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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Spiral Wizard A belief = a thought, arising right now. The thought arising now suggests it is about a past, trust, and belief. Without the story, you’re entirely, spontaneous, entirely, wholly, completely, magically, insanely, joyously, free. You are not the “self” in this story. You the real deal aware of a single arising thought, and it’s implication. Why’s it seem hard to simply - not believe the story about you? Because of the feelings “attached to it”. But the feelings are not attached, to anything, ever. The feeling, that “down on yourself” feeling...that’s what you should be listening to. The feeling is saying drop the story about you, “it’s not true!”. You’re unstoppable, you’re The Spiral Wizard for God’s sake. No one can stop you!
  2. @Javfly33 What a great breakthrough / realization. Congrats?? Two cents....You could relabel “image”.....”thought”. That’s all it is. “How to not defend a thought?”, brings out the silliness. You can just let that thought go, and a better feeling one arises. “If I totally let go of a thought, I stop trying to defend a thought”. On #1, just take ownership, and it basically evaporates. “ I had this belief (a thought) that certain...”. Girls want to be happy just being themselves too, without adding nervousness, anxiety, etc. We have guidance of inner being, of feeling. It always cuts through the thinking. ”Not sure if the feeling of anxiety, or grounded & confident is the way to go”. Also reveals the silly. You might find there to be an effortlessness here in attracting girls. If you want to probe a little deeper...what you’re questioning “hiding”...also, is just a thought...”weak”. Just a thought. Be on the look out for self referential thought, and let those go. They can’t be true about you, as you are always the awareness of the thought.
  3. @Fede83 Freeeeeddoooommmmm! ??♥️
  4. @Fede83 Yes, and take it a step closer to actuality. Rather than “my mind making up a story”, rather than give a “my mind” a notion of being a separate entity, having influence or power that isn’t actual...just notice the arising thoughts. “My mind”, is itself just a thought. If a thought doesn’t feel so good, just notice, and choose a better feeling one. Nothing needs to be ‘solved’ to do that, and you’ll build momentum in feeling. Notice, “karma”, is an arising thought. You can say, do, think, and feel, better, right now. “The last 20 years”, is an arising thought, arising in this ever-same now, like any other thought. There is feeling as our infinite being is unconditional love, duality for togetherness, and thought for expansion, to create. Have your cake and eat it too. That’s what ya ‘came here’ for. Be steadfast in this, via your dream board. Bringing the life you want into fruition brings forth passion, determination, inspiration, and excitement. As a lovely offset, this is in itself attracting, both the life and the woman/relationship. Consider, what is your preference...being with someone asleep in anxiety, depression, regret, etc - or co-creating a life together woke af? What are you attracting?
  5. These arising thoughts are within my awareness. I am aware of the thoughts. One such arising thought...” I am...” What you are asking to hear, can not be said, you are awareness of the thought “ I “. You are awareness of the thought, “you are awareness of the thought”.
  6. @Now_Is_Home You’re lost in thought, not Oneness. Do some thing you enjoy. Listen to something upbeat. Spend some time in nature. Zoom out. ??
  7. @remember Sure. But they don’t. I feel you’re underestimating unconsciousness. No body chooses anger. Feels terrible. Would you estimate that she knows her true being, prior to the thoughts, actions, behaviors, patterns (Duality)? Can a finite mind in paradigm lock flip a duality, perspective, without transcendence of it?
  8. @remember They know not what they do.
  9. @Buba She’s thinking it’s her childhood, it’s her anger, it’s her anxiety. Right now, in this present moment, those are just abstractions, “things” she’s making up. But of course, she doesn’t realize she’s creating it. The Cosmic Joke is, there’s no subject & object relationship. She doesn’t have to “face” anything, nor do we have a time machine in which she could. It’s a matter of becoming more consciousness, present, mindful...not ‘facing’ or ‘figuring’ or overthinking more. “The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself”. I hear ya though. We each cause our own suffering, and nobody can let go for us. Godspeed my friend. You’re a good soul. Her too. If only she had an inclination how innocent she is.
  10. Belief is dualistic, thought. Reality is One. “Hollow by thy name”, but reality is far from “hollow”.
  11. @Average Investor You are beautiful my man ????
