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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @AudibleLocket Meditate daily. Eat clean, for well being & clarity. Establish a dream board, visit it daily, add to it, allow it to change as your dream expands. Write down arising thoughts / perspectives, and their opposites on paper daily. Release emotion at every inward arising opportunity, and relax your mind and body, over & over, all day, everyday. Over time, the nature of thought / duality will become more and more clear, as will your mind. By default, the wonders of your true nature will fill your body, mind, and life.
  2. @Mezanti That’s a thought you are believing. You have no idea what anyone else thinks. Meditation calms the mind, allows sensation to purify you, which further calms the mind. Meditation is perfect for the overthinking of thinking about what other people are thinking. We are not all “haunted by our fears”. You are, because you have been making the choice not to practice, and because you are believing thoughts about yourself, which are not true. Sensation tells you so, meditation is to connect to that conscience, that guidance, that love. I’m guessing you’ve had about enough of that. I hope so. ♥️ Bring God into your life. Not a thought of, not a belief - literally into you, from the very center of you, bring God into your life. Meditate twice a day. Watch the autocorrection transpire. Let go, let go, let go. Stop using the write off “ego”. Start taking responsibility. You. One. No “self”, no “ego”. You. No more games. You Choose. I’ll contemplate more, and elaborate in the Now thread. Hope it’s helpful.
  3. @ShugendoRa How’s your daily practices, theory, etc?
  4. @Mezanti The believing of thoughts is remedied by choosing to meditate every morning, and again in the afternoon. As well as choosing to take full advantage of any and all resources available to you. You’re taking psychedelics without a proper foundation. Risky, risky business. Also, you are you, so it is not possible to be haunted by yourself. You are yourself. The fear is from avoidance not you. There’s nothing non-beautiful about you at all. Again, meditation is for letting thoughts go. Life, believing them, will continue to suck.
  5. I don’t know I guess. It didn’t occur to me. In what sense do you sense fear in my post? I haven’t seen him it satire? Is he being funny, or no?
  6. Consider emotion is the sensation, and thoughts. Thoughts, as in beliefs you hold (probably unbeknownst to you), which when scrutinized, new and truer for you perspectives are realized, and the unblocking of the chakra entails.
  7. @pfletcha Here’s my two sounds like you grew up with more focus on how you are seen, than your own experience. It seems you thrived on impressing and being perceived as the best, rather than feeling your best, or perhaps equated them, at your eventual expense. Impotence is possibly indicative of the chronic & cumulative pressure you innocently put on yourself - and were / are so used to, you don’t realize you are. What seems like a 4 in pressure to you, might be an 11 for a lot of people. I am thinking what makes it so hard to see, is that you might not know reality without it. Pressure is of our own creation, our own perspective. Maybe someone in your household had a ‘nothing you do is ever good enough’ issue? “Anger & unhealthy energy eating away at me”. That kind of denotes you, in some ways, see these as if they were something separate form you, almost a given ‘of the world’, rather than your chosen (probably unbeknownst to you) perspectives. I’m using “chosen” pretty flexibly there. A kid growing up in a certain environment likely would not have a frame of reference of other perspectives from which to choose. But, in terms of going forward, imo it is paramount to begin to understand that you created the experiences, and as such, you can create experiences rooted in joy and enjoyment. This is further noted in “forgot what a sexual impulse is supposed to feel like”. There’s a filter at play. There seems to be what is experienced, as in ‘the outside world’, then a filter of how it is supposed to be, and then your indirect experience of it. Things are supposed to be the way you naturally feel they are, because there is no authority, at the end of the day, on how anything is ‘supposed to be’ - except of course - you. You are the decider, the preferrer, the creator, the chooser - of how things are supposed to be - for you. Unfortunately, of course “flatlining my emotions whenever someone made fun of me” didn’t help, but was of the same innocent trajectory you were on, in having more concern for what others think of you, than attention on what you want, and feel, for yourself. That might amount to suppressed sensation, as you eluded to. You mentioned the phrase “emotional pain/impotence”. This might point to a long held association between emotions, pain, and impotence. Which I believe for most people, are not experienced so intertwined. Reading about each of the three would create some clarity, and space around each. Writing a bit about the differences might be insightful. I think the “TMJ shit” is the almost inevitable outcome of chronic tension. It’s going to ‘go somewhere’ in the body. When such a tension is present, even during sleep, there is a long term history. I would really really be open to the possibility that you actually are a highly sensitive person, and there is a fair amount of misunderstanding about your world and yourself, do to a root assumption that you should be like those around you. I believe you are aware that you are not like most people in these ways, but not yet aware of the ‘inner wiring’ if you will, that resulted. This can be changed. There is relief from all of this. Then the doozy - and if I’m on my game here - this isn’t likely going to be something that lands right away, but maybe after a few days. “was always kind of spacy/in my head a lot, never had a lot of common sense, and I cried really easily.” This would be the ‘million dollar issue’ the fulcrum, the difference maker. A complete paradigm shift, of the conceptual, emotional, and sensational nature. You may have associated crying - with negative feeling. By crying, to me, that also entails, emotional healing, release, relief, general letting go, and the ending of overthinking, anxiety, and bouts of anger and or depression. I wonder if in your perspective, you see / believe people feel worse when they cry - not better. Let me know