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Nahm replied to whoareyou's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@whoareyou Thanks for the reply. What’s the ‘other shoe’, for those who... believe in an “illusion”, live in “egoic narrative & distraction of the false self”, “chase intellectual understanding”, don’t learn to “work with energy authentically”, don’t drop the “need to gain insights”, if someone is “stuck for years”, who don’t investigate the “ego mechanism”, who don’t “differentiate truth vs egoic projections”.... What is the offset, the repercussion, the outcome? Where’s it lead is what I’m asking? -
Nahm replied to billiesimon's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Hone in on the nondual and apparent dual aspect. It is entirely verifyable, and even understandable...it’s the duality of “proving” which is the issue, as there are not two. The inherent aspect of the appearance of the limitation of ‘individual consciousness’, and the expansion of it, is the inherent and shockingly direct apparent paradigm of reality, in appearance. -
Nahm replied to OmniYoga's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It almost sounds like you are taking time to pay attention to thoughts, rather than returning attention to feeling stomach breathing and letting every thought pass. -
Nahm replied to whoareyou's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@whoareyou Maybe it’s all part of a growth - self discovery process, and if someone doesn’t like it, they’re free to change the channel. Outside of accuracy, actuality, wether it’s “true” or not, etc...what is the concern you have for those channeling, talking to entities, etc? That the delusion will have a negative pact on their health, their life, opportunities....? What is the possible misguidance of it, & potential fallout? Just curious. Thanks. -
@Identity You’re doing phenomenal. Academically, entrepreneurially, short term vision, long term vision, unique geniuses bloomin, start ups in the water, and really, you had me at “I’ve got quite a bit of momentum going already” for independence. ♥️ Crushing the outer world: ✔️. Inner world wise, you’re obviously too hard on yourself, and in need of re-connection with your source. There’s a pressure-fear relationship there that is a tricky and costly belief. I know the workload of starting businesses, as well as the elation and joy found in it. I think you stand to tune up the inner game, with the inner being, without any sacrifice of production or efficiency.
Nahm replied to whoareyou's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Aakash lmao! Love ya bud ?? -
Nahm replied to whoareyou's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Aakash ha -
@kieranperez Excellent!
Nahm replied to Ibn Sina's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The hand exercise is about “omniscient”, you might have missed the implication (and hilarity) of the all there is to know. -
Nahm replied to Aakash's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Ya! Love that one. -
Nahm replied to whoareyou's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It’s true, people can communicate with infinity directly. But we all know what they say about not hearing what you want to hear. -
Nahm replied to whoareyou's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Solid. ???? -
Nahm replied to Justincredible76's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Aakash You got me in the feels right there man. Beautiful, thank you for that. @zeroISinfinity ?♥️ @Justincredible76 Well, nondual is the only non-state. Nondual, is not-two. One... plus a state... is two - duality. Subject is always you...the state is the “thing”, or, “that which you are aware of.” You can notice right now, (and have a laugh), that you have never experienced - being two. Always one. If you are aware of changing states - you are simultaneously aware that you are awareness - aware of. Perhaps a timely question is - when thoughts arise - what am I even doing with them? What are they even for? Am I choosing thoughts - based on what I want, what I’m trying to experience, based on the life I want to create? Am I feeling... - for me? Am I cultivating this dream? My, unique, dream? It’s a one time thing, you know? The perfection of you - is the imperfections of you, what makes you different, it’s entirely what makes you “not normal”! There is not really this long line we imagine there to be at the - normal life - ride. Just who the hell is wanting that anyways? And who knows this “imperfection”? You. You infinite, perfect, sneaky, sneaky, being. You know “imperfection”. ? So, awareness is enough. In awareness of the arising thoughts, of the perspective of “identification”, you, perfect being you - have the opportunity just to simply notice this. The thoughts arise one-at-a-time. Worth noticing - “overwelmed” - is just one thought. It is not some jumbled pile of a bunch of thoughts. It’s just one, like any - and every - other - thought. Notice when you are choosing thoughts, that are aligned with what other people think. They got their whole show goin. Their thoughts are for them. Consider - what is your ‘set point’, your