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@mandyjw “I have a theory that hell realms and the appearances of "evil" spirits show you that you have shadow work that needs addressing. They are an aspect of you, your psyche creates them to wake you up.” Absolutely. Human psyche sneakiness is boundless sans awareness of the inherent duality, and the knowing of the inherent Good of the one source of all. The philosophical wrestling in avoiding one’s own conscience creates such elaborate stories, sometimes so literally insane - that others actually buy into it, and look up to it. Hat’s off to you for the ‘work’ such clarity required. ♥️ Funny how reality is one, how being is infinite and inseparable, how nothing is hidden at all, right now....and yet how sneaky linguistic write offs like “realms” can be utilized to create apparent hierarchy & apparent separation. “There’s a hell realm.....buuuuttttt .... I can __________ for you.” Ignorance can astoundingly appear as bliss indeed. @Truth Addict Are you open to the possibility that he is you, and you are creating your emotions (and your hate) without noticing...yet?
Nahm replied to Surfingthewave's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Nailed it. ♥️ -
Nahm replied to Surfingthewave's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Shaun I know, right. -
@Angelite The response to a question of practice begins in judgement.
Unspeakable adventure, this calming of the mind; thoughtlessly surrendered, tripped the light divine. Forgiven of the trespass, in understanding why; free of choice & movement, nothing does reside. How can there be such wonders, such horror, such divide; the judging seed springs violence, such weeds grow in the mind. I am this, and I am that; so say you and it’s true; but by empty prism, immaculately tuned. The bending will distorted, refracted and unglued; harmony in chaos, justified in blue. Hold to a position; discord is felt - untruth; the soul’s demise apparent, yet what else could we do. The valley of the void, the fear will lead one through; the tower of delusion, brick by brick is truth. For this to be, so it seems - that shall then be too; for one to see it’s love in dream - that one must become two. Into the woods I wander, thoughtless and carefree; the twoness of the falling dusk, the moon my silver screen. How could there be extinguished light - loss too, it is of thee; in willingness of being lost, a light of sight can see. The one who’s lost is many; a forest for a tree; light or plight indifferent, the wind it blows more seeds. Penetrate the darkness, your innocent reprieve, a light is blowing bubbles, creating you and me.
Considering the size involved, was rather odd to see, struck by wonder waiting, for a beetle to proceed. Seeing my reflection, within this dogbane leaf, translucent green elytra, a mesmerizing meme. Reflecting on reflection, a dream within a dream, protected & deflected - thine I can not be thee. Infinitesimal crystals, it’s mesmerizing shard, the reason for his shell, had fell upon my heart. Emptiness unfrozen; untimeless crystalline; space itself willed open, and never was a dream. Waiting on this beetle, couldn’t help but see, flowing lucid wonder, untouched and pristine. It could not get from here to there, without infinity, the omphalos in motion; inside eternity. It’s wings set in perfection; it’s flight it’s reverie, only in an everything, this any thing could be.
Anxiety, depression, anger, unresolved; in the sharing of your self, you create it all. The world in which you're blaming, in truth it is your gift, in such bittersweet romancing; a spirit can not lift. This place which is the reason, is said to not exist, then what is said of suffrage, what is it we resist? Blankets of samsara, defile the one who's true, the doing so convincing, this One can not be you. But every river born, flows back into the sea, currents are but stillness; all the you's but me. Projection & deflection, of course "I" would not make; of love and truth profusely, "you" surely are a fake. I find my home in breathing, you say there's more to lose; and I can not surrender, beyond what I can choose. "Here" in jest you tell me, can this true self be found, but surely there's redemption, while I's all look around. Shed convention's reverence, nothing else will do, mourn not of the severance, for it's illusion too. awaken this attunement; intrinsic you create - even in your misery, contempt, and in your ache. You are a creator, there's little you can do, profess the inner being; it is the best of you. You are of the silence, immovable and tall, infinity is known, in what appeared so small.
Jed McKenna. Good luck. Love ya.
Nahm replied to Aakash's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Aakash You might wanna take some chill time my man. -
Nahm replied to ShivaShakti's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@ShivaShakti Empty the cup. -
Only if you say so. Today is anew. If you say it is so.
Cotton heads, no long term interest, you’re younger, more robust - virtually no chance getting your heart broke, no call upon your vulnerability. Hotties - they could smash your heart to bits. Trade control, for liberation. Great movie on the dangers of holding too tight to that masculine facade, the armor - ad astra. A slow, cold, cosmic portrayal. It’ll hit you in the feels bullseye so deep, the healing will be triggered without any cognitive need. Will take two or three days. Godspeed.
Nahm replied to Synchronicity's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Honestly, no. -
@Angelite Maybe start with the basics... Have you undertaken any practices, meditation, yoga? Have you looked into science to cognitively dispel “physicality”? My guru says you can die before you die(physically). When I say death, it's literal. Physical death. Your guru is on par. You’re adding to it unnecessarily, in misunderstanding what he / she said. That answer is not found in a book. But I see, you are not seeking, you are right. Why the guru then, I wonder?
