tell you that in abundance, and you would either listen or not. You might experience some conflict, but again I am at a loss as to how I or anyone else would. The message is unthinkable, unbiasable, needs no messenger, and there is nothing to be communicated. Leo’s content, forum & business is, his business, and not mine. Challenging someone’s beliefs is combative and fruitless when they are not interested, inspecting or asking. The most fundamental aspect of the forum, is q&a. I don’t hold any bias, at least that I am aware of, over anyone here. Ime we’re all parallel. If there are specifics you want to ask about, I’ll gladly share my view. It is silly to ask me about Leo’s content or beliefs / dualities, on Leo’s forum, of which he is readily available & accessible for you to ask. The things I presume you’re talking about when you say dualities, is stuff like different states, people being higher or lower than other people, teachings or teachers being higher or lower, etc, etc. If what you are saying is that I do not generally share my view which is to the contrary of these dualities, I am at a loss as to what to say. Read a couple pages of my comments, I guess…? Also, if you look back on this thread to my first comment, you’ll see you replied to it quite selectively really. The first thing I said was how could content be advanced, when advanced is content. You proceeded to claim I don’t make comments, like the comment, you replied to. Leo gave no answer to the op question, and yet your interest in me seems to be paramount. Why is that? @BenG “Arm chair philosophy’ was pretty generous there. Not your best work sir, bit of a farfalle.
  2. Yes & yes. Without objectifying women, those (sex, love, finding a woman and a sense of connection) are all recognized as experience(s). (Not things/objects you could get). Self-actualization is of course not contingent upon what you get, nor is it exclusive such that anyone who hasn’t experienced or is incapable of experiencing sex, or is unloved in any way, is somehow ruled out, disbarred or prevented from self-actualization: “desire to become the most that one can be”. Mental illness in this context turns out to be emotional suppression, and is unfortunately common to sexual, substance or spiritual bypassing of the foundations of the pyramid. Probably better to address prior to breeding, yes. Notice, you say the mind is obsessed with these experiences, and you also say you are not experiencing, these experiences. I propose what you are experiencing, are thoughts. If so, the mind is obsessed, with thoughts. Often referred to as thought attachment, and often remedied with daily meditation, expression, and emotional understanding. With that foundation in place, thoughts as presently experienced don’t even arise, and the experiences on the pyramid become doable and enjoyable, & much more. For one willing to notice one is focused upon unwanted, absence, avoidance or aversion… (“Can you move up Maslow's Hierachy if you don't have sex?”)… improv writing stands to be a simple & quick mindset and life changing experience. No. There’s a bunch of em down there too. Because different people create difference variations.
  3. What do you mean by next dreams? Why do you want to escape? What are you escaping from?
  4. @nuwu Put spirituality & fears aside for a moment. What do you actually want?
  5. What you’re really saying there is “Nahm produces content which conflicts claims”. Nahm’s content is the unexpected result or product of cessation and is not in conflict with anything. Cessation means, cessation of the activity of thoughts in regard to the separate self, ego, or finite mind. This is exactly the same as saying there isn’t, and wasn’t, a Nahm. You could also simply say not two, or nonduality. You’re pulling a switcharo there with “it”. “It” there isn’t this thread, which is indeed funny. “It” there as you’re using “it” is “Leo’s content and people believing everything he says”. I’m not saying that’s silly or funny. I’m saying feel free to ask me until you’re absolutely satisfied about any claims I’ve made in my content. I am saying you asking me about other people’s content is silly, again, given that if you want my two cents there are my videos. Notice you just said it wasn’t a question about Nahm’s views or Leo’s views…. and then you say Nahm act’s in a way to seemingly purposefully not challenge….(wait for it)…. Leo’s views. What is the desired outcome of this ‘challenging of views’? Do you think Nahm is going to say something new, which wasn’t already said in Nahm’s twenty thousand posts & videos… and then you’ll have some big epiphany? If you are interested in ‘challenging someone’s views’, you are free to. If you want to make content stating your views, you are free to. If you want to produce conflict, you are free to. Even if you want to say that someone else is creating the conflict, you’re free to. Essential Meaning of bias: A tendency to believe that some people, ideas, etc., are better than others that usually results in treating some people unfairly. You are apparently as you say imaging it is there. You are not being forced to, even if you are being told to, or told it is right, or that you should, or should believe it. Even if every one does, still, you are never forced to do so. I’ve been working a lot on some other projects recently, but I will make a video literally showing everyone the Flying Spaghetti Monster very soon. Most of your minds will refute and you likely won’t even be able to see it. The FSM is a highly complex, incredibly advanced teaching. It could take you thirty one years to even begin to grasp. (Are you laughing?) If not, you probably just need to get laid. (now…? Laughing…?)
  6. I’d go with “the thought wrist is the tattoo” on your wrist. Or simply “wrist”, but that’s more risky.
  7. Sometimes (actually every time without exception) if there seems to be an existential stuckness, it is actually a regular something in life stuckness. So if one is experiencing stuckness on how it is there is not actually something, but nothing… the alignment would be to part from existential rumination, and instead inspect in one’s life, ‘what I am saying there is, which is a belief, and there actually, isn’t?’
  8. Breakthrough is a matter of feeling breathing in the stomach, which is the same as saying not focusing on thoughts like (I assume) is the case the rest of the day. The suggestion is phrased this way because one can not ‘stop thought’ via direct attempts. Think of this as unconditioning. Physical difficulties, such as a sore lower back, are resolved by exercise / strengthening the muscle group, and also evaluating diet for inflations caused by some foods. A cautionary word though, never strengthen some muscles and not others, implement a full body routine. Think of this as conditioning.
