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Nahm replied to Pernani's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
How much knowledge, identity, attachment, possessions, relationships, desires, plans, etc, would you have had to let go of when you were eight years old? -
@ivankiss Seems maybe you are holding duality apart from non? Like “well ya, I’m infinite love...but girls...”. Who / what are those emotions and thought arising in? What’s the relationship? What’s the pattern?
What is it which you believe you must trust people for? Because you attached feeling wonderful to having / being with someone, or to being seen as such. Don’t believe in need or lack. Or, go deeper into it, total desperation and hopelessness. That’s great for realizing beliefs being held. All roads lead to feeling better no matter what you do. (Sorry) It’s not supposed to be anything. If “it” was supposed to be something else, “it” would be already. “It” is awesome, all “it” is, is you. So, “it” literally is super fucking awesome. No hurt, no lesson, no help, no growth. These things are created by first believing you are anything less than fucking awesome as is.
Nahm replied to Visitor's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Truth can not be found, all there is is truth. -
@robinmk4l The difference between a belief, and what is known - is truth. What ails you is this... That is a belief. The truth is, you’re fucking awesome. For as long as you believe that, and claim you know it, you suffer. It is a fact that you are fucking awesome. So true indeed, you can believe you are awesome, and or know that you are awesome, and because it’s the truth, either way works just fine.
Freudian slip?
@ivankiss Yes, I know what you’re saying, I see it too. When you’ve seen through you, you’ve seen through everyone. It is your reflection, shaktipah, of your the highest calling.
Nahm replied to Seeker_87's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Seeker_87 Each person is undoing themselves as relative, ultimately arriving at the same absolute, and then in a way relearning the relative. So every path is personal and unique. For example, in a general sense, consider the difference between the path of a 20 year old, compared to a 60 year old. A 20 year old may need to live desire to more deeply know it, and a 60 year might connect the meta dots more readily. Essentially I’m saying, first consider the person, then consider the paths. -
@ivankiss Just another lens to consider, if it’s helpful... Give some thought to just how different perception is in the beginning of the circle vs having gone full circle. One who believes the way they feel is because of their circumstances, and or other people, can not see otherwise currently. You can. When you come from your knowing, because they can’t yet perceive that way, they’re of course going to personify you rather than see it as a perspective , and take it as an attack on them because they are still identified. Leaving you scratching your head. It can be helpful to see the path is strictly a one off, and though it adds a ... triality (?)...think of the relationship as a third party, something you’re each caring for. “Trying to connect with the truth of their being. Their hearts. Not their masks.” I totally hear that...but someone who has not done this yet themself, might be sort of meta-instinctually defensive.
Nahm replied to Angelite's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I hope I didn’t offend you. I apologize if I did. I was just giving my two cents on the passage. I did not intend that it applied to your beliefs at all. If you think I’m wrong, or off, no problem. It is just an interpretation. It can mean to you really whatever you want. -
Nahm replied to Thalie's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Nahm replied to Focus Shift's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Focus Shift You’re the authority. It’s how you see it, rather than objective. -
Nahm replied to Schahin's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Since “it” can’t be thought, daily meditation to no-mind is helpful. A good practice for you might be letting every thought go, not speaking on or acting on it. It’ll give you two dynamics to contrast. Between those two, most of the cup will be emptied. It might also be productive to talk through the fears & struggles of those. And lighten up, see the humor in stuff like this...“Are you totally sure there is only me and no other?” I know it’s not funny now, but that could be revealing. -
Nahm replied to Thewritersunion's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Thewritersunion How do you feel about meditating every morning? -
Nahm replied to Harikrishnan's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
For sure. I heard Ramana said the same thing about the cancer. I don’t know if it’s true or not, that’s just something I heard. -
Nahm replied to Harikrishnan's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Serotoninluv ?? @Harikrishnan “....kill the Buddha” -
Nahm replied to Harikrishnan's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Harikrishnan I hear ya. My hope was to simplify it. ?? -
