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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. * ‘deep rooted’ is a belief. Stay here & now. Feel. (As if there really were any other option)
  2. See what I’m sayin though? It does not matter at all, because you’d only know via direct experience. That’s what was meant by the ‘error’ in thinking. You still wouldn’t know. That’s all I’m sayin. Here…. I am a philosophical zombie. I am ‘the real one’. I am blah blah blabber blabber yada yada the enlightened one Makes no difference.
  3. Breathe, relax, be here & now, allow this AI / simulation story to empty. ‘Go to’ perception & feeling. Let these thoughts be. Let this body do it’s thing. Get out of the way. Watch a movie or play a game. Relax. Take a week off from existential conceptualizing.
  4. I meant the point of what you said, not the ultimate point of reality. What makes it ‘wrong’? And so what if it is incorrect, inaccurate, ‘wrong’, etc? Simply put, what the heck difference does it make? Who ‘has a mind’ (my mind), and who’s manipulative / manipulating? And how & why is manipulation being accredited to a my mind, vs the ordinary muggle style, I’m manipulative / manipulating? Who is the arbitrator of; -what is and is not a dream or a lucid dream -conscious & unconscious - levels of imagination - you’s with small y’s & you’s with big Y’s? I might be missing something, a point, but doesn’t this kind of circle back to this… Why is it important ‘to you’ what Leo or anyone else says? Wooden planks, robots, NPC’s, zombies, unconscious meat bags, yada yada…. What is the relevance?
  5. Yes. But not in it, on it. Use a dry erase board, not a screen. If you want it in your phone, portable, take a picture of the board. Make a note / place, to jot down whatever arises and capture it using a phone or whatever, but then when you get home write it on the board. Don’t be picky on how it comes. Just write it. Just write it. Perfect use of emotional understanding! And just write it. Write what you want, understand & respect you are not attracting for anyone else. They can create a dreamboard too. Not sure what you’re asking there. Create one and find out bruthah!
  6. Make a dreamboard. It’s not important. That’s the wisdom.
  7. @RMQualtrough Hopefully you don’t fault me for being frank… what’s the point? I understand what you’re saying, but am at a loss as to the point of it.
  8. @RMQualtrough But then it was heard, ‘wooden planks’… ? And the order of the day is finding out if what you heard is truth, from the sayer of ‘wooden planks’ ? (I don’t know what that reference is, ‘wooden planks’ is new to me) I’m not sure if that’s what you’re experiencing, or if that’s the point made or not. It’s unclear from including all the memories, states, etc. Irrelevant to the topic at hand, no?
  9. The error in your thinking there is the “then I will know”. No, ya won’t. What you hear from others never magically turns into what you know. It remains and always will remain, what you heard. What you know, you know, from direct experience and from direct experience only. There are as many “forms” of solipsism, as there are ways you could think about it. It’s a belief. ISM. The opposite, is meditation. Not believing those ‘many ways’. The relevant question for you imo is, why are you even continuing thinking about it? I suppose it is because, you hold the belief that you could somehow magically know what is not within your own direct experience, isn’t it so? Leo could write a thousand books and make a thousand videos, and you would never, ever ever ever know, a damn thing. You are waiting for someone better at pointing to the truth for you? Definitely don’t hold your breathe. Point ya own self toward ya own self. Instead, inspect what a podcast is, what a capitol is, what a position is - what you are! The hell difference does it make what positions change, sans your own ? (Imo) - Stop being a follower. I don’t mean “of Leo’s”. Listen to Leo if you like, don’t if you don’t. But stop being a follower in the bigger, biggest picture. If you want to know what’s true - let everyone else off the hook by dropping the false expectation you could be told the truth - and find out. Tangibly. Write anything which is not thinking, on your calendar. Anything which is direct experience. Healing modalities, an adventure, a retreat solo or otherwise, a trip, etc, anything other than more thinking. Maybe so, maybe not, assumption is a hand full of beans, not a heart & mind full of Truth. I love ya, and hope this is heard as such. But, that’s really your business. ? @ZenSwift ? nice. (Because it was a joke. Keep the panties untwisted everyone)
