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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. It’s because this is where you’re sharing your belief in death. That is what’s being discussed, not death. @infinitelove “He got mindfucked” ... the mindfuck is that there’s no him.
  2. You also can’t deny that can’t deny is a double negative which cancels any meaning out. Your ‘“direct experience” of the ‘death of a body’, is actually direct experience of thought, perception, & feeling. ‘Death’, is a projection. The assumption of ‘death’ is derived, arrived at, created in thoughts about perception, about feeling - and believed. Feeling directly communicates the assumption is not true, feeling “knows” this error. The tree of discord from this rudimentary delusion is great and pervades many aspects of living. Far greater is the relief and bliss of truth. There’s no direct experience of death, as in the end of, or discontinuation of a being or entity. There’s you, fooling you, with thoughts, perception, and sensation. The cosmic joke.
  3. Breakdown the direct experience. First separate thought, perception, and sensation, all of which there is direct awareness of. Thought: “Door” Perception: Seeing Sensation: Feeling via the body. Without the thought “door”, there is seeing and feeling. Without the thought “door” and closing your eyes, there is feeling. Without the thought “door”, with eyes closed, and not feeling (“the door”), there is nothing. Without the thought “door”, with eyes closed, and with feeling (“the door”), there is sensation. No door. No separate object. Only sensation. Now without the thought “door”, with eyes closed, without feeling...notice there is the knowing of thought, perception, and sensation. Now notice, there is no actual separation, between the knowing of, and thoughts, perceptions, and sensations - there is only the knowing of _______, but there is nothing in that blank. There is no evidentiary direct experience of separation in actuality. There is only the knowing. Thought: “physicality” yada, yada Go outside tonight, and look straight up. That isn’t finite. That’s infinite. It’s put itself into a snow globe, which it is looking out of, up at it’s own infinitude. In all that infinitude, “earth”, “air”, & “atmosphere”. What are the odds of that?
  4. No point or scale. ‘Makes sense’ isn’t logical, so let ‘thoughts about’ go. Perception doesn’t ‘make sense’, so let that go too. That leaves awareness, consciousness, peace, love, knowing, being (no ‘who’). What you’re asking about is already the case (add thoughts, perception, & sensation to forget again, to double down, add the belief objects are perceived).
  5. Does insight feel accurate? Does it feel the same as knowledge? One seem more ‘deluded’? What does deluded really mean?
  6. It’s not even a debate if Sadhguru is involved. It’s like seeing Santa, and there’s this other stuff going on.
  7. @zeroISinfinity This is “it”. Nothing is coming. No one is coming. No change is eminent. No discernible difference advances no one. No claim of no stage is no thing. All things coming, all awakening narratives, all anticipations of future moments, all proclamations, all decrees, all promulgation, is not it. “All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.” - St. Francis of Assisi
  8. Anger & pride aren’t stages or levels, but thoughts. The stage / level is of consciousness / awareness - of the thoughts, & the willingness to feel them, and know the discord & accord in love. Consciously feel the thought of anger, as dispassionately as you’re able to, without the voice of cultural conditioning, without self judgement. It is who you really are, by which the relativity of emotion is known. The thought does not belong to anyone. Much like fear is perpetuated and sustained in projecting to avoiding feeling, anger too proves to be hollow when illuminated by feeling. Unwillingness to feel the thoughts, is unwillingness to know one’s own guidance. You know I’m around, if I can be of use. I examined and liberated of the anger I was born into, and helped my dad with the same understanding. Anger can be funny, and love is always resurrect-able. Perhaps the absolute does not include everything at all.
  9. @The Don Keep going deeper. Don’t skip days. Add contemplation to your daily meditation. Go try a few modalities. Try a retreat. Take a trip. Pick apart the beliefs. Start a dream board. If you think understanding the imprint of childhood is something, wait till you actually realize there never was ‘death’. So sneaky. Maya. ?... ? ? Wake up! ♥️
  10. @Nemo28 ♥️??? @Charlotte You had me at cappuccino.
  11. @The Don Meditation, every morning. Don’t quit now. Let the silly thoughts go. They’re only thoughts.
  12. @28 cm unbuffed ?? ”Thank you, and I have no complaints” - E Tolle
  13. @Identity Well now I’m just jealous. ??? @moon777light Too kind, thanks ?? Got a board rockin yet?
