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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Gregory1 As you wish. God bless. @roopepa That’s me reading this stuff.
  2. I don’t find it logical or aligned, this concept of disputing opinions. Opinions are just opinions. The more the better. The bigger the variety the op may see and consider employing, the better. Life and all opinions therein appears to me as one Big buffet. Obviously not all opinions make sense. Sometimes someone recommends something which is not well being oriented. But you’d have to admit, wouldn’t you, that this place is pretty damn solid. You lost me at ‘spiritual growth’ my friend. Those are your words. That is your opinion, your assessment. Not mine. Moderators have no involvement with creating or changing protocols or guidelines on this forum. Moderators moderate, implement the guidelines. Thank you, and likewise. Appreciated. For moderators some areas are inherently grey. Then there is opinion. In the closing or not closing of threads we just basically have to ‘make a call’. My opinion is not to. I don’t care if things get ugly. Imo this leads to release and clarity. My wife jokingly nicknamed me ‘thin ice’ many years ago. She said I like to go where breakthroughs happen. Further, and this is just opinion and a dash of grand standing admittedly… if I could snap my fingers and make this world such that no one is ever excluded or isolated, I’da snapped em already. I’m doing what I can, exactly like you. I feel your care, I care too. I hope you feel that as well. @Kay100 Most of all right now, I hope you’re feelin it too.
  3. Someone else putting in a time limit is thinking about someone else. Bring attention to the one who wouldn’t eat. What will be found is the root of the symptoms is not someone else. That one can move on. While that one’s moving on is believed to be contingent upon someone else, one experiences not moving on, but contingency. Let your folks of the hook. They were doing their best in response to your behavior. None of us are perfect my friend. One good way of inspecting imo is understanding the emotions experienced, and recognizing emotion as guidance. In regard to this, and all matters. Blame is an emotion experienced. The admittance & recognize of worry feels just a pinch better. Admittance of experiencing the emotion of doubt, even better. Noticing this leads to disappointed, is like putting down a weight you’ve been carrying, which often leads only to ending up overwhelmed, resulting in frustration & impatience. From this emotional experience, pessimism does indeed arise. And yet, boredom feels significantly better than pessimism. Bring this ? in. This is infallible. There is great love for you and your folks, and every which way therein. Perhaps the nose issue is directly related to annoyance, and perhaps annoyance is still thinking about something outside yourself, such as your parents and or food. Maybe the emotions you are experiencing are frustration, irritation, and impatience. Meditative eating. Try this ?? The Loophole Shake. Loaded with nutrients, raw foods, enzymes, etc, and I call it ‘loophole’ cause it’s actually cheaper than just about all comparative alternatives, and imo, it tastes great. For a while I made whatever I was used to eating and the shake. In the direct experience(s) of taste, energy & feeling, I was naturally no longer interested in the old food choices. And I am saying that having learned to make a steak better than any restaurant I’d ever been to. Shake tastes better, I feel better. (Loophole-ish in that way). Also takes five minutes to make, and leaves only a single cup to clean up. More time for whatever you’re interested in. FYI, I eat other stuff too. Mostly fruits, veggies, etc. Healthy snacks basically. And at the same time, I’m eating whatever I want to eat. Dude, they care. Stop applying contingency. Stop breaking their hearts and their balls. Life is too short & love is too great. Let “positions” go = moving on = healing. There is no need to change what happened. It’s only a thought now, a memory. Let it go. Change what can be changed, let go of what can not. If I were in your shoes, I’d simply apologize, and then with that weight lifted, I’d kick ass just a bit for in this life for having done so. I’d be more in communion with my parents too, which is really nice feeling. At this point, we’ve all let our positions go, and we’re all rejoicing with & celebrating within the acknowledgement of our shared Being. ? In, of and as the only ‘thing’ that matters. So what? You’re not feeling what happened my good man, you’re feeling the thoughts now, the interpretation now. Don’t be stubborn. Admit & acknowledge to yourself so to speak that there is nothing you want or desire, more than, feeling amazing. Let interpretations & positions go. Don’t strive to win, let nonsense (discordant interpretations) go and feel amazing, one ‘little bit better at a time’ (use the emotional scale). For real my man, let it go already. Listen to the body, to the symptoms. Look around you right now. The room, the stuff. Look outside. Look up at the infinite sky. See the actual picture. See the actual beauty. Breathe it in, feel it. The “real story” isn’t real at all, it’s just one interpretation. This, right now (look around), this is the real story. Your life. That matters more to you than a nonexistent past. Care more about how you feel right now than being right about a past. Imo, don’t resort to belief. Apologize for not eating. Your parents, when done crying at the exemplification of unconditional love, will highly likely do the same, and state they were just doing what any parent would do to help their child. Allow our infinite being and the true nature therein, into your home, into your heart, into your household, simple by aligning in feeling, and letting go of the discord (suffering) of stubbornness. Notice, feeling amazing is what is most desired, and no one is ‘winning’ in how you’ve been going about this. Do so and witness a miracle, that of the body rectifying the symptoms. The body is well being itself so to speak, simply apologize, feel the release, in in doing so you will see for yourself what ‘getting out of your own way’ really is. Yes - and also, not ‘just while experiencing the symptoms’… every second of every day until you simple can not handle anymore Truth. ? It is ok - it is Good - to release, to cry, to let go. To apologize, to forgive. That is what wisdom is. Be wise. It’s not placebo, it’s not irrelevant. It’s guidance. Keep ‘listening’. ?? You’re doing great btw. I know it’s not easy sometimes. But when you start allowing the guidance in, it does all get more and more effortless, and some rather amazing feelings do ensue.
