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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Samuel11 You’d be pleasantly surprised what a difference it creates. ??
  2. @mandyjw Never heard that one before & I love it! This one always gets me, and is forever paired with This one. Could be romantic, but I think he knows what’s up. There seems to be many subtle references, such as “truth, being, left behind, falls between the cracks”. I could be over shooting, but I believe it is written upon the realization we fill a separate self in, between the thoughts, where truth already is. In any case, he clearly knows what dreams are made of. I also suspect OU812 is a reference to psychedelics. Never know with those guys. ?
  3. @Samuel11 Have you ever thought about starting a dream board? Surely doesn’t sound related, but you might just end up with so much you’re wanting & doing, that you simply don’t have the time for lessor desires. Just a thought. I know it’s a bit out of context / indirect.
  4. A thing isn’t existing while you are looking at it.
  5. ...the dreams that you dare to, why, oh why can't I? You can!
  6. Someday, I wish upon a star, and wake up where the clouds are far behind me, where trouble melts like lemon drops, high above the chimney top, that’s where you'll find me.
  7. It’s not semantical or linguistical, at least what’s being pointed to. There are no beliefs “in the world“, only of the world.
  8. @mandyjw ? Pristine, untouched, unthinkable, spiral of life; unresisted, effortless, perfect efficiency. Unspeakable perfection of imperfection. “And I wonder, when I sing along with you, If everything could ever feel this real forever, if anything could ever be this good again” There is no moonlight. What is truly impossible to do - you’ve already done.
  9. If there is infinity, is there a second thing / self, which ‘merges with it’? Is ‘the physical paradigm’ an actual place, or your thought?
  10. @Alex bliss One does not need enlightenment to feel love. You see the light of the sun, and feel it’s warmth, wether you realize you are the sun or not. The experience of realizing you are the sun, of being the sun, is not the same as the experience of the light & warmth from earth, but it is the same light & warmth. It is the same sun.
  11. ““It is easier to thread a camel through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven”. - Jesus “Giving up everything” points to perhaps the core of all teachings, detachment. The detachment from all things is of the “inner game”, and is more accurately stated, the ‘detachment from the idea & belief that there are things, and that I am a thing’. One could give away all possessions, live in a monastery, go “hardcore”, and never realize, or even put a dent in, true detachment. One could live abundantly in a mansion, and have no attachment to, no belief in, things. In either case, what is pursued, and how self actualization is pursued, could very well be what led to the circumstance. There is no eye, nor needle, nor rich man, these too are already heaven. One could argue your social life is a teaching being missed. All that is not held apart, is revealed as teaching, truth, and is revealing of the true nature. By believing the duality social vs spiritual, much teaching is being missed. The calling in it too, is being missed. I’d suggest proper meditation every morning, and again in the afternoon, and inspecting & untangling beliefs. Self inquiry is better suited after, in addition to, these. Boy can I relate to this. Those key words reveal a fundamental shift in perspective is needed. The conditioning of environment & influence must be understood and recontextualized. What you think you’ve got to work with is a perspective about what you’ve got to work with. What you actually want, passion, inspiration, vision - these are what you’ve actually “got to work with”. They’re being undervalued, underrated, misunderstood, untapped into, and missed out on. Maybe you do go live in a monastery...but it sounds like you’re choosing the lessor of two evils, knowingly in avoidance of what could actually be an amazing, fulfilled, enlightened life. Take five minutes today, and write down what you do want. Feel the difference. Not what people think, not what your parents think, or teachers, or your friends. What you want. What “works” or doesn’t, doesn’t matter. What works for you, matters to you. What matters to you, is actually what will work for you. It sounds like what you’ve been doing, is not working for you. Honestly, it sounds like what you’re doing is dividing your life more than unifying, that it is creating suffering and holding “the answer” as something in a far off place, that once attained, will some how solve all your problems. A more direct approach, of letting thoughts go in daily meditation, purposefully bringing about more light & clarity to conditioning, and expressing what you truly want, might be more enjoyable, and also more fruitful to your life, your path, and your “problems”. It sounds like you’re saying I can’t start anything in life until I’m enlightened (have transcended the body mind). I think that’s a mistake. Life is a teacher. @SoonHei Sorry for butting in. ??
  12. @zeroISinfinity Indeed, to all of that ?? This particular thread is more focused on The Path, Living & The Dream Board. I’d love to see what unfolds for you there. ?
  13. @mandyjw ☺️ Thought, sensation, perception - all comes, and all goes. You do not come & go, you are Truth, and you are everywhere. Every actor, script & scene, every singer, poet & philosopher, all whisper our true unspeakable name. ...and so castles made of sand, melt into the sea, eventually. goes like this; the fourth, the fifth, the minor fall and the major lift - the baffled queen composing...Hallelujah. ...the only thing I’ll ever ask of you - you gotta promise not to stop when I say when. Minor chords are haunting, troubling, essence of tension, problems, troubles, everything-is-not-ok-ness. Major chords are resounding, resolution, rejoicing, everything-is-ok-ness. Fourths & fifths add sophistication, complexity, suspense, drama, intrigue, uniqueness, concern. All chords are sound, all sound is vibration, and vibration is you. The deliciousness of the fourths & fifths, the falls and the lifts, the gift that one can be baffled - that is an incomprehensible miracle. You knew that “coming into this”. Not telling you anything you don’t already know. Just reminding you that you promised not to stop, no matter what. How long though? Ever long.
