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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @ajasatya ??♥️? ”shut your mind” priceless advice.
  2. If they all hatched, so there’s now only chickens, no remaining eggs - then how does that play out?
  3. @pluto Excellent! Just as an aside, I get the impression Matt creates a duality, in so creates blame, just in some sense. Does he acknowledge and explain that infinite & infinite is no-experience (the ‘forgetting’ & it’s “role”)? To the contrary, just as an example and analogy of the duality being imposed, 1000w’s of Bulls on Parade, or Testify, or maybe Fucking Hostile - at a volume that shatters - I am filled with Self - Source / Love, is viscerally drawn upon. “My” nervous system relishes the madness & chaos.
  4. @Rasheed That’s beautiful right there. ??♥️
  5. All change is illusory, the actuality is pure unconditional blissful consciousness, so perfect, it’s taken to be changing ‘things’, to itself.
  6. No one is “being a Buddha”. It means enlightened, one knowing the truth of one’s self as infinite being. One who doesn’t know could do just about anything they want life purpose wise, and so could one who does know. One can marry one or many perspectives however, which appear to limit what one can do.
  7. There’s no need to identify. You are already a creator. Write what you want on a dry erase board. Pick thoughts which feel good, relative to it. That’s it. Take it slow & easy, and have fun, while the universe becomes it. The same way. Dry erase boards, chalk painted wall, feeling amazing, infinite momentum. It sure seems like you are “in” reality, but it is created unidirectionally from within you. Meditation, every morning.
  8. @Ibn Sina John Hagelin comes to mind. I believe he’s a physicist with a PhD in consciousness. He seems woke well ahead of his time to me. There’s a few S.A.N.D. videos of his presentations on YouTube. I get what you’re saying now, there’s a couple perspectives to it and I was a bit stuck in the other. What are you thinking / meaning by “enlightened”? I know it’s a loaded question, but defining, or really, expressing how you currently see it, would probably lead to seeing there are more than you’re thinking.
  9. @Ibn Sina Is the conflict between the two actual or conceptual? Sincerely asking because I don’t understand what you’re saying.
  10. Gotta ignore the entire forum for that one. Infinite within infinite is still nothing in the consciousness of infinite - no experience. Yet, here we are, so.... This is arguably the most fundamental realization, and stands to change everything, entirely.
  11. @OmniYoga Sorry...myofascia. This can be experienced with a practitioner or in meditation. Similar to sending the release intention and feeling the release, but ‘a level deeper’, simultaneously beneficial in not paying any mind to thoughts, and as well, the quality and breadth of arising thought is expanded. That is a thought. We are sneaky beings man. Reality is not actually consistent as it appears, but recreated. I’d do some writing, expressing, and get it out. That is actually only a thought, not an accurate assessment of a situation / chunk of time. You are where you are, create from there.
  12. Ego, is a word carved in self ignorance, perpetuated a priori; a routine of nonsensical implication, which has never been directly experienced, by anyone, ever. When you formulate & articulate your desires, you manifest them into the world. You want intrinsically, without need of any tool, process or reason. You are inherently designed to do this - to further the expansion of creation, of all that is. Your ambition is a unique expression of the passion of the universe. When you experience, source experiences through you. When you create, that is God’s creation, creating with God. When you want, you summon, and you draw upon our infinite source, and come forward it does indeed - directly through you. Take notice of the comforts & betterments you enjoy, appreciate those who came before you, wanting & creating, in the face of adversities unwished upon those who’ll follow. You are the composer of your exclusive, one-of-a-kindness, uniquely reflective of you, and your desires. You do this so intrinsically, so effortlessly, without need of a map or plan, without any effort at all - you want. Simply by being, you are a courageous expression of infinity, what you want, you have activated within the universe, through you, for you, and for all that is. You’ll want again, and again, and again, eternally. As you do, new - never before divulged perspectives, ideas, solutions, & inventions, entirely new elucidations, oscillate forward into being; an expansion of pure potentiality. The sharing of your uniqueness, the development of you; to the degree you liberate and do so - benefits and inspires all those around you, and in kind, and all those yet to come. So do not limit yourself, your dream, your life - agreeing upon an assumed duality, which has absolutely, never, existed. You are worthy of wanting - because you exist - and the universe is always ready to play.
  13. What you hear or listen to already has no effect on you. Your arising thoughts about it, have no effect on you. Believing the thoughts, that is, assuming they are true about you - is identifying with it. That is suffering. The higher self / inner being within you, commonly known as sensations, or, feelings, is awesome, unconditionally loving, and your own infallible sensational guidance through out your entire life. You could hear something, and in spite of your sensational guidance relaying to you through feeling that it is not true - in spite of this not-good-cause-it-isn’t-true feeling - you could still choose to believe it, and identify with it. You can not however, do this and feel good.
  14. @khalifa Sittin round God’ing is undeniably intrinsically great - but - you did create this reality with intention, and you can live the continuation seamlessly and fully. So glad to hear you’re rebalancing...might be time soon to make a dream board. There are thrills & chills in living this life to the fullest which no trip nor infinitude of peace alone contains (well it does, but you know what I mean). It’s a good deal, yes? Must be. You chose it. Keep on healing my man, maybe jot down some dreams in the meantime.
  15. @OmniYoga Thoughts (the believing of them rather) are very very sneaky. As a thought analogy with sneakiness, there’s letting go, then there’s the Uber sneaky thought which imply they are needed, but what’s needed is a deeper myocascial level of letting go. If certain thoughts, or a topic or category in life (arising thoughts about it) seem really ‘stuck’, try writing the thought or subject down in the shortest simplest phrasing as you can, and then write the exact opposite (in terms of perspective) next to it. Then kinda step back, and notice one is not really more or less “true” than the other, and that you can choose - based on what feels best to you. (Spoiler - it’s all about you feeling your absolute best). In addition to the meditation wise...are you “keeping up with your expansion?” You are wanting, universe is coordinating & coalescing what you are wanting....are you accepting, receiving - meeting what you wanted there?
  16. @zeroISinfinity The power of a seeker, a question - and source. ? Creates universes.
  17. @zeroISinfinity lol. Me: ? Inner being: ? (This is channeled fyi)
  18. @zeroISinfinity Huh? Did I say something of that nature?? (To the contrary?)
  19. @zeroISinfinity Oh ya! Thanks! Love ya ♥️ “When there’s a fight against the blood, and hatred in the air, look for me, and I’ll be there. Wherever somebody's struggling for a place to stand, for a decent job, or a helping hand, wherever somebody’ struggling to be free, look in their eyes - you’ll see me.” -Z.D.
  20. @zeroISinfinity ?? So Cool. Was just thinking, feeling, picking, loving, living, appreciating, giving, expanding, discovering, experiencing, and thought of you. I must me the luckiest being in all existence, to have you around. Thank you. I realize, every now & then, that when such love as you reaches me, and I’m on the damn floor again, hands & knees, you now the movement...sometimes I wonder if maybe some people have confused self discovery, and praying. You know? Looks the same from the out side. It’s arguably a bit more on the involuntary side. ? ?