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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @zeroISinfinity “Ours is not a caravan of despair! Deep down, we’re all preparing for hippie chicks” - Rumi
  2. @Surfingthewave ....sounds vaguely familiar.
  3. @GabeN I’d suggest framing the experience of being you as a human up as a ‘your bubble’ of experience and your vibrational offering, getting it sound & high on the emotional scale. On a future trip, you might find yourself, in defiance of what is possible, outside this “bubble”, and more accurately as, nothingness. Not sure if this adds sense or takes away by adding more to concept, but that is a step to collective consciousness, which also is only experiential.
  4. @Surfingthewave ?? I’m excited for your journey as well! Very understandable question. It might be helpful to break it down into steps, to see how trust fits in. Step one: Felt the inspiration, and the willingness, & got a dream board. This is the biggest, most challenging step - for some people, it can mean as many as four clicks on amazon. We do have a ‘guy on the inside’ at amazon on the forum now, if things get harry I’m sure he’d be happy to help out. (See, things are already working out for you) Step two: The experience of writing what you want on the board. The feeling in this, is the ‘juice’. The feeling of wanting, expressing & getting clearer on what you actually want, and the feeling of excitement that it is coming. Step three: Experiencing the unfolding of it, and nipping resistant thinking in the bud. “Receiving mode” as Abraham Hicks calls it. Witnessing the amazing synchronistic & downright miraculous ways it all starts coming, & enjoying the adventure. This can hardly be communicated, it must be experienced. That what you are wanting comes right out of the wood work, of what already is, is truly an amazing experience to behold. Life changing indeed. Resistant thoughts are those which do not feel good to you, relative to what you established that you are wanting. By choosing a better feeling thought, you feel better, you expressed & trusted feeling, and you aligned thinking with feeling...and are back to the ‘juice’ of creation - feeling good, and relishing in the unfolding. Overtime, it does get very clear, that your feelings were & are never wrong, and trusting them is never really in question. There is a shift to be acknowledged, a change in approach, in listening to, or, feeling - feeling, more so than trusting. You might think of the need to trust as that of a map or list of directions, vs, listening to the turn by turn navigation of realtime feeling. If it feels at all like you are giving up anything, such as logically deducing your next moves, analyzing data and making educated choices - think of this as an addition to that, rather than a replacement. This, will fall in nicely with that, and that with this. (Meditation every morning is ideal for all of the steps. Clarity, connection with feeling, creativity, focus on what you’re wanting, and the general awesomeness of letting resistant thoughts go.) If step three was surrender & trust, I’d do my best to suggest how. But step three is more about enjoying the unfolding, & awareness of resistant thoughts, just as they bud, and choosing a better feeling thought. You may very well end up in How-did-I-get-here-ville, but you’ll feel it every time, and you’ll have the hindsight clarity with regards to the initial resistant thought. You’ll aim to nip the buds, find yourself trimming branches, and be more aware next time for having experienced the feeling of discord (having ignored feeling) - and you’ll get really good at trimming when resistant thoughts are still just buds. After awhile, thought is so aligned with feeling, that you won’t have to trim anymore, and it is delightful. You’ll have a meta-hindsight-clarity, on how the thoughts were always of the feelings. So trust & surrender, in this case, are resistant thoughts...they are resistant thoughts arising, in resistance to doing step two - wanting. It can be a paradigm shift, from thinking through the how and then beginning - and trusting one’s logic - to coming from feeling, and receiving. Perhaps the greatest revelation of this process, is that reality is indeed magical, and you never really needed to know how a “step three” will go, to express what you really want in life. The trust discovered, is within yourself. (Ta-da) In a way, this is very much what is already and always has been underway, and at the same time it’s a new way of engaging reality, and of living life. It might be a change in how one is engaging with reality and living life, but over time it is more & more realized, that this is awareness of what has always been the case. We were all creators long before we got here. It could justifiably be said, that there is a legitimate question as to ”how did I create up to here, if I create my own reality? I don’t recall picking to be me or grow up in Materialtown, etc”. Those answers won’t come from thinking, or ‘figuring out’ either. They’ll come the exact same way- feeling good, letting resistant thoughts go by choosing a better feeling thought, and enjoying the unfolding of it right before your eyes. It all starts ‘clicking’, and insights come aplenty.
