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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @EvilAngel What would taking responsibility for how you feel look like? How would you begin?
  2. A thought about who you are is made of who you are. So the implication of the thought, what a thought “suggests” you are (ego) could never be true. (The thought is already made of who you are).
  3. Who has been responsible for your feelings thus far? What would it feel like, if you did? How would you choose to feel? Would other people still be able to affect how you feel? Why or why not?
  4. What if legos made a person, and the lego person said, wait a minute here.....who am I again?
  5. When you’re watching a movie, turn off the tv. The empty screen is sleep so to speak. Turn the movie back on, that’s still the empty screen. Doesn’t look the same because God.
  6. Sounds crazy.
  7. @electroBeam Understandable, that’s the conditioned perspective. That’s what limits, making it seem like there are limited options and avenues. I would put how you feel first, and make choices from that standpoint. Based on what you want.
  8. @electroBeam For sure. That’s awesome. Couldn’t agree more.
  9. @electroBeam By write off, I don’t mean imaginary. I mean one is choosing what does not feel good to one, and not seeing it because it is being ‘written off’, or attributed to something else. Indeed.
  10. @electroBeam The conditioned self is trying to ”survive” and it wouldn’t short of skipping meditations. It’s a back and forth of emotional release and suppression. Feeling relative to thinking, it’s ups and down, the “rollercoaster”.
  11. @Giulio Bevilacqua Dan Reynolds made a movie for you about this called Believer.
  12. Consider looking forward, in the sense - to the physical, is where you create, and within you, in the sense - to the potentiality, is where creation manifests from. You, are that line in the middle. But there is no line, no middle. Ahead and within are perfectly designed to make it appear that there is ‘you’, in the middle. A bit Goldilocks that you are smack dab in between the size of an atom, and the earth. Coincidence? So you are free to zoom in and analyze, problem solve, develop systems, etc...and you are free to zoom out to infinity, where there is no such thing as physical. Zoom in enough, and zoom out enough, and there’s no more seemingly “middle”.
  13. Without good & bad, there is no judgment. Without judgement there is no self doubt. Without self doubt there is no need for confidence.
  14. The free will is abundant and ever present. There’s just no you.
  15. There’s nothing to figure out. It’s that it’s been all too obvious the whole time. Notice when you choose a thought that doesn’t feel good, you do so unconsciously (“the ego”), evidenced by the fact that you would never consciously choose to not feel good.
  16. There are two layers of identification at play, the roles, and the body. This is the root of the suffering. Which is why the paradigm of doer and consciousness is backwards, making it very hard to notice.
  17. Words are symbols, they hold no meaning, the gaze upon them they’re revealing, the symbols themselves, of that which pointed, symbols are kings, which you anointed. Such is love, which points within, the symbol O, where symbol begins, the O of wholeness, complete perfection, O transcendence, the resurrection, the O it is veiled; that there be the i, such is to live, and such is to die. Only in living, a symbol is seen, the O and the i, creating the v, the symbol of v, like that of the heart, it’s surface of light; it’s pointing of dark, the v in collapse, to where is unseen, remains but a lie; and such is the dream. The lie ever clear, in wrinkles & seems, hiding in judgement, in need and belief. Divine imperfection; who’s angles are round, you must be the truth, a lie so profound. The heart can not fear, forever it’s one; a wandering mind, forever undone. Judge not a judge, nor feed of critique, the one who is judging, is already thee.
  18. @zeroISinfinity Crazy, but I’d say no, that is not the deepest fear. Or perhaps better wording... not the depth of fear.
  19. @Scholar Imagine being what every human who has ever lived, fears.