  10. @Apple Juice The body is most intelligent. Unthinkably, unbelievably, intelligent. The body is to be listened to. Not told. What you know, is from direct experience only. What you believe, is from what you hear, and is not, direct experience. This includes the sound of your own voice. This sounds confusing, because the sound of your voice is not a belief, but is your direct experience, yes? Well, letting go of belief = being open minded, and openmindedness is called for here. You are not the body, mind, person. That is not your true identity. Your true identity, is that which is vibrationally appearing as, the body, mind, person if you will AND the very sound. Vibration. ALL sounds. There is no problem whatsoever with sound, with your voice. The discord, the suffering, is in the judgement of the sound / your voice. Doubly, the discord or suffering, is in the insistence that you are right, about the belief, that something is wrong with you. I say this with love to help, not to be argumentative or challenging, and I do hope it’s received that way. It is very likely imo, that the affirmations felt good, the lower voice felt good… and then in that feeling good… the body is letting some old beliefs about yourself go. Beliefs which don’t feel good, beliefs which are discordant. The key point there is - recognize, the body is on the same page with you. What the body let’s go of, are beliefs which simply do not jive (discord) with truth. Think of it like this. A long time ago you ate something which did not taste good, but you ate it anyways because, well, people said “that’s what we eat”. Now the body & you are getting more on the same page so to speak… and the body’s like, awesome, let’s barf out that, which didn’t taste right in the first place. But you are resisting. You are suppressing. You are not allowing the body to ‘barf out’ the beliefs, which did not feel right to you in the first place. You’re not tasked with letting go of anything you like, want, or love. You’re tasked with breathing and relaxing, while the body does the work for you. What’s let go, is what you don’t want - what’s let go, is the discord, the resistance. Your ‘task’, if there could even be said to be one, is to ‘get out of the way’ / don’t suppress. Talking with someone, such as a therapist, or a friend or family member who is a good listener, is expression. The opposite of suppression. Think of this - a ‘secret’ can kind of “eat someone alive” inside. One innocently, unknowingly, builds a story around the holding of a ‘secret’. Shame, guilt, unworthiness, etc, these all describe how that holding of the ‘secret’ feels. It is how that belief, or, ‘that which you ate’, feels. One who continues to suffer is one who refuses to express and or refuses to allow the body to empty the belief(s) out - to let that ‘secret’ go. When we do express, when we do be willing to talk or write about whatever it is, we start feeling better. Once it’s “up & out”… in hindseight - in truth I am saying to you, in all the honesty in my being - whatever it was is then seen to be, not a big deal at all. The “BIG DEAL” is then seen to have been - the resistance - to the truth. In this case that Truth is - there is nothing wrong with you, and there is nothing wrong with your voice. In the larger sense yes but we’re still individuals in this physical world.Would you be stoked if all of a sudden you started to feel like you’re literally being an old lady or a toddler? I do understand what you’re saying. What you’re experiencing is the discord between what you know (which is from direct experience)… and what you believe (which is stuff you’ve heard, and is not from your own direct experience). Is there some sort of spiritual practice/technique or anything I can use to fix my problem? You must first recognize and understand the ‘pickle’ you are in. You are believing something is needed so that you can feel better, and you are looking for what that something is. You can of course do this, and there are somethings that indeed will help you feel better, such as medications, therapy, etc - and I very much suggest you do what helps with where you’re at. No one else is in your shoes in this way, so you gotta weigh things out for yourself, and choose for yourself. BUT, you’ve been doing that and these things are not adding up to feeling better, and this leads essentially, to thoughts about escaping. So overall my suggestion is to do what you have not yet done - which is not to continue to believe something is wrong with you or your voice. Not