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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Hansu Strengthen the muscle. Tension tends to find the weakest link in the body. This might be the greatest video in the entire universe.
  2. @arlin Thank you for your love. I’m loving it.
  3. What is nondual can not be “grasped” in thought, because thinking is dual. What “just is” is you, awareness. Awareness = nondual. The “sense”, is sensation, you. Sensation is, here, now, in real time, live, present. If you continue to believe the thought “there is something beyond me”, you use it as a write off, a way of not inspecting the believe, a way of veiling from yourself that it is a belief.
  4. It can be difficult to see the immeasurable life changing value of daily morning meditation - because it lets the believing of thoughts go, and awareness is known. You have to do it to know, because awareness is not dual, and can’t be thought.
  5. @Valach Schedule that appt, relief immediately follows. ?? Be here now, a single step, just this moment, that is enough. It must be so, as that’s what is. Let thoughts of “past / future” go. Teeth aren’t buggin ya - believing the derogatory self defimating thinking is buggin ya, because none of it is true. So it feels ?
  6. The ego is superior at sneakiness, claiming the doing of things, that there is an “ego”, etc. The thought “I did that”, arises in self, as any other thought does. The implication of a separate self is not a separate self. It’s just the implication of a single thought, which you are awareness of.
  7. @VeganAwake Great share, thanks! No offense, but you’re a heck of a person as well. ? Appreciate your service. ??
  8. We can lose delusion, beliefs, identity, attachments, car keys, weight, and even the kids once and a while...but we can never lose our self. You’re good there. Initially, the path can cut you off from the world, yes. By means of coming to Truth. The world, as in, the population, is misunderstanding of the most fundamental aspects of being, of reality & self. You’re getting ahead of the consciousness curve. ?? Be aware that you are. ???? Don’t resist! If you feel the need - socialize, get your fun on, let loose, let go. There is no right or wrong. I love being alone, very very much. I love socializing, very very much. Let go of the expectations, and just enjoy socializing for whatever it is. Paradoxically, it’s better than way. It’s like getting laid. The minute you stop caring, boom. Keep letting go of any thoughts which don’t feel good to you. The inner being knows all, and knows all that you are wanting. “How” it unfolds is not really your concern. Have you made a dream board? It’s great for clearing all thoughts, plans, etc, out of the head. Then you can enjoy life, a little more, headless. It’s good when where you’ve been, where you are, and where you’re going come into focus. That’s a benefit of getting it ‘on the board’ in front of you. Perhaps you are on a mission, a high bar has been set, that of the potential sage, mystic, yogi, etc. The path of oneness. Perhaps you can see, where you can do anything, with anyone you want - as that is in and of itself, learning, understanding. Self discovery ensues, as they are self too. ??
  9. A way our minds sweep conditioning & identity under the rug, right under our noses. No one has actual reference to actual death, because no one actually dies.
  10. @Nate0068 No liver of no lives. Infinity is undefined. Spontaneous, creating every definition.
  11. Waking in the night, blankets on the floor, a terror born inside me; expulsion evermore. Neither was I here nor there; no space a place could be, the missing gate was I; this space is known as me. Horrified in agony, I stumbled to the mirror, screaming out for anyone; the silence only clearer. I starred into the gaze; and none starred back at me, this had been my secret - Truth: Infinity. Known & yet unrecognized, a face could not be seen, could not accept this shocking ruse; that love indeed is me. The floor was more my character, upon it I did seek, to my surprise, these molded tiles; more beauty than could be. All that I had known before, so perfect & airtight, was in jest - not misery, indignity, nor plight. Into the day, the same arose, awakened as in night; so within, it did begin - the everlasting life. Invincible, untouchable, harmless & unharmed, the nightmare had subsided; in no one was alarm. Knowing made impossible, in knowing of all things, Nothingness the superpower; I am just a dream.
  12. @Schahin If you were reality and thought you were something else, some thing which created the reality - you’d ask how. It’s like looking for your car keys. They aren’t really lost, just because you don’t know where they are. When you find them, it’s as simple as - here, are the keys. They were there=here, you=keys, all along.
  13. Welcome! If you were infinity/consciousness, and could create anything you want, instantly - but - because you are infinity / consciousness....every “thing” created is not experienced as a thing, to you (infinity/consciousness) - because you are infinitely conscious that each “thing” you crate, is actually still you - infinity/consciousness.... How would you solve this?
