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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Ingit “no change for me” You are what does not change. The awareness of the arising thoughts. This is conditioning at play. Through experiencing life you created beliefs about yourself, relative to the experiences. Maybe from being around someone with low esteem, maybe from being around someone who made you feel like less than you are. The “change”, is no longer following suit, no longer living conditionally, the past filtering the truth of your greatness of this moment right now. What experiences transpired in my past, who was I around - where did I pick up this perspective, this habit thought? Can I understand why they were that way? Can I understand why I feel and think this way, can I understand how I was influenced? Can I understand that in truth - I can let these beliefs go now? Strong attachment = identified with. You don’t need to meditate, but it helps clear the mind. You don’t need to become anything Ingit. You’re great. You just need to allow the willingness to see this truth, by letting go of beliefs which don’t serve you anymore. Put how you feel first, and the life you want follows. It is already well underway, and this letting go is part of your path. It can be no other way, as you and your reality are of the same vibration.
  2. I have a hunch right now you is gonna end up in jail or worse. Hey. Wake up. You’re better than this realm you’re in here. “I’m so glad I turned that perfectly nice dream into a total nightmare.” - No One Ever.
  3. You’re fragmenting yourself straight down the middle with that belief. The duality is only in thought. “My whole entire life”. What even is that?!
  4. There were thoughts which did not feel good, but you repeated them anyways, Ignoring the sensational guidance, creating beliefs about yourself to make things “make sense”. That was always discord, and the nature of love is renewal, so naturally, love is cleaning your falsities out. But you, sneaky, resist. Getting an honest vision of what you actually want in this life is a great way to bring up all such self limiting beliefs. We only get so far, so in tune, singing from the throat.
  5. @Esoteric Remember watching the debates...and being all “yeah Richard! Tell those idiots what’s up!”.
  6. @Schahin There are no enlightened individuals. That is not semantics. Think about it. What are you talking about when you use the word, enlightenment?
  7. @Genghis Khan Pursuing what you actually want, being disciplined in practice, inspecting & surrendering, seeing the psychic you mentioned... are all going to bring limiting beliefs into the light. In any case, you are going to realize you hold beliefs about you and your world, which are limiting and not true, and are resistances to let go of. The ‘this way’ or ‘that way’, of this post is itself a dualistic limiting belief.
  8. @28 cm unbuffed awww ya got me good right there. ??♥️
  9. Questions should be investigated, answers should be known, as questions naturally arise from the feeling of dissatisfaction, however nuanced and slight.
  10. @Schahin Would you presume, prior to birth, and after dying, that we have free will?
  11. @Schahin Good question for ya...if there are multiple realities...what is it that is dividing them?
  12. @Schahin You are reality creating reality. Heaven or hell? Or do you choose not to choose? (Limbo)
  13. Agreed. Also, in the spirit of untangling, or unraveling it, and finishing it out, what if perception and consciousness doesn’t change, but perspective changes, in the sense, that perception and consciousness doesn’t change? Might shift the focus to what is this which is unchanging, from what is this change.
  14. I wonder if kundalini is a write off. Not the sensations, or the experience, but “kundalini”.
  15. @Thewritersunion Big in the self realization sense. The collapse of wave & cylinder.
  16. @Thewritersunion Nobody.
  17. @khalifa Understandable for sure. You kicked the consciousness up to eleven, so a lot is coming out. It’s all good, and very worthwhile, but also the sensitivity is very heightened. So resistance you used to hold without noticing, is now in the light of awareness. “When hardcore feelings arise” I would equate letting go to nothing. An idea of nothing, but still, I mean a total opposite of everything ; any doing, fixing, ‘working on it’, inspecting, etc. When the feelings arise, relax, breath, and mentally chill... be detached in the sense of be interested to learn about this and see what’s going on, and attached in sensation, in feeling in the body, as much as possible, to have the biggest ‘sample size’ to study. Know that it is a from-in-to-out ‘movement’, letting go = letting ‘it’ out. As emotion ‘clears out’, some notion arises behind them. Just be interested, let that be enough.
  18. Why would sleep be any different? What is your direct experience of sleeping, in comparison to your direct experience of someone sleeping? ? What is this dream made of? ?? “that would be adding a layer there which may not even need to be added...” Don’t forget you are the sneakiest being which has ever been. ???
  19. @khalifa Love you ♥️ As far as inspecting the beliefs, careful not to mix the fear of what you’ll find, with the relief you are actually finding.