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I think the era of Matt putting Matt’s mental, emotional and physiological well being first is arriving, and I think it’s going to be powerful, awesome, and deeply meaningful. ?
? Love you brother. This to shall pass. You’re gonna come out of this awesomely. Spidey senses tinglin up in here. An Esther Hicks analogy comes to mind… when everyone boards a plane and takes their seats, the attendant gives the speech about ‘if the oxygen masks drop down… mom & dad - put your’s on first… then help your kids’. I believe they say this every time like clockwork because of how incredibly counterintuitive it is for parents. On a flight to Vegas I once actually heard a mom behind me say ‘yeah right’ under her breath. I was thinkin, on that lady’s behalf, yeah, totally, I get it. But more so I was thinkin on the attendants behalf, yeah, I know, I get it.
Nahm replied to PurpleTree's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@PurpleTree It would make sense that when alone, and not around anyone who doesn’t share my beliefs, I wouldn’t feel the discord of the beliefs. Then around anyone who doesn’t hold the same beliefs, I would feel my beliefs arising more intensely. When experiencing jealousy, the beliefs, specifically the limiting aspect of said beliefs, would be felt very significantly. It would seem as if I was uniquely more sensitive than other people. But this could be interpreted as a clue, of what I could inspect & let go. When you experience someone who is so focused on what they want and what they are passionately creating & experiencing in their life… that they truly don’t even care if they sit in some dirt or get coughed on, would this be especially frustrating / irritating? -
Nahm replied to PurpleTree's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@PurpleTree What stands to be let go of, belief wise, is social anxiety, toxicity, and shame. Those are concepts, but you (in one way or another) believe those are what you’re feeling. This is conditioning. Those concepts are learned, and did not come from you. They have nothing to do with you, only to do with your beliefs. Therein lies the confusion. In understanding which emotions you are experiencing, those concepts literally disappear to the extent you’d actually struggle to remember the experience of believing in them. Compassion is conceptual. Anger is an emotion. Compassion/anger/compassion/anger is therefore not a thought loop. It’s a thought (being compassionate) triggering an emotion (anger). I agree there is some unacknowledged jealousy at play. If I believed in social anxiety, toxicity and shame, and did not understand what is actual so to speak, as in the emotions I’m experiencing, other people would piss me off too, and I wouldn’t know why. But it would be because they don’t hold those beliefs, and I don’t want to anymore either. -
Matt A doesn’t experience comparative thoughts about others, or any thoughts about what other people think, and finds that to be other peoples’ business. He doesn’t hold how he feels to be related to what others might or might not be thinking. He finds it hard to relate to the issue of errors & memory difficulties. Matt B lends a significant amount of mindspace to comparing himself to others, mostly in regard to what other people might think of him, and has done this for a long time and thus doesn’t really notice how frequent it is, and how it plays a role of mental congestion in regard to experiencing memories as arising on time effortlessly. Sorry to hear of the job loss, in a way. Am I just a total asshole if I suggest in any way that losing that job is actually… what you wanted? If so, add a spoonful of sugar. Or of course just let me know I’m being an asshole. Might be a line though. Another angle… how would you rate the desire for what you want on a scale of 1 - 10? And how would you rate the experience of doubts arising on a scale of 1 - 10? Ten being lots of desire, feels awesome daily… and 10 being pretty much overwhelmed with doubt daily. Whatever that feels like when you consider it… is that feeling close to the same feeling when you think about the errors & memory issues? In arriving at a number on the ten scale, it might sound like 10 is ‘I know exactly what I want and very much feel the desire & excitement for it. And 10 on the doubt scale might sound like ‘I experience significant doubt and do not really know why’.
Nahm replied to PurpleTree's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@PurpleTree In the same way compassion is naturally deployed for the cotton heads in pain, allow yourself to feel that same goodness of compassion for those still ignorant of conscientiousness. If the gut issue is now, what’s inflaming it also now. It is inflamed by discordant thoughts, which can not be digested. There is much momentum at this point, which is to say there are some discordant thought(s) which are now beliefs, making it harder to spot & resolve. How are conscientiousness, anger, and irritation all related when you think of your childhood? What arises as the most prominent event or happening? Maybe someone thought a bit more about themself than you / the family, and spent there time as such? Any thoughts about your future not working out, something wanted but not possible for you? -
Don’t debate, exemplify & talk in simple terms about simple down to earth stuff in regard to his life & fulfillment therein. There are reasons people want to move from blue to orange, think of those reasons. Don’t make it about religion or culture, just simple and relative to him. Examples of some motivations to move from blue to orange… not having a boss, not punching in & out, no salary cap, etc. With him, at least initially, I wouldn’t mention any specific resources, or even models like spiral dynamics. First he needs to realize his own why. Also, he might not be interested.