  12. @LfcCharlie4 Yes, exactly. ♥️
  13. In a nutshell, a confirmed genuine seeker.
  14. Sooo sneaky! Lol. Ya, I think you get what I’m sayin. The word belief tends to bring about reassertion of the scope of the finite mind, the vantage point of me, and object. Sometimes the word “Mind” helps open the perspective up. If we were standing on the street together, and you asked if your beliefs create that truck..technically, yes, but the word “belief” isn’t usually thought of in this existential way. It’s easier to consider all is Mind, and you are therefore Mind, and the truck too is Mind. It wouldn’t be easy, or advantageous, to apply the word “belief” to The One that you truly are. “Imagination” might be an easier bridge...? When talking about food and the body, it tends to shift from Mind, to “my beliefs”, but the beliefs, food & body are also Mind. If eating other-than-meat leaves you more energetic, it is likely much easier to simply not eat meat, than to go far enough down the rabbit hole of self (in this hungry instant), to then eat meat and still be ‘at a high vibration’. However, there is a full circle, in which the eating of the meat, no longer imposes upon your vibration. There’s also a solid chance, you won’t want to eat meat by then. Paradoxical sneakery...? I don’t know. Lots of twists and turns on the path. (I don’t literally mean specifically “meat”, just whatever that is which has been transcended at that point). I appreciate you as well. ?? One more note...notice, in the title, when you state ”If eating meat is low-conscious, how Leo is so high conscious?”....relativity is at play. What is “low conscious” & “high conscious” relative to? Likely, an idea of your level of consciousness. There is both validity to “doing the consciousness work”, and scrutinizing that comparison founded in separation to begin with. Judgement is the sneakiest devil there is...and I like to think that why you covered that whole ‘tree of life’ rather than eating front the ‘tree of good & evil’. I get your innocence, that we’re just talkin here, figuring stuff out. But that’s one thing to “figure out” too. What you’ve got to work with is actually thoughts, perception, and sensation - not a “Leo” and an “actual comparison”. The comparison / judgment road will literally go on forever if we’re not careful. What use, really, is comparison - outside of to create? What better consciousness work is there, than to appreciate the work others have done, and create? Need they be “high” & “low”? Need you be “high” & “low”?
  15. What I said, I believe is what you’re saying’s more simple than “you’re still a human”...indeed “this” is “it”. “This” is not a “human”. We can even take that word ”human“ & it’s identification / meaning out of the mix. You could say that is the, or a, key realization, that you are not a human at all. I wouldn’t suggest “when fully self realized one becomes more human than ever”. I think I understand how you mean it, but it’s not really true at the face value of those words. I’d suggest one realizes “who” one is, and has always been, and always will be, rather than one “becomes” a human, or “becomes” more human. One never became a human. The “living of life” is quite different, living in Love, but again, maybe we’re splitting hairs unnecessarily here. It’s ideal imo that we express genuinely, creating a variety of perspectives, ideally causing contemplation & realization for any ‘reader’ of interest. “You still have a personality, you will still have a body, you will still have desires and human needs- water, sex, food etc.” I’m not against it at all, but the phrasing is missing some nuance imo. You’re not Mario, so to speak. “Need” doesn’t really apply, in light of the misnomer “you’re still a human”. Mario can jump, run, and eat mushrooms...but you’re not Mario. It’s a wonderful realization, that need is a belief. Doesn’t mean there is no more running, jumping, and eating of mushrooms. I’d suggest contemplating these are not things you have, but things you are. As in, identified as a human, you have desire. Knowing “who” you really are, you are desire itself / yourSelf. In turn, the running & jumping has no doer, one does not have anything. That’s the fundamental flaw in attachment. It is effortlessness, viscerally, tangibly - actually. There really isn’t a doer present, it just very much appears to be so. It’s most amazing. Likewise for “in this realm”. (You=realm) The “ego” is not merely mental duality, but the entirety of the universe (in contrast with the implication of Universe). Thought, perception, sensation, are transcend-able. There is a vantage point beyond these. These construct the universe. At the same time however, I wouldn’t say “the world does not actually exist”. I have found, specifically in helping people out of psychosis, that understanding the fundamental fact there is only existence is a key, and very deeply healing & assuring. If the “world does not exist”, yet “you’re still a human”, that presents a slippery slope into doorway of psychological suffering, isolation, and potentially nihilism, which can all be easily avoided. I’d suggest the body doesn’t die. That’s built on the premise it is separate and alive to begin with. Air is convincing, etc, but