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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Forrest Adkins Notice how different the experience of other people is, in comparison to the experience of being you. The law of attraction is very similar to enlightenment, in the sense that you are the only one who can realize that you already are.
  2. Less deep emotional intention, more light easy choosing of the good feeling thoughts aligned with what you are wanting. More milking every last drop of fun out of every single day. When you write - or even just think of - what you want, it is already done. Reality is always becoming in accordance. Ours is simply to acknowledge and let go of the resistance thoughts. We are not ‘powering’ anything. We pick thoughts, keep up with the expansion, and enjoy living accordingly. It is always time to let go and have fun. The universe is not separate, the thought of what you want is itself infinite intelligence that is reality, they’re as entangled as could be. Pitch the ball once and you’re done, switch to your catchers mitt and watch that ball come to you straight out of the woodwork of experience.
  3. @Forrest Adkins What if it’s ‘your’ perception changing? What if there’s no “water”? What if it’s you that bends? What if the experiment is how you see it? How would you see it? What about memory then? What if it’s not ‘yours’? What if, it’s just a script?
  4. @inFlow Sure is. So well indeed, it seems there is a “planet”.
  5. The frustration arises when the thinking of other people does not make sense of it, or derive an understanding, or any power. The power is within you. It is only the relationship with you and your source at play. The narratives that involve other people are a thought-goose-chase. Nip those thoughts at the root, as soon as you notice they don’t feel good. Reconnect by choosing an entirely difference topic, that is light and easy for you, that feels good for you. It could be as simple as puppies, music, or a stamp collection. The content doesn’t matter, how it feels to you matters, practice letting resistance go, by doing this. Don’t write it off as too simple and easy to be effective, you are the center of the universe, You are the creator of your reality, so of course it matters very much to everything - how you feel. There is a full circle: starting with expecting how you feel, to be aligning with what you think. But it just doesn’t work that way. There is no strength found, only frustration. After enough suffering, a willingness arises, and thoughts are more carefully & gently chosen - in accordance, in alignment, with feeling. How you feel, now, is the most important factor in the universe. Life can be exceptionally tricky, in this painfully all-too-simple elusive way. Everything you want, always starts first, with how you feel right now. On a great note, there is only one right now. Get that solid and things start making a whole lot of sense. Meditation and emotional expression / intelligence, is key. Question all the time, am I here, now, present, seeing, hearing, tasting, breathing, feeling, interested, noticing, or am I trailing off in a thought story. Notice, you reference a “there”, but you can only ever be, here. Here, is always where you are. Then, is a reference, but you can only ever actually be now. Now, is always when you are. So simple yet so elusive. Laugh with the simplicity, make it a ‘best friend’, know the feeling of here, now. When you are - THAT is when and where the mother f’n now is. Do you see the “role reversal”? You are not “in time”. You never move at all, all is transpiring within you, appearing as if you are moving through it all (GTA basically) Do you have a sense of this, of just how big you actually are... If you want to be at your best, give up all of the thinking about who you are which is derived from comparisons to other people. It’s small thinking of you, and it’s incredibly inaccurate. Genuinely find your way, one kindly chosen good feeling thought at a time. Care about how you feel, rather than winning - and you paradoxically - win. You win what you seek, happiness. Happy people tend to flow, here-now, without all that thinking, and paradoxically again, “win”. It is not losing a game which feels bad, it’s how you think about yourself that feels bad. Cause it ain’t accurate at all.
  6. There’s only one source of bullshit.
  7. Take a class... Reiki 1...heal yourself. Reiki others to heal themselves.
  8. Let me go. Write down your “important things”, your “big things”, your “serious things”, your “must’s”, your “should’s”, your “supposed to’s”, your “expected to’s”, your “have to’s”. Have a good look at that list of “youness” and notice, that is not you. That “me” you seem to have become, the grown up, the serious one, that is not you. I feel this truth, and you feel it too. Have a ceremony, light a candle, light that list, smile while it burns. That’s not me. Let ”me” go. And gone it is. Choose this tree of life, of living, of love. Let go the knowledge of good & evil, of right & wrong. That is not me.
  9. Stop what you're doing, and let go. Wake up! You have never moved. Wake up! Relax. Wake up! Stop reacting, stop avoiding. Create. This. Moment. Wake up!
  10. @ActualizedDavid Brain is appearance of mind. Contemplate that with the fact that no animals, entities, beings, or aliens can read this. Only humans. Coincidence? “Random”?
  11. @moon777light ? That is beautiful. That’s what it’s all about right there. Whoever said there’s no moonlight was crazy. ?♥️
  12. @electroBeam It is not uncommon, when we are letting over thinking go, for the mind to make some massive last attempts. As awareness, of thoughts, you can readily spot this, as the mind will weave a story to capture attention, typically involving past, future, and other people. There is being, you, awareness, consciousness, love, and there is experience, appearance of the same. The way is meditation every morning, or any and all modalities which work for you. By work for you, I mean going within, into feeling, and letting the habit of overthinking go. “Blue Beings” is a funny distraction to this, in Aware of it / them this is experience, appearance. Likewise, questioning if a ‘teacher has the highest teaching’...when every single one of them, without exception, are suggesting going within and self discovering. It’s safe, go ahead. @LfcCharlie4 ????♥️
  13. @beatlemantis ♥️ Insecurity is not intrinsic, nor deep. It’s the feeling, telling you the thoughts aren’t true about you at all. It the choosing of thoughts which do not feel good, which do not align with your inner being, the infinitely loving source within you. Those people you are listening to, and believing, that have an inner being to...let them off the hook, let them choose their thoughts, and feel their feelings. You can choose yours, and align, and feel your source for yourself. Listen to the feeling, and let it guide you in the choosing of thoughts. You are not supposed to feel bad, life is supposed to be fun! Tough to shoot a hole in this... It is because you’re awesome, that thoughts to the contrary will never resonate.
  14. @Chives99 The Hurricane, The Peanut Butter Falcon & Billy Elliot come to mind for the sentiment they convey...seen those movies? On the self love note, a thousand times yes. Does _______ person deserve love, and to love can put any word in that blank and a thousand times yes. Something worthwhile, imo...when your roomie projects his sense of inadequacy with insulting or belittling interpret it. What is perceived, is sight, and sound. Own your interpretation. You are already free to interpret it how ever you want. He’s speaking from his vibrational relativity, “where he’s at”, and you from yours. In feeling how resistant with source his words are, you can see his awareness of feelings, is not covering that area. Your awareness is. You should be feeling good about it. If you were him, you’d be him. Maybe it’ll come to you, how he came to cover that area from awareness.
  15. @Loving Radiance ☺️♥️