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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Shaun Let me preface this with - I love you, you know I wife is sitting, reading. She doesn’t share your concern. No offense, but she doesn’t give two shits about any of what you are worried about. Why is that?
  2. It was more in the vein of loosing up your perspective, seeing that you are the ‘connector’ of creative & analytical, if you will. No, I wouldn’t equate creativity to anything, more so everything. There are people who go on vacation, and after a day or so, feel a lot more relaxed, lighter, light hearted, energized, zest for life returns - and in that feeling, ideas flow more readily, creativity abounds relative to the more limited contracted state of “at work“. I’m suggesting this zooming in & out is not a product of where one is, or what one is doing, but that one can themself zoom in & out. It might be helpful in more of an exercise sense. An example might be, zoom out and new creative idea flow, zoom in and creative way to apply them flow. Zoom ‘out of the head and into the room’ and an outside the box idea arises, zoom in on a pencil on the desk, and a new creative application for an old thing, or a creative way of combining two things into, etc, arises. I’m not doing a great job explaining this, sorry, but the point is to discover you can “zoom in & out” in a huge way, and you can do this at will by letting go and shifting, trying out (for now) many ways of perceiving.
  3. @Nickyy You’re misconstruing what was said, and projecting & accusing quite a bit. Go back and read again if you like, or not. ??
  4. @Nickyy Not sure why the blankness. Just do a regular copy and paste (vs ‘quote’ function).
  5. @Nickyy Perhaps there’s a message in it’s blankness. ? ??
  6. @Shaun If this isn’t interesting, sorry for the hijack.
  7. You as the observer, life as the object which you as the subject, are observing. Or observer (subject), life (object). Once identification has ceased and life reveals itself as impersonal and therefore benign that is enlightenment. To say that there is duality inherent in that state is a misunderstanding of duality. The comment wasn’t in regards to a state. Again, we might be saying the same thing here, and this might be linguistic. Perhaps because actual duality has not been seen and transcended? ? Actual duality can’t be seen or transcended ultimately, because duality is not actual. It's easy to speculate what enlightenment would be like, but until you have had an actual experience of what reality really is, then you could be mistakenly assume that duality is actually real. Nor can one actually experience what reality really is. That again would be subject (you) and experience of object (reality). It's very simple, all that has to happen is disidentification, then duality is no longer the case. Just saying again, this could be ‘talking over each other’ / linguistic, but there isn’t a subject which disidentifys with an object.
  8. @Nickyy I’m with you in sentiment for sure. However, there is a duality present in life living by itself, with me as the observer. Life being separate from potential ‘interference from the egoic identity”. There is a collapse of the duality of personal & impersonal.
  9. @Nickyy I’m not sure if you’re just sharing that or there is an implied question or something...?
  10. The happiness & peace are the truth. There is no mental breakdown to fear, that is conditioning talking. The significant nuance in the “my life” is the my. Life continues, but life is not ‘yours’, you are what life is. A thought about perception isn’t direct experience of perception. It’s perception and a thought about perception. Would you rather be the one hit with the sandwhich, or the one who threw it? Notice there is some connection there with regard to feeling. It might be subtle, or undetectable currently. Meditation, every morning, and it won’t be too subtle for too long. There is the movie, or appearance level of the sensation of the sand which hitting the body, and there is the screen, being, sensation for having thrown something at someone.
  11. @Inliytened1 ♥️ “The knowing is the known”.
  12. Indeed. If death is not final, it’s only an idea of a finality, which means reincarnation, is also an idea.
  13. America, Italy, Canada, Being...a hundred years ago this moment would have been dubbed impossible. Love you guys. Really love where being is headed with all this.
  14. Peace, love, and understanding is our infinite being. @arlin Emptiness is far from empty.
  15. @Nahm Now take away the words...”pure consciousness”, “pure awareness”. And replace them Now take away the word, the label, the definition, the term... “me”. And now there’s, nothing. So take away the word, “nothing”. There’s no self reference. And now take away the term, the meaning, etc, “self reference”. @zeroISinfinity The only thing I am right about, is hippie chick is well on her way. You best be ready cause she’s a bigger trip than me.
  16. @Wisebaxter I hear ya. I’ve often thought, wouldn’t it be great, if someone wrote a book that goes beyond the practices of law of attraction, so I could simply see that it is the actuality, that it is already the case.
  17. Pure consciousness, from the relative thought based perspective, is “nothingness”. It’s not that the I is an illusion, it’s that the I is real, pure consciousness. It’s not that experience is illusory, it’s that experience is real, pure consciousness. A thought about an I, is a thought about an I. Awareness of the thought, is awareness of the thought. The pure consciousness, pure awareness...vibrates, to form itself, as the form we call, a thought. The same pure consciousness, pure awareness, because it is pure consciousness pure awareness, is also aware of the thought, conscious of the thought. You are what is aware of, conscious of, the thought. And, you are the thought. Why can’t that “click”, why can’t that “make sense”? Because you’d first have to believe the thought, is not you, but a separate thing, called a thought. Then, you’d have to believe the thought - is about you. Now, in this position of believing the thought is about you, you forget that you are the awareness of the thought and the thought, and you believe the content or implication of the thought, is you. But wait just a dang second here...I am this body thought! I have a past, and that makes me who I am!! I can’t be my thoughts, because they are MY thoughts!!! (Those are examples of thoughts one might believe) ...and it mother f’ing does MAKE SENSE...because “Makes sense” = Makes Sens-ation, makes feeling. “Makes Sense” does not equal “Makes more thoughts”, nor “Makes Understanding”.
  18. @zeroISinfinity The other side of this wall is a thought. You can never transcend what you are in this moment creating. Make a cup of coffee for example...can’t understand it, understanding is creating it. If you had to understand to create, you could never create because there isn’t anything to understand.
  19. Take “no self” out of your thinking, and pop in “no mind”. Then, you see the change in the path is letting thoughts go, rather than trying to realize anything, or “become” a “no self”. Likewise, everything that is ‘stirred up’ - let it go. The understanding follows, because understanding is itself, being. Understanding is the no self, the no mind. That’s why it feels so amazing. Meditation is the stark opposite of doing something, or trying to realize something. Also, if you don’t have a dream board going, front and center of your living space and life, then you should stop and ask yourself, why am I doing any of this? Why would I let go? Why would I inspect how I feel, uncondition myself, etc? What’s the point? For now, I’d suggest the “point” is to live the most amazing life possible. To dream the impossible, and then actually live it. You might think of it like wanting to see Jupiter, and buying a telescope. It’s not enough to just buy it, set down, and look. There is a tedious process of adjusting, of zooming in & out, which creates breadth and focus. This process takes you to the point of...’you know what - fuck this...there’s no way anyone could ever.....“ and boom! There’s Jupiter.
  20. For kids there’s no Christmas without a Santa. For “grown ups” there’s no Christmas or Santa without them. Meanwhile, the “grown up” is the kid, and there actually is a Santa.