the body is dream, dream does not live and die. When you awake from a dream at night, where is “a body”? Again, this is part of the core of the revelation. If “you’re still a human”, and a body lives & dies”, that implies you are still identified relatively with the body, living, and death. Not a thing wrong with that. Imo it’s more Good news, as it can get even sweeter than it is. “But, please stop spouting non-dual stuff ”... I’m willing to bet, on the surgeon forum, they’re “spouting” surgical stuff. such as 'We are not Human' this only confuses people and I know it confused me in the past, If one is identified with the body, as a human, then it is good for one to move into confusion. That’s progressive, path wise. They should scrutinize more, and continue tuning in to the actuality. yes absolutely this is correct, but it just leaves people confused thinking becoming enlightened means you won't have a body or will have magical powers etc. I don’t know about the fairness of that comment. I think it has more to do with your past than what I stated. I don’t think anyone is figuring there aren’t fingers touching keys over here, that I’m mind controlling this iPad, or their screen, so to speak. The magic of the actuality, the whole, or total, is theirs to discover. would love to know how many people actually awaken via teachers and their flower talking, these videos have their place, but imo SO MUCH MORE is actually needed to genuinely awaken. Not sure what the accusation against me “flower talking” points to. I got nothing against flowers. Also not sure what videos you might be lumping in with me. Shy of a family Christmas or two, I’m not really in many videos. If some how you derived of my words that one just needs “flower talking” & “videos”, that’s just weird, and like you stated...this is it, this very moment is it. No one needs anything to awaken, but every one determined some relative things, some beliefs, so it is good to deconstruct them. Like the belief one is a human.
  16. @Fede83 ?? It’s a fascinating “thing”, consciousness. You will soon enough. For what it’s worth, we’re in the exact same boat. Loving, living, togetherness, doin this life story the best we can. I do feel the love and appreciate it, and right back atcha... but always keep in mind, this bee is not the honey.
  17. Noteworthy, imo...if you’ve ever wondered why you can’t just manifest things ‘right out of thin air’’s because you literally already are. Same ‘reason’ we can not forget on purpose...we already are. Also, there is relative mental insanity...and then there is what I believe you had a taste of with the void, and that is basically relativity “disappearing”, “identity” / beliefs, dissolving. It is indeed initially scary...but this is where the love within you shines, where the minimized void comes to bat for ya. Keep in mind, you are not a human who is becoming or experiencing God, you are eternally actually literally God, which was having a dream of being electroBeam...on this “earth”, etc.
  18. @Rasheed It’s hard to communicate through duality / language, because that is more readily used to reinforce the misnomer, because it “gets assigned to Nahm”...meanwhile there’s no one here. A reference or example...someone can take a “hero’s dose” of a psychedelic, and still, have no breakthrough, or have a breakthrough, but no recollection. Someone could do this and daily practices, for decades, for an entire lifetime, and still not have a breakthrough / recollection. Why? It’s all mind. No “thing” has got anything, on mind, as all things, are “mind” (insert what can not be spoken here). Mind always “wins”, so to speak. So for as long as you believe there is an objective reality, how someone can eat, drink & smoke, and live happily to a hundred, while another experiences the opposite, eludes. There are a million factors, and there is none. Glimpsing your sneakiness yet? The infinitely slippery slope of a single thought, creates worlds. You were not born into a physical world, you’re dreaming up experience. Consciousness does not arise from matter. Matter is a dream of consciousness.
  19. The Light & Love that is, is infinite. There is no finite. In forgetting, there appears to be finite. In there appearing to be finite, it appears you are finite (other than Light & Love). Thoughts are believed, identity is created. So, “going back to” Light & Love, is letting the belief identity (other than Light & Love) go. How does infinite absolute Light & Love forget & create experience? Total darkness, veiling. (Void). “Appearance”, denotes there’s no actual how. Full of love, selfless - one slips through the void easily, because it is (for lack of an actual way to say this) “reduced in size” / less forgetting. For one in self denial of love, the void is literally, actually, greater. Everything we’re saying is created of, and relative to, the Light & Love that is. That is all there is, all that is. The thoughts to the contrary are the inadvertent placebo. The Light & Love is for realz. If one was to trip, and have a “bad trip”, one is hanging on to an “identity”, which is far lessor than the truth of the actuality.
  20. @LfcCharlie4 It’s more simple than that. You’re not a human at all. @MAYA EL Says Maya.