  5. @CultivateLove Any thoughts on the was the tension / contraction in the neck related to the ringing of the ears? How did relaxing the muscles stop the ringing? Thanks.
  6. Try not ‘doing’ or manipulating the breathing. Just let the body breathe, and like you said, keep returning your attention to the breathing. Notice any stomach, back, etc, muscles which tense up a tiny bit, and relax them.
  7. @cle103 ♥️ Adam: “It’s all just, so...Good! I right or am I right babe!? Like just so... like REAL! BAM! - LIFE!. It’s all just so GOOD! You feelin this Amazing Goodness or what?” Eve: “Indeed Adam! It’s just like, so All Good! Love is pouring everywhere! Soooo Good! (jumping up & down) So Good! So Good! Amazing Goodness!” Sneaky serpent enters stage left (self referential thinking, duality, “twoness” - me & God - ...identifying with form, “me”) Eve, Adam: Eats the fruit (duality, identity with form / believes the thoughts). Adam: ”On second thought, I’m half a whole, and it feels terrible, so, I’m gonna need you to fulfill my half needs.” Eve: “Ya, I’m down with that. I feel the same way.” Adam: ‘KInda starting to resent you for not keeping me whole babe. Honestly, kinda pissed about it.” Eve: “Ya, me too. You know, if you do X & Y, maybe this wouldn’t be a problem for you anymore, and I’ll take care of you.” Adam” “Cool. Makes total sense babe.” Eve: “Yep”. Adam: “Cool. Put some damn clothes on already. Some other dude see’s you like this, he might try to take away my other half”. Cut scene... Flash forward (the misunderstanding).... “Ok everyone, never mind the hat & robes, that’s not the important thing here. What is important, is we’re gonna like, really solidify this misunderstanding and create some legal documents around it. God told us dudes will stop killin each other that way, and we can be happy again.” ? Us: “Ok. Cool.” “You got the hat & robe soooo” God (facepalms). Annnd...Cut. That’s a wrap people. “’re perfect - a poorly wired circuit...”
  8. @cle103 Great report, thanks for sharing. Anger & deception. Yep. ‘All the world’s a stage’.
  9. @Visionary You are amazing ?? Thanks for being a Visionary.
  10. @Mada_ ♥️ Also, there’s nothing wrong with getting what might seem impossible now, up on the board. And there’s nothing wrong with not being concerned wether anyone else understands or not. I’d also say there’s nothing wrong with writing flat out miracles on there. Maybe every genius started off lost & confused, and perhaps the greater miracle is how much we can change.
  11. @zeroISinfinity Purification is ‘misunderstood & misfiled’ emotion coming out. Thinking acts as a blocker, sneaky filters. You gotta let the thoughts go, and let it out.
