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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Bill W Your understanding is that non-duality is an idea a person came up with? That it does not point to the actual Truth?
  2. What beliefs and ideas are you talking about?
  3. @Nak Khid If there’s you, and anything else, what’s the word Nonduality mean?
  4. @Bill W Self actualization is the point Bill. You’re on a Self actualization forum right now. It’s about discovering the Self. Not reinforcing an idea of you, and an idea of God, but the actuality of Self. Does that make sense, logically?
  5. @moon777light I agree with 1g. You can always increase next trip. Always better to go slow. For future reference, never do 3g’s. Always more or less. I’ve found this calculator to be accurate. Play around with it. Reading their descriptions (when you change the amounts in the calculator) is very beneficial, so you know what’s coming and aren’t freaking out about it. Arguably, the best possible preparation, is the simple practice of consciously breathing from your stomach, and letting thoughts go. If the shit starts hitting the tripping fan, just relax your body, and consciously breath from your stomach. Just like when you’re at the movies, and the tense seen comes. Just relax, and breath. From now until the trip - imo, the most ideal scenario, is simply you loving yourself, doing things you like, feeling good. Abraham Hicks on YouTube is a great resource of positive perspective, and love. If possible, outdoors is best. Nature’s beauty. ♥️ Above all - EVERYTHING IS TOTALLY FINE. YOU, ARE, TOTALLY, FINE. RELAX. And if you feel you need a nice, comforting, happy thought...we’re all there with you, loving you, wanting the best for you.
  6. It’s always safe to surrender. This is like saying, without resistance, fear, self doubt, worry, anxiety or depression - how would I make it in the world? By living the life you actually want to. By making as much money as you want. Doing what you really want to be doing. This (you) created the appearance of a universe, within yourself, to create within, in togetherness. You’ve never moved. You are “in” your creation, you are not of your creation. All appearance is deceiving, until all appearance is known as Self. Not even “in”, rather, appearing as if. You can’t wrap your mind around it, because you don’t have a are Mind. You are the infinite mind, appearing as Rasheed, claiming a separate self, with a second, separate, mind. There’s no identity to transcend, there is nothing to become. You created, imagined, all of this. The entire universe. Just continue as you were. You’ve always been creating your own reality. Create the life of your dream, consciously. If you want to.
  7. Inspect the validity of your own’s not perception taking you for a ride. For example, why ‘have a disagreement’ at all ? When you’ve seen through your own sneakery, you’ve seen through everyone’s, and there is little surprise left to throw you ‘off center’, there is no ‘self’ to constantly protect and defend, such as with disagreements. ‘Trying to be grounded’ might just really = not feeling (creating the resistance). Handing the power over to everyone - “I hope you don’t throw me off my ‘grounded ness’.” Trying to be an object, when you’re the emptiness the scene ‘transpires in’, will never ‘click’.
  8. @Jahmaine Right. It’s entirely eye of the beholder. (You’re the beholder)
  9. No, you aren’t in states, awareness of the states, yes. The beauty, the moment, the ugly, the dark, you’re Awareness of by default, already transcendent of states. Awareness of the arising thought of states. Aware of the perception. ‘Mundane situations’ is a single thought yet a paper thin veil of duality. “The better moment will be in the future”. The self recognition, what is extraordinary, ‘magical’, can’t come in a ’future moment’. It’s now, or it isn’t at all. This moment is being, and has convinced itself it is a spiral wizard in a reality with time, space, and a future. The recognition of infinite being is only possible now, as time is illusory. What’s time without a watch, a clock, etc? Just change. Everything is changing. Not awareness, not what is aware of change. Time is also a single thought yet a paper thin veil of duality. Love, is the root of all emotion, and gravity is already your centerless center. Go literally anywhere you like, you are always here, and you are always the center of the universe. Awareness appears to change, and does not change. Appears to, as in, this isn’t a screen or language or anything at all. Appearances can be really tricky. When what you’re writing on a board appears as reality, the aliveness, or exuberance is obvious & abundant. Of course you could also stare at a rock for a few hours.
  10. @Maximo Casas Each one is The One. There are no separate selves. The guru has no use for the model because there’s no guru believing the guru is a guru. It’s entirely a projection on the part of the seeker. Which, there isn’t. “The seeker” too, is The One. @skywords I like the word ‘communion’ for that. The One is absolutely non communal.
  11. Choosing thoughts based on how they feel. Regardless of content. For example, puppies.
  12. There is tremendous value in people who do not readily see the value in things.
  13. The other side of that wall is a thought.
  14. @lostmedstudent I like playing guitar. What is something you like?
  15. Great day to start a dream board....lots of sales out there. ? ? ♥️
  16. @Florian Is a human experiencing a life, is awareness experiencing being a human experiencing a life, is awareness aware of awareness.
  17. What exactly is the resistance which is creating more suffering?
  18. @Ingit Hoping you get the importance of what @ajasatya is saying here. Hiding behind the words keeps the phenomenon you describe going.
  19. @Shroomdoctor Totally awesome. Feels like suspense, intrigue and a valiant journey.
  20. @TDW1995 For sure. You’re like the most amazing creator of fiction of all time.
  21. @TDW1995 You’re right on track. It’s going to ‘come around again’. Expedite by tuning more into the feeling of a each thought. Feel the guidance. In any case, a ‘bigger picture’ will be revealed, inclusive of all your efforts & all you’ve experienced. To bring peace to the mind through this changing of states, make a nice long list on paper of what you now know from so much experience, that you do not want. Extract this, don’t spend any time focusing on this. Feel the purpose of doing this, don’t give attention to the content of what is unwanted. Then write the opposite of those on your dream board - what you do want. The shift is away from creating emotion relative to the outside world, and creating emotion relative to the source within. In getting it all out & up onto the board, you allow the mind to be privy to what’s transpiring, and ‘it’ can be at ease. You begin to see you’ve been creating all along, and you begin to be a little more on purpose. You begin to weave this dream. Interest becomes of old, and fascination ensues.