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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Wisebaxter No, I wasn’t kidding. There’s a full circle of magical thinking. A mind blowing actuality of creation, and relatively speaking, no one is in the ‘pocket’ like Ester. Loosely speaking, it would take years for someone new to her teaching to get a glimpse of the actuality she is pointing to. You could say that about any teacher, about reality and self in general, but every other teacher has discernible limits (“ime”). Another way to say that, is Ive not experienced a teacher who doesn’t stand to learn more, from her.
  2. @Serotoninluv The other day I said “if you put how you feel first, and look at this differently, it’ll change in accordance right before your eyes”...inner monologue...”what did I just go and do”.
  3. “Seeking for the Magick Facet” It sounds like you’re talking more about magic as a feeling, as ‘magical’, rather than magick. To draw some differences, magic already is, is eternal, and is the entirety of experience. Like a gift that never was given or received, but is always being unwrapped and experienced despite that it isn’t actually happening. More impossible / miracle / ‘this can’t be real but there it is’ feeling / seeing / knowing, and perhaps rooted in the perpetual mind blow that you could have ever believed you were not you, or that the actuality was something other than what is. Whereas magick, has some tradition / reference / ‘claiming of reality’ historically, and points to not the miracle of the one or whole, but more eventful / situational, more of a person as the catalyst who requests, performs, or orchestrates the magick. So ‘magic’ wise, as a ’facet‘, (not really linguistically communicable, just like every other ‘facet’, but...) what comes to mind is that experience is complete, total, every ‘layer’ of energy, every field, etc, makes the appearance of a whole, which is designed to convey the existence of a separate entity, of which of course, there is not. I would say it feels more accurate, in trying to communicate “it”, that it is more the scope and breadth of the ‘facets’, than a facet itself. A pointer to all that goes into that, the entire cosmos, physical, meta, etc, meanwhile there is neither to begin with and nothing there right now. That there is not a single revealing means or evidentiary ‘thing’, that any inspection or reference will always point to that there is, is astounding, pure magic. How could you realize how magic you actually are, when every possibility is the magic. It’s impossible, but, here we are, and there’s nowhere and no thing to point to the contrary, of the actuality. In the sense love = consciousness, magic = consciousness. There is no separation to be found, and at the same time there is the experience of already being separate and looking. What is looking, can not be found / nothing is looking, nothing is ever found - and meanwhile all is going on nonetheless. You could rightly say, imo, appearance is magic, and or actuality is magic, but you could also reserve the word for the full impossibility, that there is no such thing as any of these, nor of any “realization” of anything to begin with. Again, there’s no words for it, because here are the words for it, and as you’re reading them, the actuality is there aren’t “words” at all, and the reading of them is not actually happening in any way. To say that it’s an illusion, or an appearance, or even inexplicable, will never do it any justice. That you’re continuing to read this, that ’experience‘, that there’s no actual experience, is as close to a pointer as it gets. I agree, love is inseparable. (No matter the subject / reference) Love is magic. You might say neither magic or love is inseparable from love or magic. Which is why it’s hard to ‘facet’ either. It’s the whole, being nothing. Or nothing, being the whole. (Of experience) Perhaps the magic of that, is it’s non-actuality, which of course, is actual. All that is reveals what you say is entirely true. But all that is revealing this, is magic. The most magical thing, is that you can express your one of a kind uniqueness, and give that extraordinarily special light to the world - while there is no such thing as uniqueness. It’s like, as soon as you see talent - the magic of the ‘this is all for you’ disappears, yet the “talent” of the magic itself, that there is no talent, that there is only a you because there is not a you, is magical. Also, as a wildly broad stroke, you could say the magic = Alone, and the magic is, that you can’t actually be alone.
  4. @mandyjw ha! Ever see someone, and just, ...oh...crush? Ya. That Konmari lady. Lol. (Reminder, I’m not actually an old lady) @StarStruck It’s not the things, it’s attachment at play that matters.
  5. Wholistic indeed. ?? When all beliefs are uncovered, only truth can remain. When all conditions are surrendered, only unconditional remains.
  6. If you were tripping on acid right now, this would be a really weird post to read.
  7. It’s you, making this post, after overcoming the trappings of life. I know it sounds sappy, cliche, etc, but that actually is what I find most beautiful and amazing.
