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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @kieranperez It’s so simple and obvious (yet deep) that it is missed. Write “What is gravity?” on your dream board, knowing the universe has already received your question, let it go, be the emptiness the answer is arising in. A little while later, grab a pad of paper, and contemplate it’s opposite. The chair you’re in is perception...and so are the thoughts. Where does the chair end up, really?
  2. @Curious ?? Careful not to ‘do’ or ‘will’ any “purging”. The fulcrum, the ‘connector’, is the intention. Purification is the fundamental order of reality, and of the day, always. Unconditional guidance infinitely beyond the thoughts or efforts of any one person. Put that weight, that vest, those concerns, that responsibility - down. Let it go. It is the absolute best of you, which is always flowing, through all things. The ‘job’ is not on you. Mindfully let go of the resistance, of expectations. The intuition which delightfully follows, is also not on you, it is of you. Just relax, let go, revel in the beauty and perfection of it, awe inspiring and jaw dropping in deed. It’s counter logical, but notice it is not counter intuitive. You’re only surrendering resistances of the light that you are, nothing more. The more light through the prism, the more vibrant the colors.
  3. Thought & belief are like sparks, vs being struck by lightening.
  4. It’s illusory. It’s not some thing which you have - right now.
  5. What is going on here? Seriously...? You are what’s going on here, but you forgot who you are, so all that remains, is your pointing. Here is such a pointing, in the hope some pointing becomes some remembering. Place the palm of your left hand over your heart. Hold up your right hand, fingers and thumb extended fully. The extended fingers & thumb represent thoughts, and beliefs. The palm represents the identity, which the thoughts & beliefs seem to be linked with. Now, place your right open hand, over your left hand. Look down at your hands. That’s what’s going on here. Your true self, the real identity, is just under those hands. Let them go, shake them out, breathe, relax. Indeed a day will come, when you let go of those fingers & thumbs for good. A distinct single moment will arise, which is the very last for those fingers, and those thumbs. On that day, in that moment, you will not remember this writing, this pointing, because you will have let those concerns and beliefs go, in that very same moment, that is now.
  6. Every thought arises in accordance with, as if directly from, sensation. Sensation is the raw root which does not come & go, add a thought about the sensation, and you create a feeling - feelings come & go, add the duality of self & other thoughts, and you create emotion, emotions come and go. You are aware of all that comes & goes. You do not come and go. Some people encounter a fear, inspect it, feel it, understand it, realize the believe they held, and it is understood, and let go as such. Even to say it is ‘let go’ is too much. It is seen as a falsity, you created. It literally “disappears” as it was never really a thing, just a belief. Some people hold onto it, make posts about it, form their days and identity around it, look for others to commiserate with, eat, drink, smoke to compensate for holding it, form groups and clubs about what they fear, tell their fear story everyday to everyone who will listen. Everybody can set the intention to let go of thoughts & beliefs, and relax. Up to everybody. Up to you. Don’t fear the feelings that arise and pour out with the practices. Let em pour out. Don’t hold on to thoughts, it’s a sneaky way of resisting the emotional outpouring. The understanding comes after the willingness, the vulnerability.
  7. That’s not true, it’s a belief you have pinned your own happiness to. This doesn’t feel good, because you are happiness itself, which is holding a belief that it needs this girl, or any other person or thing, to be happy. It’s like blue believing it can only be blue if it has green, the whole time, blue is already blue. The best thing you can do for yourself is proper meditation every morning, so you let go of the thoughts & beliefs, and are better positioned not to do the same thing over & over. If & when you don’t meditate every morning, simply be aware that the price you are paying, is the suffering in attachment to the thoughts / beliefs. This is suppression of sensation, and your mind will constantly spin in overthinking, trying to resolve the thinking with more thinking, so that you can feel better. Thinking will never resolve feeling. That’s backwards. Reach for the better feeling, always, and let thinking go. Let the thoughts go, discover you are already the best possible feeling being there is. ♥️ Life is icing on the cake that is your awesomeness. Life is not the cake.
  8. @Khron Don’t do a damn thing about a damn thing in thought. Just let it go, or you’re essentially recreating what you are angry about. Let it go. Under these beliefs about your self, prior to the thinking, thought stories and anger.....just acknowledge the intention to go in the direction of feeling good, and letting old thoughts which no longer serve you, go.
  9. @LifeIsPlay “Body” is a word, a thought, which is consciousness, just as what you are labeling with that word, your body, is consciousness.
  10. @Curious This is entirely believing thoughts. Do the shadow work. Get feeling back in living.