  12. @Fede83 ?? “Do not try to get over the wall. That’s impossible. Instead… only try to realize the truth. What truth? There is no wall. There is no wall? Then you’ll see, that it is not the wall you get over, it is only yourself.” Write, ‘I am free to create my experience’, on your board. Anything that arises to the contrary, any concerns, obstacles, problems, etc, write them on your board. Get them out of the bushes and in front of you where you can have a look at em. Some feelings will arise. That’s good, that’s where the clarity will come from. An example might be concern about income and purpose, & not knowing how to proceed with them aligned. Write that on the board. Then write the opposite, what you do want: I want aligned purpose & income. Feel the difference between the two perspectives: - How what you’re concerned about feels. - How extrapolating what you do want, and writing that on your board - feels. Feel that feeling, get to know that subtle intimate feeling - that shift in perspective, and how it feels. Call it something like “flipping“, or “flipping the coin”, so you can easily and readily draw upon that flip of perspective & the feeling of it. Then let go of how it will align, and write why you want it. A Why example...“so I don’t have to worry about money, or work at this job.” Then write the opposite, what you do want: “to live in feeling unattached to my circumstances, carefree, loving what is, and doing what I love doing”. There is conditioning. Generally, people aren’t aware they’re creating reality. Feeling arises, and is accordingly misunderstood, and then avoided, and we’ve created a lot of ways to disregard & ‘write off’ that feeling. But because we are creating, we have desires, preferences, wants, and that feeling which has been disregarded, the creative awesomeness feeling if you will, that feeling, sensation, that-there-is-a-source-of-it...that never changed, and never changes. Don’t ‘eat from the tree’, don’t label feeling good & bad, or positive & negative. It’s all good. Allow the difference between actuality, and conditioned perspectives, to shake out via feeling, or purification, just like you have been. When it, whatever circumstance “it” is, ‘doesn’t feel good’, “it” is actually a perspective which can be flipped. You’re in control of doing that or not. Putting it in front of you, and aligning in feeling, makes all the creative difference, all the ‘joy of the journey’ difference. Now write more things you love doing, and want to experience, on the board. If you get stuck at all, let it go, knowing tomorrow, when you see it, there will have been expansion within you. When you look then, you’ll readily see a bigger, clearer picture, and it’ll feel good to see it. More insights will arise, add them to the board. The more you let go and enjoy this moment it’s all arising in, the more insight arises, and the more conditioned emotion comes out. The more conditioning that comes out, the more intuition is realized as a higher intelligence, via feeling. That connection continues to deepen, and along with everything you’ve been adding to your board...a larger, and also more nuanced vision comes into focus, which is exclusive, custom to you, now - which you created. Clarity & understanding are arising perfectly along the way. Keep in mind, you’ve always been creating. There was no actual beginning to this, nor will it ever end or be “done”. So relax. This is “it”, whatever “it” is, this would have to be it. If there is an “it”, a Truth, a transcendent-of-all, True regardless of what anyone thinks, True regardless of any and all circumstances - if there is such an all encompassing “it” - then surely, “this”, must to, be “it”. Enjoy it. Notions of reasons to rush, hurried mentalities, they’re all unjustifiable, and feeling tells us so. Thoughts are to choose from, to create. Like a paintbrush with paint. There’s no justifying getting attached to either, as there’s always more, and you can pick the colors you like, that feel good to you. It seems like the clarity desired for your future, when inspiration hits as it is & there’s a strong feeling of connection, it seems like the how of it should also be filling in. The reality you’re creating, is the filling in. Instead of trying to think of the how, of the next steps - look, eyes & ears, awareness, presence, that’s it - right in front of you - it is unfolding. Sometimes ya slow down for the good of the goose, rather than only chasing the golden eggs. We’re all just in the middle. Expectations are our own. Why does that perspective feel good, feel like relief? Because it takes attention off of a “beginning or ending” perspective, takes the pressure off, Pulls the rug from under any ‘hurriedness’ and is a ‘return’ to now, to actuality. The big punchline is it’s all working out...wether noticed or not. Relaxing, letting go, being present is always step one. Be where you are, this same now moment where all experience arises. Consider thinking as secondary to feeling. What you think influences can how