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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Vynce Us, when you focus on what you want to create.
  2. @thenondualtankie You assumes God knows suffering. You could say this is the egos view and the justification(s) of it. Take note the emotional guidance within you, is prior to & transcendent to whatever you put in front of you.
  3. Let go of ‘levels thinking’. You feel the discord & alignment between what you want, and what you’re thinkin. There are no negative thoughts, just thoughts which aren’t aligned with what you want. The clear correlation is emotion, which is the guidance to what you want. Anger isn’t something which does or could manifest in that way, it is guidance felt in regard to what you’re thinking. With loa, what you think is true doesn’t matter, what you want and how you feel matters. With loa, confidence is a nonissue, because you have emotional guidance about your thoughts. If you think you are not confident and this feels discordant, you would look at the scale, and express which emotion you’re experiencing, and continue to do so all the way on up the scale. Loa is about manifesting the life you desire, not making things disappear. With loa, there is no opposing force. If you want to cut down a tree, cut down a tree. There is one reality. ‘Realization’ is a thought. ‘Deep’ is another thought. ‘Solid’ or ‘material’, also thoughts. Shift attention to receiving the guidance of emotion. That reality is a reflection, or some how reflected back at you is a misnomer, a misunderstanding. That is already the actuality. However, be in accordance with what you want, listen to the guidance of feeling. Emotions help you realize & focus on what you actually want (and not rumination over random dumb examples). Create a dreamboard, then write what you want on it, then receive it. Allow it to be that simple, by noticing conceptual intellectual rumination is not ‘advanced’, and doesn’t ever actually add up to anything, and simply isn’t related at all to what you actually want for your life.
  4. This is definitely the good news. Without persistent activity of thought, there can not therefore be value, meaning, purpose, a separate self, control, decisions, etc, as those are conceptual, or, thoughts. That is all the facade of the separate self, which is exactly the same as saying thoughts, or, thought activity, to “whom” all of the control, purpose, meaning etc revolves around. When that activity of thought is allowed to settle from the daily practice, ‘no self’ is realized, and all of that ‘thinking’ is then understood to have been conditioning. So meaning doesn’t become contextualized… what’s realized is that it, life, existence, etc, was already contextualized. Another way to say this… the peace is directly experienced via meditation… and at some point in the day it seems attention has shifted into the activities of the day, and thus ‘where did that nice peaceful feeling go’? Naturally, from continuing to meditate every morning, that peace ‘lasts longer into the day’, and inevitably days happen where it is very much, and very joyfully felt and noticed, that peace didn’t go anywhere (it’s still present). The activities of the day happen, but clearly happen, within this peace, not in opposition to it.
  5. The ‘answered once and for all’ would be to no longer believe there is a you and an existence, nor anyone who could tell you with any truth you are serious or fun.
  6. @Javfly33 Very nice! Counterintuitively perhaps… but with continued daily meditation, meditation does ‘go there’, as ‘you’ & ‘there’ are thoughts / beliefs, and no longer attached to, thanks to, meditation.
  7. Allowing thought activity to settle meditatively, and self inquiring directly into feeling, the “feeling of me”. Allow the concept of a ‘you’ which could ‘know’, of ‘feel’, go, meditatively, and re-inquire into the feeling ‘itself’. Not knowing appears as thoughts, like knowing, knowledge, concepts, etc. When the thoughts are let go meditatively, and the not knowing is directly inquired into, not knowing awakens.
  8. @Alfonsoo A new seeing, appreciation & respect for the ‘space’ ‘between you & thoughts’ could arise, which is to say a new appreciation for daily meditation. It is likely impossible to recognize ‘pen’ is a thought, and not perception or sensation, while ‘attached’ to thoughts. Have a quick read of the ten ox pics, for a bird’s eye view of aversion, the emotional rollercoaster therein, and the adoption of the practice, and the equanimity & other fruits of doing so.
  9. @Yoremo Expression is what you are doing here, now. You’re expressing pessimism. Expressing the next emotion could sound like, ‘when I experience boredom it feels like_______’. Right & wrong are thoughts, belief. Expression isn’t. You can’t ‘get it wrong’, no matter how you express.
  10. Pessimistic thoughts don’t feel good, and what’s desired is feeling better. The loop is the belief there is a you in a state(s), and that you’ll feel better when you change your state, or ‘get into’ the better feeling state. Pessimism isn’t a state, it’s an emotion which is guidance, about the thoughts you’re focused on.
  11. @Terell Kirby Couldn't agree more, as in you are not living in the finite mind, as finite and encompassing are exactly as they appears.
  12. Careful not to shut doors you haven’t opened yet. ♥️ The finite mind is appearance, the one living in it illusion.
  13. Of the ‘echo chamber’ / ‘group think’ / conjecture, or loosely speaking, what the thread’s about.
  14. @r0ckyreed OMG yes. That open mindedness, that shift from all about the ambition and woes of how hard it is for the separate self, to energy. Blissful indeed.
  15. Who’s consent? Self Inquiry. It’s thoughts which go on. Meditation. There is a certain fairness in that anyone can meditate & self inquire, inspect assumptions, beliefs & conjecture, and focus on a better feeling thought. Consent & God are parallel, in that these are both ideas (and not a causation).
  16. @Meliodas Not imo. Given that you are creating by default, and everything is always working out for you, mind as well point that focus on creating what you desire to and allow yourself to receive various means of doing so.
  17. No stage no stuck. You can not be stuck, similar to that you can not suffer. Only who you think you are can experience these.
  18. The relevant factor imo is that it’s all made up. Granted there are the practical matters of having an income & decent credit history, but you can write what you want on a dreamboard, and a “bank” will just make up that there is “money” and lend it to you to create a “business”. Were this not your dream, there’d be no call to make all this up. Pronoia Is an interesting phenomenon.
  19. @EntheogenTruthSeeker Sounds great!