  14. Letting all thought go, such as in those practices = “reconnecting” with source. I use quotes because we’re never actually disconnected. THE Source, is the source “of” you and everything you are desiring, achieving. All the dots you’re connecting along the way, all the understanding, etc, all The One, All Source. From the perspective of “separate self” (an idea of a self), you’re a person, who is in a physical world. This makes for need, effort, striving, resistance, recouping, There’s a sort of ‘you’ vs ‘the world’, underlying view...which leads to this.... You are already awesome, and everything in your life is coming from the true you, if you will, the source of all, absolute awesomeness - absolute you. There’s an idea of a you working on something, so there’s an idea that more of You/Source (“going more inside”) could jeopardize what “you” have going. That perpetuates the idea of the separate self. That’s an idea though, a facade. All goodness in your life has come from you. Just, plain old - you. There is no separate self, just perspectives & ideas of. These perspectives and & ideas - are resistance. Resistance to everything you are wanting. The fear of self, is being projected, contextualized in duality (more me = losing what I have going), leaving you focused more on the circumstances, than on the approach. Much more than approach, the very you which you are bringing to life, is entirely dictating the entire experience of the life. It’s hard to see, because it’s magical, and so all encompassing - but again, notice, all awesomeness in your life, came from you. I would listen to that very much. However, I would not go to the duality so ready, of “heart isn’t in it > drop out”. Maybe dropping out is best for your dream, maybe not. I would create a dream board, and starting putting everything & anything you want on it. Over time, this reveals the actuality of the perfection of your life - already well underway. How all your experiences, all your education, skills, everything you’ve learned, is actually perfectly gelling, seamlessly, right into what you are wanting. Becoming more aware of what you want, expresses yourself more deeply, and begins to reveal an entirely new world. A mystical uncommunicable world, where all that is unfolding, is in perfect accordance with your wanting, and your knowing of your true self - worthy of receiving it all, deserving of the unfolding of your unique life dream, just as you want it. Try to take a ‘step back’ from that. Consider, if there’s no such thing as an accident, and I & the experience are one, a life story unfolding - then - what’s the bigger picture here? How is that apparent ‘accident’ of electronics - actually guidance? What did it lead me to? What did I discover, know more so, about myself? You can utilize your dream board for something specific like this. In terms of what you find “scary”, on that subject you know two things: -What you don’t want. -Because you know what you don’t want, you inherently know what you do want. Use the board to make that pivot. Write a list, single words, of what it is you find scary. What do you actually think could unfold, that you don’t want. Then next to each word, make a list, single words, of the opposites. That will take the scariness of unwanted - and flip the perspective from ‘separate self wanting’ to authentic wanting (and the knowing of what you are really wanting), while simultaneously “reconnecting” with the source of you, the source of all things wanted. After a while, you won’t need the board, and you won’t need to “flip the perspective”, because you’ll be aligned with source, and your thoughts arising will be of your true nature. How life unfolds then - - I’m excited for you to see. It is such a walk in the park, that you are of course already “it”. There’s no effort or work in letting go. 99% of everything you have created so far in life - the “work” of it - was done before a single word was written, or a single brick was laid. It’s a safe bet, given where you’re at in life, that you have come to appreciate the usage of processes. In a sense, success in life to some degree, relies on the implementation of systems and processes. So, maybe take what I’m saying as a connecter of meditation, contemplation, source, and loving life. In meditation, let go as deeply as possible. Every single possible thing. Let go of all wanting to live, any need for anything, any need for motivation, for believing in yourself, any care for anyone or anything. Meta-Let-Go, into Nothingness. This will ‘kick up’ some beliefs you’re identified with. Without the knowing of what to do - without knowing this to is process driven - you might be reluctant to let go to the point of purification. However, let sensation clean out the misunderstandings, the falsities, let the waterworks flow every opportunity, welcome and allow the healing, non resistant like. Feel the emotions and be at ease knowing this is a flushing out, a cleaning & clearing out. When you get frazzled (because you ‘went into duality’ - thinking) and are “holding on”, confused, agitated, “stuck”, etc - just write what’s going on, on the board. Let it ‘out of your head’ and get it in front of you, so you can have a good, safe, easy, less involved look at it. Write how you want to feel, relax, focus gently on how that feeling feels. It only takes a few minutes. Pick one word, and write it, look at it, say it, feel it. Having changed your emotional state, then go back and consider - from this feeling - how does that “issue” look now? It’s much easier to see that you were just attached to one perspective. Very freeing and liberating. Remember, you are that circle around the yin & yang. Overall, you might call all of this unification. Leaving the separate self paradigm - the ideas of the one with the pressures, expectations, etc - the one with the “future” who could get “stuck” in something.....and venturing into the actuality...the real you, the wholeness, the entire experience, this actual magical now. In Truth, you - never move. You are not moving through a past, present, into a future. All that appears as changing, is merely convincing as such. However, there is only “this”. This “now” moment. Which all that comes and goes, comes and goes through - you. So relax, and be attentive to the gentility of the nature of this actuality. You are not accidental, nor is any of the unfolding. You are essential. There is no awesomeness without you.
  15. @Mikael89 Trade ten thousands supposed’s for one genuine want.
  16. What is so heavy on your conscience?