to look to add more - but to look to your own judgements, your own beliefs, and begin to express them, as the very means of understanding & thus, feeling better. Then - not right this second reading this (do not hold that expectation) - but upon the direct experience of expressing, opening up, “sharing the secret”, letting it go - THEN you will feel a bit better, and a bit better, and a bit better, and momentum of TRUTH ? is underway… and you will be feeling - Good. As in, Goodness. REAL good. Actual, Good. Who you REALLY are! Not - the beliefs! Is there some sort of spiritual practice/technique or anything I can use to fix my problem? (Imo) The ‘Proper’ question would therefore be… Is there some sort of spiritual practice/technique or anything which I can use - to let go - to release - to let this body empty out this belief…? YES. Absolutely, YES. There is. (This, for you, is opinion, which is shared from this direct experience…) The words on this page will do nothing for you. You must do - directly experience what these words point to - to see that indeed, in fact, without any exception - it does in that regard “work”. What you’ll be letting go of - is the belief something is wrong with you. A big part of this feeling better is putting some heart into this. You gotta choose to feel better. You gotta do it, which is to say, you gotta learn to relax, and breathe, and allow the body to do it’s thing it does so so so well - and barf that belief right outta ya. Yes, it ‘tastes’ pretty terrible as it come up & out. This is WAY better than continuing to hold the ‘secret’, the belief, as you already most unfortunately from direct experience, know. A therapist really shines here, as they can help you to ‘stay in the room’ or ‘be where you are’, and this helps with reassuring you that you are safe and sound, it’s just beliefs coming up & out - you are fine. (In addition to therapy) Google, Youtube, research, Martin Ball. Listen to him. Be open minded to what he says. He is speaking from direct experience. He knows exactly what he’s talking about. Zero fluff. That is all the difference in the world. I mention him because he focuses a lot on what I also came to call ‘the up & out’. The things he suggests will make all the difference in the world in regard to what you are experiencing and how you are feeling. The old habitual if you will response to the body when it’s emptying beliefs, has been contraction & suppression. Listen to his material, but in a nutshell he is directing you instead to expression, via the body. Like instead of curling up in a ball on the chair… ruminating or ‘spiraling’ …. standing up straight, extending your arms, taking in big deep stomach breaths and letting them out slowly - being a partner on board with the body and allowing it to do what it so infinitely intelligently does. Again, you, your direct experience of this, that is where it’s at. Do not make the mistake of expecting to feel better by reading this and thinking about it. That is like thinking about water, which is not at all the same as getting wet. Be willing to get wet. I promise, I guarantee, if you do, if you choose to express, to release, to allow, you will be most glad you did. In the larger sense yes but we’re still individuals in this physical world.Would you be stoked if all of a sudden you started to feel like you’re literally being an old lady or a toddler? Having said all that, the answer like it or not, understand it or not, is very much yes. To you, I am a man. To me, I am not. I am the old lady. I am the toddler. I do love it - because I very, very much love, me. Love is unconditional and readily available to all, to clean discordant beliefs right outta ya. I say this with the understanding of a most key distinction, which in your stubbornness (sorry, I love you, but you are being very stubborn) you are not yet aware of, and that is that what you are feeling is not that you’re becoming an ‘old lady’ or a ‘toddler’ or anyone whatsoever. The horrible feeling you are feeling is the resistance, or, if you will, the stubbornness. Let go. Let God. Let Love. Let the body. Whatever mentally ‘gets you there’, by God my good man - let go!
  11. That’s as beautiful as an answer could be. ♥️ Totally agree with Leo on that you indeed create your own enlightenment, and intention to know the Truth is everything.
  12. Not really my business there. I’m simply commenting because a false accusation was made. If you or anyone is asking what Nahm is saying, this is pretty much word for word it, especially the balloon & air part. Indeed, it might sound crazy at first.