  11. That’s how sneaky unconditional love is. Let go
  12. If you desired to grow a new plant today, you might need some dirt, some seeds, a shovel, and some water. Upon the discovering of your wanting of planting, - you might be pleasantly surprised to find, you already have some of these ingredients, some of these tools. To gather the items you do not have, which you are wanting for your planting, you’d walk, ride, or drive, without really thinking so much, of the walking, the riding, or the driving. You’d be thinking of - your planting. As such, you’d simply enjoy the journey, of the gathering of the things, along the adventure of your planting. As well, in collecting the items for your planting, you’d readily utilize the navigation of your phone to get anywhere needed, anywhere you might not yet have been. You’d use it without stopping to analyze, or scrutinize, the mechanics of your legs, nor of your bike, nor of your vehicle, nor of your phone. You’d simply already be on your way, without any inclination to need-to-know the means of these means. New to botany, in your knowing of wanting to plant, along your new planting journey, you’ll likely have some questions, and surely you’ll appreciate the other enthusiast’s you encounter along the way. You’d feel confidence, and take comfort, in knowing others have planted plants, and you’d enjoy their sharing with you what has worked, and not worked, for them, and their planting. You’d plant your seeds thoughtfully, and mindfully, in a space in your yard, where you can readily care for your plant. You’d choose your location, based on the current conditions at hand, of the yard you have. You’d not worry for control over the growing, in your knowing that seeds in soil, watered and cared for, indeed do, become plants. You’d not rush, nor stress over the growing, in your knowing you are learning as you go, and that you can not actually, get it wrong. Should this planting result only in your furthered botany development, you’d not stress, in your knowing you can always plant again, as all seeds are of plants, and all plants are of seeds - growing & planting is never truly “done”. You can take as many shots as you like, and you’d enjoy your knowing of this, and it’s liberation of any arising doubts or concerns. You’d rest easy, in the knowing of your learning along the way. In recognizing your intention & choice; you’d not second guess the unfolding. You’d not expect the growing of oranges, from the planting of roses. When it rains, you’d feel peace of mind, and perhaps some joy, in knowing your plant is being watered, by forces you need not control. On the drier days, you’d feel peace of mind in your knowing the sun has ‘got your back’, in the growing of your plant. While off at work or school, you’d not worry for your plant, knowing it is growing, and the sun & earth are in alignment with this, in their inherent knowing of your planting & growing desires. In your knowing of this extra-ordinary miracle, you’d have peace of mind, an effortless relaxed attention & focus; where you are, when you are, on matters presently at hand. Your plant is always growing, the rain will always come again, and the sun will always rise tomorrow, and you, need not control any of this. You can be where you are, knowing all is well. Upon returning home each day and caring for your plant, should a weed have sprout - you’d snip it now - in your knowing of the nature of weeds, in your knowing of your caring for your growing. Such is a marker & dry erase board, the sensational navigation of your heart, the wanting-garden of your mind, and the universe at large - ever-wanting, ever-giving, of your seeds.
  13. @krockerman Joy is the knowing of self in all things, happiness is the self in all things.
  14. Thinking is meaningless meaning, love is needless of meaning & meaninglessness. Love loves stories. Love loves peace. In truth it’s a no lose predicament; just an appearing duality, which you are aware of. Have your cake and eat it too, in presence, in appreciation for yin and yangs. All that comes and goes - every state, stage and sage, is reminding you that you are that, which never comes, and never goes.
  15. The now is itself the light of awareness, comically “arising” again and again, as of course, already the true & present case which always Is. All feelings of discord are brought forth through ideas of worth, deservedness, lack & need in musings of separation. The true roots of judgement will not be found in a collective, nor expunged as conditioning, but in light of the heart of the nature of experience. What you are, is that which is aware & conscious; awareness, consciousness. Perfect infinite potentiality, not-yet-a-thing-ness. Free of distinction, limit, or need of any kind. As such, no experience of any thing could ever be as great as who you, really are. There is no need to uproot judgement, no need to believe in it, implement it, accept it - nor shy away from it. All that need be “done”, is itself within the illumination of consciousness, being aware of the root nature of judgement. Everyone is The One, and the one is appearing as all things. There is nothing which awareness could be aware of, as an experience, which will ever measure up to the perfect being which is itself, the awareness. - You. In your knowing of this, let go your expectations. You are complete. You can relax, and enjoy any experience. All things, at the deepest, truest sense, are awareness - are you. You are the perfection which you crave, and you are in luck - as you, are you - and you love things which come and go.
  16. “Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Heres Tom with the Weather.” ― Bill Hicks
  17. Meditation is great for letting go, and awareness of our words and actions.
  18. That, where exactly is it, now? Are you aware of that ? What is it, which you, are aware of? Look at it? Point to it? Perhaps, you have already let it go. Perhaps it never was, and all is well.