  14. Maybe look at them as indicators to what is actually challenging for you. (Meditation every morning) Death is not the ‘issue’ at hand, it’s overthinking. When someone actually passes, we naturally mourn. When we worry about the possibility of it, we are worrying & ruminating - overthinking. Overthinking is fueled by unsettled feelings. The mind goes into a “resolve this feeling by thinking” mode. But feeling isn’t resolved by thinking. Again, meditation is the way, as beliefs about ourselves are freed. Just let them go. This will likely involve some emotional releases, tears, relief, followed by a greater understanding. Also, as always, utilize every resource available to you. That’s a ‘two birds one stone’ for where you’re at. Get a large dry erase board, and start writing what you really want in life on it. This will reconnect you with feeling, and expedite the flushing out of false self beliefs. If you don’t want anything more, if you’re not dreaming up a dream life - then there is little inspiration to courageously let false beliefs go - and these are the root of fear. All fear is of ourself, not because there’s anything there to fear, but because you’re actually unbelievably, unthinkably, awesome. A belief held about yourself to the contrary will always feel “bad”...this is because it’s not true, and the true self actually is awesome. It’s like trying to put two magnets together with one backwards, it’ll never work no matter how hard you try - until you align them. Then they’re rather inseparable. Noooooooooo! Fill your body with feeling! Being is very very sensitive - and knowing your true self more deeply is where “courage” comes from. Everything you could ever fear - is actually you. If you “desensitize yourself from feeling” - you are separating yourself, fragmenting, and this causes more fear. Get as close as possible within, with feeling. Feeling is guidance, the variance between each arising thought, and your inner being. Let the thoughts go readily, willingly, and effortlessly - by listening to feeling. You’re already you. You’re you no matter what you do. If you think “it’s” a lifelong process, “becoming you” / letting thoughts which don’t feel good to you go - and you believe that thought - you will experience that it is a lifelong process. You could write self beliefs on your board right now, inspect them, and have revelations and relief. You could begin to understand why, when, where, and any who’s involved, as to the initial creating of the beliefs. Thinking is very sneaky, you’ll never “beat it”. The only “win”, is letting go, surrendering to feeling leading, not thinking. Put that sneakiness to work, toward the life you actually really want - the life vision of all that feels good to you. To be clear, I’m not at all suggesting you stop doing therapy, or anything else which is working for you. By working, I mean releasing, understanding, feeling better. There’s a write off at play here, and it’s deep. “Fear impacts the wounded inner kid”. When the mind attaches or credits love, to another, then the mind has to cover that falsity up with a story. The feeling of the “inner kid being wounded”, is actually the inner being saying “I am you, and I am Love! - these thoughts are not true!”. The dream board will serve you so well in addition to the therapy and nurturing. When you start really wanting for this life, the “taking the garbage out” so to speak, emptying of false beliefs - becomes worthwhile. The more worthwhile it feels, the braver you get - and the more you begin to realize there’s no need to begin with for the “fear & bravery” paradigm. Otherwise, one can end up spinning their gears in a directionless state for way too long. ”...the panic can be overwhelming and seemingly irrational.“ I’ve experienced panic attacks too. What I learned, is that the self, you, are indeed unconditional love. You can believe to the contrary once, and there’s a little bit of feeling discord. You can do it twice, three times...and still, the feeling is not too bad, not a lot of discord. However, if you do this chronically, repeat negative beliefs about yourself over and over - it is because you are awesome - because these negative self beliefs are not true - that eventually, your inner being, in totally looking out for you, in having your back like nobody else ever could...kind of says... “ok. This bullshit has been going on long enough. You’re going to stop everything you’re doing right now. Not later, not “when you have the time”, not somewhere in your “lifelong quest” - but right now. You’re going to realize right now that you are not going to fast forward and rush through this life unhappily, you’re not going to carry these beliefs one more second. I love you! I got you! This Present is for you! The whole damn thing is for you!” And then you do the only thing you can do when that “panic attack” is given - you stop everything, rendered rather helpless, and you tune into the present, the here now, the sight, the sound, the feeling, - the endless love of your inner being.
  15. Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. -Rumi Meditation is nothing, therefore some things come up. That’s a good place to start. You’ll notice your ‘barriers’ through out your days. Triggers, patterns, frustrations, etc, all revolve around a self which is ‘other-than-being’. The variance between the peaceful meditation and the patterns becomes clearer, and the insight to our ‘story-ness’ (our stories of anger, guilt, shame, etc, etc) arises.
  16. @LfcCharlie4 Sorry, I didn’t mean that specifically to you / your comments. I agree with ya. There’s a circle to it too. The ranking of others consciousness can be helpful, but ultimately can be a hindrance. That wasn’t my best communication, but I feel we’re both saying the same thing... that ’both’ works well.
  17. @EvilAngel ????♥️ Meditation daily, for the long term. ? and for the love of God, and all science of NLP....change the name already.
  18. @LfcCharlie4 Yes indeed. Also, I’m pointing to putting oneself in the position to be ‘the transmitter’, or ‘transmitted through’ to the benefit of another, in addition to ‘transmitted to’. There’s much to be said for experiencing the ‘receiving’ & the ‘giving’. While the LOC model is useful, and this is a linguistic necessity...these are beliefs which the ‘both’ strategy eradicates.