  4. @Gregory1 But you are the words that are pointing. Again, no mocking, not meant that way… who’s state(s), who’s intellect, who’s experience(s) of God, who’s intellectual understanding, who is going deeper into it? What’s “it”? How do more words (here) equate to better intellectual understanding, when all words are already you, and the context implied by the words is hearsay, which you can only believe or not - implications which do not equate to so called direct experience? These are so to speak, your words. This is an interpretation of what was said, not what was said. Again, if this route is ‘working’, as in resonating, why the mockery like “monks”? God realized, as you say, taking this at your word, who needs and wants, who is the my of my intellect? How is this seen to be a problem for a me? There is no direct experience of a problem here. Even if so, how does exclusion resolve? Comments are not intellect, nor are comments ‘made from’ intellect. Comments are comments, comments are you, and this is realized, isn’t it so? With love, and again, no shenanigans here… if you insulted, and didn’t mean to, why is that not the order of the day? Why looking toward intellectualizing instead? Who precisely is believed to be ‘bypassing intellect’? To who is intellect crucial? To who is this ‘the only thing we ever do here’? To who is there we? This is, not After ‘returning’ Home, is not the order of the day this Celebration and the life unfolding there in?
  5. @Gregory1 Please don’t take this in any mocking sense, but, to who? According to, who? For who?
  6. @Gregory1 Well, how are you so sure the way you’re already going about this isn’t spiritual bypassing, and not ‘grown up’, as you say?
  7. @Gregory1 If it’s ‘workin’… why insulting & accusing?
  8. Weird facet of the Celebration. ?‍♂️
  9. You’re not wasting your life, you’re discovering our source, and the discord & alignment of thoughts & perspectives therein. It’s good. Let go of the struggle for motivation, if and only because, it’s not working for ya. See that the energy & inspiration of our true nature arises like a cork let go. Less is more. If what the brain is producing is in question, see a nutritionist & a neurologist. Maybe an issue is resolved, and maybe not, but even if not, you have put a concern to bed. The experiential accumulation of discord is felt as present momentum. Antidepressant can help ease the discord, which can help ‘get you back on your feet again’. There is nothing wrong with shorter term solutions which help you & help you get your life on track. I suggest the longer term is communion, or, understanding & fully receiving the guidance that you are always feeling, and ultimately of course self realization. Much love. Let go of discordant thoughts - but in spirit, don’t give up. It’ll all get better, and it’ll all make sense, and it’ll all propel you forward in life like you’ve yet to taste. And it is Good. God is Good, sofa king Good. Emotional Guidance.
  10. @Wildcattt555 The body can’t interpret emotion. This is like thinking an antenna can interpret the radio frequencies it’s receiving. The so called finite mind interprets, and misunderstanding of emotion is unfortunately how emotion is suppressed, how guidance is refused, and how suffering continues. I would look into the key distinctions between pain & suffering, and I found the Buddha’s teaching on this matter to be clearest & most precise. In understanding and interpreting emotion accurately, and by accurately I mean by how you feel, an end is brought to suffering. Pain is of this world, and may or may not happen, and pain too can be transcended as of course pain too is ultimately you. But if these words resonate, start with that key distinction. Emotion. Our chief want of physical, emotional & physiological well being is identical my friend. I’m no adversary, I feel it too. Also, strong determination sitting is a misnomer in some, in many, contexts.
  11. ‘Blocking’ isn’t in question here, it’s just matter of points & adhering to the guidelines. I agree, it seems like a ‘cry for help’. I offered help in the form of info & resources. Talking with someone was included & mentioned. Perhaps ‘such as a therapist and or psychiatrist’ would have been clearer and I appreciate that. I do feel trying that would be ideal, and also see it doesn’t ‘work’ for everyone. In a ‘cry for help’, also, just talking with a friend or family member can be very helpful. Not instead of someone else, in addition to. I posted in response to your post, after posting to the op, or, matter at hand. If helping people, offering resources, being someone someone can talk with, all oriented to ending suffering including psychosis, and actualizing communion with our source in peoples’ life is narcissistic, more please. And I have worked with and helped more people out of suicide ideation that I can even count or remember. Someone committing suicide is as much my responsibility and within my power as someone calling me fuck face. Also, I actually do appreciate & cherish feedback. I find it most helpful. In the future, please don’t even allude, just straight up call me out on any horsehittery. But also, in all fairness, try in direct experience what I suggest first. Then the feedback is constructive, helpful. I make changes all the time to those resources from the most precious feedback I receive, both above & below, so to speak.
