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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Inliytened1 Thanks, but it was pretty short lived. Right when I walked in, crazy but... I actually got to meet Buzz Aldrin. It was cool, until I told him no one has actually ever been on the moon. He started saying all this crap about his “decade of training...getting a pilot’s license, seeing light with his eyes closed, having to clean his system of toxins, how you have to be extremely gentle with everything in zero gravity, how he had to learn to swim with a two hundred pound spacesuit on, how he had to develop his muscular strength to twice the degree of those in gravity, that he had to learn Russian, how he had to learn how to stay calm and survive plane crashes, being lost in wilderness, how he had to learn to overcome motion sickness and disorientation, how he had to out perform twenty thousand people just to have a chance at the moon voyage, how even after all that he had to patiently wait and push a pencil for years, yada yada yada. I was like, ok “Buzz”, “whatever...moron”. The weirdest thing, was that no matter what I said, he just seemed, happy. He just smiled and thanked me for coming in. I swear it was like he had some special force within him or something. Not sure.
  2. @28 cm unbuffed ?? Love you.
  3. @Shaun You don’t even need to “trust” sensation, that’s the sheer beauty of it! Since you have sensation, you can listen to it. There’s no need to “trust” something else (like a thought). You should do the same thing when it comes to Leo. For some reason, you seem to think it’s totally acceptable to shit all over him. I’d inspect the beliefs at play there. Google deflection & projection, and learn about the mechanisms. Leo never says to trust him. He says do the work - know - not “believe” or “trust me”. You’re cherry picking his work, to fit your beliefs. Yes. Love = Truth. Bout to walk into NASA. Wish me luck.
  4. So far it is, but you’re onto something big.
  5. @Shaun I’m going to NASA today, and telling them all their degrees and knowledge are a joke because I already know everything they know. What do you think? Sound good? “Dream reality duality was collapsed last night” When self & other collapse, what is the remaining actuality?
  6. @28 cm unbuffed Hug just to hug, and that is it. Nothing is needed. It doesn’t need to “go somewhere”. A hug, here, now, is enough, for a hug. “The look” is just the look. These things come and go. You don’t not come and go. Relax in that, and appreciate the events unfolding, just for what they are. Beauty is revealed like magic. Express these feelings. To her, in a journal, here, to a friend, anyone you’re comfy with. You’re doing great. Today is a beautiful day, just as it is. Nothing is needed.
  7. @khalifa Feel for ya man. Just giving my two cents even though I have a hunch it will be immediately rejected, and I wouldn’t blame ya one bit for that btw. ... You have the entire picture, backwards. You were doing great, loa steady, working through any limiting beliefs naturally in living & excelling... and from taking the psychedelics, you created a lot of beliefs. Beliefs wise, this is very much the opposite of what most people experience on their paths. Usually psychedelics uncover beliefs. In response to way too much way too soon, you created beliefs about yourself, but you are clearly not aware of this at all, which is understandable as you are believing the beliefs. If tonight you choose to eat fast food, preservatives & additives, a ton of sugar, a carbonated beverage, etc, it’s likely that tomorrow; clarity is diminished, body energy is poor, mood is low, productivity is reduced, vision is foggy, inspiration is faint, etc. You get the idea. You would “pay the price”, but it wouldn’t be framed up as “traumatic” - simply because you’d just be aware, that you chose to eat like that, and that you can choose not to eat like that going forward, and in understanding those two factors, you’d be relaxed, in your understanding that it’ll pass. You would essentially, learn the ”lesson”, via the suffering of the effects of having chosen to eat so poorly. But what if it wasn’t your food choices which were involved...what if you were not able to recognize that it was your choices, and or your beliefs, which brought the suffering? Then you would have no clue what was going on. You’d feel completely lost. You’d be looking for someone, anyone, to blame, and for someone or anyone to make sense of this - to help you understand. You’re not dealing with food here, or the body, or the thinking, or the experiences of psychedelics, or even feelings or emotions. And you are not even dealing with choice here. What “you” are ”dealing with”, is The Self. ”Who” you actually are. ”You”, “the ego”, have hijacked the whole