established central course, where you are headed, that which you deeply desire - that which you can use, to choose the thoughts which are aligned with the real-ization, of it? Want a ‘nondual peek’? Want to see something that’ll knock your socks off? Get. a. dry. erase. board. Write what you want on there! Write everything that comes to mind, today and any day, any time - add it to the board! An idea pops up, email it to yourself. Add those to the board when you get home. Tape pictures, draw things you want, describe them - feel into them, as if they were already done. In truth - they are. Everything you want, will come from you. You are The One. There is no question of “deserving”, of “worthy” - it’s all you. The dry erase board - infinite intelligence, appearing as that, and you hold a thought, “dry erase board”. The marker in your hand - infinite intelligence, appearing as that, and you hold a thought, “marker”. The hand - “your” hand - infinite intelligence, appearing as that, and you hold a thought, “my hand”. (The theme here, the actuality here is - infinite intelligence - that’s all there is. Infinite Intelligence = Infinite Creation Itself. Not Creator and creation - One - Awareness - You) The ‘thing’ about infinite intelligence is, it’s infinite, there is no “other than”, no “thing outside of it” - and, it is intelligence. Unlimited - intelligence. So infinite, so intelligent - unfathomably appearing as all things - ALL things, the universe, the cosmos, the thought about it, the eyes which see it, the body which feels it - ALL infinite intelligence. There is no separation, between “your hand”, the “marker”, the “dry erase board”, and everything you could ever want - everything in the entire universe. There is No such thing - as separation. And that which is, IS INTELLIGENT - more than you and me can even begin to fathom or comprehend. We can love it all day every day though. We can “juice ourselves up” with it. So absolutely intelligent in fact - that infinite intelligence has made it so we don’t even need to understand it! We can’t - we are it! We get to cut right to the creating! That’s pretty damn intelligent, no?! ?☺️ You just honestly express, onto your dream board, what it is you are wanting. (It’ll change over time, perfectly & beautifully, in accordance - with you.) Then, you, “line up with it”. A thought arises which feels good, relative to your dream life (your dream life) - grab hold of it! Feel it! Blow that thought up into a full body creatorgasm! DIAL INTO IT! Know. That. Feeling! That’s it! That’s me! That’s the feeling, that’s what I want! That right there, is my dream manifesting!!! I created that thought!!! Feel the excitement of it - that is what you want - and it is actually coming! That - is as nondual as it gets - aligned; creator / creating / creation - One....You! That is the thrill, the passion, the excitement, the knowing in your bones, the metadventure! Ya can’t see it or hear it - cause you’re living it! Living is it! When a thought arises which does not feel good to you, which is not aligned with your dream - acknowledge that feeling right away, and let it go. Simply. You like chicken, eat chicken, love it. You don’t like beef - there’s no urge to be all “not-beef-ism” about it, you don’t form an anti-cow coalition, you don’t organize the “let’s-all-transcend-beef parade” - you just let it go. You truly, actually, really - just simply - let it go. It’s the same for thoughts. You can just simply actually let them go. You are already The One. This world, “reality” - it’s made of twoness, this or that creation-ness. Any thing you want to have, anything you want to experience, is made of twoness. It is this - it is not that. The reality from which you experience, and form preferences of what you want - that same reality also contains and delivers what it is you are wanting, - it is of the very same twoness. The only “thing” reality can not deliver - is you. But, you’re in luck. You are already you! You don’t care for beef. Done. What do you like - chicken. Feel into chicken. Write it on your board. Draw it. List five things you love about chicken. Chicken salads, chicken cordon blue, drumsticks, chicken stir fry, fried chicken! Then, let it go. The universe and you are One. You experienced what you don’t want (beef), and you know more deeply now what you do want (chicken). Be on purpose with the wanting of what you want, and watch the universe, in it’s unthinkable, mystical, synchronistic, mysterious ways - deliver it right to you. Ya go for a walk, letting this ‘settle in’ a bit. Letting the asking, the thinking, - go.... “Huh...? Since when does my neighbor own a chicken? - That’s weird...what are the chances?!” You walk by a house with the curtains open, and playing on the tv - and an old Foghorn Leghorn cartoon. WTF? Seriously. Odds?? WTF? Your buddy texts you - about how he just got hired at KFC. ? You sign in to a forum, and there’s a new thread, “The Egg”...ok, really, what the hell is going on here? It’s all you, and you are a creator. That is what the hell is going on here. And this, me... is just another thing passing, another thing coming & going, being stated - to you. And you, to me...precisely what I want. Thank you. -
