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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. The ‘stove analogy’, is of the picking up of the thoughts which do not feel good to you, and re-identifying as a body, the true nature and root of suffering. The comment was for you, and your thoughts. I was not thinking of him, only you and your well being. Sorry again, nonetheless, that it was not helpful. I do of course wish you all the love & light you can handle.
  2. @Alex bliss Do at least a bit of work in your threads. Express your distinctions, a “here’s where I’m at with this”, in hopes they may be uncovered & unified. Otherwise, you prime yourself to add more, to believe the distinctions of others, to unfortunately, increase your suffering.
  3. @Dlavjr ?? The thought ’disassociate’ , that thought’s flavor, or color, or implication, or fundamentally of separation. Rather... a thought is just, a thought. Allow the content, the implication to simply come, and simply go. Much like a joke comes and goes. It is enjoyed, appreciated for the feeling, but a joke is not “believed”, held, etc. Thought plays an important role in creation & the expansion of consciousness - in the creation of the life you truly want. Rather than articulating on the memory of the experience, write about how you are feeling, right now. You cannot create in the memory, only in the now. If the past or future comes up in any way, let thoughts about them go, and write about the feelings present right now. Understanding = being...and being is always arising, always ‘at the ready’. In no longer believing the thoughts, in focusing on feeling the feelings, understanding naturally arises. A “body” is a word, a thought. The actuality is closer to infinite intelligence. Beyond choosing a thought aligned with experience you want to experience, to create, thought just gets in the way of infinite intelligence. A thought arises, and the thought is about you...the content of the thought... is a “you”... there is no need to believe the thought. You could choose another thought, one about what you want, about what you want to create. That points to Truth, a glimpse. Then thoughts about yourself arise, as they previously had, and are again, believed, as they were before - this could be said to dual-I’s (dualize) the experience, of right now. It makes it seem like there is a “you”, separate of the experience. The experience, and “the one” trying to understand (the believed-to-be-separate) experience. Understanding is “itself” just experience, it comes and goes, and does not require a “separate understander”. You are the now which experience “transpires” in, and you are experience. Rule out all that you are not, all that is not actually, separate. Start from the premise that you are infinity, and notice any thoughts which attempt to separate, or “carve out” a “you”. Post trip.... Then a pronoun, “me” and the noun “reality” is added. A subtle thought path, which is fundamentally based on twoness, you, and reality. A thought arises... “my mind and reality became one”. You have only ever been One. You have never actually experienced being two. If that thought is believed, a separate self is created (only in thought). The thought I became or merged with reality follows, and claims the experience, indirectly, this create an idea of a me, “the claimer”. All that happened in actuality, is via the chemical, most of such thoughts were ‘unavailable’, and there was the One, which you are right now. If you will...The One, aware of , thoughts. Afterwards, there is a desire to understand what transpired. “What me”. And thus, there is already the sneaky, slippery slope of dualistic self referential thoughts believed. A beautiful experience is a beautiful experience. It is not mine. The most ideal outcome which could arise from understanding what transpired, would be feeling amazing, and free of any suffering. Unfettered by concerns, living, loving, and creating the life you truly dream of experiencing is well underway. Notice these thoughts of separation, be willing to explore the acuity of feeling (deeper articulation & expression = clarity), and such thoughts are no longer fueled, and no longer arise. Short hand: There’s no “you”, that’s a thought.
  4. The perspective of the having seen it all before is of the true self, the actuality behind the thought / belief “death”, the absolute. The morbid stuff is symptomatic of going a bit faster with a psychedelic than your thought construct of being a separate self was yet deconstructed properly. Imagery projected in refusal of self acceptance (that you are eternal & infinite love). Simply put, thought hijacked feeling. You can logically note this, in the being very thankful that somebody else was there to calm me down. There really wasn’t anything to be ‘un-calm’ about, that is just thoughts rooted in identity, that Is resistance held, playing out. The same day to day resistance, with the gas of psychedelics poured on it. This is why psychedelics are referred to as The Truth, and Absolute. Self referential thoughts are relative, and of condition & limitation. These do not hold up “in the face of” what is absolute. Let go of the notion of “normal”. It’s just a relative opinion, it is not an absolute measuring stick by which one can actually compare one’s self, any experience, to, because one does not have a self. Believing the thought “normal”, is believing in the ”comparison”, resulting in holding you, as a “separate self”. Consider the difference between taking a psychedelic based on a goal or a need, vs just for fun, because you enjoy the trip. Give your dog (God) a hug after all that projection. Bridge “the gap” between the separate, or relative self (thoughts), and the actuality, or absolute (without self referential thoughts), by writing about how you feel. Venture to go deeper and deeper in articulating feelings, and the “gap” between wave & particle (actuality of awareness & identification with physical body) begins to evaporate, positioning you for a full, and much much more pleasant breakthrough. Articulation is communication, and communication is wonderful for getting down to what can not be communicated. You might not even need the psychedelic. A suggestion, as an ‘exercise’, if you’re inclined...rewrite, entirely, what you wrote above...but just swap out the word “ I “, with the word “awareness”.