  9. In this experience there is an ineffable obviousness which to offer some communication could be accredited to cessation, which can not be communicated in any literal sense as it is too much a matter so to speak of direct experience & obviously much more so that there isn’t. It does not seem to communicate anything when I say that higher is an idea and not a thing, lower is an idea and not a thing, teachings is an idea and not a thing, advanced is an idea and not a thing, duality is an idea and not a thing… that there are not these things… but thought makes it seem so. Thus the question & phrasing there in makes no sense. The ‘question behind the question’ is really, how do I go about addressing thought attachment. Personally, is an idea, support is an idea. Might be somewhat communicative to suggest writing each of these words in a level manor on a piece of paper, and kind of taking a step back and visually seeing these are all thoughts, and then looking around the room for the actuality, or, the other than conceptual ‘things’, to notice there isn’t / aren’t. The simplest answer perhaps, is awareness is directly aware of sensation, perception, and thought. But this is not new info for you, isn’t it so? Please, share your honest answer, or really just whatever arises as to… what could possibly be done here to answer any of what is being asked, which has not already been shared here… And if any more clarity could in some way be said to be ‘needed’ or simply desired of interest… here… And much less so, in a concessionary ‘helpful’ sense… here… And then what I believe could be said to be a generous leaving of what I do share, in regard to understanding misunderstandings… here… And then if there were any chance of meat remaining on the bone so to speak, and also for any one interested in the greater good, the actual implementation of said teachings, or even just an interest in hearing a pointing to delightful experiences ‘beyond’ thought attachment & concepts etc, like Siddhis, Shaktipah, etc… here… And if it were possible, that I could somehow yet still be more straightforward… more comprehensive offerings on how you are creating reality right now, and how this can be realized right now… What could possibly be said here in text which would be more straightforward and non-elusive than the videos shared? It is funny!!! Look again at the videos above which have been offered, I don’t mean watch them all… just look… and then notice how funny it is to be asked if I support x, y, or z, concepts of separation / duality. I hope you ‘get’ or receive this lovingly… this entire matter is simply so absurd it is hysterical. If you, or @4201 or any one simply can not let go of the notion of separate selves and wether a separate self supports or does not support other separate selves ideas (dualities about dualities) what can possibly be said to you which was not shared in these videos? Please, offer whatever answer arises. I’ll share that. And do you see how funny that is or no? I really am wide open to feedback, critique, etc. It would be appreciated if it was specific to the content, and not ‘how a you is being’, given that there is this content. I have no problem whatsoever of pulling videos down, editing, and reposting them to youtube. Really. That is ideal, as I am sharing, yet have no answers at the same time. I don’t know if you ‘get’ that… all I can say is here’s (the content) where I’m coming from so to speak… and that I’m open to tweaking any of it. It isn’t like it’s really mine you know? @TruthSoldier The gift that keeps on giving. Well done sir. Your work here will echo & billow the hallows of mankind unending.
  10. @Raptorsin7 Kind of just a bare accusation there. Care to elaborate? And are you certain it isn’t the comment on ‘higher places to go’, perhaps being received as a bit triggering?
  11. @4201 God damn it in hindsight I gotta say… so to speak, the point you make is superior. I still find this thread to be a trolling of a trolling and pure in it’s humor, but, indeed the greater point is the greater point, in the bigger picture or beyond this one thread sense. My apologies for that. @TruthSoldier And to you as well, if in fact this inquiry is / was sincere, which it still doesn’t seem it was, which of course is simultaneously funnier. @BenG If there’s not a higher place to go, that there is, is misleading.
  12. If thought attachment, liberation, cessation, discord, conscience, feedback on conflicting logical fallacies, hypocrisy, the veils of ego, spiritual ego, materialism and what could be coined as conceptual-spiritual-ego-materialism are ignored, then yes, you’ve got it.
  13. @Javfly33 Take one day and don’t talk about yourself.
  14. @4201 I’m ‘struggling’ in two ways here. How you aren’t finding this hilarious… “What a cesspool. Ill be asking future questions elsewhere.” That is comedic gold right there. The other thing I don’t get is why you’re asking me about any of this when what you’re asking about is Leo’s content, who you can ask. If you sincerely are interested in what I share, it’s not like I don’t have ample content available.
  15. Would you feel bad about spitting in faces, when you don’t spit in faces? Would you feel bad about stealing cars, when you don’t steal cars? Would you feel bad about breaking windows, when you don’t break windows? Would you feel bad about eating animals, when you don’t eat animals? The psychedelics didn’t make you feel bad about food or animals. Has nothing to do with food or animals. Psychedelics are essentially a dose of truth. That there are deities is not true, it’s a belief. When you take a dose of truth, the discord between what is true and what you believe is amplified. To continue believing there are deities, you are believing the discord (bad feeling) is about eating food or animals. Which doesn’t make sense, because you don’t eat animals.
  16. @Javfly33 Oh wow, I had no idea you were allowing this awareness. My God thank you so much, we all owe you our lives! “All hail Javfly33, the allower of awareness!”. (Looks for end of feet kissing line).
  17. @Raptorsin7 I could see how the tear jerker could be the reference to the cause of death being ‘the field of honor’. Strikes me as incredibly discordant to combine harm & murdering over ‘stuff’, with honor in the name of this field. I’m not convinced they ever really knew you at all.
  18. What was said here is actually that there would still be the belief ‘complete lack’, which is an oxymoron, like non-existence.
  19. Yes, of course, entirely possible. Awakening / enlightenment means inspecting the beliefs though, like ‘states’. Wether taking medications or not, wether adopting any practices or not, one can inspect. Try to find the states in sensation, and then in perception. It’ll be recognized as a thought, repeated, a belief, and in the inspection it is ‘seen through’, and therein so is ‘the one who knows / experiences states’… the ‘separate self’ of thoughts, or, the veil of thought attachment / non-awake.