if this is the case for you, and we can drill deeper, and focus on going forward. It’s completely “fixable” but would have important nuances to cover. More of where I’m coming from with this observation... “In my head a lot” Overthinking is fueled by limited sensation. Sensation + thought = emotion. We create emotion “right under our noses”. Limited sensation is an entirely innocent protective means, which makes for overthinking, as a ‘search to resolve thought with more thought’. But what lies in sensation and emotion, can not be resolved with thought, but rather, with release, healing, general purification. Then, thinking naturally becomes less severe, less hurried, more enjoyable, and more oriented to creativity & solutions. “never had a lot of common sense” Common sense seems Like a matter of logic and commonality generally speaking, but to me it eludes to thinking, which is disconnected, or, in discord, with sensations. When voluntary thinking is surrendered, properly put at peace, sensation fills one up, and a new “common sense” begins to be known, often referred to as wisdom, or simple truth. So, in my estimate, you have nothing to lose per se, and everything to look forward to. Also, in my estimate, though it may not seem like it right now - the majority of this process was done when you addressed it, when you decided you are worth the work, that there is more to life than this. The benefits of choosing that, will unfold for a good long time. In any case, imo, the way forward for you is pretty unique. It would not be from any forcing, or efforts, or pressure, or meeting any benchmarks of any kind. But rather, what might be very counter intuitive, and counter logical for you. I foresee a shift in being in terms of releasing, letting go, and healing. And then again, and again, and again. There is a tremendous amount of joy and love within you, that is always purifying, always in a state of clearing and cleaning out the troubles. There might be a few waterfalls when this dam is opened. The key is to allow the release, and not to go into thinking. The understanding arises after the release. That is deeply counter intuitive for most people, and imo, a much needed prescription of healing for you. I’m happy to help in any way I can, and I am excited for what’s to come for you. ??
  8. @Kalki Avatar Well, we seem to have really different ideals. I lean toward authenticity, and reciprocity. In a hundred candidates for a job at my bank, if I was lucky enough to find one who is authentic, “unmasked”, vulnerable, and open minded, I’d hire them on the spot. I’d also pay more to do so, and I’d articulate why I’m doing that, so they begin to understand the culture. I believe they’d be likely more honest & coachable, and therefore would excel, and clients would find them trustworthy & genuine. The way you are going about it might work just as well or better. In my biases, it seems like you are mixing some good old 6 pillars with sales. Might work for you, and sorry if I’m not so helpful on this one.
  9. The joy of discovering the powerful gift of your unique vision, to create the life you actually love. ? The breakout events could center around guided practices in being here & now. Seeing without a past, and without a future. Now, where all creation takes place. As well as some presentation & discussion around how we created ideas of who we are, and how they limit our vision.
  10. @VictorB02 Are you finding the convo gets personified - as in they see you are like this, but they aren’t / couldn’t be?
  11. As you mentioned, new habits & beliefs would be dissolved by consciousness. So just dissolve the ones you already have (and any ‘self image’ too). Being you is the greatest success. Perhaps there is something specific you want to accomplish, which you have in mind with the word success?
  12. That’s awesome. Do you anticipate the attendees will be essentially materialists, new to spirituality? Or those who have practiced, been on retreats, etc? Are they ‘random’, or affiliated with a school, business, group of any sort? Do you have an age range?
  13. @VeganAwake Wow. The audacity & ignorance. It’s one thing in a discussion, ideally with the intention of sharing and learning, but for someone to use someone else’s video and make a video speaking on what they have no experience of, tiss tiss. He is not an “enlightened guy” from Sweden btw. His view is from the conceptual / intellectual, and basically he is bringing the mystical down to his view without knowing he is. Is it a new genre of qm’s satire / roasting??
  14. @lucasgloves It is astounding indeed. Our sneakiness knows no bounds. I’d you’re ahead of it, slowly walk backwards during the onset. Can’t fall asleep walkin backwards. It also tunes you into the body, and Is grounding & centering.
  15. @pfletcha What happened in your life, prior to beginning the aderol, drugs, etc? I believe there are some general beliefs on the nature of reality & living, which you haven’t discovered yet because they’re been so intimate, for so long, maybe your entire life. That denotes a perspective / beliefs about yourself - and you are resent for all experience, and so is the beliefs about yourself. Cut to the root.
  16. @Alex bliss Because there isn’t one, because there is One. @Ibn Sina ?
  17. @Kloof You’re too kind man, thanks. I did hear about it but I didn’t ‘get it’ and therefore wasn’t implementing it. Then I went in a black hole and came out a white hole and was like, oh, ok, I get it now.
  18. Don’t think of a pink elephant. See? Attention on the absence of a thought is sneaky attention on the thought. Write down a couple words on one piece of paper; what you can extrapolate from the experience, about what you do not want. Use general words, derived from the experience, not descriptive detailed words about the experience. Then you know (because all thought is dualistic) what you do want. Write that down on a second piece of paper. Then crumble up that first piece of paper up, and throw it away. You are vibrationally attracting all experience, you can also do it on purpose. Poteniality}vibration}”perception”
  19. @mandyjw There’s just the beautiful, magical one you already are. It’s perfect. It is the one you want. Right now, waiting on my parents to drop their dog off here for the week. Wife’s apprehensive cause the dog is honestly nuts, not so big on shitting outdoors when staying with guests. What she really wants, more than anything, is this (period intentionally missing)