  5. @Fede83 “Do I really need psychedelics?” When you question the need, the why behind the question of need arising, you are simultaneously questioning thoughts. The thoughts about “the self” who needs, are the “separate self” being sustained, only by, only “in”, those very thoughts. In uprooting the validity of the thoughts, one self referential thought at a time, the “self” which is constructed only of the thoughts, begins to be seen through, awareness “cuts through”, and sensation begins to arise, wholeness begins to “fill the body up”. You were, are, and will always be whole, it was only ever the believing of thoughts to the contrary which implied otherwise. Emotions in the body, which correspond to the beliefs of being a “separate self’ (identification with the body, mind, and past)...are purified by default. Purification, that is, unconditional love, the truth, actual reality, actual self. Purification, actuality, is always “on”, and does not have a dualistic opposite, it is all that is, and is always flowing through the body. The thoughts about “self”, believed, act as filters, conditions, of the worthiness of Love, the true self. Without believing these ‘separate self’, self referential thoughts, there is no longer ‘the one who suffers’. ‘The sufferer’. This experience, of suffering, is only possible in believing thoughts. The fear of letting go of the separate self, the fear involved with liberation from suffering, is actually a thought about the unconditional love that you are, while still holding onto the thoughts that you are a “separate self”. If I need a significant other, the vibration is need, and therefore I will not experience a significant other, as I am choosing the experience of needing rather than having. You might consider this analogy in reference to psychedelics, and you might want them, and then they might just ‘show up’. (If that word ‘vibration’ feels like a ‘hang up’ at all, listen to Abraham Hicks, Bashar, or Rupert Spira “oscillation”, and YouTube ‘superposition’, to see how everything is a vibration / oscillation, of Nothingness - the pure potentiality which arises as all “things”. No-thing-yet-ness / True Self)
  6. The intention of what the question can lead to, rather than a personal opinion of the question, is the difference. Mine is the end of your suffering...awakening, enlightenment. The topic & conversation are great, sharing information is great, and fun, but they are just a means to getting to actual liberation, right now. I see the perpetuation of “the sufferer”, and am inspired to help see through “it” / “them” / “him” / “her”, whatever you’d like to call the thought.
  7. @electroBeam Write it on your dream board. Maybe make a list of why you want them, and then let go of any thoughts about the how. It can initially be a very counter intellectual, counter logical approach. The point is self discovery, rather than the getting of a thing, even if that thing is psychedelics. Question why you want a thing, and you are by default uprooting the separate self, “the one who needs it, can not have it (the experience)”, triggering release & healing. Via the wanting, the release & the healing, wholeness of the self is realized. A thing is really an experience, and what is preventative to the experience, is the belief held about a separate self, which is unworthy of the experience. Source flows to us all equally, thoughts, are relative.
  8. @lightnessofbeing What is the difference, between pain & suffering? And when do these occur?
  9. @Bridge to Infinity On a Friday, the manager of the chinese food place next to my older office comes over, all stressed out, wanted to use our fax machine. Something about his car getting repossessed. Told him of course, no prob. He sits in my office and is sweating, and shaky. I asked what’s up. He said he was out of pills. Long long story short...he was taking OxyContin, marijuana, and a couple other similar pills all day everyday. I mentioned psychedelics, and some studies on addiction, new treatment methods, etc, and kind of broke down the differences between psychedelics, and “drugs”. Oddly, all he was hearing was “mushrooms are a great drug”. He was very receptive to hearing that psychedelics are non-addictive. Zeroed in on that, I could tell. Monday, he walks in again, walks right into my office, and hugs me. Like a little kid who lost his mom at a grocery store hugs her when he finally finds her. Quite solid, appreciative, not ending this hug anytime soon. I was like, “it’s ok man, it’s all good. What’s happenin?” He just says, meet my behind the building in five minutes. ....”ok”. Even longer story short, he thanks me as if I’d invented psychedelics or something, and gives me a brown paper bag, with over an ounce of mushrooms in it. Flash forward maybe 3 months... he’s off all the drugs, and even quit smoking cigarettes. Even got his car back. I joked with him...”shrooms are one hell of a “drug” huh?”. He said, “I don’t know. I still haven’t tried them. It was the cocaine that was eating me alive, but I have a business, a great wife, and two daughters I hadn’t really seen in a while, and I appreciate them now, and you. Some of that shit you talk about clicked, and I got some help, and I realized I was creating all of my suffering, and all my problems. I was putting everyone I know through hell, everyone I love so much, I was blaming them. I just wasn’t loving myself, and in hindsight, I resented and blamed everyone for it.” If there’s a point here, it’s to look at the conditions, the beliefs, one’s own perspective. Get what you want up on a dream board, notice any resistant thoughts about what you are wanting, and let them go, by choosing a better feeling, true for you, thought. It will come. To need it to come, is a resistant thought.
  10. @Serotoninluv ??