You got this. ???
Nahm replied to charlie cho's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I’d murder all the earners too. Probably first. -
Been there & I feel for ya, I really do. Ignore-ance indeed reaches a point of disgust. Yes, do that, and everything & anything which is aligned with what you want. Focusing on what you don’t want doesn’t result in any change. Focusing on what you do want does. Both are like vacuuming the floor, but only in the latter is the vacuum actually plugged in. If you’re really ready for all of this to change, and if you want to chat with me, know that’s what I want too. Anytime, no cost, just pm me. ? I’d offer more here, but I think you have too much momentum going. I don’t think text is going to result in the change you desire.
Nahm replied to charlie cho's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Omg yes. I would murder every single one of them. And all their friends, and all of their family members, and all of their employers, employees and coworkers. Matter of fact, I’d murder everyone who shares their race, nationality and beliefs as well. Really just anyone who disagrees with me in any way would die. Even the innocent bystanders. Even those who simply heard of these murders, I’d murder. I’d use meditation. -
Nahm replied to Carl-Richard's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
In your dreams. -
Nahm replied to iboughtleosbooklist's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
If what is meant by ‘being a fucking idiot’ is feeling the discord of beliefs, and adding the belief cessation happened, then yeah, with love, that is what’s being experienced. The end of a cup is the recognition cup is a thought and is not perception. The end of fear is the recognition fear is a thought and is not sensation. You refute the guidance like my kid might refute the parental guidance of ‘don’t put your hand on that stove, it’s still hot’. (It’s an analogy, I do not mean you’re childish in any way) You insist on continually checking that stove. That stove is analogous to ‘your’ discordant belief. The opposite is cessation. Spend time meditating, expressing, and experiencing a variety of hands on healing modalities. (Vs reinforcing the ‘problem’ / belief). Get ‘your’ focus on other stuff. Stuff which is about well being, the feeling of alignment. When discordant belief is held so long that momentum of the conflict (discord felt) between the belief and the guidance felt reaches a point where it affects your sleep - it is time to listen my friend. Replace any of the words ‘sleep’, ‘infinity’, ‘fear’ and ‘awakening’ with the word me in your op. Repeat a few times in different varieties for the win. Everything you are saying, wether this is realized and clear or not, amounts to shit talking about yourself, and expecting to still somehow know & feel the unconditional love that you are. Wisdom is effortlessly letting the conditions go, allowing the cork to float. Be wise. -
@Vision It’s usually paperwork, that shows / proves / verifies, income.
Nahm replied to Tyler Durden's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I mean completely fundamental like And I’d let spirituality, existentialism, contemplation, etc, all go for a week and see how you feel. I think it’ll feel like a weight off, and relief from a tug of war of a discordant memory and interpretation. Then new more aligned insight can fill in that ‘space’. -
Nahm replied to RMQualtrough's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@RMQualtrough ?? I hear ya and I get it. I wouldn’t say I disagree really, but that I tend to comment with only the op in mind. Can’t help but respect the questioner so to speak, (not to imply you’re a questioner per se). If someone reads something and doesn’t get it, and isn’t interested enough to inquire, that’s fine with me. Nonetheless, always looking to use simpler language. I think I got that about 2% on lock. 98 to go. Much love my friend ? -
Nahm replied to iboughtleosbooklist's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Excellent & accurate point! Triggering topic it seems. -
Nahm replied to Tyler Durden's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
BASIC MEDITATION: POSTURE, BALANCE, RELAXATION, & BODY SCAN The movie Hoosiers is a great & true story which conveys ego or getting in one’s own way & the importance of fundamentals. In the bigger picture the answer is awakening. Humble pie never tastes like we assume. It’s actually sweet like relief. -
Nahm replied to Yeah Yeah's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Yeah Yeah Cessation of concepts, teachers, etc. -
Nahm replied to SelfHelpGuy's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Perhaps for now we can agree to disagree. At least with math there’s thoughts, perception and sensation. With so called death and or afterlife there’s just the thought (belief) and the discord therein. There are no / is no separate self / selves. No one ‘has’ knowledge or theories. There is the illusion that there is or are separate selves, which is / ‘transpires’ as thoughts, and is referred to often as thought attachment, and remedied often, by meditation and inspecting the beliefs. I fully acknowledge this might sound absolutely crazy, but death was inspected fully, and all ‘I’ got was a punchline. Nothing. Like how Charlie ends up with the whole factory. -