situation, the entire perspective. That’s never going to feel settled and aligned, because The Self is the root of sensation, feelings and emotions. You’re labeling a bunch of aspects of you, as if they were some other things. They’re not some other things, they are aspects of you. You’re in a total meta-self-denial, and you have to feel your way “out” of it, in the ‘sorting’ of your thoughts, one at a time - you’ve got to feel what is true and therefore relieving, feels good - - from what is false (beliefs about your Self), and feels contracting, constrictive, like tension, worry, anxiety, etc. Sensation is your internal compass for this, and you are not using it, because you’re labeling it with all the feelings you don’t want to feel. You are creating those not-good-feeling-feelings, by believing things about your Self which are not true. That’s never going to “work”, because you the Truth, and The Truth is Love. False beliefs about the The Truth will never feel good because you are The Truth. Not sure if you’re open to what you are reading here at all really, but just in case, here’s some more two cents via ’aspects’ of you, and why reality is the way it hope is that something, anything here, ‘clicks’ ‘inside you’, resonates in feeling, and you find some relief right now. As you read this, just let it be a total wash. Don’t try to ‘grasp’ it in thinking. If it doesn’t resonate in feeling, then it doesn’t, no big deal. Why you forgot yourself to begin with (Before you were born - not talking about on the ‘trips’)... When infinite forgets it is infinite, it perceives infinity as finite. Because infinite being is infinite, ‘it’ (You) can create anything, without limit. But, infinite being is conscious & aware, and so infinite being is aware anything created, is the very same infinite there is no experience of anything created, because there is no difference, no distinctions. Anything infinite being creates, any “thing”, any “finite thing” - is known to infinite being, as infinite being. So, infinite being does the only possible thing it can do to allow for experience, and sacrifices, forgets - it’s knowing of itself. The entire world, being born, dying, and everything in-between, is precisely the way it is, because of this, and the many other ‘aspects’ or ‘facets’ of Your Self. This is why it is said Being dreams or, imagines, reality. It “puts itself to sleep”, or, “forgets itself”...because it has to, because it’s infinite. Suffering... Nobody is suffering. There isn’t anyone who is not the very same infinite being which dreams, forgets. Believe your thoughts, beliefs, concepts, and idea’s - which feel like “fear” - and you go against your True Self, and it does not feel good, and “you” call IT suffering. ”You’re” adding the suffering, the belief “you” are separate from infinite being, believing in the “darkness”, “fear”, “sleep”, etc, as if it were something other than you. You’re not a separate self, you are an infinite being. You are the infinite being. Stop running from the truth, the running is the suffering. Truth = Love. Start questioning beliefs. You are already home, safe, and can not be harmed in any way in truth. Understanding is The Self. When infinite intelligence, that which is “All-Knowing” (You), forgets itself, there appears to be knowledge, and there appears to be understanding. Understanding is a direct, actual, ‘facet’ of you. You’re trying to understand - understanding, and coming up short, and driving yourself nuts over it. Stop trying to understand understanding, stop trying to understand - yourself. You are yourself. Don’t try to be anything. Let your beliefs, that don’t even feel good to you - go. The self that you are is death, is life, is sleep, is light, is darkness, and is your true ‘home’. These things are not things to fear. Fear is the delusion of holding these “things” as separate from you, which inherently makes you perceive as if you were separate of infinite being. Know yourself more deeply, in feeling, in love and in loving, stop trying to conceptually understand yourself. Know yourself (Love) more deeply, learn & know the world more, but stop waiting for some big understanding to click for you to start feeling real relief. You are already the Source of love & healing, let go of the beliefs which support that you are not. You went straight to The Self that Is Understanding Itself. You can’t think there’s some ‘thing’ you need to understand to feel better, you are Understanding, and you are the greatest feeling possible, already, veiled by a paper thin belief some condition should or will make you feel better. There is nothing in this world better than the actual you, ‘below’ those false, and terrible feeling, beliefs. Let them go. From going too fast with psychedelics, beliefs were heavily recreated, reinforced, seemingly