  14. ??♥️ In short - just get a big one and start writing everything that comes up, that you want, on it. Anything, no matter how big or small, significant or insignificant to others, no matter how possible or impossible what you really want might seem today - write it all on there. It will come, and you will expand leaps and bounds in learning the “receiving mode” living of it all. It is very very counter-intellectual to a contemporary culture which puts all emphasis on the intellect, rather than feeling, dreaming big, and the quality of direct experience. Wherever “you’re at” pathwise, it’s important to reinterpret the “dry erase board”, even if only linguistically for now, to “dream board” / “holon”. At first, the dream board is representative of something...the idea that this life is not “heavy”, “serious”, or “pressure laiden” - but to be taken lightly, for fun, lovingly - feeling is what “matters” - it is the point, the joy of, the source of, and the guidance of, living. The dream board / living, is unwrapping the true present, that is your reality - which is created of God’s unconditional love. Filling the board with what you want in life brings up personal & collective conditioning, notions that you are not enough as you are - and kicks up awareness of these resistant thoughts. Dreaming the life you really want, no matter what degree one “get’s it” or not - is aligning with the actuality, that this life experience is indeed dreamlike, that you are enough just as you are right now. “Life”, “experience”, is responsive to a deeper, yet lighter, underlying vibrational offering. As you get all that you are wanting up onto the board, and see that it indeed does then begin to manifest in the most amazing of ways - you begin to realize the underestimated importance of “receiving mode” - of your invaluable, immeasurable, uncompromisable - worth & deservedness. You are learning to “allow your light to shine”. Source’s love is magical, all encompassing, and can be downright overwhelming in the beginning. If one was to experience source’s love all at once, it would actually be too much. Too life changing too fast. Really. And the infinite intelligence would shoot to your head, and you’d blow the opportunities coming to you. The love is so great, it would actually be a “problem”. Really. There aren’t even words for that infinite endless love. It’s very common, upon first glance, to be “terrified” by your own infinite goodness. So the dream board, the dreaming of the wanted life, begins a sort of “changeover”, from “regular physical paradigm living - pounding square pegs into round holes, worrying about how everything will go” - to wanting, allowing, receiving - living in the amazement of this miraculous moment. A great way Abraham Hicks put’s it... “you’ve been doing 90% thinking, and 10%’re designed to be doing 10% thinking, and 90% receiving.” Statements like that seem like wishful thinking in the beginning, but the heart of the dream board metadventure is discovering just how true this is. Eventually, it is realized, there is a literal effortless living..a “0% thinking, 100% receiving - “Way”. And this way is actually most natural. I would not argue with anyone who suggested this was always the intention, always the actuality, all along. A deep learning & understanding arises - that the “contrast” of life - the “bullshit” if you will...the “plight”, the “struggle”... - is actually the making-this-possible-ness of reality. Infinite perfect being / love, has to create the appearance of otherwise, so there can be experience, life, all our stories. More & more, this is what is revealed, first hand, to be “more real than real” it is discovered our prior notion of “real”, was a bit conditional. This can trigger our identifications with thought stories / narratives, etc. It takes some balls to establish what one really - actually - wants. You might say it is facing the fact that “it is our light which we fear, not our darkness”. How extraordinary you are, how special, unique, and talented you are - what you’re capable of experiencing in this life, where you can “go” from where you’re at now - what your unique gifts can bring to your life and the world - it’s mind blowing. So much so that it is literally unending, a bottomless pit of awesomeness and experience. More mind blowing than that, is the ever-deepening realization that source, reality, you - are completely, intimately, unequivocally “involved” at a vibrational level. All that is, is first source, superposition, infinite potentiality - and vibrates into what we call, “physical”. It is always vibrational - but that is the very means of appearing, physical. We, are of the same. That the entire universe is relative - to your experience. That this is not some random cosmic collision, some happenstance of existence. That source has a nature, a will, and is wholly lovingly focused on your dreaming of this life. That source, ‘prior-to-manifestation-you’ - is the all that is. That there is no separation to truly be found between the dreaming, the writing, the wanting, the reality from which it unfolds, and love. All a “holon”. Like everything else - it is not the thought about it - but the direct experience - the “getting your hands in the clay of creation”.
  15. A higher dose will ‘do it’. Also, notice, if there is no death...and those comments are reinterpreted accordingly, then you wouldn’t actually be able to die. This would indicate it is the belief in death, the having identified with an “alive” “body”, which is surrendered. “My ego did not permit me to die” The “my” is “the ego” (the thought / belief “I have an ego”), the ”me”, or rather awareness which the “me” points to, doesn’t die. Because the ego doesn’t exist as an entity, only a thought, “it” can not “permit” or “deny” anything. You can’t really accept death because it’s not actual. The thing to scrutinize is the beliefs support that you were born, and you’re currently alive. “How to do it” is misleading. It’s less, not more. Without the beliefs, it’s already the actuality.
  16. @erik8lrl Big Love! Welcome home! ?