Nahm replied to Justincredible76's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Truth Addict Thanks ??♥️ -
Nahm replied to Aakash's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
“You” are already a ‘focus’, of, you - infinite. Whatever it is you want, try simply putting it in front of you. Not focusing, or doing, etc. Just literally, put it in front of you, and just sit there. See what feeling, what inspiration, arises. Just two cents...but...you didn’t create this reality 99%. “I’ll create this life - BUT - I’ll make it where nothing happens if I don’t focus”. You create 100%. You’re the best there is at this. Granted, best out of one, but still. -
Nahm replied to Justincredible76's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Justincredible76 Become aware of what fragmentation is. Overly simply put - it’s found in the thinking, specifically thoughts about yourself - as if the one who is aware of the thought is one you, and the thought is about a second you. Just begin to notice this in your thinking, writing, etc. Notice it, realize you have never been “two”, and have a laugh every time. Allow your infinite nature, truth, to be the punchline to duality. There’s a natural release in finding it funny. Notice these Twoness-ess: ”I can discipline my self”. Everything is twoness, this or that - except for you. You are the awareness. Relative to physical-world-thinking, you are the Nothing. Notice, how this thinking you’ve been doing, about yourself, as if you were a thing, a this or that...notice how this thinking of yourself dualistically (twoness) keeps leading you into the back and forth - of this or that. This is because, again, you are awareness, aware of this or that. So, reconsider “discipline” from the true self perspective,of, Nothing. This would be a different paradigm for your consideration - one where the “discipline” is not in doing, but in letting go. Spirit, is like a cork being held under water by holding thoughts about yourself. When you let the thoughts go, the cork of course, naturally floats. Inspiration is natural, organic, perfect alignment in actuality. The entire experience is ‘housed’ in purification. You let go, reality washes it from you. Please pause to notice the distinction here. Letting go is not an action you do, like other things. Purification is the fundamental nature of reality, 24/7. The “current” which “takes” what you release and let go of, is always running - so you - don’t have to. You, just let thoughts go, universe is already a system created around that, already designed in purification. “i face resistance towards whatever i’m doing.” See the twoness here also. Resistance is just an arising thought, you choose or let go. That’s it. Resistance is not something separate, but rather, a micro phase in your creating. It’s like if a deep diver in going to the bottom of the ocean, he has a feed of oxygen. You are out here in infinity, creating reality - and your “feed” of creating from source, is the linear, one at a time - thoughts - from which to choose from, to create what you want. Pick a thought and roll with it if it feels good. If it doesn’t feel good, let it go. You will find, the “resistance” is the clay itself, the very means of creation / creating / creator. SImply put, you are not “facing” anything. You’re creating. “...the feeling that im wasting my time with my friends, what should i do about that?” ”Play it out”. A great, short, simple, effective exercise. If you’re not relaxed, feeling good, having fun playing with your friends...play it out. Think, ok, let’s say I tell them to bolt to I can feel better from doing my practices....and you do, and you do feel better. Then, within you arises the thought... “I should hang with my bros, to have more fun, and feel more excited than I do right now”....so you do, and it is fun....but this style of thinking leads in the dualistic, this or that’s loop you’re sharing with us. If you “play it all the way out”- you see everything you’ll ever do - is for feeling better. How about flipping that paradigm too - feeling good and then doing whatever, from that better feeling place? Careful not to let the subtlety about this slip past you. This is the force, the chi, the prana, the “when you’re ready - you won’t have to dodge bullets”- stuff. So, you, can’t be disciplined, but every activity, and the time allocation of it - can be, because it’s all as simple as a this-or-that choice. Try this out - just write segments of time down on a piece of paper. Maybe.. 