hijacking The Self, by hijacking the facets. But there really wasn’t any “hijacking”, you’re just believing a lot of falsities about fear, death, sleep, etc. Not Knowing... Infinite being is infinite. There’s nothing to “know”, in terms of self knowledge. Feel instead. Would you rather feel love for five minutes, or have ten thousand thoughts? Do you see that feeling is orders of magnitude beyond “thinking” “knowledge”? The Light... Infinite being, is absolute light. In forgetting, you veil this from yourself, and there appears to be - darkness. It’s a veil. It’s you. Stop believing “darkness” is something to be afraid of. It isn’t. It’s you too. Holding such beliefs reinforces the idea that you are a “separate self”. You’re not a separate self. You’re the love we all are. Potentiality... Infinite, is limitless. When infinite potentiality forgets itself, there appears to be solidity, “matter”, and by deduction of thought, a “finite mind”. You can choose any perspective you want, about anything. You can google and read, and learn, and create and choose new expanded perspectives. You can utilize sensation, feeling, your “inner compass”, to navigate in truth, in resonance with what feels right for you. Pretending you are “stuck” with your current, or any perspective ever - is simply not true, and will feel terrible, until you let the belief in this go. Such a limiting belief also reinforces the idea that you are a separate self. You’re not. You are infinite potential. That, which these words are registering with right now, is understanding, is potentiality. Peace... When infinite peace forgets itself, there appears to be chaos, disorder, uncertainty, need, etc. Sound is made of vibration, of waves, which we call frequencies, in our measuring of them, with our ears, and with instruments. These vibrations are made of infinite being. It is infinite being “oscillating”, “vibrating”. All sound is made possible by the silence, by eternal is the infinite peace itself which is vibrating, is the sound. Holding beliefs to the contrary, refraining from educating about this - is creating & perpetuating the suffering, the idea of the separate self. Love When infinite love forgets itself, there appears to be - well, everything other than infinite love, namely, fear and self doubt. The root of your suffering is the fact that you are infinite love. If the absolute, the most fundamental basis of you, was not such an ineffable blissful pure love...then there would be no contrast, no experience. It is only possible for you to “feel bad”, because of the contrast, the apparent difference. It is only possible for this suffering to continue, if you continue holding your beliefs about darkness, sleeping, fear, death, etc, yourself. These are beliefs. Inspect them, let them go. Relax into these inspections. There’s no hurry. Follow feeling. Stop blaming the body, the mind, the neurons, stop trying to “cherry pick”, stop believing “trauma” is effecting the infinite being that you are. Your “issue” is just beliefs. Hard to see as you have your ideas of, and the actuality of, who you are, backwards.
  8. @Toimur Hasan Tamim Yeah. If reality is spontaneous, what can you do with that?
  9. @28 cm unbuffed Great, great work. ?? In your words, what is the shadow? Not In general, but the one you want to let go of.
  10. @28 cm unbuffed What does that ‘working on myself’ look like?
  11. @28 cm unbuffed I’d start by establishing what you want in life on a dry erase board, and be willing to be attentive to negative self talk and telling the same old story of what you do not want. If happiness is contingent upon the relation with someone else, it’s going to continue to be a bumpy ride. Also, meditation every morning is essential for overthinking.
  12. @Matt23 You don’t want him and everyone else to be under your control. You want the feeling of relief from the belief in judgement & control (and “values”). No?
  13. Just to clarify, that’s your idea.
  14. Yep. Can’t verbalize it. Totally get it.
  15. @Conscious life The mind weaves stories of nothing in avoidance of feeling.
  16. @Scholar So being = delusional? Edit: oop, never mind. I get ya now. ??
  17. Self inquiry & do nothing are inward oriented, un-contraction, to feel awareness prior to the duality of thinking (‘who am I’), to ‘undercut’ ultimately, the separate self of thought. The title conveys awareness / feeling contracted outward to the question (duality / thought), rather than inward of the feeling. The desire for an intellectual answer, insight, or experience, is like a rubber band, being stretched outwardly. In a moment of letting thinking / duality go, the insightful experience transpired, when the outward orientation was at rest. Then, ‘it’ was felt, like an expanded rubber band would be on one’s face when let go of.