Nahm replied to Truth Addict's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Truth Addict ??♥️ -
Nahm replied to BlessedLion's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@BlessedLion Doesn’t sound like there’s any suffering on the park bench...but...what about back to life and all it’s trappings? Seemingly unnoticeable - dualities arise in the mind, sensations occur, and suffering is recreated. @tsuki Did we just Ponch & John this thread? Lol -
Nahm replied to Truth Addict's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Nahm replied to Mondsee's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You do, but this question is from the perspective of the separate self. It is a fantastic question which few are courageous enough to genuinely ask. The question is however, asked from the standpoint or assumption, that there is a separate being, and that it made or makes a determination. Upon being uncovered, the true self is all things, is known to be all things, and all things are known to be the very same knowing - unconditional, without duality, without the knowing of a thing...and thoughts, are things. Understanding is itself, Being, so the true self, Being, can not be understood - but rather only known, in the very same sense that you know you are you. Imagine a thought, a comment, even an emphatic speech - which could be so engrossing and moving - that it convinces you that you are not you. See the silliness of that example? You are you, nothing could take a primary order of that - because whatever that is - it is still ultimately just some thing - known by you. It is what is, without determination, without thought. It might be helpful to say that rather than determination, there is intention, but still ‘intention’ only points to what has inevitably sprung from the very, very best, of you yourself. All of the above, and also through learning, experiencing, expanding understanding. Only for the sake of communication, perhaps the word ‘deconstruction’ has more “use”. When all is inspected, thoroughly, all is revealed to be dualities of thought & beliefs, paradigms & paradox of “identity”, ultimately arising at the duality of self & other. I feel it is only fair and honest to add, that in addition to what’s been expressed here... there is a meta, there’s no word for it, but to use one, maybe a non-dualistic- realm. Then, beyond that, there is the meta-actuality, the meta-how if you will, which is visible in the mind, yet inexpressibly “more real” than anything outside of it. It could be said that there is the collapsing of dualities of mind, and therefore the calming of the mind. Then there is the inquiry of the self, of the “ I “, and the true knowing, or “unification” (was never really two) of separate self, and true self. Then..there is the seeing of the “how” of the “ I “ and “ I ‘ s”, essentially, how One can by a limitless many, and how the many can appear so convincingly to be in one objective reality. Then there is the void & The Light, and “the tongue can not taste itself”. Is the top portion of your picture, the moon? -
Nahm replied to StephenK's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Oh yes you can. There is solace in understanding there is inspection work to be done. Even if it is shelved for the future, for a time that is right for you, the acknowledgement & understanding there is much more scrutiny of direct experience ‘on the bone’, is reassuring. -
You are reading it, understanding it - but missing that you are believing it. You aren’t scrutinizing your own believing, so you aren’t realizing what beliefs are. By default, you are not ‘letting beliefs go’, aka, self discovering - seeing what remains when all beliefs are surrendered. You are mistaking them for - being right. Again, in innocence. Realizing one has been ‘being right’, certainly does not make one “wrong”. It is one who wants to know the truth about themself, above and beyond all beliefs. Given the choice between a belief & nothing - consider seeing what nothing is first before choosing. In such a case, the outcome is such that, there is and was, no choice.
This is a surface level result of a surface level investigation. One must believe the thought “I am not enlightened”, to experience it falsely as the actuality. Same with “I am a soul in a body”. This is an a priori, un-inspected, belief. You have absolutely zero direct evidence of this, regardless of how long you have repeated it, and believed it. This is the root of all suffering - the separate self. “I will leave this body” - again, no direct experience. This is a belief. “You’re still alive Nahm” is riddled with beliefs about yourself as alive, and separate. I am not Nahm, I am not alive, and I am not separate. I am pretty dang still though. “My body” is identification via belief, beliefs via identification... “will leave me” this is an inherent belief in the duality of yourself, but you have never experienced being two. This also reveals beliefs in space and time as actuality - that there is “somewhere else” to go, “somewhere” to leave....”when it”...again, dualistic belief...all you know in genuine, honest scrutiny of direct experience, is the knowing - not an actual separation of knowing and a separate “thing” known...in not inspecting your beliefs, you perpetuate this (suffering), and thus believe in “death”...which again, you have zero direct experience of any kind whatsoever with - it is a belief, about yourself, but because you continue to avoid the inspection, you don’t understand how “death” is actually the infinite, true self (you)......”physically” then entirely collapses and is recognized, hilariously, and loving, as a believe you yourself created, in sheer innocence.
@Angelite Who says them? What is the “my”...? (Literal is a duality, a movement of thought) Who knows this movement? Who / what knows “my” ?
What, if not in thought? Who, if not the activity of the mind? @zeroISinfinity ♥️
Nahm replied to Ibn Sina's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Ibn Sina https://youtu.be/CwzQJdvFMeI