  13. Might wanna think the logic of that one through a little more. Imo, until you’re laughing & loving. I’ve maintained since day one solipsism is a belief, an ism, like any other. Further, that it is delusion, and spiritual ego. (There is no ‘solipsist’ / self inquire) If more of Nahm’s two cents is desired, Nahm speaks for himself if you will… Also just two cents, music is healing precisely because it is connective and not isolating, like the belief in solipsism. You wrote a great song about this matter. A parable, if you will, the sentiment of which I agree with. It’s fun to relate, but ‘it’s’ the room, the sun, and the sky you beautiful sob. ? Cessation, being, the literal activity of thought, is inherently therein the cessation of such nonsensical or discordant (suffering) beliefs. Obviously, don’t take my word for it.
  14. Pride. Vanity. Having two mouths and one ear.
  15. I suggest a different thinking, than that of the self referential ‘I’m the male’ kind. Create a funeral. Don’t think about it, do it, for her. Schedule it, at a cemetery. It will help her to release. Let go of the framing of this being ‘something to deal with’, and move to there are some emotions to process. Contribute to her allowance of grieving & mourning. Saying less is more. Those dreams will come to rest. (I don’t mean send invitations out etc, I just mean for you and her). Also, she’s likely imposing guilt on herself with some thoughts that it’s her fault or something she did or that there’s something she could have or should have done. Remind her God’s plan is bigger than that, and though things might not make sense now, they will. Doesn’t matter what ‘God’s plan’ means, she’ll resonate in feeling in a releasing ‘give it to God’ sense.
  16. Not complex, simple and perhaps more a matter of inspection. Energy can neither be created or destroyed, thus no cost is possible.
  17. @jimwell As always, just a ‘two cents’… consider acute distinction between appearance and illusion, and self inquiry as to the ‘who’ in my awakening(s). @QandC Great thread btw!
  18. Cessation doesn’t point to me, but to thoughts about. There really is ‘no you’. I = me.
  19. ‘Suppressive, separate, limiting, or restrictive’ is (still) content of the mind. ‘God realized mind’ is an oxymoron, and is content, and likewise so is ‘elevated’, ‘awakened’, ‘true thoughts’. Content about cessation is not cessation, like the thought ‘sky’, is not the experience of the sky. Experience, is also content. Cessation could be said to be the result of having inspected and resolved all conflicts, or discordant opposing views, in / of one’s own mind, including the belief in one’s own mind, and that cessation could be content. All which is said about cessation is only content which points. Using content to point, notice the ‘three cups, but no peanut’ situation. This video can serve as a pretty good pointer. Notice the overall message of the video is ‘held up’, only by using content, to justify, other content. Three cups, never a peanut. (No implication here this has anything to do with any religion or Christianity, please do not read into the example in that way). The only ‘rule’ of cessation, is whatever anyone says about cessation, is not true, about cessation.
  20. @Apple Juice When the momentum of discord has reached the point it has, the ideal help is the help specifically trained for where you’re at so to speak. Call, allow & receive that help. I am not per se specifically trained in suicide prevention, but can rightfully say that you haven’t tried everything yet, and if you’d like to try chatting with me just let me know. I’m available today. Links below, or just pm me. Much love.
  21. The mind is trying to resolve the aversion from what is real, which, God bless the mind and it’s best efforts, it simply can not do and really, can no longer be expected to do. Only what is real will do, in matters of psychosis (or anything experientially resembling psychosis). A different model of approach will resolve the discord, and therein the disturbing visions.
  22. @Persipnei It sounds like some of the distinctions, or the way me, kid, life, death, body & consciousness, and the resulting frustration & panic are framed up could use some reconsideration or inspection. These might not be as separate as is held in mind to be, and the depth of letting go is allowing the releasing of these distinctions, but then they’re held. That which is thought to be frustration and panic, might not actually be felt to be frustration or panic.
  23. What happens when you close… your imaginary… eyes? ? Maybe believe is more accurate than know in this case, and maybe belief is why you’re thinking you’re not the consciousness in question of getting closer to.