  11. @NormanN Switch from the perspective of the teachers to you. Actuality vs abstraction. Solo practices, solo & group retreats, experience “hands on” group stuff like Reiki classes, and experience one on one coaching as well as some group / seminars stuff.
  12. Sure. Just be sure to note, any instance where you personify this - be aware of the resistant thoughts that sound like... “well yeah, if I was at where Nahm is”...”if I lived where he lives”....”If I could _____ Iike Nahm ________’s”. Just notice, and keep it to you, take your own less travelled road, that’s where the magic is, not “over here”, rather than (in your thinking) making this something “unique” about “Nahm”... Woke up at 5:30am on Saturday, magic is waiting. Should probably get more sleep, but been so filled with passion and inspiration from dream boarding, letting resistance go, creating, etc, that 5 hours seems to do the trick. Was in a town I’d never stayed in before. It was quite still & silent out, though I was staying in the center of downtown. Seemed I awoke before the hustle, so I went for a walk, to go see, and be. Saw a tea shop, which was opening their door at 6am, just as I walked up to it. No customers there yet, just me, and a manager, and an employee. The manager asked what I’d like, I said, “tea”. She pulled out a sort of tray, with like twenty or thirty little metal tea canisters, and asked what kind of tea I wanted. She’s wearing the face of the guy at the home repair store, when you ask for “a nail”, and I think she partied too hard, and too late last night. So I said, “your favorite. I’d like to try that”. Her smile cuts right through the hungover facade as if directed by Scorsese, as she untwists the cap of her favorite. There’s a pride & purpose present that wasn’t seconds ago, it dawns on me that she owns this place, and she’s a dreamer too - she’s “here” too now, at least a bit more. She holds it in front of my nose and I take a sniff..and...I’d recognize that smell anywhere, instantly, it’s shrooms. I look down into the sweet little canister and yes indeed, that is chopped up pieces of magic mushrooms. I said, “I’ll have a a large”. This place, btw, doesn’t just put hot water and a tea bag in a cup. She started using some big machine. So I went and sat at a table, still solo customer in the place. A guy walks in, around 60 - 70 yrs old. In a sizable place, with maybe 15 tables, every one of them empty, he sits with me. He says “I was around your age, maybe a little younger, when the angel came to me. I was staying in a hotel room, out of town, for work. I didn’t like the job I was in, but I did it the best I could nonetheless. I awoke in the middle of the night, alone in my hotel room. Ive never had anything at all like this happen to me before, but, an angel walked through the wall, into my room, and stood / floated at the foot of the bed. I cried, and cried, and cried. And the angel said not a single word, yet communicated to me in some other way, that I can not explain, and as quickly as it had come, it again went through the wall. I changed my ways, I started eating, and thinking differently. I loved my wife, as if for the first time. I noticed things she did for me which I guess I had always just sort of assumed were her role or something. I quit that job that Monday, and I started asking people about the work I had always actually wanted to do, but figured I wouldn't make any money at. But I did, the value of the work ethic I had come to know, it pulled me through every challenge. Today, we’re staying just outside of town, in our second house. Thought I’d come here, and get a tea. They have good tea here, you know what I mean?” I said, “Yup”. Got my tea and headed out. 7am. Entire Saturday to go.
  13. @erik8lrl Btw, loving all your posts. Thank you ??
  14. @Bridge to Infinity What without resistant thought, without sin - has not readily appeared? What is the exception to your creation, to your attraction?
  15. @Bridge to Infinity Just let go of the belief. Unresistant ‘things’ can’t help but manifest. “When the student is ready, the teacher appears”. (The psych’s, not Nahm) You’re creating your own reality. Let’s metadventure. This belief is either deep, deep deep deep....gonna take a lot of work to untangle.... “if only i knew a way to get legit psychedelics so that i can know what you mean.” Or it’s right here, right in front of you to see. Plain sight, without the belief, your condition. Without which, things just show up. Have a peak at what you’re already creating, attracting, believing. Hay in a hay stack, “hidden” in plain sight.
  16. Should Enlightened Teachers focus on teaching individuals rather than mass teaching? You are looking to be teaching?
  17. What is the difference, between pain, and suffering? “my pain, confusion, guilt, shame and anger are not resolved” My eight year old keeps touching the hot stove & doesn’t like how it burns her. She just keeps recreating the same experience over and over. I’ve instructed the stove correctly numerous times, to no avail. What should I tell the stove to do next? What advice should I give my daughter? She says she really, really wants a certain “lightness of being”. “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” - M. Williams
  18. To remind you that you don’t. You put them here.
  19. There is no objective reality. Fun to sort things out & converse. Never actually happening though.
  20. @Rasheed Acuity of sensation is really the name of the game with food. It’s triggering, but, shit’s coming out either way. Might as well awaken. When we try to logically resolve food & diet, in the ’ultimately’ sense, we keep arriving back at feelings, over & over. It’s making sense (sensation) the whole time. The absolute source of sensation & thought, which allows for the relative feeling - (emotion) the feeling of each thought - remains the same, wether it’s eating, or a topic.