9 - 9:30 - meditation, let everything, and every arising thought - go. Then maybe write down, 6 - 7, play with the homies, let everything else go, and be present, have as much fun as possible - and no worry’s at all about “should I be surrendering” - I can just write it down - “tonight, 10-10:30...meditate, surrender everything” - then get back to fun. This “segment thinking” is utilizing duality, rather than pretending you are of it and trying to conform yourself to it in thinking. You’re too big for that, ya ain’t gonna fit in duality - you crazy infinite being you. Think in terms of segments of time about this - segments of experience - rather than segments of you. In your “letting go”” segments of time....feel into the actuality of purification. Feel when you let go, body relaxes, muscles release, gravity pulls and washes from you, what you let go of. Likewise, inspiration, is inherent in the design of reality. Notice how it fills you up, without you needing to do anything. By letting go, you are giving it to the universe, and the universe takes care of everything from there. Divine, no? Having let go, the universe fills you with inspiration. There’s no “worth”, no “deserving”, really, at all. This is just how reality is designed - how you are designed. This is how you designed the whole thing. You didn’t half ass it bruh. It’s perfect, flawless, seamless, the functionality is so divine and perfect - the functionality can not even be found. It’s not designed for you to strife, to suffer. Let. Go. & Create. This is just infinite creation, at play. You’ll never truly “find” the fun - so go ahead, and see that you can bring it everywhere you go. -
Nahm replied to Ibn Sina's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Ibn Sina ?? -
Nahm replied to Ibn Sina's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Ibn Sina Knowledge as finite is reframed as infinity. If you make a fist with your left hand, and cover it with your right hand, then remove the left fist...the emptiness where your fist was, is inner being, pure consciousness. The right hand is all the world appearing. If you also remove the right hand too, that - the empty infinity (the room), is you / truth. Just as a handy analogy of course. Now move the right hand in and out of the picture, and notice nothings changing. The empty space (nothing) and the hand (everything) are the same. Notice this is the case in direct experience, without entertaining a single thought about ‘it’. -
Nahm replied to billiesimon's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@billiesimon For sure. If there are words, it’s definitely coming from a person, and all there is, is Abe, so to speak. Great to hear it’s clickin. ♥️ -
@Scholar Sounds great!
Nahm replied to billiesimon's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@billiesimon Wonderful. ?? I think the approach accommodates the listener’s duality. Really draws out grounded and groundless skepticism nicely. Some won’t even go near it. So glad to hear it’s clicking for ya. -
Nahm replied to billiesimon's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@billiesimon How are you finding the practices of loa? Anything you feel ‘stuck’ on, etc? -
https://www.gardenoflife.com/content/product/why-choose-raw-protein-and-greens/ Ice, chocolate almond milk, banaana, cocoa powder, peanut butter If you want it sweeter. The Loophole Shake.
Nahm replied to DoTheWork's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@DoTheWork Want advice from someone else? -
@amirali gharib parsa Mantra Meditation With this form of meditation you choose a calming word, thought or phrase and silently repeat it over and over. This helps push away other, more distracting thoughts and produces a profound sense of calm. Transcendental Meditation is a form of Mantra Meditation and is highly recommended for those who suffer from anxiety. Mindful Meditation This form of meditation for anxiety may seem unusual in that, instead of closing your eyes and drifting away from your environment, you choose to become more aware of it and therefore more accepting. This works by allowing you to accept thoughts or distractions and simply let them flow over you. Focusing on your breath and observing its flow helps you to achieve this state of relaxed mindfulness. Mindful Meditation is particularly useful during potentially stressful occasions such as a party. You can do this without anyone even noticing, simply observing, accepting and letting everything flow over you while keeping your attention on your breathing until you feel calmer and in control. Walking Meditation Another method which is well suited to helping combat anxiety as it allows you to withdraw from stress-inducing situations while also giving yourself a real physical and mental treat. During a walking meditation you adopt the principles of the Mindfulness Meditation in that you notice and appreciate everything around you as you pass by at a steady, even pace, concentrating on the motion of your legs and feet. You can even combine this with a Mantra Meditation, silently repeating a calming word, thought or phrase in your head as you breathe deeply and regularly. The benefit of this kind of meditation is that you reap the rewards of both physical exercise and mental calming while giving yourself a proper psychological boost. This sort of ‘me time’ is vital if you suffer from anxiety. Again, it need only be a few minutes, although 30 is optimum. Take a walking meditation a few times a week and you will quickly start to see and feel the benefits from meditation for anxiety. https://anxietyexit.com/best-types-of-meditation-for-anxiety/ Labels, like OCD, “serve” as write offs, which lead to personifying, or, identifying yourself as - or as having the property of. Change your story and you’ll change you life. You don’t “have ocd”.