  12. @Wildcattt555 As always, take full advantage of all resources available, including & not excluding, this forum. Exactly how do you mean “fuck face”? Not sure if it’s name calling or complimentary. For good measure, the guidelines are as always, at the top of the page.
  13. Not sure our man @Terell Kirby was really heard here.
  14. @Leo Gura I’m sure it’s great. My comment was more oriented to tips, healing, release and self realization. Got nothing against crazy mind fuckery.
  15. It’s not about finding a better concept imo, but letting conceptualizing go.
  16. Repressing emotion is driving the mind nuts trying to justify and make sense of experience. ‘It’ projects what’s felt, onto others, wether that ‘others’ is “evil entities” or “other people”. These are all beliefs and emotionally discordant misinterpretations, and are to be let go vs weaved into grandiose thoughts stories of entities & reality, as that just keeps the suffering loop going. There is no ‘side of you which is overactive’. It’s thought activity, and meditation is the remedy. If meditation is too difficult, emotional understanding & expressive journaling, and ideally talking with someone for means of expressing & being heard, are the remedy. None of the stuff you’re trying is working because you have to release the old interpretations (suffering, discord) and humbly acknowledge you’re making it all up as you go. Notice this thread as an example. There was no thread about evil & evil entities in this place, and now there is because you created it. Don’t ‘beat up on yourself’, as that’s just creating more discord. Just acknowledge this in a witnessing manor. The practices suggested (along side letting go) do result in seeing through all of this suffering. And it’s important to stop talking about outside entities, and start properly maturely addressing the rumination and misunderstandings. Much love, I hope this is received as such. Receiving love is the overall theme, the key. ?
  17. @axiom Nice & thanks for sharing, interesting read! The nausea is from the flesh of the shroom and skews the whole trip. Never eat mushrooms, always make tea. It extracts the active ingredient and removes the nausea from the experience (very big difference). Never take more after the initial dose, it’s trying to hard / based on ‘getting’ (ego). Relax & trust the universe will reveal perfectly, as it is perfection. Surrender to Good-Timeness. (2.75 + .75) Never take 3-4g. Either less than 3 or more than 4. 3-4 is the mental limbo zone, the deconstruction of the ‘finite mind’ (thought attachment) & the current momentum of resistance(s), vs clearing through or breaking through that deconstruction completely. Go prior to 3 for a great time and or insights, and more than 4 (maybe more than 4.5, or a solid 5) for breakthroughs. The nausea and the limbo zone factors (imo) combined skews the experience a bit. Think in terms of thought & perception mixing (hallucinations). This leads to interpretations like your partner being a figment of you imagination, vs ‘that’s’-God-mf’ing-Rejoice. (And of course, not two, the Beauty of ‘it All’). For good measure… with a proper foundation of daily morning meditation, expression journaling (dream journaling also a big plus in the trip prep regard), and acute understanding of emotions, there’s no (finite if you will) hallucinations, fear, anxiety, general mind fuckery, etc, cause there’s not the presence of the thought activity of there being a finite self (illusory), just the One & only Psychonaut that Is. ? That limbo zone is thought loopy, and the so called finite mind can’t let go because it’s really only thoughts, about ‘losing my mind’, which is just fear (use emo scale). (Tea: chop into tiny pieces, boiled a large mug’s worth of water, then simmer the pieces in it for 15 mins, covered, then filter through a metal mesh strainer a few times. Use a metal or more ideally wooden spoon to ‘squish’ the active ingredient completely out of the flesh. Add a tea bag, and if you like, some honey.) Maybe take it a bit slower in terms of incrementally increasing vs eatin a few more like it’s popcorn. Also, slower makes it easier and safer to trip alone which is superior ime. Just some tips. Thanks again for sharing. Keep on keepin on. ??
  18. Really thought this was trolling, but from looking at your other posts that isn’t your style at all. Definitely pump the brakes on this plan. Much more meat on the clarity bone around awakening etc to go before you proceed imo. Not meant personally of course. Mad respect for the inspiration & passion. I firmly feel if you give it a year or two you’ll be super glad you waited. Some bells really can’t be un-rung.
  19. @Tim R Stop being cryptic, no one here understands.
  20. @WokeBloke Model is a thought. I don’t have a model. I is just another thought. There is also no ‘causer’ of thoughts. Model isn’t a thought at all. I have all of the models. I is most definitely not just another thought. There is in fact, a thinker, causer, maker and creator of, thoughts. Thought will not do for the inquiry. If I keep taking all this candy I’m going to end up overweight. Please understand.
  21. There’s no thinker of , creator of, or maker of thoughts, so, no. That thought could certainly appear, but alas, it’s just another thought, albeit about there being, a thinker of (or maker of) thoughts (or not). It seems thoughts (concepts) will not do for such an inquiry.
  22. @WokeBloke Sounds like you answered your own question. I’d keep that up in your shoes.