Nahm replied to Yeah Yeah's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
“Everything”. -
Nahm replied to Javfly33's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
In regard to the scale and the intended use & understanding… fear is not an energy but is emotional guidance in regard to the thoughts focused on. Fear is not first and creating thoughts. When certain thoughts are focused on, fear is the guidance you are receiving. If you don’t like how it feels, focus on better feeling thoughts. Namely & ideally - what you actually want. Improv writing is crazy powerful to shift from focusing on unwanted, or what one wants to avoid…. to wanted, what resonates. That resonating is you lining up with our source, which is analogously the electricity of all creation. You know when you are aligned because you feel the ‘electricity’. It is not a thought thing, it is a feeling thing. Also, no offense my bruh, but you don’t have ‘an overall perspective on reality’, you have one thought at a time like everyone else, and that one next thought can be more aligned via focus and willingness. The relevance is momentum. It does immediately feel better to focus on a better feeling thought, and day after day vibration changes, momentum changes, and I kid you not, ‘your stuff’ just starts showing up. Eventually it’s all just a joy ride of attraction in an inexplicable miracle. (Already is of course, which is why you’re feelin precisely what you’re feelin emotionally). Yes. I’d even go so far as to note ‘anxiety’ in the interpretation. It might be of this world, but it is not of you. Without that interpretation, excitement is just excitement. Take the human lens out so to speak, by looking more specifically at what you’re made of (again, so to speak) and imagine cells in a petri dish, which is on a vibrating plate, and you’re turning the frequency up & down, and seeing the cells vibrating accordingly. Entire reality’s like that, and you’re the creator of it. Not in some eternal past, right now. That’s the momentum you’re feeling. It is ‘what is’. Contentment with what is is key. But excitement is about what will be. What can be is ‘why you came’ as a creator, to… create. Yeah! That’s ‘the electricity’! Good ‘stuff’! Always readily available here now, for all. Yes, meditation. Also, be ok with not knowing. Notice on the scale boredom is higher, because it feels better, than pessimism. Be the King of ‘I don’t know’. How’s tomorrow gonna go? ‘I don’t know’. What’s she gonna say? ‘I don’t know’. I believe what you’ll discover is pessimism and self referential thinking more or less melt away. Also be mindful of a paradigm shift from motivation (thoughts about the separate self, self referential thoughts, feeling of discord) to inspiration (thoughts about wanted, feeling of alignment). Also, do me a solid and literally say aloud ‘I’m actually doing great’. (I know it’s self referential, but it’ll feel good because you’re awesome and it’s true). You’ve been doing, doing, doing to feel better… and you’re now embarking on the most joyful journey possible - the discovery that good feeling arises of it’s own accord. -
Nahm replied to The White Rabbit's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
That’s one of the beauties of using the emotional scale, panic & insanity aren’t emotions. Use the scale, start with whichever emotion on the scale seems most like the emotion you are experiencing. Horror is fiction, and is also not on the scale. I don’t mean that as your experience is not valid of course, but there is a certain honing of acuity in understanding using the scale. Of course, it is just one tool of many. Anytime. ?? -
Nahm replied to RMQualtrough's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@RMQualtrough No one’s ‘eradicating terms of duality’, and everyone loves to share & hear mystical experiences. I was speaking more to the ‘How do you interpret this & why’, and the title which is in question form. It seemed somewhat invitational. Also, we aren’t per se ‘randomers of google here’. My reply would likely be different in that case. It’s the ‘I became pure consciousness’, ‘I don’t fully remember everything’ which sounds like identification with a past experience, while I lean towards This is still “that”, or, that was just an experience, a trip within The Trip, like a dream within This Dream. -
Nahm replied to SelfHelpGuy's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@SelfHelpGuy Very much appreciating you as well, and thank you! @Seraphim Nonduality doesn’t specify, as it is without any condition. Human, death, puzzle, pieces, theories, correct, incorrect, etc… and nonduality… all make for ‘two’. No one will ever, or could ever, be ‘correct’ about what happens after they die, because, nonduality = The Truth. Bending the spoon is indeed fruitless & impossible.