you feel, and how you feel influences what thoughts arise to choose from, and the nature of their insight & content, and the nature of the choosing. Feeling-guidance is the rabbit hole of love & creation. Sensational guidance, listening to how you feel before entangling in what or how you think, is most helpful. Tapping into it, some things clear out very quickly. We have joy explosions into our lives. It is wild. But sometimes it’s a ton of inspiration and great feeling, and what seems like not enough information or answers or direction on how to go about it. Feeling is paramount. Relish in it. Let if clear you out, and the understanding, and more guidance arises. Relaxed, really hone into this moment, the life of it, the feeling of it. Feel into the sensations, be aware of the nature of thoughts arising, of their connection with feeling. Raise the standard, don’t settle for a thought against yourself to be a ‘normal thing’. Listen to feeling, and set the bar. Tune into seeing what you are seeing, hearing what you are hearing. Notice any concerns are not ’here’, but appearing in thought. Write about how you feel about what comes up, which doesn’t feel good, if you feel ‘stuck’, and flip it. Life purpose will arise in this same unfolding now moment. Above & beyond any arising thoughts or purpose - enjoy this moment it’s all unfolding in. As you continue discovering new depths, continue adding to your dream board. Over time, nuances are more readily seen. Life purpose shifts from what one should or could do, as something that could be found - to what one uniquely wants to do, as something one has uniquely been creating the whole time, to do. As your vision arises more and more & becomes clearer & clearer, so does the value, the contribution, of the job you currently have as a stepping stone to where you’re taking this life next. It sounds like you’re doing fantastic, yet have reached a place that is tougher to navigate. Scrutinize the nuances of your psychology. The tiny details and discoveries found there are powerful. For example, the nuance in the difference between ‘getting a job I can live for’, vs ‘taking everything I love, and getting it in writing in front of me, and seeing what comes into focus’.
  13. @zeroISinfinity Feeling & wanting onto a dream board are fantastic for breaking cycles, thought patterns that don’t feel good, general rumination, etc. Some would say that “my knowledge” is a most sneaky egotism.
  14. @Mada_ How do you trust that what you write down is authentic? If it’s how you really feel, it’s authentic. Like if someone tells me about something, and that resonates with me, then can I want that? You have the feeling, the resonating. If it feels good to you, you already want that. How can I want something if I haven't experienced it? You’re experiencing the wanting of the experience. Haha, what am I wanting? I guess dreaming or visioning is like creating personal principles. What do you think? If what you want is to establish personal principles, you can.
  15. Why do you think it’s important? Let’s examine a bit.
  16. Give it a try! I’d love to hear back on how you liked it, and any modification ideas you tried! I started with easy small stuff first like fluoride free toothpaste & aluminum free deodorant. I know that’s not diet but it’s an easy way to start change and feel good about it. Then I got a juicer, and used this site. It’s ideal, because you click what you have, and it shows you recipes to make with it. Juicing was great, but there was a lot of sugar in the ones I was making so they wouldn’t taste like kale. That lead to “The Loophole” shake. I call it that, because in terms of wanting something that is crazy nutritious and also tastes awesome, after a lot of trial and error, this was it (the taste / health loophole) for me. It’s vegan, delicious, & highly nutrient dense so appetite / hunger wise it’s an easy way to go. It has everything I know I should eat but wasn’t...hence.. “Loophole”. 1 scoop of Raw Meal with Greens. 1 - 2 cups of ice 1 - 2 cups of Chocolate almond milk 1 - 2 bananas 1 - 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder 1 - 2 tablespoons of peanut butter, or just some nuts (The peanut butter adds sugar and calories. I added it initially, transitionally) Mix generously in Nutribullet or blender. A consideration in hunger and the battle of the budge; calories vs nutrients.
  17. Yes, it’s true, as the video says, ‘you do not exist’. With conditioning goes the illusion of not-mystical experience, and also of awakening. Unconditional isn’t deterministic. Spontaneously determine to go experience some mystical experiences!
  18. @Dylan Page Yes. Absolutely. This is the Gospel, The Truth, The Holy Grail.
  19. The notion there are enlightened people is the first step on the slip & slide to evil.
  20. @zeroISinfinity When I fell in love with being me, and that desire was extinguished - hippie chicks suddenly everywhere.
  21. An atheist holds the most beliefs, yet is not a theist.
  22. Awesome. Thanks for sharing ??