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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Raptorsin7 Maybe it’s been too long since you’ve watched Hoosiers. Same 13 ft when you were a kid.
  2. @Jahmaine “It’s” is a monumental write off there.
  3. @Rasheed That’s very beautiful. So in this fantasy, which is very appealing btw, thank you... you’d be in control, you’d be in control of your own behaviors, rather than the subconscious. That sounds awesome. You wake up today in this control, free of societies’ imposing of conditions on you, free of this subconscious controlling you. What, exactly, would you do? 1. 2. 3. 4. ?
  4. @Bill W What’s it mean, “Bill” ?
  5. @Rasheed Still, what’s the point? Let’s say you accomplish this desired reprogramming, and the subconscious - which is “responsible for your behaviors and everything in your life”. Let’s pretend that work is done, and fulfilled. What would be different then, in your behaviors & life?
  6. @Charlotte ? ”This world has seldom seen.”
  7. @Charlotte “What you seek is seeking you”. - Rumi
  8. Meaning is one way to explore. Letting meaning which you created & currently believe, go, is another. There’s wisdom in feeling the difference.
  9. @crimson_chess Thinking is hijacking Being. What you’re confusing for a state of consciousness, is our infinite Being.
  10. @Charlotte A glimpse of just how loved you are.
  11. @BHARATH If you are knowing what you are wanting, skepticism is not arising. If you are not knowing what you are wanting, you are knowing what you are not wanting. In that case, make a list on paper of everything you do not want. Then write the opposite, as that is what you want. This will turn the negative thinking tendency around. Then you have wind in your sails, drive, calling, wanting, excitement, a solid reason to meditate and learn to let resistant thoughts go.
  12. Actually be independent. Stop wasting your focus and creative power. Let them be.
  13. @Rasheed When you’re infinity you’ve gone deep enough. Do 30 min twice a day. Do an hour. Do 90 mins. Do 2 hours. Do 6 hours. Know the difference.
  14. You create the appearance you’re in a world. The appearance is convincing. Convinced, you create an identity, for this you, in this world. The created identity, following suit, creates an idea of the you which is forgot, and call “it”, God. In this way, God creates itself...”God”. Though you’ve never moved, or become anything, never actually done anything, ever. The appearance that you are, is very convincing. This is perpetuated by the notion there is something to know, and or that humans exist so God could know itself. You just wanted to experience a world, and togetherness. There is only Love. Things are not as they appear.
  15. @dimitri Feelin the love, ??. Really enjoyed our time and looking forward to talking again soon. Keep rockin this dream. ?
  16. Only having words as clues to work with, consider the suffering is keeping those self references going in thought. Meditation every morning, and inspecting the thoughts is a gentler, smoother way. The “self” / “mind” there is fear of losing, is only in thought about losing a thing. You’re not a thing, you can’t be ‘lost’. Rather than ’claiming’ awareness and mind out of habitual thinking, which supports “the claimer”, break experience down to thought, perception, and sensation. Rather than my mind...aware of thoughts. Rather than my human conceptual identity...aware of that thought. Rather than incredible intense fear...aware of sensation, aware of thought. Rather than my mind couldn’t handle it...rather than my experience...experience is awareness of thought, perception, sensation. It’s just a model, but if it clicks, there’s no “claimer” or “sufferer” anymore (this is already the case), “you” = awareness, no middle man. Again, this is already the case, this suffering is only experienced by keeping that “separate self”, which can never be found because it’s only “in” thoughts, “a float” (with specific thought patterns). With this reduction in thinking, some pretty wonderful feelings can expand. There is nothing to fear, and when thoughts, perception, & sensation are acknowledged as they are, there’s no fear found anywhere, and it is realized one is the awareness of these, and it does not “go the other way”. A thought, perception, sensation, can not affect or harm the awareness of them, ever. Trying to understand your emotions, by basing them on perception of the outside world is a disaster. Flip attention, focus, regarding emotions, to the inner relativity...the relative experience between each single arising thought, and how that thought feels to you (inner being). Let the circumstances, “outside world thoughts / experience = how I feel”...go.