  8. This is the crux, where thought meets feeling, and isn’t resolving.
  9. Only from the “vantage” of a separate self, perpetuated by duality. “Leo himself admits he is a narcissist, you are defending him, notice how your gigantic ego wants to do that because being a moderator is your incredible accomplishment?” Notice this is of the same. It’s not actual, there’s nowhere to point to this happening even, it’s a thought story. If you want arguing, you missed it on this forum by a year or so. “You are 1000% of the reason you are in the situation you are in right now.” If what you say there is true, there’s only two scenarios to explain your post.... - It feels good to you, expressing things like calling people losers, etc. Or - It does not feel good to you, and you do it anyways. Given that you would not consciously choose to do something which doesn’t feel good, you can only deduce that you are unconscious, believing that you are awake and conscious. (Which not ironically, is why you’re posting on a forum about awakening)
  10. “You are 1000% of the reason you are in the situation you are in right now.” wise words
  11. The “foundation” all of that is built on, is belief. Your intuition is that this is a house of cards, and intuition is never wrong. I’m openly admitting this to my self. Are there really two of you? The “ I “ and the “self”? “Nahm!! That’s just semantics though!!” Ever so semantically sneaky, so subtly linguistic, is the notion of the separate self, “residing” just there, “living” contingently just upon such thought. You are one; in believing thoughts about yourself, you are believing you are two, and not even noticing. You are not the fragments of thought, you are whole, aware of thoughts. Awareness is not fragmentable in thinking, awareness is whole, complete, and felt. This, this thread, is not you openly admitting anything to your self, or anyone. It’s a beautiful expression of God. Tap that keg.... ^ ? ♥️ ? ? ??‍♂️ ♥️ ^ Given the choice, would you choose to do what you want to? Or think about yourself? Would anyone ever choose what does not feel good to them? Of course not. One would have to do this unconsciously, one would have to be asleep. Being, conscious of such unconsciousness, is already ‘the’ awakening; the re-membering (defragging) of forgetting. SOOO sneaky my man. How could you not be yourself yet? There is no “not light”, there is no spoon Maarten. It’s actually true. Can a flashlight find the light? Of course not! It’s already shining it, right now, for real. Notice, ALL, to the contrary - is just a thought - which “itself” - YOU are the very knowing of, the illumination of. Imagine shining a flashlight on a wall, and seeing some bugs crawling across the wall. MYTH: The thought, the assumption, is that the bugs “of course” exist as bugs outside the light, and the “truth” is they are “there”, but I only see them when they crawl across the circle which the flashlight is casting on the wall. That there “truth”, is obviously actually a thought about perception. That thought is not perception. ACTUALITY: You are not the person holding a flashlight, you are not the flashlight. You are the light itself. The bugs exist “outside” of the light as potentiality, pure consciousness, a “substance” that is everything, everywhere, anytime, no thing, nowhere, no time - YOU. A thought arises, it is believed, perception in “fragmented” in believing the thought, and labeling - “bugs”. The bugs are a vibration, an oscillation, of the light itself - YOU. Magically, mystically, by the unfathomable grace of God, there is this divine experience of bugs. Thank you so much. No words for this love. Just revel, appreciate,, feel, rather than believe thoughts and labels. Tools are not truths. What is experience, the same experience, what is it like, without the thought layers of “strive”, and “should”? What if should is just judgement, belief, and in realizing this, you chose your own true unique desire fully, and invented computers. And what if it revolutionized the world. And what if you became wealthy, and used that wealth, to help millions of people with survival. What is the real worth of you, right now, saying “ya, fuck should. What do I really want?”. It’s immeasurable. Limitless. What is actually going on right now as you look around the room without that thought story? I would trade a trillion thought and hypnosis’s, for a single real feeling. Does the past dictate you right now? Only is you keep believing you’re are that you. Which you can’t possibly be - because you are what is aware of those thought, that thought story of a “you”, and a “past”. You’re amazing. A magician. Well done. Wow, how blessed, and wise indeed. Expression, yes! However, a cautionary tale..thoughts, words, beliefs; these are the three cups of the magician. They imply a “you” which is supposed to guess which cup the peanut is under. But there is no peanut. Never was. Kick the table over, with emotion. Outpour that shit. Wash yourself of yourself. You are magic itself. You indeed create unconditionally. “And I wonder When I sing along with you If everything could ever feel this real forever If anything could ever be this good again The only thing I'll ever ask of you You gotta promise not to stop when I say when” Dave Grohl You don’t want anything to stop either, if ya really, really, get deep in there, you love this madness too. Ya know ya do. It births ass kickers such as - ‘you’. Therapy, yes, great. Just let emotions empty out. Your story about “sick” etc, let that go. You’re making it up and believing it. Without “shoulda”, and judgement of healthy & sick, good & bad, there’s no story anymore, sans this one, the life story, the actuality in front of your face (so to speak). Side note, give it back, lift your parents up - see what that feels like. The lift a perfect stranger up, see what that feels like. Bet it feels as opposite from strange as could be. You can not get poor enough to help someone get wealthy. You can not get sick enough to help someone get healthy. You’re whole “sick” thing is a paradigm, it’s not working, it’s senseless (no sensation, no feeling). Drop it like it’s hot. Be done with it. Well being is not dualistic, is not thinking, as it has no opposite. All is the well, that is Being. “Thank you for the feedback sir. I have been put in my place.” Your welcome! and no you haven’t. You haven’t even glimpsed a spec of your actual sneakiness yet.
  12. @randomguy123 Actually, we’re all on the same page here. Read it again, without deflection.
  13. How do I see through illusion of complexity in any field? You’re the field which is creating ‘subject - object’, and as it you can ___________.
  14. That experience, that event(s) know exactly what is suppressed, resulting in the shaking. You can talk about it exactly when you want, if and when you’re ready. You can let love wash it out, you can let it go, when you’re ready. Notice however, you can not actually forget on purpose. There is only to pretend you don’t know what it is which you used to identity with the body mind, what it is you can understand and liberate of. Just know holding on to it doesn’t work, because that isn’t true about you. “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” Go ahead. Illuminate this place. We all want the light in you, ‘out here’. this
  15. That a feeling could be worth a thinking, is itself, just thinking.
  16. “You are 1000% of the reason you are in the situation you are in right now.” wise words
  17. Last questions... How does it feel when you think it is impossible? Are you the feelings & thoughts, or are you a separate entity which possesses, or could control feelings & thoughts?