Nahm replied to Harikrishnan's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I don’t know if you’ll see what I’m trying to point out, because the nature of it isn’t “dualable” or “wordable”. Also, relatively speaking, there are teachers who experience infinity directly, and know it can’t be explained or thought. Can’t be conceptualized. So to try to ‘reach’ the seeker, they use analogies like infinity many worlds. It’s as helpful as it gets, but when ‘you’ ‘experience’ ‘infinity’, it’s very clear that they are doing this, and why. Sean Carroll is about as great of a living example of this as you’ll find imo. He seems to have made that all important leap from science to actuality. I believe years ago Sean’s sentiment would’ve been, “if you think you’ve understood quantum mechanics, you haven’t”....today, I believe his sentiment might be more like “oh ya, you can understand quantum mechanics’. I’m speculating on all of this, but, he might be inclined to nonetheless limit what he is now aware of, in what he’s saying. (Hope this is taken as a helpful attempt, rather than taking a ‘jab’ at you or anything) ?? -
Nahm replied to Michael Paul's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Create three more, but with how you feel as the absolute basis, rather than what you think about ‘free will’ in terms of something ‘in the world’ / ‘something about people’. Essentially, look at it relative to you. It will start to make a new, different kind, of sense. -
Nahm replied to aclokay's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@aclokay Yes indeed. Your post brings the ‘path of least resistance’ philosophy to mind. Maybe a permission slip isn’t needed at all, because it’s just a permission slip, and maybe it’s just easier to write whatever permission slips you want to write. It is ‘of the Truth’ though, very much so. This can lead nicely into the realization the finite mind is not actual, but self imposed imitation as well. But don’t go losing your mind over it. -
Nahm replied to Thewritersunion's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Those questions are too broad, could you be more specific? Thanks -
Nahm replied to Thewritersunion's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The entirety, the whole of, experience, is for “you”. There is not actually a “you” though, which must detach, concentrate, take action...one in need of discipline, one giving effort, one being attentive, one who remembers, or has a memory, one who possesses and uses an intellect, nor one who rests. Another way to put it is ‘getting there’ is ‘gotten there’ when all the beliefs of ‘getting there’ are let go of. Memory is not what the popular opinion believes it is. Notice there’s no ‘pulling a file out’ of somewhere, no actual retrieval transpires. (Or probably too simply put, ‘who requires’.) -
“Not necessarily stoned but, beautiful.”
Nahm replied to ROOBIO's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@ROOBIO Yes, of course. This is and always has been the default actuality. “A thought” is nothing, so paradoxically, to ‘get there’, can you understand (first) that thoughts are indeed, things? (Not a Riddler thing here. Need to see where you’re at currently). Also, how practices / experienced are you with ‘sitting with it’ - sitting without distraction, letting emotion wash out, and then realizing the after-arising understanding? -
Nahm replied to Joker_Theory's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
In the vein of neti neti being an ‘outward to inward’ practice by deduction, and breath meditation being a surrender, or ‘inward to outward’ nothing into everything venture...if you’re not quite ready for a true to form do nothing practice, just do it uber casually through the day. The momentum of ‘doing’ slowly fades, at a comfortable pace. Notice everything you are not doing. Notice no commands, no process, no ‘ceo’ director of the brain or mind in the typing / reading of these words now for example. No effort in understanding what these words are saying, right? While driving, for example, say aloud, I’m not driving - this is an experience, “driving”, “in the car”, then notice the “doer” did not say anything aloud. Similar to self inquiry, ‘you’re’ going behind the doer, behind the thoughts. Most thinking is of the doer, in the doer’s future or past, potential situations, etc. None of which is actual, it’s all overthinking. So the ‘ambilical cord’, what keeps the doer “alive”, is being cut at the root, thought ‘itself’ & belief, and the believing in “I am the thinker”. Notice talking ‘happening’, disengage of the belief that I am talking, and notice the experience of “talking” continues just the same, without “doing it”. This is in itself all doing, pointed towards “witnessing”, to reveal there’s no witness. You might also spend days saying the absolute minimum which ‘needs’ be said. This can reveal how much thinking was being spoken, and how much overspeaking feeds back into overthinking. ‘Witnessing that’ can reshape the entirety of the experience of thought, and speaking, and the simplicity, the ‘plainness’ that you are not separate from this moment arises. But, before the unification is seen, it’s highly likely (not certain though) that feelings are going to bubble up. Don’t think about them, and don’t allow them to involve someone else in the ‘their fault’ sense. Just relax, breath, feel breathing, and let the feelings do their feeling thing. Understanding inevitably follows, as the feeling signified a discord of thought self and awareness. More of this ‘understanding which arises’ = ‘more’ being & wonderful feeling, and less overthinking, and judging one’s self / misunderstanding feelings. And...there might be one, two, a few things...that if you were to fully aware of ‘what you are doing’, you wouldn’t be able to stop doing it. Write the opposite of those things up on your board. Get what you really actually want out in the wide open.